Wildest Desires

Wildest Desires
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- So I played Bloodbound on my second device and when I had Lilith sit next to Vega’s page, this story immediately popped into my head. Plus, I plan on going a different direction with this chapter in the “Forbidden” verse, so this lets me explore multiple options. I am so addicted to this pair it’s not even funny. Chapter 7 of “A Dangerous Game” and Chapter 2 of “Forbidden” should be up this week, along with some drabbles.

Pairing- Adam/MC

Rating- NSFW

Summary- While on the train heading to the Awakening Ball, Lilith has a very vivid fantasy about a  certain Senator.

Words- 865

I had to admit was surprised by Senator Vega’s blood donor.

He was so… Nerdy. Which was mean, I knew, but still. I thought about Adrian and his arrangement with Nicole, how she’d been on his desk with his fangs sunk into her, or Priya’s harem of beautiful men and it surprised me that this was the Senator’s arrangement.

Of course, there was a lot less chance of a sex scandal that way and maybe that was the point.

It couldn’t be from lack of volunteers, that was for sure. Suddenly, I pictured the Senator in my mind, remembering his intense charisma and how it had felt when his lips had brushed my skin. It was all too easy to imagine his lips on my neck instead of my hand… And just the thought made me bite my lip.

Letting Jax feed on me had been the single most intense experience in my life and a part of me really wanted to do it again, but as my mind began to wander away from the plot of the book I was listening to and into a fantasy land of my own, it wasn’t Jax I was picturing biting my neck…

“I usually go for a more… Subtle arrangement,” The Senator told me, his dark eyes focused on me, “but for you I’ll make an exception.”

“Will you?” I asked coyly, perching on top of his desk. “Will it be a mutually beneficial arrangement?”

He smirked, “I certainly hope so.” He put his hands on my hips, drawing me closer to him. “I think you’ll find this arrangement very pleasant.” He slid his hand under my skirt, pulling my underwear off before I even knew what was happening. His fingers traced patterns in the soft skin of my thighs making me gasp before moving higher, teasing me, making me ache. “Does this feel good?”

“Yes,” I gasped, though I wanted more, so much more.

“I’m glad because I want you to feel good,” The Senator assured me, “I can’t wait to taste you, Lilith. I bet you’ll taste sweeter than honey. It’s been a long time since I’ve wanted anything as much as I want you.”

I didn’t know what to say to that, I just bit my lip, trying to keep from trembling. He smirked. “You are so sexy when you do that, but it makes me want to have a turn.”

His free hand yanked at my hair pulling me towards him while his other hand continued to tease me, his thumb massaging my sensitive nub. His mouth plundered mine, his kiss deep and demanding. True to his word, he bit my lip, careful not to draw blood.

 I moaned into his mouth. This felt so good. As his tongue demanded entrance into my mouth, he suddenly plunged his fingers inside of me. Oh, God.

“Shhh…” He warned, “don’t make a sound. We don’t want to be interrupted.”

 No, that wouldn’t be good at all. I bit my lip again to keep from making a sound as the Senator’s fingers moved in and out at dizzying pace.

“That’s a good girl,” he encouraged and then before I knew what was happening, he lowered his mouth to my neck, sinking his fangs into my skin. It felt so good and combined with the feelings of his fingers? It was indescribable.

I bit my lip so hard I drew blood, lost in the absolute bliss…

Suddenly I was started out of my thoughts by the train coming to a sudden stop.

“I guess we’re here,” the page commented, gathering his stuff.

I nodded, still disoriented from my fantasy. What in the Hell had just happened? Why was I fantasizing about Senator Vega feeding on me? I barely knew him and I should dislike like, given Adrian’s warning and how cold and callous he was about the Clanless and yet…

For some reason, he kept popping into my dreams and fantasies.

Though, I’d always had a bit of a crush on him, even clipping a few magazine articles about him in college and meeting him had just magnified that attraction and knowing he was a vampire… Well, it made him irresistible.

It was funny, of all the vampires I’d met, the Senator had shown the least amount of interest in me (even if the Baron’s interest was wanting to kill me to teach Adrian a lesson) and yet, he was the one I couldn’t stop thinking about.

Adrian sent me these occasional searching looks and was the sweetest boss I could ask for, Jax cared enough to check in on my welfare, but I did want either of them? No. For some reason, I wanted the one I couldn’t have.

As we exited the train and I rejoined Lily, Kamilah, and Adrian, I found myself searching the crowd for a glimpse of Senator Vega.

Stop it, I told myself, he’s a dangerous vampire. Besides, he’d never be interested in you.

No, in reality, Senator Vega didn’t see me as anything other than Adrian’s human assistant and I knew it was better that it stayed that way, but I had a feeling it wouldn’t stop my fantasies…

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

4 thoughts on “Wildest Desires”

    1. Thank you so much A! I am super addicted to this pairing and it’s inspiring all kinds of sexy thoughts.

  1. I have no words! I just discovered your fics for this pairing and I’m in love! I thought I was the only one thirsting after Vega. This was really hot. What I love most about it is that it leaves you with a sense of craving more—much like how MC must’ve felt when the train stopped and she was drawn to the real world again. Amazing fic!!

    1. Thank you! Definitely not alone, I think there are several of us who are lusting after Vega and yes, she was definitely disappointed when she had to go back to the real world.

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