Wanderlust, Part 9

Summary: One year later, Zig and Lydia celebrate their love with their closest friends.


The honeyed sun hung low over the beach, casting a fiery glow over the small gathering. The bride and groom stood barefoot in the sand, with ribbons and flowers entwined in her hair. Zig reached out for Lydia’s hands, squeezing her fingers in his. She smiled at him, unable to pull her gaze away from him.

James cleared his throat.

“We are gathered here today to celebrate the joining of two people, two lives, and two hearts,” James began. “It was Victor Hugo that said, ‘Few people dare now to say that two beings have fallen in love because they have looked at each other. Yet it is in this way that love begins, and in this way only.’ Never have these words been truer than when they are applied to Zig and Lydia. Those of us who were there that day in the coffee shop, the ones who witnessed their first meeting, watched Zig and Lydia fall in love as soon as they laid eyes on each other.”

There was a loud sniff from the crowd and Zach tried to surreptitiously wipe away the tears that had already started to fall. Tyler reached over and squeezed Zach’s shoulder before wrapping his other arm around Abbie’s waist. Her belly was swollen beneath her sundress, only a few weeks away from her due date.

“Things haven’t always been easy, because life never is,” James continued. “But Zig and Lydia have proven time and again that together, they can face any challenge and surmount any obstacle. As Walt Whitman said, ‘We were together. I forget the rest.’”

There was another loud sniff. This time, Kaitlyn handed Chris a tissue and he blew his nose loudly.

“In the spirit of being together, it is time for the vows,” James said, pulling the rings out of his pocket. He handed Lydia’s ring to Zig. “Zig, please repeat after me. I, Zig.”

“I, Zig.”

“Take you, Lydia, to be my partner.”

“Take you, Lydia, to be my partner.” Zig said, letting a grin slide across his face.

“For better or worse, in sickness and health.”

“For better or worse, in sickness and health.”

“All the days of my life, until death do us part.”

“All the days of my life, until death do us part,” Zig said as he slid the ring on her finger. “And even then,” he added.

A tear slid down Lydia’s cheek and Kaitlyn jumped forward with a tissue, causing everyone to burst into laughter as Lydia dabbed her eyes.

“Okay, I’m good! I promise!” Lydia said with a laugh. James handed her Zig’s ring.

“Lydia, repeat after me,” James said. “I, Lydia.”

“I, Lydia.”

“Take you, Zig, to be my partner.”

“Take you, Zig, to be my partner.”

“For better or worse, in sickness and health.”

“For better or worse, in sickness and health.”

“All the days of my life, until death do us part.”

“All the days of my life, until death do us part,” Lydia said, pushing the ring onto his finger. “And even then.”

James beamed at them.

“It is my deepest honor to present to all of you, for the very first time, Mr. and Mrs. Zig and Lydia Ortega. As John Keats said, ‘Now, a soft kiss–aye, by that kiss, I vow an endless bliss.’”

Everyone stared at him.

“It means you can kiss the bride,” James explained.

Zig wasted no time in grabbing Lydia and dipping her into a low, backbending kiss as their friends cheered wildly. When they stood back up, Zach rushed forward and wrapped them both in a huge. James joined them and soon Zig and Lydia were surrounded by their friends, crushed amongst their love.

“This place is amazing,” Tyler said as he looked around The Poet’s Corner. The coffee shop was dark and romantic, with French wall sconces and small, intimate tables.

“Yeah,” James agreed. “I’m definitely feeling inspired; I’m going to have to start writing my next play here as soon as you guys open.”

“When is opening day anyway? Abbie asked.

“One week from Monday,” Zig said, wrapping an arm around Lydia’s waist.

“Oh, come on, you couldn’t have waited to open until I’m able to drink caffeine again?” Abbie joked, pointing at her belly.

“I’ll tell you what, Abs, this way we can work out all the kinks so our coffee will be perfect by the time your tiny human arrives,” Lydia said.

“I guess that’s fair,” Abbie said with a smile, bumping Lydia’s shoulder with her own.

“I love all the literary drinks,” Kaitlyn called over from the counter as she examined the menu. “But what’s a Hunter S. Thompson?”

“Black coffee with three shots of espresso,” Zig replied.

“Oh, man, that’ll keep you wired,” Chris said. “I might need that over this next year, I’m starting my Master’s thesis and I have a feeling I’m going to be pulling a lot of all nighters.”

“I’m so impressed you guys got this up and running so quickly,” Zach said as he and James started to rearrange some of the tables and pull them together.

“We can’t take all the credit,” Lydia said. “I don’t know what we would’ve done without Gabriela’s investment.”

“She has faith in you guys, just like we do,” Kaitlyn said, coming over to give Lydia a hug.

“You know,” James said. “Gabriela mentioned that she had a stipulation for her investment.”

Zig grinned.

“Yup,” he said, kissing Lydia’s temple before they all sat down together. “In addition to the coffee shop, Lydia has to work on writing a novel.”

“How are you going to find time to do all that?” Zach asked as he opened a bottle of champagne. Lydia shrugged.

“I wrote pages for Professor Vasquez while I was a student and starring in James’s play,” she said. “I’ll figure it out.”

“What are you going to write about?” Kaitlyn asked.

Lydia glanced over at her new husband and smiled before surveying all of their friends, gathered in their new coffee shop.

“I have some ideas,” she said.

Under the table, Zig squeezed her hand as Zach passed out red plastic cups of champagne to everyone except Abbie and Kaitlyn, who had sparkling cider.

“We are a classy bunch,” Lydia laughed as she looked at the cups.

“We always were,” Tyler grinned. Everyone picked up their cups.

“To Zig and Lydia!” Kaitlyn exclaimed. “We love you both so much.”

“To Zig and Lydia!” everyone echoed before they clinked cups and drank their toast. Zig leaned close to Lydia’s ear.

“I love you more, gatita,” he murmured. She smiled and kissed him lightly.



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Hey all! I'm just a caffeine addict who loves Choices a little too much. Hit me up on Tumblr or, if you really like my stuff, consider supporting me on Patreon. Have an incredible day! Tumblr: https://lolablackwrites.tumblr.com/ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/emilyreganwrites

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