What Comes Next: Can’t Wait

Summary: Allie watches Owen work out, and they both get distracted and impatient. Pointless smut.

Note: Set approximately six weeks after Thinking Over.

The only benefit to going with Owen to the gym at a ridiculously early hour is that she can watch him unabashedly. She doesn’t have to occasionally pretend to be engrossed with something on her phone or pretend like she’s considering signing up for a class.

No, at this time of day, they’re the only ones there, and Allie can sip her coffee and stare at him in peace. Normally she sleeps in when he goes this early, especially if she’s gotten in late the night before. But today, he’s bribed her with coffee and reminded her they’re driving down to Disneyland after he’s done at the gym.

It had amused him to no end when she’d suggested they go there for the six-month anniversary of them meeting.

“Please don’t tell me you’re one of those people who doesn’t love Disney,” Allie had asked him on the phone.

Owen had laughed. “No, I like Disney. I just hadn’t expected you to suggest it.”

“Prepare yourself,” she’d teasingly warned him. “My mother always refused to go. I have so many years to make up for.”

She yawns, then takes another sip of her coffee, watching Owen. He winks at her when he catches her staring, making her laugh.

“You realize this whole gym is empty. You could use something,” he calls over.

“But why?” she calls back. “Watching you work out is so much more fun than actually working out.”

Owen shakes his head, grinning. She wanders over to sit near him when he moves to the chest fly machine. There is something definitely appealing about watching him, his deep, even breaths, his muscles flexing as he works, the faint sheen of sweat forming on his skin. Allie swallows hard when he pauses and glances over at her.

“You’re distracting,” he murmurs.

“You need a gym in your apartment,” she murmurs back.

He groans. “That’s not helping.”

“You asked me to come,” she reminds him, dragging her eyes over him.

“I did,” he agrees. “So we could leave right after.”

He resumes using the machine, studiously avoiding her gaze. When he’s done, he stands. Allie expects him to head for the showers, but instead he grabs his bag and offers her his hand.

“I thought you were showering here,” she says.

His eyes are dark and heated when she laces her fingers with his and looks up at him.

“I like my shower better,” Owen says.


She follows him out the door and to his Jeep, sucking in a surprised breath when he leans her against the door and kisses her deeply.

“Mmm,” she whimpers, fisting her hands in his shirt.

Owen kisses her again, then opens the passenger door. She swears the five miles back to his apartment turns into fifty. His hand rests warmly on her thigh, and the way he looks at her whenever they hit a stoplight makes her want him even more. When they finally get to his apartment building, she returns the favor, kissing his neck in the elevator and pressing against him.

“You’re killing me here, Al,” he groans.

“I know the feeling,” she says, sighing when they finally get through his apartment door.

It slams behind them, but she barely even notices. She’s focused on Owen lifting her up and wrapping her legs around him and pulling at his clothes.

“Shower?” he grunts out, heading towards his bathroom.

Allie shakes her head, too impatient to make it even the extra ten feet. “Later.”

He sets her back down just long enough for them to fumble out of their clothes, just long enough for Allie to run her hands down the muscles of his chest and stomach, just long enough for her to almost slip her hand lower. Owen captures her hand, then tilts her chin up, kissing her messily. He lifts her up again and spins them so she’s pressed against the wall.

“Oh yes,” she breathes, moaning quietly when he presses into her.

She loops her arms around his neck as they rock against each other.

“God, Al,” Owen groans.

His hands grip her thighs, strong and sure. She hears him curse quietly when she tightens her legs around him and presses her lips to his neck. Allie lifts her head up, his dark eyes meeting hers before he tilts his head up to kiss her. He takes her lower lip between his teeth, making her whimper.

“Owen,” she murmurs.

He rumbles something against her, then thrusts into her harder, unrestrained. She loves him like this, when he gets desperate and just a little rough. She likes knowing she can make him come undone.

Allie sucks in a sharp breath, all of her muscles tensing, her fingers digging into his neck, when he pushes her over the edge. He slams into her, groaning her name when he comes. His chest rises and falls rapidly against her before he leans back, kissing her deeply.

She sighs when he lowers her to the ground, the floor cool under her feet. Owen smiles a little sheepishly, shaking his head, then kisses her again.

“What?” she asks, following him into the bathroom.

He shuts the door behind them and turns the shower on.

“The things you do to me, Allie,” he says.

She smiles innocently. “What? You’ve never rushed home from the gym to take your girlfriend against a wall before?”

“No,” he answers honestly. “I haven’t.”

“I’m flattered,” she murmurs, stepping into the shower after him.

“But you know,” she says, only half-teasing, “if you lived somewhere with a home gym, we wouldn’t have to rush back here.”

He murmurs in agreement, ducking his head below the water.

“My lease is up in a couple months,” he comments after a minute. “I’ll put room for a home gym at the top of my list for a new place.”

He shoots her a grin, water rivulets running down his skin, and Allie laughs. “That sounds like an excellent idea,” she agrees. “I’ll help you break it in.”

Owen groans, pressing his lips to hers. “I’m sure you will.”

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