Worthy of Her

Worthy of Her
By Misha

Disclaimer- I don’t own any of the characters of the Crown and the Flame and I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them unharmed when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- @endless-val wrote a wonderful story focusing on Raydan’s thoughts when Kenna chose him and it inspired me to do the same for Diavolos. I use the dialogue from Book 3, Chapter 16 here. I love the way Diavolos loves Kenna. I honestly just can’t get enough of it. I mean, I believe Kenna loves Diavolos too, but for me the main appeal of the ship is him and his utter devotion to her.

Pairing- Kenna/Diavolos

Rating- PG-13

Summary- Diavolos thoughts before and during Kenna’s proposal.

Words- 1076

Diavolos sipped his ale and watched the party going on around him. Normally he would join in the socializing, he enjoyed a good celebration as much anyone, but tonight he had too much on his mind.

His father was dead by his hand.

He was oddly at peace with it. It’d had to be done. Still, while he was at peace with that, there was still much weighing on his mind. Like what came next.

He’d dedicated the last 20 years of his life to battling the Iron Empire. All he knew was war. What did he do next? Did he fight Zenobia for control of Abanthus? He had a feeling that Kenna was more likely to back his claim than his sister’s, but… Did he have what it took to be king?

And Kenna… What would happen with Kenna? He cared about her, more than he’d believed he could ever care about anyone. He’d wanted her the moment he saw her, but it had quickly become so much more than that. She was beautiful and kind and strong. She constantly amazed and inspired him.

“I don’t think I know what love looks like.” He had uttered those words to her a short time ago, but so much had changed since then. Because he was starting to have an idea of what love looked like and it was Kenna.

But… Just because he thought he was falling in love with her, didn’t mean the feeling was mutual. She’d shared her body with him, but what about her heart? Could he ever possibly hope to claim it?

That very morning his father had tried to kill her and he’d… He’d almost let it happen. Yes, he’d made the right decision in the end, but he’d still accompanied his father there, knowing what he’d had in mind. He wasn’t sure he’d ever forgive himself for that. For even letting the situation get to that point. And if he couldn’t, how could Kenna?

Besides, while he was quickly realizing that she was the only woman in the world that he wanted, he knew that he had competition. Zenobia had been eager to tell him all about how Kenna had kept her waiting so that she could indulge in an encounter with the spymaster.

Did he have a claim on her heart? Surely, if there had been any promises there, Kenna wouldn’t have gone off with Diavolos that same night. But then, she hadn’t made any promises to him either.

Perhaps, one night was all it would ever be. He told himself that it was enough, that it had to be, but he knew it wasn’t. He wanted more than one night with Kenna.

For the first time in his life, he wanted things. He wanted a future and he wanted it with Kenna. But he had no idea if she felt the same way. Could she move past his last name and all the horrors his family had inflicted on her and those that she loved? Could she see him as more than a Nevrakis and as someone she could share a life with?

“Diavolos.” He turned to see the woman in question standing behind him.

He grinned and bowed. “Your Majesty. How’s the arm?”

She smiled. “Could be worse.” Given that she had defeated a seemingly immortal lightning Goddess the day before, he wasn’t surprised that she wasn’t phased by a mere shoulder wound. “How’s the succession?”

He rolled his eyes. “Oh… Zenobia’s being her usual, calculating self. I think she started plotting my assassination the moment I told her about Father. She’s always wanted to be Queen of Lykos, you know. Too bad all the powerful families hate her so much.”

Diavolos was also fairly confident that Kenna had zero desire to see his sister in power and he wasn’t sure if Zenobia had considered that. Of course, he wasn’t sure his sister had actually given ruling a lot of thought beyond balls and court intrigue.

“Would they support you instead?” Kenna asked, confirming his earlier thought that she would back his claim to Abanthus. He was gratified by her trust and support.

“Maybe.” He said with a shrug. “I am the eldest, and I haven’t forced any of their relatives to fight to the death, but I don’t know if they see me as king material.”

He was a soldier, not a ruler. He had never bothered with politics or social niceties, more concerned with practicalities which meant that while the nobles of Lykos didn’t hate him the way they did his sister, none of them particularly liked him either.

“And if you were already a king?” Kenna inquired softly, looking at him carefully.

Diavolos sent her an enquiring look and then grinned, as the meaning of her words hit him. Could she…? “Well… That would certainly help.” He agreed, knowing that if she was serious then no one would dare object. “Are you sure?” Could she really want to spend her life with him?

“I’ve never been more sure.” She told him softly, smiling up at him with warm brown eyes.

He stepped towards her and cupped her chin and then kissed her tenderly. “I am yours, Kenna Rys.” He vowed. “Mind, body and soul.”

He would spend his whole life showing her just how much she meant to him and how grateful he was that she chose him. A part of him wondered if she was choosing him because she couldn’t live without him or if her choice was politically motivated, but he told himself he didn’t care. What mattered was that she was going to be his. Forever.

Still, the thought persisted, even as he carried Kenna up to the castle and began to make love with her. Right until the moment, she asked if he loved her, a surprising note of vulnerability in her voice.

“I think… yes.” He admitted and then found the strength to say the words. “I love you, Kenna Rys.”

“Good,” she told him, “because I love you.”

The words overwhelmed and humbled him. She loved him. This incredible woman loved him.

“Say it again,” he pleaded as he moved against her, wondering if he would ever again be as happy as he was at this moment.

He had no idea what he had done to deserve Kenna’s love, but he vowed that he would spend the rest of his life making sure he was worthy of it.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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