What Is Real

What is Real
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- This takes place shortly after “Everything I Am”, this addresses Syphax’s fate in the tragedy verse, with the slight twist of Antony already being involved and the two having an active sexual relationship. I take some liberties with his fate as well because it suits my narrative.
Paring- Marc Antony/MC
Rating- NSFW
Summary- Portia seeks Antony’s favor on Syphax’s behalf and runs into an old enemy, while also learning to appreciate the moments of realness between her and Antony.

I snuck out of the Basilica after giving voice to the motion that would limit Aquila’s power.

Aquila, I couldn’t believe he was back in Rome after all these years… My heart burned with hatred and yet, as much as I ached for vengeance, I still had to deal with the consequences of my last attempt at revenge.

Which was why I was there in the first place. I moved quickly with the intention of grabbing my discarded clothes and changing out of my borrowed armor.

“My, my, what do we have here,” a familiar voice drawled, forcing me to freeze.

I turned to see Antony smirking at me, his eyes running over the borrowed armor. “Portia, I didn’t expect to run into you here and in such… Interesting attire.”

“I came to see you,” I told him honestly.

Antony smirked, “and got sidetracked I see.” He looked around quickly. “I would recommend discarding the armor, I feel like most wouldn’t find it as amusing as I do.”

I nodded and slipped into the alley where I’d left my gown. To my surprise, Antony followed me.

“Don’t let me stop you,” he commented, leaning against a wall, “after all, it’s not like I haven’t seen it.”

His words were obviously meant to be a challenge and I was not one to back down.

“Bored of me already?” I commented with a pout as I undid the straps on the armor, letting it fall to the ground. Normally, I would not stand on the streets of Rome nude, but the look on Antony’s face was worth the risk.

“Never,” he assured me with a growl, closing the distance between us and pinning me to the wall as his mouth covered mine in a bruising kiss. His hands parted my thighs, skilled fingers teasing my soft folds as his mouth continued to devour mine. I moaned at the contact and reached for him, tugging at the material of his toga.

Antony pushed it aside roughly, freeing his stiff manhood, and a moment later his cock replaced his fingers, slamming into me at a pace that made my breath catch in my throat. Antony could be a slow and tender lover, taking his time and drawing out both our pleasure, but not this time. Of course, he didn’t usually fuck me in an alley outside the Senate in broad daylight.

I knew Lena would be furious if she knew, but I didn’t care. Perhaps I should object at the liberties Antony was taking, but I didn’t. Instead, I was a willing participant, eagerly accepting everything he gave and giving him all I had.

Afterward, Antony pressed a sloppy kiss to my lips and then fixed his toga before helping me into my gown, his hands lingering on my skin as he did so.

“I assume that was not why you made the trip,” Antony commented with a smirk as we exited the alley.

“No,” I agreed, “but I am not complaining.” I reached out to touch him, my hands cupping his face. “I did come to see you.”

“And then got distracted by Aquila,” Antony said shrewdly.

“Yes,” I acknowledged, knowing there was no point in lying. Not to Antony. He would see through them, he knew me too well. “But he isn’t why I cam here, I came to talk to you about Syphax.”

Antony stiffened. “I see,” he commented coldly, “so you ask favors for your guard as well as yourself?”

Before I could respond, a could voice interrupted us. “Antony,” Senator Glycia commented frostily, then he ran his eyes over me, “still currying favor, I see. How does it feel to get away with murder.”

“I don’t know what you mean, domine,” I said demurely, my hand still on Antony’s chin.

He covered it with his, dislodging it, but keeping our hands entwined. “I am sure the Senator did not mean to accuse you of anything,” he said coldly, his voice a clear warning, “especially not without proof and with a confessed culprit.”

“Of course not,” the senator agreed, but his resentment was obvious.

“You’ll be pleased to learn that I have decided to spare you the pain of a trial,” Antony continued, “I have decided that your son’s killer will be sentenced to the gladiatorial arena instead, we will let the gods decide his fate.”

Glycia’s face contorted in rage, while my heart leapt at his words. Yet, I kept my expression neutral, at least until Glycia had stormed off.

“Thank you,” I told Antony, throwing my arms around him impulsively.

He held me close for a moment and then released me. “It was the best I could do,” he told me, “I can’t pardon a confessed murder, but at the same, I can’t in good conscience oversee a trial of a man I know to be innocent, can I?” His eyes swept over me. “No, Syphax can have his trial by combat, three days of matches. If he survives, he will have his freedom.”

I nodded. It was not a perfect solution and I still felt tremendous guilt that Syphax was being punished for my actions, but at least I had been able to do something to help him. Thanks to Antony.

“And in return?” I asked after a moment.

Antony smirked. “That is to be determined at a later date, just remember that you owe me.”

“Don’t worry I always pay my debts,” I promised him, “is that really all you want, though?”

Antony’s eyes darkened with lust, “never,” he assured me, his eyes sweeping over my body. “Come,” he bade after a moment, “I feel like we still have much to discuss and I’d rather not do it here in public.”

“I didn’t know that being in public ever stopped you,” I teased, even as I fell into step with him, my body still flushed from his attention and the proof of how little being in public bothered him.

Antony grinned, “it doesn’t, but I think I’ve probably pressed my luck with the public sex for one day, and since I intend to have you many more times before the day is over, a change of location is required.”

His words sent a heat through me that had nothing to do with the bargain we had just made or whatever favor I owed him. As he had promised, this was separate. Antony and I might engage in a battle of wits and mutual convenience, but there was something else there, something deeper that had nothing to do with anything but raw need.

But I didn’t voice that thought, instead, I kept my voice light, “I need to stop by the scholae first.”

“To make sure Lena gets her coin?” Antony inquired caustically.

I shot him a look, “no. I need to pick up my monkey. Lena won’t let me leave him there unattended.”

Antony raised an eyebrow. “Your what?”

I grinned. “My monkey. Cassius gave him to me as a pet.”

Antony rolled his eyes, “of course he did, and yet he would call met he decadent one.”

I laughed, “Aqui amused me. Even if he is not as well behaved as Artemis.”

Antony shot me a look an enquiring look. “Aqui? That is an interesting name for a monkey. ”

“I named him after Legate Aquila,” I said with a shrug, “I owe the name to you. After all, you were the one you told me that Aquila had the political sense of a monkey, so it seemed like a fitting name.”

Antony laughed heartily. “That it is.” His laughed vanished and his eyes darkened. “About Aquila…”

“Later,” I told him, not sure what he was going to say and sure that I didn’t want to hear it. I didn’t want to think about Aquila right then. I had solved one problem, I would consider that a victory and let myself have the luxury of time with Antony without worrying about politics or revenge.

There would be plenty of time for both later, after all this was Rome.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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