Wedding Favors and Gifts

Summary: Before her wedding to Bastien, Riley shops for wedding favors and gifts.

Author’s note: This is for the Choices September Challenge, Day 7: Wedding. It takes place during Book 3, Chapter 17 of The Royal Romance.

After selecting macarons as wedding favors for her bridal party, Riley walked into the Gilded Apple with Olivia, Savannah, and Kiara. Surely a shop which carried ancient Cordonian items would have something appropriate for royalty and nobility.

She noticed an old leather book on a wooden stand. As she got closer, she saw that the text had been written by hand. The placard on the stand said that it was an old history book, written by scribes.

Riley picked it up and began to read. “After Gabrielle Rys-Lykel married Damianos Nevrakis, the ties between Stormholt, Abanthus, and Fydoria became even stronger. As the wife of Damianos, Gabrielle would be the next queen of Abanthus. Adelia Rys-Lykel had already married Zenon Drammir, and would be the next queen of Fydoria. Zenon’s mother, Zenobia Nevrakis, had remained co-ruler of Abanthus after marrying King Tevan Drammir and becoming Queen of Fydoria. Queen Kenna Rys and King Raydan Lykel’s heir apparent, Adrian Rys-Lykel, had married Ciara Umad, a Fydorian noble. These were the first steps towards the unification of what would become Cordonia.

She flipped through the book and noticed that the back pages were blank. She closed it and admired the embossed cover. Liam would really appreciate the book. But before she gave it to him, she’d have to show it to Bastien. After all, the book was about his family too, even if he did descend from the illegitimate line.

Riley walked over to the jewelry display, and a bracelet caught her eye. Its red jade beads had been carved into the shape of apples. She held it up and turned to Kiara. “This would go with Hana’s cheongsam, wouldn’t it?”

“Yes, it would match the red accents well,” replied Kiara.

It also represented both sides of Hana’s heritage. It was the perfect blend of China and Cordonia. Riley decided to get it for Hana.

She walked over to Savannah, who was looking at a whiskey box. “I’m sorry. I feel so bad about hurting Drake. I never meant to. Things just got really complicated. We got engaged so fast, and I thought I knew what I wanted, but it turns out I was wrong. I hope he can forgive me someday. I hope you can too.”

Savannah looked over at her. “You’re right about it being complicated. Drake is my brother, and my heart breaks for him. But I know what a great guy Bastien is. He was there for Drake and me after we lost our dad. So I understand what you see in him.”

Riley breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you.” She looked at the box. “Do you think I should get this for Drake, along with a bottle of top-quality whiskey? He may not want anything from me, but I feel like it’s the least I can do.”

“He’d never say no to whiskey,” said Savannah.

“Good point.” Riley spotted Olivia looking at a collection of statues, and went over to join her. Olivia had a shocked look on her face.

“I thought this had to be a statue of a Nevrakis, but no. Look!” Olivia pointed to a statue of a warrior on a horse.

Riley looked at the plaque. “Maxwell Beaumont? Must be his namesake.” She had to get it for Maxwell. He would really get a kick out of it.

Her eyes wandered to another statue nearby. The man resembled Bastien, but had longer hair. The plaque was labeled “King Raydan.”

She held up the statue. “This is the perfect wedding gift for Bastien. Look at the resemblance!”

Olivia nodded. “I see it. By the way, congratulations on the upgrade from Drake.”

“Olivia!” Riley shook her head. “I think I’ve found everything I need. Let’s get out of here after I pay for these.”

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