what are we? us?

summary: my take on the talk between mc and drake after she rejected liam’s proposal

“We need to talk… about us”

Those weren’t the words Dhalia expected when she went on the balcony to meet with Drake. She wasn’t really sure what kind of words she was expecting but definitely, it was not the ones she heard. Never in her life, a conversation that started with those few words brought good news into her life and she couldn’t help but think that this is another one.

Before she said anything she studied Drake’s face for a moment. Trying to find an answer there. But the face that became so familiar within months now seemed completely unreadable, almost emotionless. Fortunately, Dhalia knew him better than he thought. And maybe it wasn’t much but few of his habits helped her a little bit. For example, she knew Drake is beyond serious right now because of how much he pursed his lips, she knew he’s nervous because he kept playing with his fingers. But what was obvious the most was that he’s just scared – scared of being vulnerable. And she guessed that being here with her, talking about ‘them’ makes him very vulnerable.

“About us?” She asked carefully taking one step closer him. “What are we? Us?”

This time Drake took his time to answer. His eyes wandered on Dhalia’s face and she was more than sure that he’s doing exactly the same thing she was doing just a second ago. Looking for answers.

“I- I honestly have no clue?” He ran his fingers through his hair and took a deep breath. “But whatever we are I think… If this thing between us is something more than friendship I don’t think we should go for it.” He almost whispered the last part not even looking Dhalia in the eyes.

“Drake you can’t be serious right now.” She started to whispering too, not knowing why. She took another few steps towards Drake and took his hand in his. Her hopeful eyes desperately trying to make eye contact that Drake stubbornly refused to make. “Please tell me you are not serious.” She begged her voice almost cracking.

“Dhalia.” He sighed taking his hand away.

She had no idea what hurt her more the fact that he didn’t even want to touch her right now or the fact that he used her name in such accusing tone or that he suddenly started to use her name at all.

After what happened with Liam only hours ago she was on a verge of tears. She told Liam that she loves Drake. And when that words left her mouths, even though the moment itself wasn’t the happiest, she felt so much joy and relief she almost failed to not smile. That was the first time she finally said out loud that she loves Drake. She had to keep it to herself for so long that sometimes she tried to convince herself that it’s not real. But after today that statement couldn’t be more real.

And now the man she loved, the man that was her rock through all of this, the man she threw everything away for was telling her that they can’t be together. Apparently, the universe must really hate her for what she did to Liam.

“Is this really how you feel? Is this really all you’re gonna say? Just that we can’t be together? No explanation? Don’t you think I deserve more?” She asked and this time her voice did crack and she could see it hurt him as much.

“You know we can’t be ‘us’ because of Liam. Because he loves you and he’s my best friend, our friend.”

“Why everyone keeps saying that? What about how I feel? What I want?” She was slowly starting to lose hope that she’d be able to change his mind but there was no way she’d give up so easily. “You of all people Drake. You said when we solve everything you’ll be there for me…”

“And I will. I am. As a friend.” He said and Dhalia could clearly see how hard for him was to say it.

“But I love you, Drake.” She lowered her voice again but never broke the eye contact. “I refused to marry Liam because I love you.” She explained and maybe her mind was playing tricks on her but she could swear that something in Drake changed.

Yet again, before anything happened there was this moment of silence when they just stood there looking into each other’s eyes. Drake wanted to say something but he ended up only opening and closing his mouth a few times. And to be completely honest that was truly nerve-wracking for Dhalia. There was nothing more she could say. Next move belonged to Drake and she was so so scared.

“Please say something.” She pleaded as she gave up and first tears started running down her face.

“I’m so sorry.” He said finally and Dhalia’s heart broke a little. She was sure that was the moment when he’d say he didn’t love her back. The moment when she made a complete fool of herself. That’s how it’d end. But just then as she was ready to leave, go back to her room and finally let herself be weak, Drake took her face in his hands with concern and guilt written all over his face. He wiped her tears with his thumbs and pulled her in for a hug. “I’m such an idiot. And I’m so sorry.” He whispered in her ear. “That’s why I’ve always been saying you deserve someone better than me, someone, like Liam because I always find a way to screw things up.”

“I don’t understand. What are you saying?” She broke the hug and looked him in the eyes yet again let the hope in.

“When I saw you today all dressed up exiting the building I asked Maxwell where did you go and he told me that Liam is taking you on a date the date and if I’m being honest I’ve never felt that type of pain. Never. But I knew that was it. There was nothing more I could do and I shouldn’t. I was sure you’re gonna come back as the future queen just like everyone wanted, well almost everyone not that it mattered. And I just… I don’t know I wanted a closure I guess? So I left the note. And when you came here I just wanted to get this over with because it hurt me seeing you when I was sure you just got engaged… to my best friend.” He sighed and Dhalia could see a ghost of a smile on his lips. “And now you’re telling me you love me. That you rejected Liam for me of all the people. And I’m basically sure that this is just a dream.” He leaned his forehead against hers, closing his eyes.

“That’s not a dream. I don’t want want to be with anyone else I love you and only you. I started falling for you the first time we met. You’ve been with me through all of this and you knew how to make me feel better when no one else could. I always feel safe and at home when I’m with you.”

“You know, I’ve tried so hard to hate you or make you hate me but then you’d do something that would only make me fall for you even more.” He opened his eyes. “And then before I knew it you were the only thing on my mind. Constantly. I was so gone for you so hopelessly in love with you…”

“Drake. There’s no one else here besides us. You can say it.” She said placing her hand on his cheek. Not for long because Drake took her hand in his and kissed the inside of it.

“I love you.” He finally let her hear the three words she so desperately wanted to hear. “I love you with my whole heart, Cole.” He repeated and leaned in for a kiss. But before their lips met he stopped only inches from her face just as if he wanted to make sure that all of this really happened. That Dhalia actually said all those things. That she’s actually here and that she actually chose him. “I really really love you.”

“I swear I’ll never get tired of hearing this but how about you finally kiss me?” She proposed with a huge grin on her face.

“I’d like nothing more.” Drake chuckled and then their lips met in a very passionate kiss. Both of them were so overwhelmed with all those feelings they kept hidden for so long that they both wanted to show it as much as possible. And in this moment Dhalia was so happy she was sure she could start crying again but this time with happy tears. Everything finally started to pan out like she wanted.

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