What We Started

What We Started
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Rating- NSFW

Pairing- Kenna/Diavolos

Summary- King Luther dies suddenly, making it even more crucial for Kenna to reclaim her kingdom but she needs help from the most unexpected ally to do it. Book One AU.

Chapter One

There was a time when Kenna would have thought the death of Luther would have been a good thing and, in the long maybe it would be, but in the short term it meant Prince Marco was in charge of all the kingdoms and that his reign of terror was getting even worse.

Kenna vaguely remembered that Luther had three other sons and wondered where they were during all of this, but it was a fleeting thought. She knew the time for hiding was over and that she had to mount her rebellion as quickly as possible, especially given that Luther was no longer there to keep Marco from going after her.

Kenna mobilized quickly, winning over a band of mercenaries and her mother’s former soldiers and then finding herself in Aurelia where she tangoed with Marco. She won the first skirmish, but she knew that didn’t mean she’d win the war.  The weapons from the Foundry would help, but they weren’t enough.

“We need more allies,” Leon pointed out during a strategy session.

“What we really need is Prince Diavolos,” Raydan said calmly, “rumor is, Marco has him in the dungeon at Stormholt.”

Kenna’s eyes narrowed. Diavolos, that was Luther’s oldest son. How had he ended up in his brother’s dungeon? It didn’t matter. If he was in the dungeon there was probably no love lost between him and Marco and he was the oldest, so he might have some authority over the Nevrakis armies.

“We need to free him,” she commented.

That led to more discussion and a lot of protests when Kenna pointed out that she was the logical choice to sneak into the dungeons because no one knew the castle like she did. Raydan offered to help her, which didn’t seem to reassure Leon or Gabriel.

Still, a plan was worked out and Kenna snuck back into her castle the way she’d escaped it. The whole castle felt different, gloomier and she vowed that soon she would be there with an army. She wanted to reach out to Dom, let him know she was here, but she had been convinced that it was too dangerous. She and Dom could be reunited later, this was a rescue mission.

Raydan was resourceful and efficient and it wasn’t long before they were in the dungeons and had disposed of the guards before making their way to the cell at the end of the hall. Kenna gasped at the sight of the man chained to the ceiling, his chest bare and covered in lashes, both because of his condition and because she knew him.

Not his name, but his lips and the feel of him. She knew him in a way she had never known anyone before or since. The memory came flooding back.

Kenna snuck out of the castle and into town, her peasant disguise carefully in place. She and her mother had had another discussion about duty and expectation and Kenna just needed an escape. But not her usual escape of sparring with Dom or going for a ride.

No, after a conversation about arranged marriages which had pointed out just how bleak her future was, she needed something else. She needed to pretend for a little while that she was just like any other woman in the village and that her future would be hers to decide.

So she decided to go to the tavern and get a taste of normal life. She knew it was stupid and reckless, but she wanted to be stupid and reckless for once.

She slipped into the tavern and found a place to sit, ordering a drink and watching the people. Her gaze fell on one table in particular, a group of soldiers in Abanthean uniforms. Her mother had mentioned that they would be passing through as part of a routine maneuver.

Kenna’s eyes lingered on a good looking blonde man, her lips curving into an appreciative smile, and then they landed on the man next to him and all rational thought flew out of her head. He was gorgeous. Tall, dark and broad-shouldered with the most handsome face she had ever seen.

 Kenna was stunned by the strong feeling of longing that raced through her. This wasn’t what she felt for Dom, that had been built on years of affection and trust, this… This was just pure attraction.

Kenna knew she was staring and she tried to look away, but her eyes didn’t seem to want to listen to her brain. His eyes met her and she saw a smirk spread over that handsome face as he caught her staring. She knew she should be embarrassed but she still couldn’t tear her eyes away.

She watched as he whispered something to the blonde and then got up from his table, his mug in his hand, and walked purposely towards her.

“Would you like some company?” He asked when he reached her table, his voice low and full of hidden meaning.

“Sure,” Kenna agreed with a smile, ignoring the voice that told her this was a bad idea.

 He took a seat and after watching for a moment, he started with the small talk. They talked about the weather and the countryside, avoiding personal details. Once both their mugs were empty, he covered her hand with his big one and met her eyes.

“Want to take this somewhere quieter?”

She knew what he was offering and she knew that she should say no, but she didn’t. Instead, she nodded and rose to her feet. His hand was still on hers, his fingers twining with hers as he led her away from the table.

She half-expected him to lead her upstairs, a thought which was both terrifying and exhilarating, but instead he led her to the door and outside. He pulled her into a secluded corner and then his mouth was on hers.

Kenna immediately opened her mouth to his kiss, her arms wrapping around his neck, clinging to him.

“I’ve wanted to do that since the moment I saw you,” he murmured against her lips, his hand in her hair.

“Me too,” Kenna admitted, pushing herself closer to him. He kissed her again, his tongue demanding entrance to her mouth, his one hand cupping her bottom while the other tangled in her hair.

Kenna had been kissed before, but nothing like this and she surrendered eagerly.

“Hells the things I want to do to you,” he groaned after a few minutes, pulling back.

She wanted to ask him what was stopping him but her newfound boldness went so far.

 “However, I think this is as far as this can go,” he said and she could hear the regret in his voice. He leaned down and kissed her again, this time much gentler than before. “I think it’s time for you to go back to the castle Princess Kenna.”

Kenna froze in shock at the use of her name. “How…”

“It’s my job to know these things,” he told her quietly and she suddenly wondered who he was.

Before she could ask, he pressed his lips to hers once last time and Kenna clung to him, losing herself in the feel of his warm, hardness.

“Will I ever see you again?” Kenna asked after a moment, her arms still around his neck.

He was quiet. “I hope so.” He stepped back, gently removing her arms. “However, right now we’re on different paths and you need to go back to your castle before something happens we’ll both regret.”

With that, he turned and headed back to the tavern and Kenna did as he bade, making her way back to the safety of the castle, but her mind was full of the handsome stranger and she had a feeling that she was going to be thinking of him for some time to come.

That had been a month or so before the invasion, before her life had changed forever, and yes, he had haunted her. Sometimes when she lay alone in her bed, wishing for human contact, it wasn’t Dom’s face that popped into her mind, but his. And now she had a name to go with that face.

“Prince Diavolos,” she said coolly as Raydan worked at releasing the lock. He didn’t seem that surprised to see her.

“Princess Kenna,” he acknowledged, “I hope that you’re here to help me out of my current predicament.”

“That’s the plan,” she told him, trying not to focus on his bare chest.

She stepped forward as Raydan worked at unchaining him, her hands reaching for his chest involuntarily. He winced at her touch and she pulled her band back.

“It’s ok,” he told her, “you can touch me, it’s just…”

She nodded, taking in the marks on his skin, but kept her hands to herself anyway.

A moment later he was free and Raydan stepped back. Kenna saw the curious looks he was giving her and Diavolos and knew he had questions, but this wasn’t the time for answers. And she didn’t quite know how to explain the situation. Thankfully, Raydan didn’t ask, instead, he suggested that they might want to move quickly. Kenna was expecting some kind of trouble, but for once things moved smoothly.

They got out of the castle with minimal bloodshed and managed to escape into the woods without anyone following them.

“Marco’s never been one to run a tight ship,” Diavolos said in obvious disgust, “but I guess his incompetence will benefit us.”

“That’s the hope,” Kenna agreed. Now that they were safely away from the castle, she stopped. “Can you go on? We have a long days travel ahead of us.”

They were headed back to Aurelia to plot the next step.

Diavolos nodded, even as he winced from the pain. “I’ve survived worst.”

Kenna had so many questions, like how he had ended up in his brother’s dungeon, but she knew this wasn’t the place. They had made it out of the castle unscathed, but she wouldn’t rest easy until they had reunited with Leon and Jackson and then made their way back to Aurelia.

Yet, despite that voice telling her they needed to move, she couldn’t resist the urge to step closer to Diavolos. “I’m glad you’re ok,” she told him.

“I feel the same way,” he said and even in the darkness, she could see the intensity of his expression.

Kenna was vaguely aware that Raydan was still there, watching, but she couldn’t bring herself to care. She lifted her face to Diavolos’s just as he lowered his to hers and their lips came together in a deep, desperate kiss.

It was better than she’d remembered, Kenna thought as she clung to him. She knew the whole situation as crazy. He was the brother of her enemy and she had just broken him out of a dungeon, this was not the time for kissing and yet she didn’t want to ever stop kissing him. Kenna’s not sure how long they might have stayed there if not for a discreet cough.

“Forgive me for interrupting,” Raydan said politely, “but we have a long journey ahead of us and I’ll feel safest once we’re in Aurelia.”

“He’s right,” Diavolos said, releasing her with obvious reluctance. He leaned down, his breath hot in her ear, “but we will definitely have to continue this later. After all, I’ve spent two years dreaming about you, Princess.”

His words sent heat coursing through her and Kenna bit her lip even as she began to follow the men towards the meeting spot. She knew there were so many things she should be focusing on, like defeating Marco and freeing the Five Kingdoms, but she couldn’t help lingering over Diavolos’s words and the promise he had made. They would definitely be continuing what they started and she had a feeling that while it might be a bad idea, it was also going to be very, very good.

Chapter Two

They made it back to Aurelia in one piece and without detection; despite his wounds, Diavolos was able to move quickly. “This isn’t the first time I’ve been injured,” he’d dismissed with a shrug when Kenna had questioned him. Recalling the scars she’d seen on his bare chest, the ones that had been there much longer than Marco’s whip marks, Kenna was sure that was true.

There hadn’t been much talking on the journey, partially because she knew Gabriel and Leon were still wary of Diavolos and because they all wanted to get back to Aurelia as quickly as possible.

Once they did, Raydan disappeared into the shadows and Annelyse whisked Diavolos away to treat his wounds. Kenna wanted to linger, to make sure he was ok, but she knew it wasn’t the time.

Instead, she met with the others to plan battle strategy, though it was hard to know exactly how to proceed without input from Diavolos.

“Do you think he can be trusted?” Leon asked carefully, “he is a Nevrakis.”

“Yes, but I don’t think there is any love lost between him and Marco,” Kenna said carefully and then sighed, knowing she should be honest. “Prince Diavolos and I met once, before the invasion, and he during that meeting he proved himself then to be an honorable man and I have no reason to doubt him, just because of who his father was.”

Gabriel narrowed his eyes. “When would you have met Prince Diavolos? I don’t recall him ever coming to the castle.”

Kenna blushed but reminded herself that she was a grown woman and she was allowed to make decisions for herself. “The details don’t matter,” she dismissed, “what matters is defeating Marco and taking back our castle and Prince Diavolos is our best chance of doing that.”

“Yes I am,” a cool voice said from behind Kenna. She turned to see Diavolos and Raydan entering the room. “I am not going to dismiss the bad blood that exists between our families,” Diavolos continued, “but my father is dead and I am no longer bound to follow him.”

“Will anyone follow you?” Leon asked quietly. “After all, you were betrayed to your brother quickly enough. How did you end up in his dungeon?”

“My father summoned me,” Diavolos explained, “except, he was already dead by then, I just didn’t know it, and Marco ambushed me. I went with a few soldiers, leaving the bulk of my forces behind, thankfully.”

“Thankfully?” Kenna asked, raising an eyebrow. “You ended up in the dungeon.”

“I ended up in an alliance with you,” Diavolos corrected, he nodded to Raydan, “spymaster, I assume you have been in touch with my men?”

Kenna raised an eyebrow. She’d heard nothing of this.

Raydan nodded, “yes, Commander Magnus has his men ready to join us when the moment is right.”

That was an interesting development.

“I would have ended up ambushed regardless,” Diavolos explained, “Marco had my father poisoned and seized control of the castle and had those soldiers loyal to my father, which was surprisingly few, executed, and now he wants to extend his control beyond Stormholt, which always meant taking me out because I am the oldest.”

“And you are now King,” Kenna realized.

“Well, I will be once I take care of my brother,” Diavolos corrected, “right now we’re in the same boat, both of us have the right to rule, but someone is else is sitting in our throne. The same someone else.”

He was right, of course. They did have a common goal and purpose.

“What happens when we take out Marco?” Gabriel asked. “Will you then betray us and reiterate your father’s claim to the Five Kingdoms?”

“Well, if that was my plan, I certainly wouldn’t tell you,” Diavolos pointed out dryly. “I don’t even particularly want to be King of Abanthus, but I can’t leave my people to the mercy of Marco or my sister, Zenobia.”

“What about your brothers?” Severin asked, speaking for the first time. “There are four sons, are there not?”

“Prince Baltair and Prince Seoras are mobilizing as we speak,” Raydan answered, “they went into hiding after Diavolos was taken.”

“Because they knew that Marco would go after their heads next,” Diavolos commented, “I am confident of their support, no one likes Marco. My sister will be out for herself, and her claim over Lykos, but she won’t send any aid to Marco.”

“That’s good at least,” Kenna commented, deciding not to comment on the Nevrakis family dynamics, “will she be a problem later?”

“Probably,” Diavolos said dryly, “but I’ll deal with that when I have to. For now, let’s focus on Marco.”

There was a chorus of agreements and then they started discussing strategy.

They needed time to get word to the various Abanthus troops that had scattered and until then they would hole up in Aurelia, waiting for the moment to strike.

Kenna could tell that neither Leon or Gabriel trusted Diavolos, though everyone else seemed fine with him. But she could see both her Guardian and her mother’s former bodyguard watching her every time she and Diavolos spoke.

Not that there was anything suspicious about their interactions; to Kenna’s disappointment, Diavolos kept his distance, acting as nothing more than a polite ally. Or at least mostly, sometimes she caught him looking at her in a way that made her cheeks flush and remember the way his mouth had felt against hers.

She thoughts of his words outside of Stormholt, “we will definitely have to continue this later”, so why hadn’t he made a move? It was something Kenna asked herself constantly over the following days, until their final night in Aurelia.

Annelyse had insisted on throwing a big banquet before they departed for the battle, pointing out they could all die the next day, so they might as well have fun first. There was a logic to that that Kenna couldn’t argue with, so she was standing in the ballroom of Aurelia, a glass of wine in her hand, watching the others.

Annelyse had insisted on providing her with a gown for the occasion and Kenna couldn’t help but think about that other life, the one that seemed so far away now but that could be within reach again. After two years of living in exile, was she ready to go back to a life of parties and fancy dresses?

“You look far too serious,” a voice said behind her, “this is supposed to be a party.”

Kenna turned to see Annelyse. “I’m just thinking about the future, everything changes tomorrow, one way or another.”

“Yes,” Annelyse agreed, fiddling with something in her hands, “I believe in you, Kenna, that you will triumph over Marco, but I also feel like that you should appreciate the moment.”

“Are you inviting me for another walk in the garden?” Kenna asked with a smile.

“I could,” Annelyse said with a smile, “but I have a feeling your interest lays elsewhere.”

There was no recrimination in the words and Annelyse was smiling. Kenna blushed, her eyes automatically finding Diavolos who was engaged in a conversation with Raydan. “Am I that obvious?”

“Only to those who care to look,” Annelyse assured her, “besides, he’s just as obvious.”

“Really?” Kenna asked in surprise. “He hasn’t… I mean…” She trailed off, not sure how to voice her feelings.

“You are very young, Kenna,” Annelyse said in a quiet voice, “and the situation you two find yourselves in as complicated, however, trust me, whatever you feel, he feels it too.”

Kenna bit her lip, considering the advice. “What do I do about it?”

Annelyse shrugged. “That’s up to you, but if it was me and I was facing the fight of my life in the morning, I wouldn’t want to waste a single moment.” Annelyse handed Kenna the pouch she was holding.

“What’s this?” Kenna asked in surprise.

“It prevents pregnancy,” Annelyse told her, causing Kenna to blush. Oh. It was something she hadn’t considered, but… “It washes down well with wine,” Annelyse added.

Kenna nodded and the other woman smiled reassuringly before disappearing back into the crowd.  Kenna watched her go and then opened the pouch, pouring the contents into her wine before swallowing it.

Afterward, she set down the wine glass and took a deep breath and headed towards Diavolos and Raydan. Both men greeted her politely. Kenna turned to Raydan. “Can I borrow Diavolos?”

Raydan nodded, “of course.” He slipped away into the crowd, as was his habit.

“How may I help you, Kenna?” Diavolos asked her, his eyes glued to her face.

“I wondered if you would walk with me?” Kenna asked quietly, summoning her courage. “In the gardens?”

Diavolos nodded. “Of course, it would be my pleasure.” He offered her hand and Kenna took it, making a point not to look back and see if anyone was watching. This night was hers and she wasn’t going to guilty for the choices she made.

They exited the ballroom in silence, their hands linked. It wasn’t until they were standing in the garden, that Kenna spoke. “Do you ever think about that night?”

“All the time,” Diavolos answered immediately, “I told you, I spent two years dreaming about you.”

“You’re not dreaming any longer,” Kenna told him boldly, stepping closer to him.

That was apparently all the encouragement Diavolos needed because the next moment his lips were on hers, his arms wrapping around her and pressing her tight against his body. “Hells the things I want to do to you,” he murmured against her lips.

“What’s stopping you?” Kenna asked, gazing up at him.

Diavolos cursed under his breath and Kenna could tell he was fighting for control. “A lot of things, this could complicate things.”

“Things are already complicated,” Kenna pointed out softly, “two years ago wasn’t the right time for either of us, but now we’re in the position where we get to make our own moments.”

Diavolos studied her for a moment and then swung her into his arms.

“Diavolos!” Kenna cried with a startled laugh. “What are you doing?”

“Taking you somewhere I can be alone with you so we make those moments,” he said in a low voice as he headed back towards the palace.

Kenna had a fleeting thought of how she would explain this to the others, particularly Leon or Gabriel, but it turned out she didn’t really care. Tomorrow she would be a proper queen again, tomorrow she would focus on the battle and what had to be done, but tonight was hers.

Kenna wrapped her arms around his neck, savoring the feel of his strong arms as he carried her into a room she had to assume was his. Diavolos set her down gently on her feet and she glanced around “Annelyse must like you.”

The room was nice. Spacious and elegant. Just like everything else in Aurelia.

“I’m pretty sure even the dungeons here are luxurious,” Diavolos quipped, “but I have no interest in finding out. One stint in a dungeon is enough.” His expression softened as he gazed down on at her, the moonlight from the window their only light. “Though, I can’t complain too much about that since it led me here.”

He reached for the ties of her dress, skillfully untying them, his hands surprisingly gentle as he eased her clothing off of her. “

It did,” Kenna agreed, suddenly feeling very aware of her nakedness.

She went to wrap her arms around herself, but Diavolos stopped her, pulling her into his embrace again, kissing her deeply. Kenna sank into the kiss, breathing in the feel and taste of him.

Diavolos continued to kiss her as he walked them backward to the bed, pushing her onto it. Kenna felt her knees hit the mattress and automatically sank down.

“Perfect,” Diavolos told, pulling back, his hands moving to rest on her thighs. He kept his gaze locked on her as he knelt before her and her breath caught in her throat at the look in his eyes. No matter what happened in the days to come, she knew she’d never forget this night.

Diavolos hand moved from her thigh to between her legs, teasing her wet folds. He eased a finger inside of her causing her to gasp at the sensation. He gave her a moment to get used to the feeling and then added a second finger and started moving them at a pace that her biting her lip to keep from screaming, her whole body coming alive under his touch.

Then he lowered his head, kissing the inside of her thighs before lowered his mouth to her center. The combination of his mouth and fingers were too much for her and it wasn’t long before Kenna was coming apart, her hands buried in his hair.

“Diavolos,” she sobbed, “Oh Diavolos.”

“That’s it, baby,” he encouraged, his voice low and warm.

“I want you,” Kenna told him, tugging at his tunic, suddenly realizing that he was still fully dressed. “I want all of you.”

“Baby, I’m yours,” Diavolos promised, stepping back to quickly discard his clothes and then, the next moment he was joining her on the bed. His mouth claimed hers in a deep, drugging kiss, pushing her back onto the bed and covering her body with his.

Diavolos lined himself up against her and then, he was inside of her. Kenna gave a little cry and he stilled, giving her time to adjust, like he had with his fingers. After a moment, she wrapped her legs around him, pulling him closer to her, at the same time deepening their kiss. He took the hint and he began to move, slow and steady at first and then faster and with purpose. Kenna arched her hips into his, meeting him thrust for thrust, wanting everything he had to give her.

Their bodies moved in time, their lips and hands exploring each other’s bodies and soon Kenna felt herself on that edge again. Diavolos sped up his pace and his hand reached between them, rubbing her sensitive nub to coax her over the edge. She cried out his name as she came, clinging to him as she did so.

Diavolos let her ride the wave of orgasm but then moved to pull out but Kenna just held him tighter. “I’m safe,” she whispered when she could manage the ability to speak, “Annelyse gave me…”

She didn’t have to continue, in fact, she couldn’t because Diavolos’s mouth was on hers again, cutting off her words, and he was driving into her at a faster, harder pace, lifting her leg over his shoulder to get better access and causing her to moan at the sensation.

It felt so good. Kenna clung to him as he came, groaning her name against her mouth as he did so. Afterward, he collapsed against her, his big body pinning her to the bed and she savored it, not wanting the moment to end.

Diavolos stayed there for a moment, pressing lazy kisses across her face before rolling off of her and onto his back, though he immediately gathered her into his side.

Kenna went willingly, laying her head on his chest. She knew she’d have to go back to her own room soon, that morning would come early and with it reality, but she was going enjoy this while she could.

For two years she’d wondered what it would have been like if that night at the tavern had gone a different way, if he’d whisked her up to a room and now she knew. It would have changed her life because there would have been no walking away, not from a man like Diavolos.

It should have been a scary thought, given how short of time they knew each other and how uncertain the future was and yet… It didn’t scare her at all.

Chapter Three

Kenna had spent two years dreaming about reclaiming her home, but the moment itself passed in a blur. Reuniting with Dom, the battle, making it into the castle, the resulting skirmish that left both Gabriel and Helene wounded and out of commission, and then finally it was her and Marco.

And then it wasn’t.

Suddenly Diavolos was there, his eyes flashing, his sword drawn as he glared at his brother. Yet, he held back. “It’s your call,” He told her, and she knew he was leaving it up to her who killed Marco.

Kenna was torn, she wanted this, wanted to be the one to take down the man responsible for so much misery, for the grief she was feeling right now. Fate had declared that she’d never get a chance to confront Luther, but Marco was right here and yet… As strong as her need for vengeance against Marco was, she knew that it was even more personal for Diavolos.

Wordlessly she stepped back.

Marco watched the exchange, his expression mocking. “Don’t tell me that the big bad warrior and the would-be queen have fallen for each other?”

Kenna kept her expression calm, refusing to give into Marco’s baiting and noticed that Diavolos’s face was its usual mask.

“This has nothing to do with her, it’s between you and I, brother,” Diavolos said instead, “and the score we have to settle.” They got into position and each drew their sword.

It wasn’t much of a match, because while Marco had surprised Kenna with his skill, he could not match his older brother. Kenna couldn’t keep her eyes off Diavolos as he deftly blocked his brother’s blows. There was something truly beautiful about the way he moved, and for a moment she couldn’t help but remember the way he had made love to her, though this wasn’t the time for that.

Soon, it was over and as Kenna watched, Diavolos lopped Marco’s head off with one blow.

“And that’s it,” she commented, “it’s over.”

Diavolos looked grave, “this part is. The Iron Empire is still out there, Kenna.”

“Yes,” Kenna agreed, suddenly sobering. How could she have forgotten the threat which had started all of this madness?

“However, that is a concern for another moment,” Diavolos told her, stepping towards her.

Kenna nodded and she went willingly into his embrace, resting her head against his chest and taking comfort in his arms.

They were still like that when the others came pouring into the great hall. Kenna stepped back from Diavolos’s embrace, but then reached for his hand. He hesitated for a moment, but then clasped her hand as Kenna fielded questions from her companions and listened to the discussion of the celebration that was to come.

There needed to be a coronation, Kenna was Queen but she had no crown as of yet, and then there were discussions to be held about what came next, for the people of Stormholt and for the Five Kingdoms in general.

Kenna glanced at Diavolos once more, knowing that they would have to have a conversation of their own. The only question was what did she want the outcome to be?

Later that night Kenna stood at her bedroom window for the first time in two years, marveling how strange it felt to be back there. So much had changed since the last night she’d spent in this room.

She’d been a princess then, now she was a Queen. A girl, while now she was a woman. One who had very clear ideas of what she wanted for her future and who she wanted to spend it with.

As if summoned by her thoughts, Kenna heard the door open and she smiled as she turned to see Diavolos. Before they’d parted for the night, she’d whispered an invitation and she was glad that he’d taken her up on it.

She stepped into his embrace and he leaned down and kissed her deeply.

“Gods you are beautiful,” he told her, looking at her with wonder.

“And yours,” Kenna told him softly.

“Are you sure?” Diavolos asked her, looking deep into her eyes.

“I think I’ve been yours since the night we met,” Kenna confessed, “meeting you again, all of this… I have to believe it was meant to be.”

“Then fate was far kinder to me than I’d ever expected,” Diavolos told her, “I never imagined I’d ever get to keep you.” He held her close.

Kenna leaned into his embrace, savoring the feel of his arms around her. “When do you have to leave for Lykos?” She asked after a moment. As much as she wanted him to stay, she knew that he had to go reclaim his kingdom and sort out the mess left by his father’s death.

“The sooner, the better,” Diavolos said with a sigh. “I don’t think Zenobia will put up much of a fight, but who knows how much of a mess she’s made of things. The spymaster has agreed to go with me; he apparently has connections in the city.”

“I could go as well,” Kenna offered, though she wasn’t sure how that would work.

“You have your own kingdom to see too,” Diavolos reminded her, “and your own messes to clean up.”

Yes, two years under Nevrakis rule had taken its toll on the kingdom and Kenna knew that rebuilding would be hard work, though Whitlock was already full of plans.

“Will we marry before you leave or do you want to wait?” Kenna asked quietly. They hadn’t discussed marriage, but she also knew it was the natural next step. It would make their kingdoms stronger, besides it was what she wanted.

“Things may go smoother if I returned to Abanthus already a king,” Diavolos acknowledged, “either way it’ll be torture leaving you.”

“I know,” Kenna said simply, “you’ll come back and this way we’ll have the memory of a wedding night to keep us going.”

“Only the wedding night?” Diavolos asked in a low, teasing voice, “or can I get a preview?”

As he talked, he eased the straps of her nightgown over her shoulder and then off her until the gown pooled at her feet.

“A preview could be arranged,” Kenna said with a sigh as his big hands began to explore her body. She began to unbutton his shirt,  eager to touch him.

Soon his clothes had joined her nightgown on the floor and Diavolos was leading her to the bed. He settled them so she was on his lap, straddling him, his hand slipping between her legs and teasing her.

Kenna rubbed herself against him, desperate for more, her hands reaching down to massage his hard length. Diavolos groaned appreciatively as she touched him and Kenna sped up her movement until he stopped her with a strong hand.

“If you don’t stop then this is going to be over before we ever get to the good part,” he told her.

“I don’t know this feels pretty good,” Kenna sighed.

Diavolos grinned, “Baby, this is just the beginning.”

He lifted her by her hips and slid inside of her and she sighed at the contact and at the feel of him. Diavolos thrust up into her, wrapping his arms around her and pressing her against his chest as he did so, his mouth claiming hers. Kenna gave into it, arching into him, her hands digging into his back. This felt so good.

Their night together in Aurelia had been amazing, but this… This was something even better because it was just the beginning. They had a whole lifetime ahead of them.


“Yes, Kenna?” He asked, continuing his rhythmic movements.

“I love you,” Kenna said sweetly, meaning it with her whole heart.

Diavolos stilled. “Say it again,” he demanded after a moment.

“I love you,” Kenna repeated, smiling up at him.

Diavolos kissed her again, a little desperately, his hands tangling in her hair. When he broke the kiss, he looked deep into her eyes. “I love you, Kenna Rys.”

Kenna felt joy fill her at the words and it was her turn to kiss him. They resumed their previous pace, both of them desperate for each other and it wasn’t long before they were sighing each other’s name as they reached completion, his hands in her hair, her nails on his back.

Afterward, Diavolos pulled her into his arms, nestling her against his chest. Kenna lay there happily, wondering if she’d ever been so content. “I love you,” he said again, kissing the top of her head.

“And I love you,” Kenna assured him, wondering if she’d ever get sick of saying that.

Probably not. She settled down to sleep, loving the feel of Diavolos’s arms around her. The next days would be busy with a kingdom to rebuild, a wedding to plan and the threat of the Iron Empire still lurking in the background.

But whatever happened from this point, she and Diavolos would face it together. They had started something that night in the tavern and somehow, despite a lot of bumps in the road, it had led them here and to a life that they would build together.

–       End


Published by


Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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