Wedding Gifts

Wedding Gifts
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This is just a fluffy little piece set immediately after Kenna and Diavolos wedding. In my head canon, I decided that Tevan would gift them both with communication orbs to help ease their time apart and then this popped into my head, specifically the last line.

Pairing- Kenna/Diavolos

Rating- PG

Summary- Tevan gives Kenna and Diavolos a wedding gift.

Words- 442

“There’s my favorite warrior queen,” Tevan said with a fond smile as he approached Kenna where she was sitting in the grass, finally managing to get a bite to eat.

“Hi Tevan,” she said with a smile, putting down her plate, “having fun?”

“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” He teased, “after all, it is your celebration. At least partially.” He looked past Kenna and started motioning to someone. Kenna turned to see her husband approaching.

“King Diavolos,” Tevan greeted warmly.

“King Tevan,” Diavolos greeted amicably, before turning to Kenna with a soft expression on his face, “my love.” He stood behind Kenna and she leaned against him, smiling in contentment.

It took her a moment to remember that they weren’t alone and that Tevan was watching them with a look of fond amusement. “It is a joy to see you looking so happy,” he told her sincerely, “I can’t think of anyone who deserves it more. On that note, I have a wedding gift for you both.”

“Aurynn already gave me your gift,” Kenna reminded him, thinking of the vow that the Fydorian Princess had made her.

Tevan waved a dismissive hand. “That was your gift from the royal family of Fydoria, this is a personal gift from me to the two of you.” He took two communication orbs out of his pocket and handed one to each of them. “Joining two kingdoms won’t be easy,” he commented, “and I’m sure that you will be separated more often that you would like, so I hope this will ease the separation.”

“It’s the same as the one you gave me so long ago,” Kenna commented, holding it in her hands.

“Yes, but the orbs are designed to communicate with their mate. The one you already have communicates with one I have, while these two are attuned to each other,” Tevan told her, “it’s a more immediate means of communication than a messenger.” He grinned. “It’s also a lot more private.”

Kenna blushed at the implication.

“Thank you,” Diavolos said, clasping Tevan’s shoulder, “I’m sure we’ll put these to great use.” He sent Kenna a warm look that had her blushing deeper while Tevan let out a loud, amused laugh.

“I’m glad my gift will be appreciated,” he told them, “and I hope that you and I will remain in touch.”

“I’d like that,” Kenna assured him. She’d grown quite fond of Tevan over the years. During her two years in hiding, the messages from him had been the bright spots of her week.

Tevan smirked, looking from her to Diavolos, “just one thing, please, whatever you do, do not mix up the orbs.”

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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