What if – Chapter five – Withlock

Summery: Set seven years after the war with Azura is over. Withlock finally can lie back and let someone else take the foundry when he’s away, and take off towards a journey exploring the realm, and pay a visit to each of his friends. Ever since he got to travel with Kenna and companions, Withlock loved to travel, and he couldn’t wait for the opportunity to tour it once again.


Withlock has been training many of the foundries residents, in hoping to find a worthy successor. Someone who he could trust with the foundry, it’s knowledge, morals and goals. It took a while, but he thought he finally found it.
Margaret’s son, Thales, had shown himself to be a brilliant researcher, a compassionate man, and also a humble one.

Ever since Withlock traveled with his friends all those years ago, even in a time of war, he found out he loved it. Traveling to unknown places, exploring them… It inspired him. And he had missed it. He had gone on a few summits, and traveled when he could, but he always had to go back to the Technocrats foundry. And it’s not like he didn’t love it in his foundry, he loved to see it grow and share it’s finding, now that the war was over and they were at a time of peace. He loved seeing new faces, yearning to learn.
But he had a new passion, and he wanted to pursue it too.

“I– Are you sure?” Thales asked him, slightly flushed. “You really think I could do it?” He asked once again. Withlock had just nominated him as his right hand, the person in-charge when he’d be gone.
“Of course I’m sure.” Withlock smiled widely at him. He’d been thinking about it for some time.
“Oh. Wow. I’m so honored.” Thales bowed his head. “Hey-” Withlock placed a hand on his shoulder. “None of that. Besides, you earned that.” He made sure Thales was as sure of himself as he was, and went in for the night, planning his trip to Stormholt, the following morning.
He sent word out for his friends all over the realm, letting them know he’ll be stopping by. He didn’t want to do the journey on an airship, he wanted to do it by foot. It wouldn’t be the same, he wouldn’t be able to truly experience things.

As he rode near the walls of Stormholt, the beauty of the newly built kingdom dazed him. They truly out-did themselves. He knew Raydan took special care of this project, and noted to himself to mention it upon meeting again with him.
He was met with a proudly smiling Kenna, and her three children.
Adrian was was already seven years old, an adorable prince who tried to prove himself, even though he was still too young to do any of this. He was the perfect combination of his parents, and usually was the composed one, who behaved extremely well when guests visited. But Withlock, of course, was no stranger, and Adrian could let loose around him, calling his name loudly and running towards the man.
Whitlockkk” He jumped into his metallic hands, and he hugged him tightly. “Did you miss me?” Withlock asked excitedly.
“Aha. Yes.” Adrian nodded, before Withlock put him down. “Me too, buddy.” he ruffled his hair, and Adrian giggled, taking his hand and escorting him to Kenna, and his other siblings.
Gabriela was the second of their children, she was merely four years old, but she had quite the attitude. People loved saying she took after Kenna, and Kenna didn’t argue nor complain. She wasn’t rude, but she could be stubborn and loud sometimes, despite her young age.
“Hey, princess, how you been?” He kneeled beside her.
“Uncle Withlock!” She stood up, embracing him with her little hands. He returned the hug, and she planted a big kiss over his cheek, before letting go.
“I feel blessed,” He told her, before looking onto the next kid.
Last, there was Anthos, who was named after Raydan’s mother – Antheia. He was almost a year old, but upon seeing his brother and sister so fond of Withlock, he probably decided he could trust the man, and sent him a smile, before crawling into Kenna’s hands.
“Queen of Stormholt.” He addressed her.
“Leader of the Technocrats.” She returned, before both burst into laughter. She collected him into her arms, too, minding her son, who seemed to like Withlock even more now.
“You did an outstanding job here, you know?” He told Kenna, after they broke apart.
“Why thank you. I could hear all about it, over dinner?” She suggested.
“I’d love that.” Withlock replied, a grin spread over his face.

His next stop was Fydoria. He could meet with Tevan, and even Zenobia, as well as his old friend Val.
It caught them all by surprise, when a certain soldier from Fydoria’s noble families (who Val used to hate that much), whisked her away.
He made his way, by foot, visiting many villages on his way.
He loved being able to visit someplace where he wasn’t known, or recognized. He could help them, doing good deeds, and disappear before anyone’d notice. That, or just rest, taking in the beautiful sights spreading across of him, scribbling on his notebook whenever inspiration hit. He hadn’t felt so free in a long time.
It took him a couple of days, but he reached Fydoria. “Ah! old Friend.” Tevan noted when meeting him, accompanying him into the palace. While he and Tevan didn’t really interact too much during the war, they had a great deal of respect towards each other, and over the years, at summits or regular meetings, he and Tevan found themselves agreeing on many subjects and backing each other up.
Withlock didn’t like Zenobia that much, which was Tevan’s choice of marriage, but it was obvious Tevan adored her. They both were so in love, there was no denying it. And Zenobia even stopped her snarky remarks towards him, which Withlock greatly appreciated.
Tevan led him towards his guest room. “Make yourself comfortable here. I hope you’ll enjoy your stay. Meet me for drinks tonight?” He said, standing at his door.

When Tevan said “drinks”, Withlock should’ve known he’d over-do it. Eventually, he sighed, deciding to enjoy the party Tevan threw for him.
Tevan smiled gladly, when he saw that, and offered a goblet of wine from the other side of the room.
Withlock nodded, starting to make his way towards the king, when he bumped into Zenobia.
“Watch it, will ya– Oh. Withlock.” She composed herself. “The man of the hour. A pleasant surprise, I suppose.” She blinked at him. “How are you?” She asks. Withlock notes her intentions of leaving early, but still makes conversation.
“I’m well, how are you, Zenobia?” He asks, offering a smile.
“Oh, I love a good party. But I should be putting my two angels to sleep now, they’ve been with the nanny for far too long.” She smiles, this time a true and sincere smile.
Whitlock remembers Tevan and Zenobia had two sons, aged three and two years old, and nodded.
Smiling honestly as well, he steps aside.
“Don’t let me stand in your way, then.” He tells her.
“Thank you.” She says, and makes her way out of the ballroom.Maybe Zenobia was growing on him, he thought. Or maybe having kids made her a little softer.
Either way, he wouldn’t complain. He was glad.
He reaches Tevan, and accept the goblet of wine. They clink their glasses, and drink for old time’s sake. And then another glass, for more times to come.
After mingling for a bit and drinking a few more glasses, he bumps into Val, to his surprise.
“Whitlock!” She ruffles his hair, before pulling him into a bear hug.
“Val! Stop it! I’m not a teenager anymore!” He tries to resist, but it’s no use.
She’s been drinking ale, and she had missed him, and won’t let go until he returned the embrace.
Then, she finally let go, offering him another glass. “You’re drinking, right?”
He didn’t plan to, but he agreed, and downed the drink.
“You’re really not a kid anymore, huh?” She joked, punching him in his shoulder. He didn’t flinch, but it did hurt, he just tried not to show it.
Before heading to bed, he promised Val to meet with her again tomorrow, in actual daylight, and catch up.

After napping until almost noon, Withlock made his way towards Val’s home.
Fydoria was as colorful as ever, and he made sure to stop by the library, before he’d leave.
Val was already up, and sat on the grass in her garden, with an infant in her hands.
Right! Val had a child. How could Withlock forget that?
She just never grasped him as a motherly type, he guessed.
“Hey, how are you two doing?” He sat beside them, and the baby looked at him, questionably.
“Aw, we’re just great. He was with his father all morning, and now Claudius is preparing lunch. Would you like to stay?” She asks, finally tearing her eyes of her child and looking at Withlock.
“Sure.” He says, and reaches for the boy’s hand.
“His name is Cassian.” Val tells him, stroking his hair affectionately.
“Hey, Cassian.” Withlock says, and the boy wraps his small hand over one of Withlock’s fingers.
“Lunch’s almost ready!” A husky voice called from inside the house. Then, the front door opened, and Claudius smiled warmly at his wife and son, before noticing Withlock.
“Withlock! leader of the Thechnocrats, I’ve heard about you a lot!” He said, coming their way. He shook Withlock’s hand, and then took Cassian in his arms, planting a kiss on Val’s forhead.
“I’ll set up the table.” He promised, and went back into the house.
“I have to admit, I never thought you’d settle down.” Withlock wasn’t sure if it was the right time or thing to tell her, but he decided to do it anyway.
Val chuckled to herself. “I didn’t, either.” She admitted.
“But I always had a soft spot for Kenna’s brats. And I truly love Claudius. I guess I was more open to the idea because of Adrian, so we made Kenna Cassian’s godmother.” Val tells him, before standing up and offering her hand.
He takes it and she pulls him up too, smiling. “I hope you’re hungry.” She teases, before ruffling his hair again. This time, he accepts defeat silently.

Before leaving, he says his goodbye to Tevan, Zenovia, Val and Claudius, And Aurynn – who he finds in the library, and travels towards Blackspine Mountains.
Getting close there, he can see Dom, Sei, and Anu sitting by the lake. It appears they are meditating. As Withlock got closer, he noticed two little girls running around in circles around them, giggling, and defiantly preventing them from meditating calmly. He gets closer, sets his bag down, folds his hands over each other, and waits for any of the older crew to open their eyes.
”We already know you’re here, Withlock. You may sit down.” Sei says after a long minute, and Withlock chuckles to himself. “I should’ve known.” He notes to himself before joining them.
The moment he sits on the grass, the two giggling girls make their way towards him, running and jumping to hug him.
”Uncle Withlock!!!” Erin is the first to call, while little Hanae jumped into her sister’s tracks. Dom can’t hold it any longer, bursting into a blessful laughter, and patting Withlock on his back. “You were missed, friend.” He tells him, while the little girls jump around between the two.
”I can see that.” Withlock nods, taking both of them into his hands, and hugging tightly. “AHHHH LET ME GO!!!” Erin calls, while Hanae just laughs in awe.
”I thought you missed me!” Withlock played offended.
”ugh FINE” Erin hugs him again, one last time, before taking her sister’s hand and running towards the lake again. They got into the shallow water and splashed each other carefully.
”They’re so hyper-active. They don’t give you a moment of peace to meditate, uh?” Whitlock jokes, as both Anu and Sei join him and Dom, watching the kids.
”I’m sorry to inform you you’re wrong, young man.” Anu says. “On the contrary” He adds.
Withlock blinks at him.
“They brought peace into our lives like never before.” Sei completes him, and It makes sense. Withlock nods. “Of couse.” He and Dom share a smile.

His way over to Aurelia is mesmerizing, and he’s a little overwhelmed by the progress they’ve made. Since hiding in the times of war, Aurelia was now one of the most known and most respected trade cities in the realm.
When he got to the city itself, he was informed their queen, Annelyse, was on a second honeymoon with the Adder of Lykos, her lovely partner, but he was more than welcome to stay. He took in what the city had to offer, but declined the kind offer.
Upon leaving, he noticed a new, golden statue, in the garden of Aurelia.
It showcased Annelyse and Adder, kissing each other. Withlock smiled to himself,
After all, he was looking forward to meeting his friends at this journey, as well as to learn.

As he was getting closer to Lykos, he looked over the horizon, wiping away drops of sweat from his forehead. He smiled widely, and got over the last mile.
When he got to the palace, he saw Diavolos and another figure standing over the walls of the palace, chatting. The figure shifted, featuring his beautiful wife, Felicia. Felicia noticed Withlock, sending him a warm smile and waving her hand. He sent her a wave back, and Diavolos noticed her looking somewhere behind him. He turned over, watching her gaze, until his eyes fell on Withlock, and he smiled too. He motioned for Withlock to come over, and the man nodded.
While entering the palace’s door, Withlock noticed he barged in in the middle of a celebrating. A kind maid welcomed him in, and showed him to his room.
“You could leave your belonging in here,” She noted, a slight blush spreading over her face when Withlock didn’t notice.
“I should freshen out before going out there, shouldn’t I?” Withlock asked rhetorically.  “I- I… I suppose.” She stuttered, and left without further notice. Withlock shrugged, getting into the shower, letting the warm water comfort him after his long lasting journey.
After he got out of the shower, he threw some pants over his legs, and laid for a bit. I’ll just rest my head for a moment, and then i’ll get out there. He thought.

As it got out, he was more exhausted than he thought, and ended up sleeping until almost evening. The sun began to set, when he continued dressing up and left his room. The kind maid from before, turned out to be called Odette, and she met his apologizing gaze when he entered the main hall.
“Hey,” He said, making her eyes shoot open.
“Hey.” She simply replied, wearing a slight smile.
“Where can I find king Diavolos and queen Felicia?” He asked.
She escorted him into Diavolos’s work room, knocking on the door.
“Come in.” Diavolos’s stern voice called from the inside.
After Withlock came inside, Odette closed the door behind him, and Diavolos motioned for him to sit.
“I’m sorry I missed the festives, I didn’t know how exhausted I was until my head hit the pillow.” Withlock apologized, to which Diavolos replied only with a chuckle.
“It’s alright.” He told him, sincerely. “You must’ve traveled from afar. How was your journey here?” Diavolos asked.
Whitlock considered for a moment.
“Satisfying. Rewarding.” He was sure.
“I’m glad to hear that.” Diavolos nodded. It was refreshing hearing such an honest answer, but that was to be expected with Withlock.
“I always thought Zenobia was big on the celebrations and the parties in this family.” Withlock confessed, makign Diavolos light up. Withlock didn’t know yet, but he made a delightful topic jump into Diavolos’s head.
“Oh, believe me, she is. I don’t really like parties, but that’s something worth celebrating.” Diavolos assured him.
“Oh.” Withlock was taken aback for a second. “Is that so?” He asked. “What is it?” Now he was interested. Just as he asked that question, the door creaked open. Felicia stuck her head in. “Am I interuptting?” She asked. “Of course not, come in, love.” Diavolos called, and she opened the door wider, stepping inside.
When Whitlock looked her over, he noticed her holding a hand over her stomach, which looked slightly bigger than usual.
“Oh my god.” The nickle finally dropped. “Congratulations!” He exhaled, turning back to Diavolos, who grinned from ear to ear. “Thank you”
So that was what was worth celebrating. They were expecting a child! what wonderful news, especially since Withlock already knew that Diavolos cherished family very deeply.
After making conversation with both Diavolos and Felicia, Withlock spent his day in the courtyard. Lykos was more beautiful than ever, and he saw it in a different, new color. He could see people passing by, as he scribbled down on his notebook. Royals and servants alike. It felt so different than his first visit to Lykos, that Withlock couldn’t quite take it all in.
He trailed off, immersed in his work, and didn’t even hear something sitting down beside him.
“So how do you like Lykos?” The voice finally brought Withlock back into reality. He saw Diavolos sitting beside him, a pleased smile over his lips.
Withlock never thought he and Diavolos would be more than allies by obligation. But at the moment? No one from the five kingdoms (and any other leadership in the realm) could see themselves not being fond of Diavolos, as a person or at least as a king.
“I like it very much, actually.” Withlock notes.
“Seeing how far it’d come, since I first visited, making me feel warm inside.” He admits.
“I know what you’re talking about.” Diavolos agreed.

Before leaving to go back to the foundry, Felicia and Diavolos meet him again. They come to share their goodbyes, but Felicia corners Withlock before he exits.
“Can I help you?” He asks, genuinely willing, and only slightly terrified.
“You caught someone’s interest.” She tells him, a sly smile over her lips, and a faint blush. “You should say goodbye to her, too.” She advises.
Diavolos joins them, looking at Withlock’s confused look.
“He’s hopeless, sometimes.” He tells his wife. Withlock has to agree.
“Odette.” Diavolos tells him, and all the pieces seem to fit. It’s just that Withlock didn’t bother to notice. Or care.
“I…” Withlock hesitates. “I don’t know what to say.” He swallows. Odette was pretty, kind, and generally seemed like a good person. But Withlock wasn’t interested. Not in that way, at least.
“You don’t have to say anything, sweetheart.” Felicia boops his nose with her finger. Withlock doesn’t flinch away, even though it reminds him he’s so much younger than all the other leaders.
“Just think about it. She’s tending to the garden right now, you could go say goodbye before you leave. Give it a chance!” Felicia’s wearing a smile, and Withlock nods. “Very well.” He tells her. “Yay!” She almost jumps on Diavolos, who just chuckles. When Felicia turns away, Diavolos turns back his face, sending an apologetic look his way. Withlock sighs, mouthing back ‘It’s no bother’.

Ready to leave, Withlock makes his way towards the garden, finding Odette watering a beautiful kind of a flower.
“It’s breathtaking.” He tells her, making her jump in her place.
“AH! Sir Withlock! you’ve scared me!” She tries to compose herself, blushing a dark shade of red.
“You certainly don’t need to call me sir, and I apologize for startling you.” Withlock smiles his charming smile.
“Oh, no, it’s fine. It’s I who overreacted. I should apolo-” She started saying, but Withlock shook his head, having none of that, and she stopped herself mid-way, smiling shyly, accepting. “Okay.” She said quietly.
“This kind is beautiful, I’ve never seen it before. Where’s it from?” He asked, motioning to the flowers that they were standing next to.
“We got the seeds for this one from Aurelia, but we developed new colors for it here in Lykos.” Odette explained, looking proud. She stepped aside, letting Withlock admire the colorful sight.
That flower had two new kinds; one Red at his center, with dark-chocolate-brown tips, and one White, with Blue color at it’s center.
While the first one reminded him of the beautiful woman standing next to him, who had dark brown locks of hair and a red blush whenever she was around him, it was the second one who caught his attention. He caressed one white flower lightly, careful not to damage it, and looked up over to Odette.
“I know it’s not traditionally acceptable, but do you think I could get one of these with me on my way?” Withlock asked, not entirely getting why he felt so connected to this flower.
“I,” Odette blinked at him.
“Well, you’re right it’s not commonly acceptable, but you’re friends with the king and the queen. I’ll make sure they’re informed, but I could get it out for you right now.” She tells him.
He nods, and she does. She hands him a planter with the flower ready in it, closing it with a glass lid, making sure it’ll survive his way, along with some seeds in case it won’t.
“Thank you, Odette, it means so much to me.” He’s serious when he says that, and for the first time in their conversations, she doesn’t blush when he addresses her.
“You’re welcome, Withlock. It was a pleasure getting to know you.” She wears a smile. She’s sweet, and Withlock think maybe Felicia did have a point.
“Likewise.” He told her, and took her hand in his. He was trying to be nice, and not give that girl false hope, but honestly? Withlock didn’t know much about women, as he was usually too busy to let something like that, or someone, into his life.
“I hope our path will cross again someday.” He gives her hand a squeeze, and then lets go of it. She’s blushing again, and he has to hold himself not to chuckle at that response, and then turn away to his way.
“I hope so too,” He can hear her saying behind him.

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