Wanderlust, Part 4

Summary: When he wakes up, Zig pulls a little velvet box out of his bag and thinks about the question he’s dying to ask.

The sun was just beginning to rise over London when Zig’s eyelids fluttered open. It took him a moment to remember when he was as he glanced around at the four poster bed, a far fancier room than he was used to at home. His eyes settled on Lydia’s sleeping form beside him and he smiled, the events of the night before clicking in his mind. He loved the curve of her under the blankets, the way her expression was so relaxed as she slept.

Maybe I should do it today he thought. Now. This morning.

Zig glanced over at his backpack, which had fallen on its side near the door to their hotel room. He thought about the small velvet box tucked safely into the inner pocket and his heart began to skip faster. Could he really do it? Was this the time? Zig hadn’t thought he’d propose yet. They still had weeks left on their trip and he’d envisioned getting on one knee in the streets of Paris or maybe asking her to marry him on a beach in Spain. He put a hand behind his head and stared up at the dark red canopy of the four poster bed, his mind considering the possibilities. If he proposed to her now, this trip could be spent celebrating their engagement, the first of many adventures of their life together.

I’m going to do it.

Zig gingerly pulled back the blanket and eased himself out of bed, careful not to jostle the mattress and wake Lydia. She sighed in her sleep and rolled to her other side and then was still, save for the gentle rise and fall of her breath. Zig was suddenly aware of the cool air in the room and the fact that he was still naked from the night before. Where were his boxers, anyway? He glanced around, noting the clothes flung around the room from the night before, and he grinned at the memory. Zig finally located his boxers, half hidden beneath the bed, and pulled them on before he tiptoed across the room to his back. He rummaged through his bag as quietly as he could, attempting to push past the tightly packed clothes to reach the inner pocket. Zig’s fingers closed around the small velvet box and he pulled it out. He opened the box and examined the ring.

It looks like Lydia.

Last year, when Zig had started planning this trip, he’d visited what felt like every jewelry shop in the area. With every store, he’d gotten more and more discouraged. None of the rings felt like her. They were beautiful, but they seemed like every other ring. There was nothing special about any of them, and Lydia needed a special ring. Eventually, Zig had branched out to pawn shops and estate sales and then, at a garage sale of all places, he’d found it. The diamond was small and circular, but the sides of the setting were intricate scrolls and swirls, beautiful and delicate and unlike anything he’d ever seen. As soon as he saw it, he knew he couldn’t ask Lydia to marry him any other ring. Zig couldn’t believe he’d found the ring at a garage sale of all places, but when had he ever done anything just like everyone else?

What do I say?

Zig had been trying to decide what to say to her, and nothing sounded authentic enough. He wanted to tell her that she was everything to him, his best friend, his lover, and his favorite person. She made him feel brave and like he could do anything, be anybody he wanted to be. Over the past few years, she’d made him happier than he’d ever thought possible and he wanted to spend the rest of his life trying to return her love. This trip to Europe was a start, but Zig knew she didn’t need to be showered with expensive gifts or trips. In fact, Lydia seemed happiest when they were home in their apartment, watching movies and eating pizza while she wore one of his t-shirts.

But what if she decides it isn’t enough?

Lydia had never even hinted at being unhappy with her life with him over the past few years, but college was over now. What if she wanted more than he could give her? He would do anything for her, but if Zig was honest with himself, he was still afraid she was too good for him. Lydia was loving, smart, an amazing writer, and so motivated to go after her goals. Zig still wasn’t sure about so many things in his life, but the one thing he was sure about was was her.

Lydia shifted in bed and Zig instinctually crammed the box back into his bag. He stood up quickly as she rolled over and opened her eyes, blinking against the light.

“Zig?” Lydia asked sleepily. “What are you doing?”

“Just checking something in my bag,” he said, crossing back towards the bed.

“Leave the bag and get back here, it’s cold,” she said as she patted the mattress.

Zig smiled and climbed back in beside her, wrapping his arms around her. Lydia closed her eyes and snuggled against him, her breath warm against his skin.

“Hey,” Zig started. He licked his lips, which suddenly felt very dry. He thought of the ring box in his bag. “I need to ask you something.”

“Hmm?” Lydia asked, pulling him tighter to her.

“Um …” Zig tried to start, but the words faltered. He wanted so badly to ask her, but his fear rang too loudly in his ears.

“What’s wrong?” Lydia asked, opening her eyes. “You’re shaking.”

“Nothing,” Zig said, hating that he was chickening out. “You’re right, it’s cold. That’s all.”

Lydia smiled and closed her eyes again as she nestled against him.

“Well, it serves you right for getting out of bed,” she admonished teasingly. Zig kissed her forehead and breathed in the smell of her hair. “Oh,” Lydia added, suddenly remembering. “You said you wanted to ask me something?”

“Oh,” Zig said. “Yeah. I … I wanted to know what you wanted to do today.”

Lydia cracked open one eye and stared at him. Zig knew she didn’t believe him, but she didn’t press the issue.

“I’m not sure yet,” she said, tilting her face up to kiss him. “But why don’t you take those boxers back off and we’ll go from there?”

Zig grinned and kissed her before he complied with her request, dropping the boxers over the side of the bed. Questions and little velvet boxes would have to wait, but it was okay. In that moment as he kissed her, Zig felt like they had all the time in the world.


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Hey all! I'm just a caffeine addict who loves Choices a little too much. Hit me up on Tumblr or, if you really like my stuff, consider supporting me on Patreon. Have an incredible day! Tumblr: https://lolablackwrites.tumblr.com/ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/emilyreganwrites

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