When You Look Like That

Summary: Seeing Drake in his outfit for the costume ball was too much for Elizabeth and she needed to do something about that before she exploded.



On the night of the costume ball, there was a flurry of activity in the palace ballroom as the party drew into full swing. Couples graced the dance floor as the string quartet played a beautiful harmony. Servers carrying trays of delicious appetisers weaved through small groups of nobles chatting amicably, each dressed to the nines in extravagant costumes as they filled the room with polite chatter.

Amidst all the festivities, Duchess Elizabeth Richmond took a deep draught of her whiskey, her eyes hypnotically fixated on something across the room.

Or rather someone.

That person happened to be her very dashing fiancé Drake Walker.

Dressed in a blue and gold embroidered suit courtesy of his best friend King Liam, he looked every inch the duke he was about to become. When he’d stepped out of the change room in the boutique, Elizabeth hadn’t wanted to admit but her eyes had went right to his crotch where his generous package was encased in a pair of very flattering white pants. Her cheeks had heated slightly at the sight and she’d caught his smirk as he watched her check him out so shamelessly. At moment, she wanted nothing more than to drag those pants off with her teeth until she reached what was inside them.

And she’d nearly achieved her goal too.

Later when Drake had asked her to stay back for a little extra ‘training’ after the group session with Mara, she’d been more than happy to strip off her frilly orange ball gown, making a show of peeling it off slowly as she felt Drake’s eyes rake over her body appreciatively. And when he had instructed for her to use every method at her disposal to overpower him, her mind went directly to the gutter.

Elizabeth had thought she was about to get her wish when she had pushed him gently onto the weight bench, teasing him mercilessly by flicking her tongue on his earlobe, his moan of pleasure like music to her ears and the heat in her core only increased as he pulled her roughly to him. She was fully intent on making him hers when Drake had pulled away to remind her of their prior engagement. That man had an insane level of self control, way more than she did and Elizabeth had not bothered to voice her frustration at this.

‘We’ll continue this later,’ she’d told him, her voice thick with lust for him and he nodded once before they got dressed again.

Her self control was obviously not as strong as Drake’s because now she was so lost in thought about exactly how she would make him pay for making her wait until the ball was over that she’d completely missed Hana’s question about the house house sigils.

‘Honestly Elizabeth can you not look at your own fiancé without eye-fucking him from across the room?’ Olivia’s voice broke her out of her dirty fantasy.

‘I was not eye-fucking him!’ She snapped maybe a bit too loudly, embarrassed at being caught doing just that.

The other duchess regarded her for a moment, raising an eyebrow pointedly. ‘Oh really? Because the sexual tension around you is thick enough to slice with a sword.’

Elizabeth rolled her eyes making Olivia grin in triumph.

‘Go on,’ the redhead suggested, nudging her forward. ‘It wouldn’t be the first time you’ve snuck out of a ball for this.’

Elizabeth glared at her once before stalking off in search of him. As much as she hated to admit, Olivia was right about the tension and if she had to spend another moment without doing anything about it, she would have imploded.

‘Excuse me,’ she apologised, slipping past a trio of ladies.

Drake had very inconveniently placed himself at the opposite end of the ballroom where she could see him talking to an older count, the gold embroidery gleaming tantalisingly under the light of the chandelier. Elizabeth expertly weaved through the crowd, the desire coiled in her core propelling her forward almost of its own accord until someone called out her name.

‘Elizabeth they have Cosmos!’ Penelope exclaimed, popping up in her path from nowhere to shove a glass of the pink drink in her face.

‘You have to try one they’re the best!’ She squealed, obviously tipsy already.

‘Thats nice Penelope,’ Elizabeth snapped as she sidestepped the dark haired girl, eager to get to her fiancé, ignoring her friend’s reply. She’d apologise later but for now she had only one thing on her mind.  She had almost reached her fiancé when she felt a light tap on her shoulder and turned to see the Italian ambassador smiling down at her.

‘Ah Duchess Elizabeth you look bellisimo!’ he exclaimed, kissing his fingers before splaying them out in the classic Italian gesture. ‘Would you do me the honour of joining me for this next waltz? I would so like to hear your opinion on the latest trade agreements.’

Elizabeth forced a polite smile onto her face, hoping that this encounter would be mercifully brief. The last thing she wanted was to sever an international alliance just because she couldn’t keep it in her pants.

‘I’m sorry Francesco but I believe I have the next two dances promised to my fiancé,’ she lied smoothly. ‘However following that I’d love to discuss that at length with you.’ She offered him a charming smile.

Molto bene,’ he replied and Elizabeth inwardly breathed a sigh of relief. ‘I will look for you after that.’

She left Francesco with a quick curtsey before departing to finally find Drake still talking to someone else.

Darling could I borrow you for just a second?’ She asked pointedly, interrupting the conversation, latching on to Drake’s arm possessively before giving the count a sweet smile. ‘Lord Tristan you don’t mind you? There’s an important matter that just demands our joint attention.’

The older man bowed. ‘Of course Your Grace.’

As soon as he said this, Elizabeth immediately pulled Drake away in the direction of the exit, gaining a look of bemusement from him. She was so needy for him at this point that it was probably very obvious but she didn’t care.

‘Hang on Richmond,’ He paused, tugging at her arm, confused at what could have possibly come over her.

It only took one burning look of Elizabeth’s eyes into his before he understood what her goal was.

Drake wasn’t going to lie to himself. Seeing her like this, so desperate for him was a massive ego boost and he immediately felt himself hardening under the white slacks of the costume. Knowing they wouldn’t hide much, he put a steady hand on Elizabeth’s shoulder, strategically placing her in front of him as they weaved through the crowd. His mind began to wander, immediately taking him back to their private session earlier in the gym and he almost smiled at the thought of exactly how needy she’d been for him then. His musings were brought to an abrupt end when Elizabeth suddenly stopped short in front of him as Bertrand Beaumont stood almost menacingly in their path.

‘According to the Duchess’s dance card, you two were supposed to be on the dance floor exactly two songs ago. Pray tell then,’ he eyed them suspiciously. ‘Where exactly are you two headed?’

Drake hesitated for a moment. ‘Uhh..’ How was he supposed to come up with an acceptable answer when all his fiancee wanted was for him to fuck her brains out?

Luckily Maxwell jumped in at that precise moment. The reasoning behind his obviously made up distraction was weak but Drake wasn’t going to question it. As Maxwell led his older brother away, he  cast a sly wink over his shoulder.

Grabbing her hand, Drake pulled Elizabeth out the ornate ballroom doors and he pulled her into a brief kiss before starting down the corridor only to be interrupted yet again.

‘Your Grace where are you going?’ The voice of Mara, her bodyguard echoed through the empty hallway as she slipped through the ballroom doors behind them. ‘You need to be under surveillance at all times.’

Elizabeth’s eyes almost fell out of her head. Her need was almost through the roof at this point. Why must they keep getting interrupted by every possible person in the palace?

Drake couldn’t help but notice his fiancé about to snap and chose to diplomatically handle the situation.

‘Its fine Mara. She was just feeling a bit faint so we decided to take a short break,’ he rationed. ‘It will only be for a moment and I’ll be with Elizabeth every step of the way.’

The bodyguard didn’t look convinced but stepped aside anyway with a disgruntled nod.

Elizabeth practically dragged him behind her and she weaved blindly through the palace in search of a private room. She tried her hand at the first doorknob she saw and after a cursory glance inside immediately pulled him behind her. Drake barely had time to register where they were when Elizabeth’s lips came crashing onto his and she forcefully shoved him against the wall. Her tongue immediately slipped into his mouth, sliding against his as her hands impatiently pawed at his clothes.

‘I’ve wanted to do this all night,’ she told him between assaults of needy kisses.’Ever since you came out of that change room looking like a damn snack, I’ve been fantasising about ripping that jacket off you.’

‘Maybe I should dress up more often then.’ He grinned as his hands roved her body, almost of their own accord as he pulled her close to unzip her dress.

She swore harshly. Their contact was broken for the briefest second while she stepped out of her dress but she launched herself back at him almost immediately, hands working under the hem of his jacket as she roughly pulled it off.

‘Easy there Richmond.’ Drake broke the hungry kiss to caution her scrambling fingers. ‘I already told you this costs more than anything I own.’

Elizabeth’s eyes were almost black with lust. ‘I don’t fucking care. I’ll buy you another one later. I just want you and your sexy body. Now.’ She demanded, ripping his shirt off, sending a few buttons scattering across the room. Tugging off his white pants, she immediately dropped to her knees, palming through his underwear as he groaned out loud.

‘You are insatiable woman.’

Elizabeth’s eyes gleamed in the dim light as she painted a long stripe on the underside of his cock with her tongue, never once breaking eye contact with him.

‘Do you see what you do to me baby? In that sexy suit of yours?’ She purred, stroking his length firmly. ‘You’ve got this Duchess down on her knees for you.’

‘Fuck Liz, you are so good at this.’ He groaned, slipping his fingers into her hair.

‘That’s right baby. I’m gonna make you feel real good.’ She assured before she taking him in her mouth.

Elizabeth felt Drake’s hands tighten on her hair as she licked and sucked at his length, while her hand pumped whatever couldn’t fit in her mouth. His tip hit the back of her throat as he thrust into her mouth. She pulled back to take a breath, savouring the salty taste of his pre-cum on her tongue as she looked up to survey the effect she was having on him. Drake was panting hard, his eyes rolling into the back of his head, his muscles clenching.

‘Fuck… I’m going to cum.’ He groaned, He bucked his hips, fingers tangling further into her hair. Elizabeth grasped hold of his shaft and worked her tongue up his length before letting him go completely. He opened his mouth to protest but she stood up, placing a finger on his lips.

‘Not yet. I need you inside me. Right. Now.’

Drake looked directly into her eyes, allowing his tongue to run up the length of her fingers before swirling his tongue around the ends as he took in the sight of her. Hair tangled, completely free of its coiffed bun, Elizabeth’s eyes were hooded as if the sheer weight of her need for him prevented her from opening them fully. Her lips, puffy and still wet with her saliva and his own juices hung open and heavy breaths were panted out as she watched him suckle on her fingers. She had never looked so beautiful before, in her nakedness, her body almost trembling with desire for him.

In a flash, Drake had pinned her to the wall not caring if he knocked the wind out of her as he crashed his lips on hers. Grabbing one of her legs, he hooked it around his own waist, taking his length in hand and teasing her entrance, enjoying as she squirmed desperately.

‘Baby please..’ she whined as her arms wrapped around his and he slid on hand behind her head to bring her gaze to him. As their eyes met, he slammed his cock into her, her body immediately contracting in pleasure as he filled her to the hilt.

Elizabeth shrieked his name at the top of her lungs and he began to thrust slowly into her but before long she was begging him to go faster and he happily obliged, his desire for her fuelling his efforts. Soon there was no sound in the room save for her constant moans and the sound of their skin slapping obscenely against each others. Her nails dug long tracks into the skin of his back as she tugged him closer still while he pounded into her. Drake felt his release approaching fast and he slid a hand between their bodies to find her clit, fingers working furiously to bring her the ecstasy she so eagerly wanted. Her eyes rolled back into her head as he urged her on, his entire mind focused on one goal.

Soon enough, Elizabeth managed to gasp out, the words ragged as they fell from her lips.

‘Drake.. I’m gonna.. I’m…Don’t stop!’

At this he doubled his efforts, leaning down to whisper in her ear.

‘That’s it baby. Come for me. Let everyone know who’s making you feel this good right now.’

It didn’t take much more to push her over the edge and she came crashing down with a loud howl of his name, clenching tightly around him. Drake’s own release arrived shortly after this and he groaned loudly into the crook of her neck as he spilled himself into her, giving everything he had, riding out their highs together.

After it had subsided, Drake withdrew himself from her and Elizabeth’s body sagged like a rag doll’s, her legs unable to support her weight after their desperate romp.

‘Satisfied?’ He asked pulling her against his heaving chest.

‘Mmm for now,’ she answered, fighting to regain her breath.

Drake chuckled as her placed a light kiss on her forehead. ’Does that mean round two later?’

‘If I can walk that is.’ She admitted.

‘Come on, lets get you looking presentable again.’

They hastily dressed and she smoothened her hair out as best as she could before they exited the room.

‘Elizabeth! Drake! There you two are!’ Hana exclaimed as soon as they entered the ballroom with Elizabeth leaning heavily on his arm. Her mouth dropped open and her cheeks flushed bright red as she took in their slightly dishevelled appearances and wolfish grins.

‘I.. uh..’ She stammered before visibly pulling herself together. ‘Liam’s speech is in two minutes and he wants you two up there with him.

‘I think we might have scandalised Hana,’ Drake chuckled, grabbing her had before leading her to the front of the room.

‘Well I just couldn’t resist you,’ Elizabeth laughed, placing a chaste kiss on his cheek before nodding to his blazer. ‘Not when you look like that.’

Drake’s eyes twinkled with mischief. ‘Hmm I might have to permanently borrow this blazer then.’

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