What Are Friends For

What Are Friends For
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not Mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This is a very short fic set after Chapter 12 of Red Carpet Diaries. I’m still mad about that chapter and decided I needed some fallout reaction. This features by Matt MC Sabrina, but it focuses on Seth. Sabrina and Seth are just good friends, who have never had any romantic interaction, while Matt and Sabrina have begun a sexual relationship. 

Rating- PG

Pairing- Matt/MC

Summary- Seth intervenes when Matt shows up to talk to Sabrina.

Words- 736

Seth paused by Sabrina’s door as he headed out to work for the day. It was quiet, which was good. At least the sobs had stopped.

It had been three days since Sabrina had come home hysterical, explaining to him what had occurred on set and how she’d been blamed for the leaks to Dirty Hollywood and how Tender Nothings was now canceled. He’d comforted her the best he could, and so had her friend Chaz, but while they had gotten a few weak smiles out of her, Seth didn’t think it had really helped.

Her star had risen so fast and then fallen at a meteoric rate, no person could be expected to handle that without a few tears.

Seth exited the apartment and then narrowed his eyes when he saw a familiar face exiting a Toyota. Matt Rodriguez.

Before he could talk himself out of it, Seth quickened his pace and strode over to Matt. “What are you doing here?” He demanded.

The other man looked surprised, people probably didn’t talk to him like that very often. “I’m here to see a friend,” he explained evasively.

“I know who you’re here to see,” Seth said coldly. He smiled at the other man’s surprise, though the smile didn’t meet his eyes, “I’m Sabrina’s neighbor.”

“Oh,” Matt said and visibly tensed. “How is she?”

“How do you think she is?” Seth demanded.

He’d spent three days listening to Sabrina cry, trying to comfort her and the thing that had stuck out the most was how devastated she had been over Matt not believing her. She’d cried plenty over Teja and Victoria (though the latter had also elicited some anger) but the mere mention of Matt’s name reduced her to sobs and she wouldn’t elaborate, however, Seth wasn’t stupid. He could two and two together, especially given how beautiful Sabrina was and Matt’s unmistakable appeal. It only made sense that they’d gotten involved, but that didn’t matter now, what mattered was that Sabrina had gotten hurt.

“You should leave,” Seth said flatly. “Whatever you’re here to say, she doesn’t need to hear it.”

“I came to apologize,” Matt said defensively, “and explain. I know who’s behind the leak.”

Seth supposed that was a good thing and he knew Sabrina would want to hear it, but… The news actually made him angrier. “So now that you have proof, it’s all good?” He asked sarcastically. “You wouldn’t even give her the benefit of the doubt before.”

Matt stiffened and Seth could see the irritation on his face. “You don’t even know me,” the actor said, obviously trying to stay calm.

“No, I don’t,” Seth agreed, “but I know Sabrina and I’ve been the one comforting her the last few days as she cried over you and the fact that you wouldn’t even hear her out.”

Matt was silent, guilt flooding his handsome features.

“She deserves better,” Seth said quietly.

“Are you two…?” Matt asked and Seth noted the way he clenched his hands as he asked the question.

“No,” Seth answered honestly, “but we’re friends and I believe in looking out for my friends and standing by them.” He paused. “You’re right, she does need to hear the truth, but she doesn’t need it from you. Not now. And she certainly doesn’t need you showing up on her doorstep like this.”

Seth thought about the shape Sabrina had been in when he’d last seen her and he knew she’d be mortified if Matt saw her like that. “I’ll give you her agent’s number, you can go through him.”

Matt paused, obviously weighing the situation and then nodded. “Ok.” He looked defeated. “I didn’t mean to hurt her.”

“But you did,” Seth said quietly. He handed Matt Chazz’s card and then walked away, leaving the action star standing there. There was so much more he wanted to say, but for Sabrina’s sake, he’d hold his tongue. He didn’t know the whole situation, but he knew enough to feel protective.

Seth cast a glance back and saw Matt getting in his car and let out a sigh of relief. He knew he couldn’t protect Sabrina forever, and she was a grown woman who could make her own decisions, but at least this way she wouldn’t be blindsided. A part of him hoped that she wouldn’t be so easy to forgive, but he knew it wasn’t his call to make.

But whatever decision Sabrina made, he’d be there to support her.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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