We Need To Talk – Crack!Fic

Summary: Elle has been putting her characters through so much angst lately that they decide to take matters into their own hands.

Face claims: Clockwise from top left

Bertrand: Daniel Gillies
Liam: Liam Hemsworth
Kiara: Keke Palmer
MC Elizabeth: Sonam Kapoor
Penelope: Alexis Bledel
Olivia: Madelane Petsch
Madeleine: Margot Robbie
Drake: Daniel di Tomasso
Elle: Herself (Bitmoji form) 


We begin our scene with:

Elle, a humble amateur fic writer returns to the solace of her own bedroom after the hardest exam known to mankind i.e. Neuroscience for Physiotherapy. She wonders briefly about her performance in the exam as terms such as substantia nigra and spastic dysarthria float around in her brain, making her shudder at the horrendous memory.

Before the flashbacks can occur she moves her mind to other happier things, like the current fic she is writing –she has many current fics, lets be real here– but the fic in question is the latest chapter of her Revelation series. She can’t say for sure what her neuroscience-fried brain will produce but quickly concludes that something is better than nothing and if it’s crap she can always go and edit it later. She is a woman of her word after all, knowing her readers eagerly await the next chapter, due to come out this weekend and quickly sets herself to work.

Her fingers clack loudly against the keyboard of her Mac, as the sentences form she chuckles gleefully imagining the screams that will come from readers as she puts them through even more angst. She almost giggles to herself again as she writes a particularly devastating line. The characters are at the mercy of her own overactive imagination, too bad they can’t do anything about it.

Or so she thought!!

She leaves to get a glass of water, dehydrated from her angsty efforts before returning to read through the latest section she’s tapped out

‘Please leave Drake. I don’t want you here.’
His eyes widened at her words. ‘Elizabeth no, please don’t do this. I-I’m sorry.’
‘Just. Go.’ The command in her voice was undeniable but he just had to try again.
‘But Elizabe-‘
‘Please just go.’

Elle pauses wondering if this is too angsty but before she can make a decision, the words start to disappear before her eyes! She jumped back, thinking maybe she’s accidentally hit the delete button by mistake but no they’re still disappearing.  She groans to herself, thinking its probably her Mac acting up, she’s had it for a while now, its about due for an upgr- Before she can finish the thought, the text starts to move again, this time forming words! But how?! She’s not doing anything! Her fingers aren’t even touching the keyboard? Rubbing her eyes to make sure she’s seeing correctly, she reads the newly formed words.

‘Nope, nah uh no you don’t.’
‘You’re not about to put us through more angst’
‘I refuse to cooperate with you and your torturous desires!’

Torturous desires? Our dear fic writer is very confused at this point and rightly so. Her mind immediately goes to pop culture and she wonders – quite accurately- What kind of Harry Potter Tom Marvolo Riddle notebook bullshit is happening? 

‘Its just my mind playing tricks on me,’ Elle reasons out loud because thats the only explanation. ‘Yeah that neuroscience exam really has hijacked my hippocampus bringing for unrealistic memories or maybe its a lesion to the pre-fron-’

To her horror however, more words appear.

‘No its not. This is real Elle.’

‘How do you know my name?’ She gasps, glancing around her room for a hidden camera or microphone, alarm building in her. When she finds none, Elle’s eyes goes back to the screen. The lines seem to be arguing with each other now, she can tell as they alternate between Italics and bold their responses.

‘Ugh she’s not getting it. We gotta do the other thing.’
‘We can’t do the other thing. She’s gonna freak out.’
We have no other alternative! I for one don’t wanna be stuck like this.’
Neither do I but-
Do you have a better idea?
….no not really?
Fine then we’re doing it my way.

Doing what? Before Elle can wonder more about it, she feel a strange pull towards the laptop screen but before she can do anything, there’s a harder pull and she falls forward into the laptop!


Elle is still screaming when she lands in a undignified heap in the ground. She only stops she realises that nothings broken and she opens her eyes, immediately squinting at the sudden influx of sunlight, starkly different from the darkness of her bedroom. This view is soon blocked by a group of figures, looming over her, their silhouettes appearing menacing as they fill her vision. She adjusts her big reading glasses, trying to figure out whats happening.

 Elle: W-Where am I? Who are you? W-What’s going on?

One of the silhouettes groans, throwing up her hands in annoyance.

 Woman: Really Liam? You mean to tell me she’s the one that’s giving us all the trouble? She doesn’t look like she can string a sentence together, let alone figure out a complex multi-chapter plot line.
 Man who seems to be Liam: Hush Olivia, I’m sure she’s more perceptive than you give her credit for.

Liam? Olivia? Elle’s mind – still fried from the exam – struggles to put the pieces together. She doesn’t know anyone by that name, at least no one that’s over the age of 10 years old. And these people are all well over 10 years old. Elle takes a look at the rest of the group, surprised and shocked to find more people she knows.

Penelope, Liam, Maxwell, Olivia, Kiara, Madeleine, Bertrand, Hana, and… Drake. Her eyes widen slightly at the sight of him. Here he is, here all of them are, in the flesh. Its almost like meeting your favourite actor or singer in person, that feeling of awe and Is this even really happening? God he looks even hotter in person – they all do…

Elle forces herself to look away from him to the others, realising they’re all frowning at her, some *Madeleine* quite menacingly too and her heartbeat begins to speed up and her breathing starts to become uneven.

Penelope: I think she’s about to freak out.
Hana: I think someone should talk to her before she does. Maybe you should Liz.

At that moment, a woman comes through to the front of the group. She’s as tall as Elle herself with the same long dark hair and skin tone slightly lighter but she carries herself with confidence and moves with a grace that Elle knows she’ll never possess. Elle immediately calms at the sight of her, astonishment written all over her face as recognition sinks in.

Elle: Elizabeth…? Elizabeth Richmond?
Elizabeth: Oh good you recognize me.
Elle: O-of course. I mean I sort of created you didn’t I?
Elizabeth: Yes you did.
Elle: No. Freaking. Way! You mean I’m in Cordonia? *turns in a circle to check out her surroundings*
Elizabeth: *nods* In the palace garden to be exact. We have some big things to discuss however.

Something clicks in Elle’s brain.

Elle: Hang on aren’t you guys fictional? Like products of an interactive game/book thing? Why would you even care what I put you through? Its not like you guys can actually feel it….
Hana: Its actually a bit more complicated than th-

All of a sudden everyone starts talking at once, voices raised and Elle doesn’t know where to look first.

‘Who does she think she is?’
‘All that angst!’
‘Playing with our hearts like violins!’
‘Doesn’t she run out of ways to say ‘hurt and ‘pain’?’

Elle: Guys! Everyone STOOOOP!

The clamour dies down as everyone turns to look at her. Elle blanches slightly at all the attention but begins in an apologetic tone.

 Elle: I’m kinda sensing y’all are mad at me for something *see’s Olivia about to protest* BUT I promise I’ll hear all of you out. But I can’t do that if you’re all yelling at me. We’re all grown ups here, I’m sure we can handle this civilly.
Madeleine: How old are you anyways? 17? 18? Surely you have something better to do with your life than to sit around all day writing.
 Elle: *gulps* I’m 21 actually-
Bertrand: She’s barely an adult! No wonder we’re all being driven to ruin. House Beaumont and its entire reputation is in the hands of a child! If Barthélemy Beaumont saw us now-
Elle: *cuts him off* I am NOT child.
Olivia: *mutters a backhanded comment under her breath*
Elizabeth: Guys enough! She’s already promised she’d hear us out so lets go about this politely. She is our writer after all. And she said she’d hear us out.
Olivia: If she doesn’t I’m sure she’ll appreciate a first hand experience of the Lythikos dungeons…
Elle: She’s kidding right? *looks at everyone*
Liam: I wish I could say no.
Elle: Right gotcha *finger guns*
Everyone else: ???
Elle: fuck I’ve never done that before not even in real life, honestly wtf compelled me to do that now? Elle you idiot, 10 seconds into your favourite fictional universe and you’ve already made a damn fool of yourse-
Penelope: You do realise you just said all of that out loud right? Elle: *eyes are as big as dinner plates now* Fuck. Oh I mean *blushing furiously, glances at Liam, remembering she is in the presence of royalty* Yeahh ummm lets just get this started, shall we?
 Madeleine: If we are going to persist in this ridiculous spectacle, I insist on being the first one to deliver my complaints. Its only fair after all, I’ve been the one who is most wronged.
Hana: Actually I think Elizabeth should-
Madeleine: *silences all other protests with a glare* I am going first. *heads off in a huff towards a nearby seat in the garden but turns back to glare again, this time at Elle* Well are you coming or not?
Elle: Coming! *scurries after Madeleine*
Madeleine: Now, writer, I have a demand to make of you.
Elle: Okay thats not at all menacing..
Madeleine: I want you to write a fic about me showing my inner feelings, deeper character motivations, why I am the way I am because *fixes Elle with a terrifying stare* you do understand those don’t you?
Elle: *definitely doesn’t understand* Yes ma’am
Madeleine: Excellent. Now the fandom will realise that I’m not just a cold hearted bitch and I do human side to me.
Elle: You have a human side?
Madeleine: *narrows eyes, looking her up and down*

Elle shrinks back under the countess’ steely glare, suddenly feeling extremely inferior and underdressed in her leggings, ugg boots and well worn Ed Sheeran tour hoodie. She adjusts her glasses nervously, tugging at her dark hair as it spills over her shoulder from its haphazard high ponytail.

 Madeleine: For your sake I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that.

She saunters off in just as much of a huff as she arrived and Elizabeth sidles up to take her place next to Elle.

Elle: Wow, she’s definitely a lot scarier in person.
Elizabeth: But you gotta admit that woman got game
Elle: True, she’d be a powerful ally to have
Elizabeth: If you managed to get pass that icy exterior
Elle: Hah! I’d like to see anyone attempt to and make it out alive.
Elizabeth: What did she want?
Elle: She wanted me to write a fic about her, a solo fic, exploring the more “human side” *air quotes* to her as she put it.
Elizabeth: She has a human side? Good luck with finding that one.
Elle: Thats what I said! *She’s stunned at how similar Elizabeth is to herself.* Wow I really did put a lot of myself into your character didn’t I?
Elizabeth: I guess so *laughs a little* Projecting much?
Elle: *was not expecting that roast* Wow okay don’t go getting too big for your boots now, youngin.
Elizabeth: Who you callin youngin? I’m at least six years older than you.
Elle: Well teeeeechnically you’re only a few months old because I only started writing you in February, so yea simmer down youngin
Elizabeth: *gives her a look* Usually I’d keep arguing with you but it seems like you’re in demand *nods to the line of people still waiting to talk to her*
Elle honey, you’re seem like a nice girl but WHY you gotta put me through so much pain in Revelation? Do you like seeing ya girl like this? *gestures to herself* Jeez woman anymore angst and I’ll have permanent tear tracks on my face!
Elle: *giggles a little then sobers up* Girl I really didn’t mean to. Revelation was supposed to be a one-shot but people kept requesting for more so I had to dream up something to please them.
Elizabeth: Hmm I get that but do you really have to pump up the angst that high?
 Elle: *scoffs* If you think that’s high, you should see what I have in store for the Liam series.
Elizabeth: *eyes widen* You wouldn’t…
Elle: *evil grin* Try me.
 Elizabeth: *sighs in mock defeat* I’m really not going to change your mind am I? You cruel, cruel writer *she says this with a slight smirk so Elle knows she’s not serious* Okay but do you promise me it will get better?
Elle: *salutes* Scout’s honour
Elizabeth: *giggles* Oh honey, thats not it at all.
Elle: Oh right, I was never a scout anyways, but I hear ya. The ending of this series will have almost three chapters of fluff so you have nothing to worry about. But first we gotta get through a lot of character development though. My friend Chelsea has pretty much perfected the art of having a flawed, yet likeable character in her MC and I’m still trying to find that balance with you right now.
Elizabeth: Yeah i get what you mean. I don’t wanna be perfect either – because who is really?- but I still want the readers to root for me at the end of the day.
Elle: Exactly and that’s what I’m trying to get at in Revelation. After I achieve that, you and bae will have all the fluffiness your adorable hearts can desire..
Elizabeth: *looking over the where Drake is, a smile forming on her face* He’ll be glad to hear that. He’s been complaining to me about it lately and quite frankly he doesn’t know if he can take all the angst.
Elle: *to herself, you know nothing Drake Snow* *sighs* He’s so dreamy though..
Elizabeth: *sighs too* I know right… I’ve always been drawn to the more mysterious ones that take a bit of work to get to know.
Elle: Girl tell me about it. I like a bit of a challenge because if not wheres the fun?

The two hug briefly before Drake comes strolling up.

Drake: You two look like trouble.
Elizabeth: Us?  *her tone is innocent*
Elle: Trouble? *tone equally innocent*
Elizabeth & Elle: Never!
*both giggle at the same time
Drake: *shakes his head, smiling slightly* Wow It’s like I’m seeing and hearing double now.
Elizabeth: I’m gonna let him have you for a while. Be nice Elle *winks playfully*
Elle: I’m always nice, what you talking about?
Drake: *scoffs good-naturedly* you really are a lot like Elizabeth aren’t you?
Elle: Well I did create her didn’t I? I guess I put a lot more of me into her character than I planned.
Drake: Your accent is kinda cool by the way.
Elle: Oh um.. thank you *blushes a little before composing herself* I know an attempt butter me up when I see one. What can I do for you Mr Walker?
Drake: *clears throat* Look I’m not gonna complain about screen time but I am gonna ask you to lay off the angst please. There’s only so much I can take. I mean is it really necessary? I’ve already got the tragic father figure backstory do you really need to add more to it?
Elle: *cocks her head to the side in thought* I just find you a very interesting person flaws especially. And putting you through all this angst only helps me to create a better understanding for my readers. And your hero thing only adds to that effect.
Drake: I do not have ‘hero thing’.
Elle: *gives him a look*
Drake: *stunned* Wow that’s exactly like what Richmond does. *he shakes his head in disbelief before continuing* Alright IF I did, I’d ask you to write me a cool fantasy series, something mythology related coz THAT would be different.
Elle: *squeeing internally because thats exactly what she has in mind* You’re asking a lot of things of me Walker. But do I get anything in return?
Drake: Is that a bargain I detect?
Elle: Sure is. *she smirks too* And my friends will testify I drive a tough bargain so make your claims succinctly and swiftly and I will consider em.’
Drake: *shakes his head, lips turned upward just the slightest* Okay how about full cooperation in all future fics? Especially *he pauses for effect* the smut ones.
Elle: *breathes in sharply gaining a smirk from Drake* You’ve got game Walker I’ll give you that.
Drake: So do we have a deal?
Elle: Mmm I think I need a little more from you than that.
Drake: Heh you’re really gonna make me work for this huh?
Elle: 100% Even you don’t get any free passes.

They are suddenly interrupted by a tall imposing figure.

Olivia: Are you done yet Walker? Or do you insist on taking up all our writer’s valuable time?
Drake: Hell Red won’t you give a man a chance to get up first?
Elle: You know… I can see why people ship you two, you’ve got
Drake: *eyes widen* People ship us? Me and Olivia? Are you sure?
Elle: Yep but I much prefer you with Elizabeth anyways.
Drake: Yeah me too.
Olivia: Pfft he couldn’t handle me anyway.
Drake: *rolls eyes* Whatever Red. I’ll see you around Elle.

He gives her one of his signature smirk before walking off presumably in Elizabeth’s direction.

Elle: *stares at his ass as he walks off but catches herself and gets all flustered and clears throat, adjusting her glasses* Oh uh I’ll see you around too I guess..
Olivia: Real smooth there, Wordy. *her smirk holds a hint of judgement but Elle decides to ignore it*
Elle: What can I do for you Duchess Nevrakis?
Olivia: I’m not here to whine about screen time. Thats irrelevant to me.
Elle: Then what do you want from me?
Olivia: *regards her cooly for a moment*
Elle: *squirms under her gaze, can only imagine the horror’s Olivia is dreaming up in her mind*
Olivia: I wanted to see what kind of writer would dare to attempt to write me… I don’t just let anyone in you know and I was surprised that someone like you could even string a sentence together let alone
Elle: *adjusting her glasses nervously, hoping Olivia can’t tell that she’s starting to sweat a little* And the verdict?
Olivia: You’re not terrible at it *see’s Elle brighten up a bit* But don’t get ahead of yourself Wordy, one comment doesn’t make you a Nobel prize winner either…

They both notice Maxwell and Hana hesitantly edging forward.

Olivia: Well before the plebeians decide to interrupt I’ll see myself out. I expect to see big things from you Elle. Do not disappoint me…

Elle still can’t believe that whole conversation just took place and is still trying to wrap her head around it when Maxwell and Hana sit down next to her.

Maxwell: *pouts* You didn’t even include me in the collage for this fic
Hana: I believe it’s called an aesthetic and I wasn’t included either.
Elle: *adjusts her glasses apologetically* Yeah sorry about that you two, but I just couldn’t find any angry/moody pics of your face claims. They’re both so sunny and happy just like you two really *chuckles nervously, still not over the Olivia thing*
Maxwell: *immediately brightens at this* Man I’m awesome even in the real world *fist pumps*
Elle: *giggles* You’re just how I imagined you to be *looks at Hana* Both of you.
Hana: Would you consider giving us more screen time then?
Elle: *thinks about it for a moment* I always want to but I’m just not 100% on either of your characters yet because with both of you – especially Maxwell – are so easy to write out of character soI find it hard to keep you true to your gameplay personalities.

Both their faces fall a little.

Elle: But I will try! Both of you have much more screen time in Revelation and my upcoming series’ and for Max, extra corgi time too.
Hana: That’s all I ask.
Maxwell: Fist bump! *gives Elle a fist bump* You’re officially awesome Elle!
Elle: *giggles* Noted. Thanks you two.

Seemingly satisfied they leave and Elle can already hear him talking about his latest obsession, spray on shoes when another person settled down on the seat next to her.

Bertrand: Ms Elle, I am in outrage! In all your short stories you have written me off as a dull, boring older brother who has no life outside his work
Elle: *opens her mouth to say that she hasn’t written many fics with him in it to begin with but he doesn’t let her finish*
Bertrand: I am much more interesting than this… this square people seem to think I am.
Elle: But no one thinks th-
Bertrand: I have likes and dislikes! Everyone loves Maxwell but I can be light hearted too! I can be fun! I used to be wild in my younger days.
Elle: *gulps remembering a very specific NSFW alphabet*
Bertrand: Its not my fault that my story only evolves around Savannah and Bartie, I mean they are my family but
Elle: *attempts to cut in again but Bertrand keeps ranting*
Bertrand: I mean where’s MY character development and MY interesting back story. Because I DO have a very interesting backstory *pauses, breathing heavily*
Elle: Which is?
Bertrand: *fixes her with his iconic Duke of Ramsford stare* Isn’t that your job to know?
Elle: *immediately panics* Sure Bertrand, I’ll attempt to give you more character development
Bertrand: *stand, smoothening his sweater vest* Excellent. Now if you’ll excuse me I have some business to attend to.

Elle is still staring after him, gobsmacked, unable to comprehend what just happened.

Penelope: Hey Elle
Kiara: Bonjour
Elle: *recovers* Hey you two, how can I help?
Penelope: I do have a complaint to make.

She seems so sure about this that Elle is suddenly wondering what in the world she could have done to offend Penelope of all people..

Penelope: Cosmos
Elle: *confused* Do you not… like them?
Penelope: I do. And I want more of them in your fics
Elle: *breathes a sigh of relief* Yes that I can definitely do.
Kiara: What’s your favourite drink Elle?
 Elle: An Amaretto Sour

Drake happens to be walking and overhears this.

Drake: *eyebrow raised* Trying for that sophisticated look are we? Coz that’s really not the way to go…
Elle: *opens her mouth to protest, a snappy remark on the edge of her tongue*
Drake: *winks to show her he’s just kidding*

Elle’s mouth snaps shut and she all but swoons when he does this.

 Elle: *waits until he’s out of ear shot to fangirl* OH my God! Drake Walker just winked at me! Me!
 Kiara: *chuckles at her* Been there, done that. *sees Elle about to protest* Now before your mind jumps to conclusions no I haven’t DONE him *her cheeks go slightly pink* I just meant I’ve been on the receiving end of a wink before and yes, yes I know – don’t even look at drake or I’m dead, believe me I’m well aware of how protective the Drake stans are
Elle: *to herself* I bet I could change that…
Kiara: *raises an eyebrow* You literally wrote a series based off him and I sleeping together. So forgive me if I find that a little hard to believe.
Elle: *Realises she did actually do this and scurries to explain that she likes Kiara* Like I’ve said I really do like you, it just happened to be a point of interest back then so you can’t blame me for taking an opportunity when I saw one.
Kiara: *thinks about it for a moment* I suppose… You make a good point and frankly I would have done something similar as well.
Elle: *breathes a tiny sigh of relief, is just happy she doesn’t have another character outrage on her hands* Actually Kiara I’ve always wanted to know… How many languages DO you speak?
Kiara: Hah, nice try. I’m not about to give away all my secrets…

Frowning, Elle is about to pursue the matter when someone clears their throat and the women look up to see —

Elle: Liam! *surprised
Liam: Sorry ladies but if I could get a moment of our dear writers time, I’d be quite grateful.

The women leave and he sits down in their place. Elle gets a breath of his expensive cologne and almost passes out.He smells divine. She’s always had a weakness for men who smell good. And when he fixes her with a dazzling smile, she’d just about willing to listen to anything he says.

Liam: I hope you’re enjoying your time in Cordonia Miss Elle-
Elle: It’s just Elle please. And you have a beautiful country. *thinks to herself I’ve only seen the garden and I’m already in love*
 Liam: *nods smiling* I am so pleased to hear that, it is very dear to me. *He nods slightly* Elle I’m sure you must have gotten a lot of comments today about your fics and if I know Elizabeth, she would have told you what I’m about to say…
Elle: *gulps coz he is literally the KING and could exile her if she says the wrong thing* Uhh.. yeah she did.
Liam: So you know what I’m going to ask you.
Elle: More screen time… I know *takes a moment to gather her thoughts* I just… don’t feel inspired to write for you…

Liam stares at her for a moment.

Elle: *externally = calm face, composed, breathing normal as it can get. Internally = WHY TF DID YOU TELL HIM THAT GIRL GOOD ONE YOU’RE DEFINITELY GETTING EXECUTED NOW*

Liam opens his mouth to reply and Elle feels her stomach tie into but before is interrupted by Drake.

Drake: You know I realised we never came to an agreement on our bargain
Liam: *is about to protest at his interruption until something occurs to him and he looks between Elle and Drake* What bargain?
Elle: He’s trying to get me to write him less angst and more fluff. Ok Walker *does the classic ‘come at me sign’ as she smirks* Whatcha got for me?
Liam: Hold on if that’s her offer, I want in on this too.
Drake: Hang on, this is between Elle and I, you can’t just jump on it. *scoffs* Make your own bargain.
Elle: Umm * suddenly less confident in her bargaining abilities*
Liam: *turns to Drake with a sly smile on his face* I have a feeling she’ll be much more open to negotiation if she was given an offer she couldn’t refuse…
Drake: *catches Liam’s meaning and nods at him*
Elle:  *looks between the two as they grin wolfishly, wondering what the heck she’s just gotten herself into* Why do I sense that there’s more to this you’re not telling me…?
Liam: Don’t think we don’t know about your secret fantasies…
Elle: *almost falls off the bench* Wha-How..?
Drake: *smirks evilly* Oh yeah we sure know about those.
Elle: *blushes a deep shade of red* surely they were kidding right? *eyes widen at the possibility of them actually knowing her deepest fantasies*

Both off them are looking directly in her eyes now. Elle’s vaguely aware that her breathing and heart rate has increased slightly as she watches them stare at her.

Liam: We’ve been the centre of them way too many times to count *hooking his fingers through the belt loops of Drake’s jeans*
Drake: We know what you think of us *gives her another wink* Liam: And what you want us to do.
Drake & Liam: To you.
Elle: *eyes almost fall out of her head* But I-I’ve never even said or wr-
Liam: You don’t have to
Drake: We know. *He pushes her glasses up from where they have slid down her nose*
Elle: *practically faints but gathers herself at the last second* S-so what exactly are you saying here? You want- I mean… You’ll do..
Liam: You?
Drake: *scoffs* I mean we’d at least buy you dinner first.
Elle: What?! *is still too starstruck to understand what is going on*
Liam: Of course, I’m the king and he’s about to be a Duke. You’ll be in good hands *waggles his eyebrows*
Elle: *almost spontaneously combusts at this*
Drake: So what do you say? Up for a little physical persuasion?
Elle:  Umm…

Her eyes flicker between the two gorgeous men both who are offering to fulfil her every fantasy. She’d be a fool to say no. Some part of her resists: Would you really sleep with them both? The rest of her screams back GIRL DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND?? YOU’D BE CRAZY TO REFUSE! All it takes is a raised eyebrow from Drake and another breath of Liam’s cologne before she makes her decision.

Elle: *opens mouth to answer them*



Elle shoots up from her desk, glasses almost falling off her face. But Liam, Drake? Groaning she curses her stupid brain, she’d fallen asleep at her desk. She scrambles furiously to rub the imprint of the keyboard out of her cheek before tugging on some leggings in place of the pink pj pants and grabs her keys before looking back at the screen forlornly.

Elle: It was all a dream I guess.

She’s already out the door when the cursor on the laptop screen moves again, typing out a single sentence.

Or was it…?

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