When the World Stands Still

When the World Stands Still
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- So ages ago I got a request about a meeting between Antony and Portia while she was spying for Caesar, I did start something but never had time to finish it. But after playing chapter 18, this immediately popped into my head, it’s a continuation of the scene in Portia’s bedchamber, how I would have liked it to go.
Pairing- Marc Antony/MC. minor Caesar/MC
Rating- NSFW
Summary- After Portia and Antony talk about Caesar, things take a more personal note and Portia washes away the memory of duty with one of pleasure…

“Is there any way to draw him from her, do you think?” Antony inquired, his gaze curious.

I smiled, doing my best to conceal my true feels, “I am certain there will be a way to part them soon enough…” I promised, thinking of my end goals. I gazed up at Antony, “is Caesar the only reason you came here?”

Antony drew me to him, his hands running up my back, “not at all.” He lowered his lips to mine in another kiss, this one deeper and more possessive than the previous one.

I return it eagerly, my hand reaching for the straps of his armor.

Antony had entered the scholae through the back, only Lena knew he was here, and it was late, the rest of the scholae would be asleep, which meant we had plenty of time and no risk of being caught and after a night in Caesar’s bed, I needed this. I needed to be with Antony. I need to wash away the touch of my enemy with that of the man I loved, even if it was still odd of me to classify Antony that and not another enemy… 

He seemed to feel the same way, his lips trailing from my lips to my neck as he eased my dress off my shoulders, his lips then moving down to the newly revealed flesh, closing around one nipple, making me sigh in pleasure and clutch at him.

“Antony!” I whimpered.

“Shhhh…” He reminded me, his calloused hand squeezing my other breast, “no one can hear.”

He was right, for as long as I was with Caesar, no one could know about these moments with Antony. People had to believe that he had handed me over along with leadership of Rome, a perk of being First Man, nothing more.

But, at least I knew that wasn’t true, that Antony’s lust for me hadn’t been a fleeting thing, easily dismissed. I knew it from the way he looked at me and the way he touched me; there was no denying Antony’s desire for me, as he lifted his mouth back up to mine, his hand still on my breast, the other moving between my legs, feeling the evidence of my desire for him.

“So eager for me,” he breathed against my mouth, “were you this eager for Caesar?” There was no denying the jealousy in his tone. It might have been his plan, but he didn’t like it, didn’t like having to share me.

“Only you have that effect on me,” I told him honestly, pressing my body closer to him. Seducing Caesar had been no different than sleeping with the men Lena had arranged to educate me in the art of pleasure, or Cassius, there had been some physical pleasure, he wasn’t a terrible lover, but I had been detached, my body aroused while my mind was still focused on the end goal. Only Antony was capable of making me forget myself, forgetting everything but the sheer pleasure of being with him.

“Good,” Antony told me, his hand dropping suddenly and going to my hips, lifting me up, I instinctively wrapped my legs around him as he carried me to the bed. We tumbled onto it together, Antony’s body on top of mine as it hit the soft mattress. A moment later, he slid inside of me, his lips on my neck, his hands on my breasts as we began to move together as one.

His teeth grazed my neck and I shivered at the pleasure, even as I warned, “no marks.”

I felt him stiffen again me, momentarily stilling, and I ran my hands over his back, reassuring him. Antony exhaled loudly, before he began to move again with deep, powerful thrusts.

“When this is over and the Egyptian Queen is on a boat back to her homeland, I am going to leave marks everywhere,” he promised, “so all of Rome will know who you truly belong to.”

His words filled me with intense longing and made me tighten my legs, pulling him closer. “And who is that?”

Antony lifted his head so he could stare into my eyes. “Me. You are mine, Portia, and one day all of Rome, even Caesar himself, will know it.” His lips were on mine again, bruising, crushing, and I eagerly returned his kiss with equal passion, his words thrilling me. It was all I wanted. I wanted to be his, to belong to him completely, whatever that might mean, wanted to believe that there would be a day when that could happen.

We moved together, his hand in my hair, his mouth against mine and it wasn’t long before I fell over the edge of ecstasy, my groans of pleasure buried in his mouth. As I clenched around him, Antony continued to thrust into me, harder and more frantic and then finally, he came with one last thrust, filling me with his seed before his body collapsed against mine, pinning me to the bed.

“Portia,” he whispered, raising his head to look at me, the emotion in his eyes taking my breath away, “I–”

“Shhh,” I whispered, cutting him off, even though it pained me to do so. “Not yet.” I didn’t know what he was going to say, whether it would be the words I wanted so badly to hear, but this wasn’t the time or place. I was still Caesar’s, there was still a mission and I had a secret plan I knew he might not forgive me for. Until all those plans, both mine and his, had come to fruition, certain things couldn’t be said.

Antony was quiet for a moment, then nodded, before claiming my lips again, our bodies still joined and as he kissed me I could feel his longing and desire and something much deeper and much more dangerous… I knew how I felt, but in his kiss and touch, I knew how he felt… What I didn’t know was if there was any way that we could possibly have a happy ending or if there was too much working against us and all we would ever have is these little moments before the world was turned upside down.

  • The End


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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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