With You By My Side

With You By My Side
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This is day 18 of my January 31 day challenge: “you are the love of my life”.  But since I’ve really been missing Grayson lately, it ended up smutty lol. This takes place about a month after Lexi returns from the prism world.

Pairing- Grayson/MC

Rating- NSFW

Summary- Grayson and Lexi are both adjusting to her return and the reality of what her being a hero means, but they know they always have each other.

Words- 1081

“Lexi, nooo!!!”

The sound of someone calling my voice woke me up. I sat up startled and looked for Grayson and then saw that he was still asleep next to me, but he was tossing and turning and calling my name in distress.

My heart broke for him. This wasn’t the first nightmare Grayson had had since I’d come back from the prism world. In fact, most nights one or both of us was awakened by the other’s cries.

I had been home for a month and my relationship with Grayson had gotten serious fast. We were living together and he knew everything, no more secrets. As much as I’d wanted to protect him, my disappearance had made that impossible and I loved him too much to outright lie.

I reached over and gently shook him. “Grayson, baby, you’re just dreaming.”

His eyes shot open. “Lexi?”

“I’m here,” I assured him.

He immediately wrapped his arms around me, pulling him down onto his chest. I sank into his embrace willingly, pressing kisses over his face. “You had another nightmare,” I told him gently.

Grayson sighed. “Yeah. I guess… I keep seeing that final battle over and over, except this time I know for sure it’s you.”

“Do you think we should talk about it?” I asked hesitantly. “We’re both obviously affected.”

“We can,” Grayson told me, “but it’s not… I know you’re here and that you are safe, I just can’t get over the fear.”

“Yeah,” I said lightly. I wasn’t sure how we should handle this.

“I think that as long as you’re Starstorm, the fear will be there in some capacity,” he continued, “I just need to find a way to manage it.”

I froze, biting my lip. “I can’t stop being Starstorm,” I told him. I loved Grayson with all my heart, some part of me had loved him since I was 18, but… Being Starstorm, it was my destiny. More than that it was my responsibility to the city and the people who counted on me. I had been sent to this place for a reason and I felt that part of that reason was to protect people and try and make the world a better, safer place for everyone.

“I would never ask you to do that,” Grayson assured me, “I know you, Lexi, I know you need to help people and I am so incredibly proud of you. Yes, I worry, but… I would never ask you to stop being you because of it. You’re the love of my life, Lexi, and I’d never ask you to change any part of who you are.”

His words overwhelmed me.

“I love you,” I told him sincerely, shifting so that I was gazing into his eyes. “You are the love of my life, too. When I was away, all I could think about was coming back to you. You’re what keeps me strong.”

I lowered my mouth to his just as he reached for me and our mouths met in a perfect kiss. We stayed like that for a long moment, our bodies wrapped together and our mouths joined in a sweet kiss that gradually grew more heated as we tugged at each other’s clothing.

“I want you,” Grayson whispered against my mouth, tugging at the t-shirt I’d worn to bed.

“I want you too,” I assured him, shifting to help ease his pajama bottoms off of him. A moment later, we were both naked and our hands were exploring each other’s bodies.

“Turn around,” Grayson instructed hoarsely. I complied wordlessly, shifting so that I was sitting on top of him with my back to him. I ran my hands over his hard length, before leaning forward and pressing my mouth to it. I heard him groan even as he gripped my hips pulling me closer until I was resting on his face. It was my turn to let out a sound as he explored me with his tongue.

I would have moaned if my mouth wasn’t full of him. Instead, I focused on him, even as he was bringing me very close to the edge. I pulled back when I could take it anymore, my hands digging into his muscular thighs.

“Grayson!” I screamed as I came.

“I love the way you say my name,” he told me in satisfaction when he pulled back. “You are so beautiful when you come. I want to see it again.” He reached for me and before I knew what was happening, I was on my back and he was over me.

“I want you inside of me now,” I told him as he hovered over me. That was all he needed and then he as inside of me.

“You feel so good,” He told me, “and more than that you feel like mine.”

“That’s because I am yours,” I told him, “forever and ever.”

Grayson kept a controlled, almost leisurely pace as he thrust in and out of me, never breaking eye contact. I met him thrust for thrust, staring into those blue-grey eyes I loved so much. “I love you, Grayson Prescott,” I told him sincerely.

“And I love you, Alexandra Hart,” Grayson assured me, leaning down to kiss me, a slow, deep kiss that conveyed our mutual love and desire.

Our legs twisted together as we continued to move in time. Eventually, I knew I was close and I could feel that Grayson was as well, our movements suddenly less controlled. He slipped a hand between my legs, rubbing my clit and urging me to completion and that was all I needed to clench around him, his name on my lips.

He followed suit a moment later and then collapsed on top of me, both of us sweaty and out of breath. Grayson kissed my forehead and then my lips before rolling onto his back.

“That’s one way to make sure neither of us has nightmares,” I teased, “the exhaustion method.”

“Are you complaining?” He asked me in a low voice, pulling me against his side so that we were spooning.

“Never,” I assured him, settling against him.

Part of me considered reaching for my clothes, but I was tired and content and he was so warm and familiar and I didn’t want to move, not even for a moment. I knew that we were both still adjusting to our new normal, but I also knew that we could handle anything as long as we were together.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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