When the Snow Falls

When the Snow Falls
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. 
Author’s Notes- This is the first fic of my 24 days of advent self-challenge. This one is “snowflake”. It is set 3 years after the end of Ride or Die.
Pairing- Logan/MC
Rating- PG
Summary- Lucy loved the snow, because when the snow fell, it seemed like anything could happen, even the impossible.


Lucy’s favorite thing about the East Coast was the snow.

Her friends thought she was crazy, the way she ran outside at the first snowfall, squealing like a child at the sight of it. Even after 3 years out East, the snow still delighted her.

Oh, she didn’t love the cold and sometimes she looked at the thermostat and wondered why she had ever left California. By March she was sick of cold weather and layers and dreaming of beaches and sunny weather. But the snow was different. There was something magical about a fresh snowfall, the world seemed so untouched and so full of possibilities and she loved that. 

In some ways it reminded her of her time with the MPC. As crazy as it had been, as terrifying, and despite how it ended, she had never felt more free in her life. For a brief time it had felt like anything had been possible.

And she felt the same thing in the snow. And that was what had led her here,walking around alone in a snowstorm, when the rest of the world was safe inside. She knew her roommate that she was crazy, but the world felt so simple when it snowed and she wanted to enjoy it. 

So she walked, enjoying the quiet and the feel of the snow against her face, so caught up in the magic of it all that the cold didn’t even bother her. Lucy was so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t even realize it when she lost her footing and started to slip.

She braced herself for the fall, for the hard ground, but it never came. Instead a pair of hand caught her. That alone was surprising, since she hadn’t seen another soul the entire time she had been out. But apparently someone else had braved out in the snow as well, luckily for her, since they had come to her rescue. 

The arms around her felt warm and strong, but more than that, there was something almost familiar about it. 

Lucy glanced up at her saviour and her heart stopped in her chest.

It was impossible, wasn’t it? How could it be him? And yet… Wasn’t that she loved about the snow? That anything seemed possible. 

“Logan?” She whispered, afraid that saying his name would break the spell and he would disappear into the storm, a figment of her imagination.

Instead, he just smiled, the smile that had haunted her dreams for 3 years, and the arms holding her steady pulled her a little closer. “Hi Troublemaker, it’s been a long time.”


  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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