Waves of Trouble

Summary: Before leaving the mansion after the go-kart accident, the AME contestants play strip poker, and Randi gives in to temptation.

Author’s note: Finally, my first AME fic is finished! It’s longer than most of my fics (over 3,000 words), so I guess I have another excuse other than life getting in the way. It takes place between chapters 10 and 11 of America’s Most Eligible, Book 2.

Randi reached for the bottle of whiskey and poured herself another drink. She was still feeling shaken after witnessing Eden and Kiana’s accident. They could have been killed in the crash. The go-karts had actually gone up in flames. Thankfully, they were alive when they were pulled out of the wreckage, but they were in the hospital, and she didn’t know how seriously they had been injured. Filming had been suspended, and everyone would be leaving the mansion tomorrow.

She held up the bottle. “Anyone else want some?”

“Sure.” Adam held out his glass, and she poured him another drink.

“Pass that over here when you’re done,” said Slater.

Randi handed him the bottle. “I guess we’re all in the mood to drink. Maybe it’ll help get our minds off everything.”

“Or we could try something else.” Vince took out a deck of cards. “If they send us home, no one wins any money. But one of us could win tonight. Let’s play poker.”

Mackenzie glared at Vince. “You want us to risk our own money? Hell no.”

“We don’t have to play for money,” Slater smirked. “How about we play strip poker? Nothing to lose but the clothes on our backs.”

Although Randi was involved with Adam, she couldn’t help finding Slater attractive. On the snorkeling date, she snuck off with him to explore the island. She’d told herself that it could be to her advantage to get to know him better, but when they kissed, she had to admit that had just been an excuse. After they were partnered with each other, they had gotten even closer. After they danced together at the prom, she couldn’t control her desire for him any longer, and they got a hotel room and slept together. Adam would be so hurt if he knew. She had feelings for both of them, but Slater had never given her any indication that he wanted anything serious. He seemed to just want to be friends with benefits, but Adam wanted more than that. Her choice should be easy. Still, she couldn’t resist the thought of getting another look at Slater’s hot body. She grinned at him. “I’m in.”

Adam’s eyes widened. “Seriously, Randi? You want Slater and Vince looking at you?”

“They’ll only be looking at me if I lose. Besides, if you’ve got it, flaunt it!” She had been the flirt last season, after all. And it wasn’t like Slater hadn’t already seen it all anyway. Not that Adam knew that, of course.

Adam shook his head. “This is a bad idea.“

“You chicken?” Vince laughed. “You don’t want everyone to see how small your dick is?”

“Screw you,” Adam replied. “I’m in too.”

“We probably shouldn’t do this right here in the living room,” Derek pointed out. “We don’t need anyone walking in on us. Let’s go out to the balcony.”

Mackenzie picked up the whiskey bottle. “We’d better bring this too. Actually, we may need more.”

After getting more alcohol, they walked out to the balcony. They lit candles, poured more drinks, and made themselves comfortable.

“This needs to be fair. No cheating.” Mackenzie glared at Vince and Slater. “We should start off with pretty much the same amount of clothes on. No unnecessary extras.”

“Yeah, Adam, take that jacket off!” ordered Vince.

Adam removed his jacket, then looked to Vince. “Give the cards to someone else. You’re not dealing. I don’t trust you.”

“Fine.” Vince passed the deck of cards to Slater.

Adam glared at Vince. “Oh, come on, he’s no better!”

Randi reached out to Adam and gently touched his arm. “It’s OK, we’ll all take a turn.”

Slater began to shuffle the cards. “We’ll play five card draw, jokers wild.”

After the cards had been dealt, Randi looked at hers: two of clubs, five of hearts, seven of diamonds, ten of clubs, and jack of hearts. Nothing at all. She decided to replace the lower two cards. After taking two new cards from Slater, she saw that he had given her the four of spades and the seven of spades.

A pair of sevens was better than nothing, but it wasn’t enough to win the round. Slater held out his cards, revealing the king of hearts, the king of spades, and a joker. “Three of a kind. Take ‘em off!”

Mackenzie picked up a cushion and hit Slater with it. “You cheater!”

Slater glared at her. “You have any proof?”

“Yeah, the cards. You expect us to believe the first hand you got was that good, when you were the one dealing?”

Randi picked up the bottle of whiskey and handed it to Mackenzie. “Here, have another drink. Don’t worry, he won’t be dealing all night. Nothing too exciting is coming off this round anyway.” She took off one of her sandals, then stuck out her foot. “Unless someone has a foot fetish!”

“You have very nice feet,” Adam told her. “Although I wouldn’t say they’re my favorite part of your body.”

“Aww, thanks.” Randi leaned closer to Adam and rubbed his arm.

As they continued playing, more clothes came off. Randi and Mackenzie were down to their bras and underpants. Adam, Derek, and Vince were shirtless. After discarding three cards, Randi had a pair of fours.

“Two pairs!” Vince grinned as he showed his hand: a pair of sixes and a pair of jacks. He looked at Randi and Mackenzie. “Lose those bras, girls!”

“Shit!” Mackenzie drained her glass of whiskey, then reached for the bottle to refill it.

Slater pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it aside. Randi glanced in his direction, her eyes roaming over his body. Finally his clothes were coming off too. Slater’s eyes met hers, catching her checking him out. Randi reached behind her back and unhooked her bra, then took it off and flung it across the balcony. Slater lowered his gaze, taking in the sight of her newly exposed breasts.

“Nice tits, Randi!” shouted Vince, ruining the moment.

“Shut up, you asshole!” yelled Adam. He took off his jeans and threw them at Vince, hitting him in the head.

Vince shoved the pants aside. “What’s your problem? I gave her a compliment!”

“Don’t be a dick,” said Derek, tossing his own pants at Vince.

“Enough already!” Vince threw Derek’s pants back at him.

While they were arguing, Mackenzie reached for her drink one more time, then removed her bra, taking advantage of the distraction so that Vince wouldn’t focus on her while she undressed.

Derek gathered up the cards, then shuffled them and dealt everyone a hand. With four people in nothing but their underwear, at least three of them would be getting naked this round. After exchanging cards, they revealed their hands.

Slater held out his cards. “Two tens!”

“Not good enough!” Adam held out three fives. “Three of a kind!”

“Guess these are coming off!” Slater pulled off his shorts and flung them in Randi’s direction. They sailed over her head and landed behind her.

“I’ve got nothing.” Vince unzipped his jeans and slid out of them.

“Same,” said Derek. “Time to get naked!” He yanked off his boxers, baring it all.

Adam turned to Randi. “You have a good hand, right?”

Randi shook her head. “Nothing.”

Mackenzie frowned. “Me too.”

Vince cheered. “Panties off, girls!”

“Shut the fuck up, Vince!” Adam snarled.

“Rules are rules!” Randi slipped off her underpants and spun them around on her finger, sending them flying across the balcony. Mackenzie wriggled out of her underwear as inconspicuously as possible while Randi was the center of attention.

Randi could feel Slater’s eyes on her. She opened her legs a little wider to give him a better look at her pussy. Slater grinned and licked his lips. Images of their night together flashed into Randi’s mind: Slater’s head between her legs, devouring her like a starving man. The heat within her burned just thinking about it.

Adam stared daggers at Slater. “Watch it! She’s mine!”

Randi picked up the cards, shuffled them, and dealt them to Adam, Slater, and Vince. “Come on, guys. We still have one more round.”

After exchanging their cards, Randi looked at the three men in their underwear. “Moment of truth, guys. Show us what you’ve got.”

“Pair of threes,” said Slater.

“Nothing.” Adam set his cards down.

“Two aces!” Vince smirked. “Strip, losers!”

When Slater removed his boxers, Randi could see that she wasn’t the only one who had been getting excited. But her focus shifted when Adam and Vince began arguing.

“Come on, take them off! Afraid we’ll see how small you are?”

Adam stepped out of his underwear. “I’m not small! I bet I’m bigger than you!”

“Yeah, Vince probably has a micropenis!” shouted Mackenzie.

Randi laughed. “He’s probably small even when he’s hard.”

“You think you’re funny, Randi? Well, I’ve got the last laugh, since I’ve got my boxers on, but I’ve seen all of you!” Vince leered at her.

“Go ahead and look. You’re just seeing what you’ll never touch. I’ll never be that desperate.” Randi looked down at Vince’s crotch. “I probably couldn’t find it even if I wanted to. That’s how small you are.”

“He has no balls, either,” added Mackenzie.

Randi looked at Adam, Slater, and Derek. “You’re all bigger than Vince, that’s for sure.”

“Bullshit!” Vince pulled down his boxers. “See, I’m not small!”

“OK, I’ll give you that,” Randi said as she looked at his cock. “But you’re very average.”

“Definitely,” said Mackenzie. “I’m not impressed.”

“Well, I know how to use it! But you’ll never find out. Your loss!” Vince grabbed his clothes and stormed off.

“In your dreams!” Randi yelled as Vince walked away. She refilled her glass, then held up the bottle of whiskey. “Who wants more?”

“I’m going to bed,” Mackenzie replied as she got dressed.

“Good idea. I think we’ve all had enough for tonight.” Adam took the bottle of whiskey away from Randi. “Haven’t you had enough to drink already? And put your clothes on!”

“Gotta find them first!” Randi giggled.

As he put his clothes on, Adam glanced at Slater, then turned back to Randi. “You know he’s getting off on looking at you.”

“Can I help it that I’m hot?”

“You can cover up!” Adam picked up Randi’s shirt and handed it to her. “Put that on.”

Randi tossed the shirt aside. “Don’t tell me what to do!”

“Fine!” Adam walked off, and Derek followed.

“You OK?” Mackenzie asked.

“Yeah. Go on, go to bed.”

Soon Randi was left alone with Slater. “Hey, want to go for a swim in the ocean?”

“Sure, but give me this first.” He reached for her drink and took it away.

Randi pouted. “You’re telling me not to drink too?”

“No, I’m telling you to share. If we bring this on the beach, it might spill, and that’s a waste of good whiskey.” Slater lifted the glass to his lips and took a large gulp, then handed it back. “Here, finish up, then let’s go.”

They made their way down to the beach. Randi grabbed Slater’s hand and ran towards the ocean. As they reached the shoreline, he pulled ahead of her. “Ready to get wet?”

“Oh, yeah!” Well, wetter, anyway. She had already started to get wet before going anywhere near the water.

They waded into the water until they were submerged almost up to their waists. Slater turned around and watched the waves rolling in. “I wish I had my surfboard with me.”

“Did you ever surf naked?” Randi asked.

“Occasionally. That’s called ‘hang eleven.’ Bet you can guess why,” he smirked.

“Yeah, it’s not hard. Or is it?”

Slater laughed. “Not if the water’s cold.”

Randi began to swim further out. “We could bodysurf. Teach me how.”

“It’s dark, and we’ve been drinking. So we can’t really bodysurf. It wouldn’t be safe, especially since we’re alone.” Slater swam out after Randi. “How about we just catch the waves as they come in?”

As the waves rolled in, Randi and Slater drifted along with them, until a larger one knocked Randi completely underwater. Slater grabbed her and pulled her upright, holding her close.

“You all right?” he asked.

“Yeah. Thanks.” She looked into his eyes, and then his lips were on hers. As he deepened the kiss, she rubbed his back, feeling his toned muscles. Their bodies pressed together, and she could feel the hardness between his legs.

The temptation was too great to resist. She moved her hands lower and squeezed his firm butt. Her nipples hardened as Slater caressed her breasts. She shouldn’t want him this much, and yet she did. When she grasped his hard cock, there was no doubt that he wanted her too.

Slater pulled her thighs apart and vigorously massaged her pussy, then lifted up her thighs. As Randi wrapped her legs around Slater, he thrust himself inside her. Randi cried out at the sensation. Damn it, he felt so good. She moved her hips rapidly, wanting him deeper inside.

“That’s it. Ride my cock!” Slater called out. And Randi was more than happy to obey, keeping up with him as he increased his pace. She could feel the waves rolling in, crashing over their bodies as they moved against each other. The water splashed around them as Slater kept thrusting.

Randi could feel that she was close. She rode the waves of passion until they crested and broke through her whole body. “Oh God, Slater!” she cried out, clutching onto him tightly.

With one final thrust, Slater spilled himself into her. He pulled her hair as he groaned loudly. Once he had finished, he lifted her off him and set her down.

“Wow. That was incredible,” said Randi.

“Yeah, I had fun,” Slater replied. “But now that we’ve worked up a sweat, it’s time to cool off.” He stepped back a little and splashed her.

“Hey!” Randi splashed him back in retaliation. They swam for a little longer, then got out of the water.

Randi wrung some of the water out of her long hair. “Wonder where we’ll be going tomorrow.”

“We’ll know soon enough.” Slater began walking back towards the mansion.

They returned to the balcony and picked up their clothes, then walked inside, dripping water all over the mansion floor. They walked up the stairs quietly, not wanting to wake anyone. They didn’t need the showrunners finding them naked and wet in the middle of the night, especially after such a horrible day on set yesterday.

As they approached their rooms, Slater turned to Randi. “I’m sure will get back to filming eventually. And I’ll beat your ass in the next challenge.” He pinched her butt. “Nice as it is.”

“Good night, Slater.”

Her feet were covered with sand, so Randi headed for the shower. As she rinsed away the sand and sea salt, she thought about what had happened between her and Slater. Now that she’d fucked him twice, there was no doubt that he was good in bed. But he’d never given her any indication that he wanted something serious. Adam, on the other hand, definitely had real feelings for her. And she cared about him too. After winning last season, she had taken him with her on her trip to Paris, and it had been so romantic. She had been happy to reconnect with him this season, but had also felt an immediate attraction to Slater. Still, she wasn’t ready to throw away everything that she and Adam had just for a hot fling. Adam knew she was a flirt, and she had been drinking. Although he had gotten angry, some of that anger was directed at Vince.

Randi put on a silk robe, then knocked on Adam’s door. If she didn’t talk this out with him, she might not get any sleep. It was late enough already; she didn’t need insomnia keeping her up.

The door opened, and Adam stood before her in his boxers, his eyes half open. “Randi?”

“Sorry to wake you. Can we talk?”

“Sure.” He closed the door behind her, and they sat down on his bed.

“You’re probably still mad at me. I’m sorry. I just wanted to relax, have some fun. After the accident, I needed it. But I didn’t mean to hurt you.” Randi was glad that he didn’t know the full extent of what she had done to hurt him.

“Thanks. I got jealous, seeing everyone looking at you.” He put his arm around her and pulled her close. “I want to be the only one that sees you that way.”

Randi cringed. If he only knew. Not knowing what to say, instead she responded by leaning in and kissing him. His grip tightened around her, and he deepened the kiss.

Adam untied the strings of her robe and slipped it off her. He began kissing his way down her body. As he reached her breasts, he took a nipple into his mouth. Randi pulled off his boxers and began stroking his cock, feeling it harden at her touch.

Adam pushed her down on the bed, and he kissed her stomach. Realizing where he was headed, Randi panicked. The ocean water and the shower probably weren’t enough to wash away everything that Slater had left behind. If Adam tasted him on her, all hell would break loose.

“I can’t wait. I need you now.” Randi rolled him over and straddled him. She sank down onto his hard cock and began moving up and down. Adam reached up, playing with her bouncing breasts as she rode him.

“Oh, you’re so wet,” moaned Adam.

Although Randi was feeling aroused, she suspected the wetness wasn’t all hers, and a wave of guilt washed over her again. She could never let Adam know what she had done. She began moving faster, trying to focus on the physical sensations and wipe the thoughts from her mind.

Adam gripped her hips and groaned loudly as he came inside her. Randi rolled off him, and Adam reached between her legs. He rubbed her clit until she followed him over the edge.

Afterward, she kissed him gently. “We should get some sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.”

She reached for her robe, put it on, and walked out of Adam’s room. Once she was back in her own room, she got into bed. Before long, she had fallen asleep.

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