Wedding Day

Summary: Riley and Bastien get married.

Author’s note: This is for the Choices September Challenge, Day 7: Wedding. It takes place during Book 3, Chapter 19 of The Royal Romance. Leo’s dialogue and some of Riley’s dialogue are taken from the chapter.

Riley’s carriage approached the cathedral. She looked out the window at the crowd that had gathered. The people cheered loudly, then quieted as her carriage pulled up. She waved as she stepped out, and the cheering resumed. Bertrand and Hana escorted her inside.

A little while earlier, she’d wondered if she would actually make it to the altar. Since Mara was Bastien’s best woman, Riley had needed a new security guard for the day, and there had been some confusion as to the schedule. Fortunately, she and her attendants had been able to fight off the assassins after they attacked.

The wedding party began walking down the aisle. Riley followed them, escorted by Bertrand. She wished her father could have been the one to walk with her, but she knew that he and her mother were watching from up above.

She glanced at the wedding guests and noticed Drake’s absence. She supposed that was to be expected. It would be too hard for Drake to watch her marry Bastien when he was originally going to be the groom. She hoped he was coping as well as could be expected, and not spending the day with a whiskey bottle or two.

When she made it up to the steps at the front, she handed her bouquet to Hana, who smiled warmly at her. Mara stood across from her, standing up for her brother. Then Bastien stepped out, looking handsome in a white tuxedo with a black bow and a red boutonniere. Riley gazed at him lovingly. Their engagement may have been short and sudden, but she knew she had made the right decision. She and Bastien were meant for each other.

Leo walked over to the altar and motioned for Riley and Bastien to join him, then began speaking. “I know I don’t spend as much time in Cordonia as I used to, but for an occasion like this, I was happy to return home. Today, I have the honor of uniting this incredible couple in marriage. So let’s get to the marrying part, shall we?”

The audience laughed and clapped, and Leo continued. “There are many different wedding traditions around the world…some that involve leaping over more fire pits than others. But at its heart, every wedding is about one thing: the love between a couple and the bond they have chosen to share. Here in Cordonia, we like to think of marriage as a promise. The promise that you will renew your love and commitment to one another every day that you are together. Just as planting a seed is not enough for it to grow into an apple tree, speaking your vows is not enough for a marriage to truly flourish. But if you nurture and cherish one another, your relationship will always grow stronger.”

Leo looked to Riley and Bastien. “Now, I believe you wanted to recite your own vows?”

“Yes,” said Riley. She turned to Bastien and looked into his eyes. “Bastien, you are my soulmate. I’ve always admired your strength, but what really made me fall in love with you is your passion. I promise to be your best friend and fiercest protector. And I will never stop loving you, as long as I live.”

“That was beautiful,” said Leo. “Bastien, you may now recite your vows.”

“Riley, until I met you, I had given up on love. But you made me feel things that I didn’t think I could feel. I don’t know how I got so lucky. I promise to love you, and to do my best to make you happy every day for the rest of my life.”

“Thank you both,” said Leo. “Now, would the ring bearer please come forward?”

Chance scampered up the steps with two ring boxes in his mouth. Riley and Bastien reached down and took the boxes from him.

Leo turned to Bastien. “Bastien, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? Do you vow to love her, comfort her, and cherish her, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in times of joy and in times of trial, till death do you part?”

“I do,” promised Bastien.

Leo nodded, then looked to Riley. “Riley, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you vow to love him, comfort him, and cherish him, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in times of joy and in times of trial, till death do you part?”

“I do,” promised Riley.

Riley took the ring and placed it onto Bastien’s finger. Bastien then reached for her hand and slipped on her wedding band.

“By the power vested in me by the kingdom of Cordonia, I now pronounce you husband and wife,” Leo announced. May this blessed union be sealed with a kiss!“

Bastien leaned in, and Riley wrapped her arms around him. They kissed deeply and passionately. When they finally broke apart, they turned to face the cheering crowd. Riley reached for Bastien’s hand and squeezed it tightly. He looked as happy as she felt. They were each other’s family, and each other’s future.

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