What I Need

What I Need
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This is set sometime during the Unity Tour in Book 3 and is the response to the following prompts: angry sex, getting caught and love bites, all sent by anons. Also, I love Olivia, but she has been a little nastier than usual the last couple chapters.

Pairing- Drake/MC

Rating- NSFW

Summary- The tensions of the Unity Tour get to be too much for Drake and Amelia.

Words- 835

I gripped my glass as I sat through yet another event on this Unity Tour, wondering how I had gotten myself into this mess. How had a waitress from Brooklyn ended up responsible for the unity of a European country I hadn’t even heard of a year ago?

It seemed and more ridiculous every day as I tried to curry favor with the nobles and just keep everything together.

I was so lost in thought that I missed whatever snarky comment Olivia made this time. She had really been bringing the bitch in the last few days, making our already complicated relationship more complicated. Part of me was sympathetic because I know she was struggling over the fact that I’d rejected Liam’s proposal and was marrying Drake of all people, but instead of directing that ire at me, she seemed to be getting more joy than usual out of humiliating Drake.

Whatever she said this time, he got a pinched look on his face and stood up. “Excuse me.” I shot Olivia a glare and got up as well, hurrying after Drake. I found him in a side room, pacing. “Drake?”

“Here to scold me for leaving like that?” Drake asked angrily.

“No, I was concerned,” I told him, shutting the door.

“Not enough to say something to Olivia,” Drake responded pointedly.

I sighed, feeling guilty. He was right. I had been letting Olivia be sharper-tongued than usual, without snapping back like I once would have.

“We need her help,” I said calmly.

“Of course, after all, she’s a duchess, not a lowly commoner,” Drake groundout.

“Oh my god, stop it!” I cried without intending to. “I’m a commoner too, remember?”

“Do you?” Drake asked me.

I glared at him, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Look around us, Grant,” Drake said, waving his hand, “we’re currying favor with the pretentious nobles, the ones who will never respect either one of us, no matter how hard they might pretend otherwise and suck up and you’re buying into it.”

I stepped back as if he had slapped me. “Is that really how you feel?” I demanded in a low, angry voice. “I’m doing my best here. For Liam, for Cordonia. For you.”

“I don’t want this!” Drake told me, his voice rising.

I wondered if they could hear us in the dining room, but decided I didn’t care. “What do you want then?” I asked him, my hands on my hips.

“You!” Drake shouted. “All I want is you! It’s all I’ve ever wanted.”


“That’s all I want too!” I shouted back, wondering why we were fighting.

Suddenly Drake closed the distance between us, his mouth slamming down onto mine. I kissed him back eagerly, pouring all my pent-up frustration into the kiss. Drake lifted me off the ground and I wrapped my legs around him, holding on tight as he slammed me against the wall. I dug my fingers into his shoulder, biting at his lip, desperate for release.

He pushed my skirt up around my waist, ripping my underwear off. I reached one hand between us, the other arm still looped around his neck, and fumbled with the fly of his pants. Drake’s hand covered mine and he made quick work of them, shoved them to his ankles.

“I need you,” I told him, “so much.”

Drake didn’t answer me with words, instead, he answered me with action, slamming into me hard, his mouth devouring mine again. He thrust hard and impatiently and I met him thrust for thrust, our hips meeting in a frenzied rush.

I knew I couldn’t scream out, though we had probably already made enough of a scene, so I bit down on Drake’s shoulder instead as I felt the orgasm overwhelm me. He immediately tightened his grip and increased his pace, obviously turned on by the impulsive gesture. He gave another few hard thrusts and then I could feel him coming inside of me, his body going slack against me.

Before either of us could react and could down from the high of orgasm, however, the door to the study opened.

“Amelia, Drake, people are starting to—” Maxwell began and then trailed off, taking in the scene in front of him. He quickly averted his eyes. “Oh God! I saw Drake’s ass!”

Drake and I quickly dressed, though I realized I was going to have to go without underwear. I grabbed the ruined underwear and passed it to Drake, who shot me a grin before shoving it in his pocket.

“Can I look now?” Maxwell asked after a moment.

“If you have to,” Drake told him.

Maxwell glared at us both. “Seriously? You guy are doing this now? This is not the time. I mean, we’re supposed to be building relations not…”

“Yeah, I know,” I told him, but I didn’t feel that repentant. Maybe this wasn’t what the unity tour needed, but it was what Drake and I had needed and that was more important.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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