
Summary: Kenna takes a break just before the final battle with Azura, and is joined by some welcome company. Set before the banquet scene.

Note: This is a birthday fic for my dear friend Misha, who got me loving these two with her amazing Diavolos fics and headcanons back in the days when I thought I would only ever love Kenna and Dom together. Happy birthday! Thank you for being such a great friend. I always look forward to our conversations about Choices, writing, and life stuff. 😊

It takes some doing, but Kenna manages to sneak out of the castle without anyone seeing her. She really should be using the time to catch up on sleep, but what she wants now, more than anything, is just a few minutes to breathe and appreciate the quiet.

Or at least, she thinks as she sinks onto the ground overlooking some of the fields, as quiet as can be expected with several hundred troops camped just outside the castle walls. The ground is hard and unyielding beneath her as she sits, her elbows propped on her bent knees. Just over the slope she’s currently occupying, she can faintly see the glow from several campfires. Every so often, a burst of laughter or shouts drift up to her.

Kenna sighs, closing her eyes. They snap back open, her muscles immediately tensing and prepared to spring into action, when she hears a faint snap coming from behind her and to her left.

“You know,” a now familiar voice says when she slowly cranes her head back, “I’ve heard stories about vampires living in this area. You should really be more prepared.”

Kenna smirks. Her hand closes around a branch next to her, and she holds it up wordlessly. Diavolos chuckles, lowering himself to the ground next to her.

“So the stories are true, then,” he comments.

“Vampires? Really? You believe in that?” Kenna asks.

A familiar grin crosses his face. “These woods are huge, Kenna. There are probably many things creeping around in it.”

“Including you,” she points out.

Diavolos laughs and reclines back on his elbows, looking far more at ease than she expected any Nevrakis to ever look at Stormholt again. It was her fault, she supposed, for kissing him on the airship. Though she felt that could be blamed on Diavolos too. What else was she supposed to do, when he was standing there, just inches away, after opening up to her?

Although now, looking at him and taking in his dark, handsome features and the outline of his muscles under his clothing, she didn’t mind having him right next to her, or how comfortable he looked.

“I’m not creeping around,” Diavolos says. “I’m taking advantage of the situation.”

Her heart starts beating a little faster at his words and the way he looks at her, his eyes dark with desire.

“Oh?” she asks, managing to sound casual. “Taking advantage of what?”

“Having you to myself,” he says in a low voice.

Kenna looks at him for one long second, drinking him in, then shifts closer until she’s pressed along the length of his side. She wants him, consequences be damned. If she’s being completely honest, she’s wanted him and thought about him well beyond being a grudging ally since he’d waltzed into dinner. He’d exuded a sort of cocky confidence that made her certain he’d make her feel like no one had before, both in and out of her bed, if she’d let him.

A soft breeze ruffles her hair. It reminds her they’re nowhere near a bed, but she doesn’t think that will matter. Diavolos sits back up when she slips her arm around his waist, and lifts her effortlessly, settling her on his lap.

“Well?” she says, raising an eyebrow. “You have me to yourself. Now what?”

He rattles her calm demeanor by banding his arms around her and pressing her tightly to him. A soft noise leaves her throat when their hips collide, and he gently bites her neck. He chuckles, the noise shooting straight through her, and kisses up to her ear.

“Now,” he says, nipping at her earlobe, “I’ll show you all those things you’ve been wondering about.”

Kenna feels her face flood with heat. How did he…? Her mouth opens, a half-hearted protest on her lips, but the words vanish when Diavolos kisses her insistently, his lips somehow soft and demanding at the same time.

“I’ve wondered too, Kenna,” he says in her ear, and she suddenly can’t remember why she was protesting anything. Still, her stubborn side insists she can’t let him get away with it that easily.

“How…do you know…I’ve been…wondering…about anything?” she gasps between kisses.

No, her brain protests when Diavolos suddenly stops. His lips still, he leans back, and his hands move from her hips down to the ground. He raises an eyebrow at her, a smirk playing over his lips.

“Haven’t you?” he asks easily.

Kenna leans into him, her hands looping around her neck, and she almost screams in frustration when he deftly avoids her lips pressing to his.

“Yes,” she finally admits, and the smirk spreads across his face.

She squeezes her thighs around him in retaliation, grinning when he grunts at the motion. His hands come back up, one wrapped around her back, the other tangling in her hair before he tugs her head to the side and nips and sucks at her neck.

Kenna whimpers quietly when Diavolos stands suddenly, easily, as if he’s lifting nothing at all. Gods, he’s strong. It gets her imagination racing. Almost before they’re even standing fully upright, her hands are flying eagerly over the buckle on his sword belt, the fasteners on his shirt, the tie on his pants.

She’s half-aware of his hands pulling at her own clothing, until they’re finally pressed skin to skin.

“Gods, I’ve wanted you,” Diavolos says hotly.

One of his hands dips between her legs, his fingers slipping easily into her wet warmth.

“Oh,” she moans, digging her hands into his back.

“And it appears you’ve wanted me too,” he murmurs, and Kenna lets out a shaky laugh.

Of course he’s cocky, even now.

“I already admitted I did,” she pants when his fingers move faster.

She sinks her teeth into his shoulder when he circles his thumb around her clit. Her legs start trembling, noises she doesn’t even recognize coming out of her mouth. Diavolos holds her to him, his arm strong around her.

“Come for me, Kenna,” he commands, and gods help her, those words push her right over the edge.

He tilts her chin up, kissing her hungrily and smothering her cries of pleasure. She clings to him, not trusting her legs to keep her standing, then relaxes when she realizes Diavolos is still holding onto her.

“Mm,” she sighs softly, and feels Diavolos’ chest rumble with quiet laughter.

Kenna slips one of her hands down, running it over his hardened length. She bites her lip when he groans and throbs under her touch. She wants him to come just as undone for her as she had for him.

Diavolos lowers them back down to the ground, yanking her tightly to him. He captures her lips in an insistent kiss, then slams into her, making her moan his name. Gods, he feels good, and knows just what he’s doing, rocking her against him, biting her shoulder, his hand rhythmically squeezing her hips.

No one can hear them, but she buries her face into his neck anyway. She can feel her orgasm building, about to rush through her, and she’s convinced he’s going to make her scream so loud that they’ll hear her all the way in the highest tower of the castle.

“Mm…mm…mm…” she gasps, the sounds muffled against his skin.

Diavolos thrusts into her harder, his breathing harsh, his skin slick with sweat. Kenna clings to him, one hand threading into his damp hair, the other digging into the broad muscles of his back so hard that she knows she must be leaving a mark. He doesn’t seem to mind, slamming into her faster when her fingers dig in harder and she tugs at his hair.

Flashes of white fill her vision when she comes, blood roaring in her ears and drowning out everything else. She gasps for breath, Diavolos thrusting into her shallowly, her muscles clenching around him. He starts to pull back, and she manages to pant, “I’m covered”.

The sound he makes when she says that is something she doesn’t think she’ll ever forget. He slams into her once more, keeping her pressed tightly to his hips as he spills into her. Kenna sinks against him, relaxing her grip.

“Gods,” she murmurs after a minute, and Diavolos squeezes her hips.

He’s almost smirking when she leans back, but his kiss is surprisingly sweet when she presses her lips to his.

“Is this what you had in mind for getting me alone?” she asks.

“It was a start,” he answers easily, and she has to bite back a moan.

She presses into him instinctively, almost without thinking.

“Hells, Kenna,” he groans.

“What?” she asks innocently, nipping at his collarbone. “You said you’d show me all the things I was wondering about.”

Diavolos chuckles. He tangles his hand in her hair, gently yanking her head back up. “And I will,” he promises.

There’s a sudden cracking sound in the trees off to her left, and they both turn their heads immediately. Kenna laughs when she realizes they’ve both grabbed onto the branch still sitting next to them.

“We should get back. Stormholt will never forgive me if I let their queen be turned into a vampire,” Diavolos says.

Kenna shrugs. “I have faith in your abilities to fend them off.”

He smirks, but it changes to a smile when she sneaks in another kiss before they stand and get dressed.

Back at the castle, Diavolos takes her hand and presses his lips to the back of it before they walk in.

“Queen Kenna,” he says. “Until next time.”

His eyes sweep over her, and her lips quirk up.

“I’m sure we’ll meet again soon,” she agrees, and is rewarded by his eyes darkening.

“Although next time, you should sneak off somewhere with less things creeping around,” he adds, and it makes her laugh.

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