what can i say? i’m a badass

summary: hana and maxwell were kidnapped during the assassination at the homecoming ball and they need to get away… fast

“So that’s it, huh? That’s how we’re gonna die?” Maxwell sighed dramatically.

“No. We’re gonna figure something out before whoever kidnapped us will be back.” Hana said in a calm voice.

The situation wasn’t ideal. They were sitting on chairs and their hands were tied up. But she was sure they come up with something that could make their escape easier. There was no time to freak out if they wanted to make it out alive.

“So think Maxwell. There has to be something we can do!” Hana added nodding to herself.

“I hope so. But if not-”

“No. No ‘buts’. Do you hear me? We’re gonna be fine because we’re gonna figure this out and we’re gonna see our firends and it’s gonna be okay.” Hana didn’t let him finish.

“Hana. Please let me say this.” Maxwell started again and hearing this almost desperation in his voice stopped Hana from interrupting Maxwell again. “I know we’ll be fine because I know you’ll save us both but if there’s even a small possibility we might not get away I just want you to know that I love you, okay?” Maxwell confessed with teary eyes.“ And I’m sorry it literally took a life death situation for me to say this but I just needed you to know… In case something went wrong.” He whispered the last part avoiding her gaze.

“I love you too, Maxwell. And now we have to get out of here just so I can kiss you, okay?” Hana chuckled and yet again started to look around.

They were left alone. At least they were alone inside. There probably was someone outside making sure they won’t escape. Or to catch them if they do. And besides them there was nothing else. Nothing that could help them escape. And Maxwell almost started laughing at how similar their situation is to all these action movies he’d watched throughout the years.

And that’s when it hit him. There was something they could do. It might not work it probably won’t but at this point Maxwell was ready to try anything.

“Oh I’m so gonna regret this.” He mumbled and get up along with the chair tied to his hands.

“Maxwell what are you-” Hana wanted to ask but a loud crunch interrupted her as Maxwell jumped and fall on the ground breaking the chair and freeing his hands in the process.

“Ow!! That hurt!” He groaned standing up.

“Oh my god! Maxwell are you okay?” Hana asked worried.

“I’ll be.” Maxwell said and jogged to Hana to free her.

“How did you come up with that?” Hana furrowed her brows while hugging Maxwell.

“What can I say? I’m a badass.” He chuckled, tightening his grip on Hana. “Also I saw it like a thousand times in movies.” He confessed. “Now come on we have to-” Maxwell started but was quickly cut off by Hana’s lips on his in a quick but very passionate kiss.

“Now we can go!”

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