Aurynn was pacing around the grand ballroom, greeting people and exchanging fake smiles. Her brother was marrying today, she knew she should’ve been happy for him, this was supposed to be a big day for her, too.
And she was happy for him, until she met a familiar face in the crowd.
One of the earliest guests was Kenna, and of course, her husband – Raydan.
Their children tagged along with them, Adrian hand in hand with Raydan, and little Gabriella – who was just a few months old, in Kenna’s hands.
After seeing them, she wasn’t feeling like celebrating, but forced a smile for the sake of it.
She knew pinning after a married man was stupid of her side, inappropriate and wrong.
But knowing this didn’t change the way she felt about him. It’s not like she was going to act on those feelings, she wasn’t that kind of a person.

Especially when it was so obvious Raydan was so in love with his wife. She thought as she caught a glimpse of him kissing Kenna on the cheek and whispering something in her ear. In answer to that, Kenna chuckled, and embraced him in a tender hug. Aurynn had to force herself to quit looking in their direction, and focused on the party, instead.
She caught Tevan looking at her from afar, a huge smile on his face. As she smiled back, she started making her way towards him.
“Tevan, I’m so happy for you, I can’t express well enough exactly how much, but i really do.” She said, and he pulled her into a hug. “It’s okay, sister. I already know this.” He said, watching as the wedding officiant announced his wife-to-be to enter the room.

“I am most honored to welcome, princess Zenobia Nevrakis of Abanthus!” called Claudius, one of his most loyal soldiers, who climbed up through the ranks in his army extremely fast, and became a dear friend to Tevan.
“And our most marvelous King, King Taven Drammir of Fydoria!” Claudius called, and then Tevan left his sister’s side to join Zenobia.
“We gather here today to join these two souls in a sacred covenant, and pay witness to their vows.” He begins.
“I’ll go first.” Tevan announces, and Zenobia blushes as he takes her hands in his.
“Zenobia. I have longed for this moment for far too long. I’ve often dreamed about this moment, but never in a thousand years i’d think it would become a reality.
Since the day i met you, I knew i would have to prove myself worthy of your hand. I was afraid to let myself love you. When the war with you father started, i thought I ran out of luck, loosing any chance with you forever. There aren’t enough words to express how happy I am, how happy you make me feel, and I sincerely believe that if we survived the war among our kingdoms, and still can love each other to the fullest, we are truly meant to be. I’m not afraid anymore, You are my sunshine, Zenobia.” he stopped for a moment, making a grand gesture with his hands, surrounding Zenobia’s face and reminding the shape of the sun, before continuing.
“And I can’t wait to wake up each day for the rest of my life, knowing that you are also my wife.“ Tevan finished,
A couple of people from Fydoria’s royal families teared up, other’s applauded.
“And you, your highness?” now Claudius turned to Zenobia.
“Tevan, my dear, I can’t believe how a few years can change your life forever. First, it all started when the war between the five kingdoms started, and my father threatened to kill you. I thought it would put a stain between us, one that could never heal. The second time it happened, was when I joined Kenna alliance, and was reconnected with you. I will share a secret with you, and with everybody else in this room – If you had asked, I would’ve betrayed my own father, and joined the alliance long before I ultimately did. This is how much you meant to me, even before we became a couple. But back then, I was still a childish, and naive girl, and acted like it. Today, I am a woman, standing before you. You make me feel so strong, so safe – in your arms, and loved. I want to be wrapped in your arms forever. I believe we can overcome anything that would come standing in our way, and can’t wait for our journey together to start. I love you, Tevan.” Zenobia said, interviewing their fingers together. “And I love you.” He added, beaming like the sun.
“If any one has objections to this couple getting married, let them speak now or hold their peace forever.” Claudius called, looking around the ballroom, ready to kick out anyone brave enough to raise their hand – a trick he picked up from Jackson. No one did, and Claudius turned back to the happy couple.
“You may now kiss the bride.”

Aurynn remembered this part from Kenna and Raydan’s wedding.
When Will Jackson asked if anyone were to object the marriage.
‘I do!’ She thought. ‘I DO!’ She wanted to shout.
But she knew better. And remained silent.

Tevan leaned down, kissing Zenobia softly. The kiss was longer than appropriate, but still better than Kenna and Raydan kissing like no one was watching – a thing that made Aurynn’s stomach twist in her place.
Tevan and Zenobia’s kiss was sweet, and then they broke apart, looking into each other’s eyes, celebrating the happiest day of their lives.
“I now pronounce you husband and wife! King Tevan and Queen Zenobia of Fydoria!” Claudius finally finished, and cheering echoed around the ballroom. Aurynn clapped her hands too, putting a huge smile on her face. It’s not that this wasn’t a big and important day for her too, after all.
After the ceremony, the party began. Everyone knew both Tevan and Zenobia loved a good party, so this one was ought to be epic.
Aurynn found herself a quiet corner, and took one goblet of wine with her, trying to get some peace and quiet, trying not to be a selfish person, trying to move on. This was impossible. She thought to herself, taking a sip of her wine. I am so selfish. She thought again. This was her brother’s happiest day, and all she thought about was her own unrequited feeling? She managed to finish her glass, before hearing footsteps, coming her way.
She wanted to avoid people, right now, and stood up, hoping to pass by that stranger coming by. She started making her way back, when the person blocked her path. She bumped into him, he was no stranger at all.
“I- Ah! Raydan!” She called, surprised, losing ahold of her goblet, letting it fall to the ground, and brake, shattering.
“Aurynn, how are you today?” Raydan asked, taking her hand and leading her away from the broken pieces of the goblet. She knew this gesture didn’t mean anything. Not like that. Raydan was a good person, despite what he sometimes believed, and he leaded her away from genuine concern, but this action managed to make her even angrier. “I- I’m fine.” She tore off her hand from his. He looked at her hand, which she now clasped in her other hand, but didn’t make any comment.
“Then why are you hiding in the shadows, when you should be celebrating?” He asked. “I wasn’t hiding…” She started saying, knowing how miserable she must’ve sounded. “Take this from a man who spent years in the shadows, it takes one to know one.” He reminded her.
Aurynn sighed. “I was trying to avoid someone.” She tried to save at least some of the honor she still had.
“Someone?” He eyed her, really un-aware of the obvious answer this had.
She stared at him for a long moment, before muttering. “I was trying to avoid you.” She finally admitted.
With a shocked expression on his face, Raydan pointed at himself, and asked “me?”. Of course he was aware she had a crush on him. Emphasis on “had”.
Apart from his first time in Fydoria, when she blushed and acted all flushed all around him, she never really showed interest anymore. Kenna had told him that Aurynn asked about him that one time, but Kenna assured her they were in love, and Raydan figured Aurynn long forgotten about him. Since then, he had met her and visited Fydoria countless times, but didn’t suspect anything.
And this was unusual for an observant man like him.
Aurynn sighed again. Well, this was probably the only chance she had. She didn’t expect anything, but at least she could confess what’s been on her heart for so long, take the burden off her shoulders.
“I…” She’s made the decision to tell him, but it still wasn’t easy to admit it out loud. She bit her lip, gathering the courage. Raydan understood that. he gave her some time. He was about to tell her “I know-” when she interrupted him.
“I need to say it.” not just for him, but for herself too. She can’t stay in the same place forever, and she doesn’t want to make the same mistake with the next person, either. Raydan nodded.
“I… I’ve had feelings for you. For a long time. I know i never said anything, and never acted on them, I’m not that kind of a person.
But i’m also not the kind of a person you’d fall in love with. I’m not Kenna Rys, and I’m well-aware of that. I’ll never be.” She said, feeling nervous but relieved.
“But that doesn’t change the fact i’ve spend the last few years secretly in love with you.” She stated. Somehow, after saying this out loud, she felt like a different person. Honest, brave, more mature. Like, not admitting it out loud was the very thing that stopped her from moving forward.
“And you don’t need to be. You shouldn’t. You’re Aurynn, and that’s wonderful. Yes, you may be shy, but being shy isn’t a crime. You’re also charming, and lovely. And any man would be lucky to be with you. It’s just happens that i’m not that man. It isn’t your fault, or mine.” Raydan told her, putting his hands on each of her shoulders. A single tear rolled down her cheek. She wasn’t sure if it was because she was sad, or relieved. Maybe both.
She was holding onto this for far too long.
Raydan took out a napkin from one of his pockets, and offered it to her. She accepted, wiping away the tear.
“Time to let go.” she whispered. And he nodded.

When she came back to the party, all she could focus on was all the happiness that radiated in her surroundings, how happy everyone was, and how united. People from all realms came to this wedding, from all over the five kingdoms, Aurelia, The Foundry of the Technocrats, The fire tribe, and even Ducitora have attended. The relationships between all the kingdoms was significantly better, ideal even, but still, it was long since Aurynn has seen so many people from so many different backgrounds gather together. She was glad to see it, and she was glad that today, it was all due to her brother’s marriage.
“There’s a fine fella over there, who’s been eyeing you for a while until you disappeared.” Raydan told her, before parting to join his wife.
Aurynn looked in the direction Raydan earlier pointed her to.
The nobleman was indeed, fine, like Raydan said. Not too much her taste, but good-looking enough to make her question whether she should go over to him or not.
In the end, she decided not to. But this time, it wasn’t her shyness entire fault for stopping her. After all, she has just let go of her long lost crush, and had nowhere to rush to. And it had nothing to do with the fact her cheeks were already flushed.
“Would you like some wine?” A familiar voice asked from behind her.
She turned around to meet Diavolos. “Or would you like some wine from that guy over there?” He teased.
She took the glass of wine he handed to her, and clinked it with him, ignoring his latter comment. “I guess we’re brother and sister in-law now.” She said, smiling at him.
“I guess we are.” He nodded.
They both sipped from the wine.
“We’re practically family now!” he almost declared to her, and Aurynn burst into laughter. “oh… I’m sorry- I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s okay.” he wrapped a hand over her shoulder. Aurynn didn’t flinch away from the touch.
“I just want you to know, that my family is very important to me. So i’ll tell you this, just this once. I’m here for you, if you ever need it.” Diavolos must’ve caught how she acted earlier. She wasn’t too good at hiding it, either. “Even if it involves beating someone up. Actually, especially if.” He added. The thought of it amused her.
“I’m good now. But thank you anyway, I appreciate that a lot, Dious.” She said, clearly teasing back.
“Dious– Did my sister tell you that?! I swear she promised to never bring up this nickname again!”