Wash Away Your Touch

Wash Away Your Touch
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.

Author’s Notes- I wrote this as a reaction to the events of Chapter 12 of The Junior. I had strong reactions to the twist because the sexual manipulation angle hit a nerve and I needed to work out my feelings and my MCs feelings.

Rating- M

Pairing- Nathan/MC

Summary- Diana reacts to the truth about Nathan.

Words- 465

Diana stood under the shower, turning the water on as hot as her body could stand. The hot water stung as it washed over her, but she welcomed it.

She wanted to burn. Wanted to scour away the memory of Nathan’s touch. The way his hands and lips had trailed over her skin…

She shuddered at the thought, the tears falling messily down her cheeks only to be washed away by the scalding water. Her skin was flushing pink, reminding her uncomfortable of how she’d flushed with excitement, how she’d welcomed Nathan’s touch.

Her stomach recoiled and she was worried that she was going to be sick right then and there. How had she been so stupid?

God, the first time she’d met Nathan, he’d sold her a line about taking her to Scotland, how could she have fallen for that? She was the smart one. She’d been smart enough in Freshman year to see that Chris was a mess and take a step back and yet, not smart enough to see through Nathan’s lies, when Nathan was a 1000x worse than Chris could ever be.

What did that say about her? Was she that shallow that she’d fallen for the rich boy’s fake promises? Apparently. She’d fallen so easily. Fuck, she’d trusted him and opened up to him, while keeping stuff from her real friends.

God he and Kassidy and Beau must have had so many laughs at her expense.

I saw that Diana girl making goo-goo eyes at Nathan again…

The memory of that mocking comment brought a fresh bought of tears. Diana sunk to her knees on the shower floor, her body shaking with the weight of sobs, the hot water bouncing off her skin.

“Scream for me.”

She screamed now, venting her rage and frustration out, letting the screams echo off the shower walls. Part of her wondered if Zack could hear, but she knew he’d be understanding.

More understanding that she deserved, really, given how she’d pushed him away. How she’d let Nathan blind her to who her real friends were and where her loyalty should lie.

She’d been such a fool.

Diana didn’t know how long she’d stayed there, alternating sobs and screams of rage; long enough for the water to turn cold.

Despite the chill of the water, her skin was still pink from the previous heat when she got out of the shower. The traces of tears were gone by the time she got out, washed away by the shower water.

Diana took a deep breath. She was hurt, a part of her, that sweet trusting part, was broken, maybe forever, but she would survive. Nathan had hurt her, but he would not destroy her and she would make him pay for what he’d tried to do.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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