Wedding Day Phone Call

Summary: On his wedding day, Leo receives a phone call from his brother Liam.

Author’s note: This was written for Choices Fandom Appreciation Week: Crossover/AU Day.

Leo gazed lovingly at his bride. This beautiful, adventurous, incredibly special woman was now his wife. Although he wasn’t sure what their future held, he knew that he would be happy as long as he was with her.

His thoughts were interrupted as Nicole approached them. “We need to talk to Dinesh about our inheritance.”

His wife turned to him. “This is it, the moment of truth. I’ll be back in a bit.” She leaned over and kissed him, then walked off with Nicole.

He looked around and spotted his father and stepmother. He figured he should probably go over and spend more time with them. Although they seemed to be accepting of his marriage, he knew that they would have preferred it if he had made a different choice. If only Liam were here. Seeing his brother was the best part of spending time with his family.

He began walking toward the refreshment table. Time for another glass of champagne. After all, family time could be stressful. Before he reached the table, he felt his phone vibrating. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the phone, then smiled as he saw who was calling.

“Liam! This is a nice surprise.”

“You’ve been on my mind all day. I’m so sorry that I couldn’t be at your wedding.”

“It’s all right,” Leo told him. “I know you have a lot of responsibilities now. We read your letter a little while ago. Katie thought it was adorable, and told me that I have a good brother.”

“I’m so glad she liked it. I wish I could be there to meet her.” Liam paused. “Yes, I have new responsibilities now that I’m king, but to be honest, that’s only part of why I couldn’t make it.”

Leo was slightly taken aback. “What do you mean?”

“Madeleine told me that if I came to the wedding, she was coming with me. She wouldn’t take no for an answer. I didn’t want to spoil your big day. I’m sure your wife wouldn’t have wanted your ex-fiancée at her wedding.”

“That would have been awkward. Katie and Madeleine have already met, and it was…well, tense.”

“So you see why I had to stay in Cordonia. I had to put you and your wife first. Your happiness is what matters.”

“Thanks, little brother. I want you to be happy too.” Leo thought about his last visit to Cordonia, when Liam had chosen Madeleine to be his wife instead of the woman he loved, after the scandal had broken out. “Follow your heart. Rules were made to be broken.”

“For you, maybe. It’s different for me. But I haven’t given up. I’m hoping that things will work out in the end.”

“I hope so too.” Leo glanced at King Constantine and Queen Regina as they approached. “I’d better go. It was great talking to you. I love you.”

“I love you too. Again, congratulations.”

Leo put his phone back in his pocket and hurried towards the refreshment table. He quickly grabbed a glass of champagne, and then headed in the direction of his parents.

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