What Real Girls Are Made Of Chapter 2: …Getting Into Something

Author’s Note:  Pixelberry own’s all the main characters but Cheyenne (she is mine!). This series will involve an Army Vet, PTSD, possible discussion of battle scenes at a later point. There’s a lot of language issues in this story. The M/C of this story is technically an O/C for the actual TRR series. All chapters will have the lyrics to a Miranda Lambert song that inspired me for each Chapter, I do not own these songs. Also, I took some creative liberties using Coyote Ugly, and a couple of those characters as well. Again, I don’t own those either.

Chapter 2: …Getting Into Something


Fastest Girl In Town by: Miranda Lambert


You’ve got the bullets
I’ve got the gun.
I’ve got a hankering for getting into something

I hit the bottle, you hit the gas,
I heard your 65 can really haul some ass.

I’m feeling frisky, you’re feeling good
I guess the whiskey is doing what it should
I got the cigarettes
You’ve got a lighter
And when the sun goes down we’ll start a little fire

Ain’t no use in trying to slow me down
‘Cause you’re running with the fastest girl in town

Ain’t you baby?
I like ‘em crazy.

My reputation follows me around
Just makes me want to give them more to talk about
Let’s go to town for a little while
I’ll be wearing nothing but a tattoo and a smile

Ain’t no use in trying to slow me down
‘Cause you’re running with the fastest girl in town

Ain’t you baby?
You’re kinda crazy.

Come on!

I see the blue lights, we better run.
Throw out the bottle and I’ll hide the gun
If he pulls us over I’ll turn on the charm
You’ll be in the slammer and I’ll be on his arm.

Ain’t no use in trying to slow me down
‘Cause you’re running with the fastest girl in town

Ain’t you baby?
Well I told you I was crazy.
No I ain’t nobody’s baby.

He’s got the bullets
He’s got a gun
I got the hankering for getting into something.

“You’re gonna be trouble, Bishop! I can tell.” He kept his brown eyes locked on hers. She bit her lower lip, no man had made her blush.

“Honey, I’m the fastest girl in this town, and I don’t think you can keep up.” She gave him her sexy smile, and walked out to the dance floor.

Cheyenne hurriedly clocks out and runs to the employee bathroom, dance bag in tow. She grabs her phone and calls Daniel, praying he can hear the call. Straight to voicemail. She quickly sends him a text.

Call Me ASAP. Walker is here. Need security set for the fucking Prince.


She slams down her phone and opens her bag. “Fuck!” She yells, looking at her choice of outfits for tonight’s adventures at the bar. Sure she was guaranteed tips, but God was Walker going to hate it.


“Fuck it!” She threw her hands in the air and quickly undressed. She pulls on her denim cut offs, changes to her neon green sports bra, and shrugs her black cropped hoodie on. Long enough to cover her boobs and scar, but perfect for showing off her toned abs. Six hard months of rehabilitation and training again had tightened everything back up. Cheyenne piles her messy waves into a messy bun on top of her head. She started tugging on her boots when her phone rang.

“Thank God!”

“What’s going on Bishop?” There’s a slight amount of annoyance and frustration in his voice.

“Quick version, Walker walks into a bar and now his bff the Prince wants to see the Ugly.”

“You’re fucking joking right? He have security with him?”

“Ha! Bastian trusts him with Walker! Listen we’ll be pulling up at the back entrance in 15. Put someone else on the door, I need you to shadow the Prince. Mark off the first 20 feet on my corner of the bar. V.I.P. it.”

“What do I tell Lil?”

“Big spender! Gotta run.” Cheyenne finished getting her combat boots on, grabbed her bag, and rushed out the door.

She hit the sidewalk out front to Drake and Liam obviously arguing. ‘Yep, that’s about how I figured this would go down. Fuck Liam, just go to Kismet,’ Cheyenne thought. The playboy was staring at his phone, but the peppy one looked up and saw her. “Wow! The waitress is hot!”

“Maxwell! Her name is Cheyenne, and I wouldn’t.” Liam said firmly.

“Listen, hate to break up your pissing contest you got going on out here, but if you’re Majesty is ready, we need to leave, if not, I still have to go.” Cheyenne is already regretting this idea.

“Of course you’re just running off Bishop!” Drake was angry, he didn’t want to do this. It was hard enough just to see her again.

“Running off? You’re one to talk Walker! Then, it was my duty, now it’s my job. See ya in another six years Drake.” Cheyenne turned around, and walked down the street, refusing to stop for a cab until the next block.


Muttering to herself, ‘I can’t do this shit. Seriously still blaming me for his issues. Grow up Walker!’ She could hear the footsteps behind her, one of them had come after her, but which one? She suddenly just stopped, dead in her tracks.

“Bishop, fuck. What the hell are you thinking inviting him to the Ugly?”

She didn’t look at him. “I don’t know Walker. He wanted me to join you at Kismet, and I said no can do. Now I really gotta go, I’ve wasted to much time and I need to call Daniel to lose the security measures we put up.”

“Wait, Brewer is still at the Ugly? You set up security?”

“Walker, for fuck sakes, yes or no?”

“Yes,” he mumbled, “only because Liam won’t drop it.”

“Of course, all for his Majesty!” Cheyenne rolled her eyes.

“Get yourself off this damn street before some asshole tries to proposition you.”

“ You’re a real ass Walker.”

Cheyenne turned and walked back with Drake behind her. Drake was angry, hurting, and happy. It was Cheyenne! The sexy, ‘I can handle myself, Walker,’ short, curvy, tattooed girl he had once loved unconditionally. Brave, god was she brave. ‘Snap out of it Walker. That time has passed,’ he thought. But, a lot of her ink was showing, ‘That hip piece, that was a great day!’, the yellow roses on her left ribs, but the one he finally paid attention to, the one on her lower back. Black script, “Cowgirls don’t Cry, Ride Baby Ride” with a watercolor background. “See you got new ink, Bishop!”

“Eyes straight ahead Walker, ain’t got time for no games!”

Drake smirked as everyone piled into the Black SUV, Drake driving, and Cheyenne taking shotgun. She quickly told the car what she had put into place. “Sorry Liam, but you can’t leave the ropes. It’s a fairly small bar, but we get packed, and Daniel, nor myself…”

“Ahem,” Drake cleared his throat.

Cheyenne rolled her eyes, “or Walker, can fully protect you outside of that area. I’m not having my death at the hands of Bastian if something happens to you. I expect I’ll get a phone call when you all get back. Couple more tips for the you three, we only serve Johnnie, Jack, Jim, Jose, and Jameson,or beer, and don’t you dare ask for water. Hands off the bartenders, and try not to get into trouble.”

“Wait, this isn’t a gentlemen’s club, is it Drake?” Playboy guy, who Cheyenne had actually kept forgetting even existed, finally chimed in, and he looked excited.

“What the fuck did you just ask? I’m no fucking stripper. You better watch yourself. Lots of tourists go missing in NY.” Cheyenne looked as if she would chew Tariq up and spit him back out.


“Easy there Bishop! Tariq is an ass, but sometimes that place gets a bit…”

“A bit what Walker?!? Fun?!? God forbid.” Cheyenne threw her hands up in a frustrated sigh. “You punch someone tonight, Walker, I’m not smoothing things over with Lil.”

Drake pulled around back, and Daniel was already waiting.

“Everything set?”Cheyenne asked.


“Yeah, Chy. I got the guys, get your ass behind the bar before Lil kills you.”

Cheyenne ran into the bar, dropping her bag upstairs in the office. ‘This is going to be a long ass night.’

Outside, Drake was left with the introductions. “So, um this is Liam, Tariq, and Maxwell, guys this is, um…”
Drake wasn’t sure how to address him.


Daniel huffs, “You’re Majesty, I’m Staff Sergeant Daniel Brewer. Please call me Daniel. Sir, I ask you stay in the velvet ropes when we enter, the rest of you are on your own if you leave those ropes. Follow me sir, Walker you wanna bolt the damn door?”

“So, um, Daniel,” Liam began, “Thank you for your help in allowing us this chance to see The famous Coyote Ugly. Drake has told a few stories of this establishment.”

“Heh. I’m sure he has them, almost got Chy fired a few times in those days.”

When the guys finally arrived in their marked off corner, Cheyenne was catching the bar back up so the two bartenders that had been there all night could leave. Cheyenne had four doubles and a shot of Johnnie waiting on the guys. She handed them out, took her shot while keeping her eyes locked on Drake.

“Whew, Hell yeah!” She slammed her shot glass on the bar top. “Been waiting all night for that!” Cheyenne screamed towards the crowd. A bunch of hoops and hollers, and a couple ‘Hell yeahs!” echoed back at the bar. “Ok your highness, listen up!” Cheyenne turned her attention to Liam, pointing a finger in his face. “You can choose any lady you wish to dance on this bar behind this here rope, or I’ll claim the corner, either way, no ‘random’ girls are coming back here. But you have 30 seconds before our anthem comes on and we hit the bar! Your choice!”

Liam just stares into her green eyes, swallowing hard. Drake whispers in his ear, “Go for it man.”


“ Are you sure Drake?”

“Yeah, you’ve heard enough stories, you might as well see it up close.”

“Ok, then Cheyenne, would you grace us with a dance?”

“Of course, 10 seconds!”

Cheyenne walked away a few feet grabbing the rope to a bell, ringing it loudly. The bar erupted in cheers and applause. Before Liam could ask Drake what was happening, the speakers started blaring “The Devil Went Down to Georgia.” Cheyenne ran towards Liam and the bar, before doing a handspring, sliding onto the bar. Drake pulled Liam back at the last second. “Little close Bishop.” Drake yelled up at her.

Cheyenne stuck her tongue out and continued in the well rehearsed performance. Tariq had his nose in his phone, again, but Maxwell was asking a question to Drake, pointing to the mass of patrons that had joined the other two bartenders on the other side of the rope. Cheyenne whistled at him, and pointed for him to climb up. He looked like a little kid getting a puppy on Christmas Day. She couldn’t help but laugh. He didn’t know the moves, and by the end he was break dancing to Charlie Daniels!

The song ended, Cheyenne hooped down and pointed Maxwell towards the dance floor. She headed back to filling orders, saying bye to the two ladies who were off now, said some things to a girl behind the bar that looked scared to death, and grabbed the bottle of Johnnie, bringing it back to the three who stayed behind. “Ok, your highness,” she began as she poured the men three fingers worth with a wink, “what do you think of Coyote Ugly?”

“It’s definitely unique! And you’re a very skilled dancer!”

Drake let out a grunt, trying not to look at Cheyenne. Cheyenne pushed her sleeves up, took another shot, and addressed Liam. “Thank you, your Majesty! Modern dance was one of my majors before my country called. Give me a few, I have two solo dances coming up!” Drake popped his head back towards Cheyenne meeting her gaze. “And if we can get, Grumpy Marshmallow, over here to loosen up, I could pretend it’s his Birthday.” She winked at Drake, then went back to work.

Liam sat back, watching the atmosphere around him, but mostly watching how Drake couldn’t keep his eyes off of her.

“What are you doing, Chy? You know I hate my Birthday, and I don’t dance.” Drake was in a really foul mood. Liam had texted him this morning, and Chy had seen the well wishes. Of course she knew Drake, and didn’t say a word, instead, she choreographed a dance to perform for him.

“Hey! Grumpy, I’m not asking you to dance unless the mood hits you!” Cheyenne winks at him, “but I do want you to sit in that chair at least, and watch!” She looked up at him, biting her lower lip.

“On two conditions, Bishop. One, forget this day exists, and two,” he leaned into her ear, and in a soft bass tone growled, “stop biting your lip, it’s MINE to bite.”

And he took possession of it, capturing it in his teeth, giving a slight tug, before sitting in the chair she had in the center of the floor.

“Drake, man snap out of it! You still have it bad man.” Liam chuckles.

“What? No I don’t, I’m not dancing.” He takes his glass and sits beside Liam.


It was indeed a long night, and at 3, the bar had cleared out quite a bit. Cheyenne sent the new girl down to start restocking. Cheyenne went to check on the boys. “You guys still hanging in there? Maxwell is like a little energizer bunny!” She smiled.

“Actually, Cheyenne, it’s been a pleasure, but I’m not use to these late hours. I don’t know how you’ve worked two jobs this evening, and are still energetic!”
Liam said, finishing with a polite yawn.


“Oh! Well that’s just the Jagerbombs! Has Red Bull mixed in. Keeps me awake!” She really shouldn’t have had that many shots tonight, but seeing Drake, she was trying to stay focused.

“Well, I think Tariq and myself are going to head back to the hotel. Drake said he’d come back for Maxwell at closing!”

“It was good to finally meet you Liam! Send Bastian my love!” Liam cashed out their tab up to that point, and left a $400 tip. “Liam! I can’t take this!”

“Use part of it to cover Maxwell until Drake gets back! A pleasure to finally meet the fiery Cheyenne!”

After awhile, Cheyenne went to the DJ booth and whispered in his ear, then headed back to the bar. She once again rang the God awful bell before yelling, “Last call! But first, one last solo on the bar top. I ask for the patrons to stay off at this point! Me only!” The crowd yelled with excitement, a few ladies, far too drunk to stay balanced on the bar, yelled their objections. Drake thought he was well hidden, until she continued. “Unless your Walker! It’s just me! Y’all want some ‘Birthday Sex?!?” The small crowd that was left erupted in cheers. Drake’s entire neck had flushed.

Drake, eyes wide thought to himself, ‘I’m not going up there, but damn, I don’t think I can watch this.’ But he does, and her slow gyrating movements were as perfect tonight, as they were seven years earlier.

“Thought you didn’t know how to dance, Walker?” Cheyenne asked, leaning back into Drake’s chest, her arms coming up and reaching her hands to the back of his neck. Her hips rotating to the beat into his pelvis, his very hard erection pressing into her back. She pulls his face down to hers as she crashes her lips into his.

After a moment, they pull back breathless. Drake spins her around, grabs her thighs were they meet the curve of her perfect ass, picking her up. Cheyenne locks her legs around his waist and stares into his eyes. He carries her back to the bed and tosses her into the middle of it, “ I need to taste you, Now.” He growled. Cheyenne giggled with excitement as the fully stripped and laid before him.

“Happy Birthday! MY Marshmallow!”

“You may want to consider closing your mouth Walker.” Daniel was standing behind him. “We need to talk if your sticking around.”

“I’ll be gone Sunday morning, Brewer. Didn’t think she’d still be at the Pub. I just wanted a fucking burger.”

“Yeah, well, she was there, now either close this can before it all spills out, or go get a mop and bucket.” Daniel walked back to the doors, and flipped the light switch.

Maxwell came running up to Drake in a panic, “ Where’s Liam? Did we lose him? Bertrand is going to kill me!”

“RelaxMaxwell, I took him and Tariq back to the hotel an hour ago. Let’s get you back quickly, I’ve gotta be here when she leaves man.”

“She really is as great as Sav….. uh, as I heard!” Maxwell stumbles.

Drake glares at Maxwell, but just heads out the door, and into the SUV.



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