Writer’s Retreat (AU), Part 11 – Zig x MC (NSFW)

Summary: The morning after the movie marathon, MC (Charlotte) helps Zig to wake up before the big 4th of July Festival.

When Charlotte opened her eyes it was still mostly dark in her bedroom. The bed shifted beside her and she groped tiredly beside her, her hand catching Zig’s arm.

“Hey,” he said, leaning over to kiss her forehead.

“It’s so early,” she groaned, face half buried in her pillow.

“I know, but I need to get going,” Zig said as he lay down beside her again, wrapping her in his arms. She nestled her cheek against his chest, inhaling the warm, safe smell of him.

“No, I disagree,” Charlotte mumbled, holding him tighter. “It’s warm and comfy here. Stay here.”

Zig laughed. “Trust me, I want to, but I need to go home and shower. I’m in charge of the fireworks for the festival today, I have to go.”

“Fireworks are stupid.” Charlotte suddenly remembered something else. “I’m wearing your shirt. You can’t leave without it.”

“I mean … I could just go shirtless. Or steal one of yours to go with the purple pajama pants I’m planning on confiscating.”

Charlotte imagined Zig in one of her t-shirts, straining against his muscled chest while being paired with her purple pajama pants and she couldn’t help but laugh.

“That’s cute that you think you’re ever going to get those purple pants from me,” she said, kissing his neck. Zig grinned.

“Either way, I still need to go home so I can get ready for today,” Zig said. “Even though I’d much rather spend all day here, creating fireworks with you.”

Charlotte pulled back and looked him straight in the face. “Oh my god, you did not just say that.”

Zig laughed. “Oh, come on, it’s Independence Day! I should be allowed a few cheesy fireworks puns.”

Charlotte grinned and kissed him, biting his lip gently. Zig deepened the kiss, his hands sliding up beneath the white t-shirt she still wore.

“Okay, what if you showered here?” Charlotte asked. “Could you stay a little longer then?”

Zig smiled slowly. “I think that could work.”

Charlotte sat up in bed and straddled Zig’s hips before leaning down to kiss him again. She wore nothing beneath his shirt and she felt his hands caress her curves, pulling her to him.

“I thought we needed to hurry?” Charlotte asked, one eyebrow raised.

“Well, maybe I have a little time,” Zig said as he squeezed her ass, pressing her to his hips.

Charlotte grinned. She leaned in as if to kiss him again before she slid off the bed, too quickly for him to catch her.

“Oh, come on!” Zig protested as she headed into the bathroom, laughing. Charlotte headed over to the shower and was about to turn it on when she noticed the clawfoot bathtub by the window and was struck by an idea. She walked over and turned on the faucet, holding her fingers under the stream of water until it warmed enough to put in the plug.

“I can’t remember the last time I took an actual bath.”

Charlotte turned around and saw Zig, leaning casually against the doorframe and completely naked. She let her eyes drift slowly down his body before she smiled.

“Well, then you’re very overdue,” she said. She pulled some bubble bath out from underneath the sink and dumped a generous amount into the tub. As she did, she felt Zig’s arms snake around her waist, tugging at the hem of the white t-shirt.

“Do I get to take this off yet?” he murmured in her ear, brushing his lips against her neck.

“I suppose,” Charlotte said with an exaggerated sigh. She lifted her arms up and Zig slowly raised the shirt, pulling it up and over her head before dropping it to the floor. He slid his arms around her waist, caressing her breasts as he kissed her neck. Charlotte smiled and gently pressed her hips back towards his, feeling him against her bare skin. He pushed back a little harder and she reached up behind her, wrapping an arm around his neck. Charlotte felt his one of his hands drift lower across her stomach, his fingertips brushing against her lips.

“Hey, now, this is supposed to be about getting clean,” Charlotte teased, pulling his hands away. She bent down to check the water’s temperature in the nearly full tub and felt Zig’s hands massage her hips, his fingers digging into her flesh as he sucked in a sharp, admiring breath at the sight of her. Charlotte turned off the water, straightened up, and turned around to face him. She cupped his face in her hands and kissed him lightly as he wrapped his arms tightly around her. She could feel his hard length pressing against her and she smiled. “Time to get in.”

Zig climbed into the tub, his body disappearing beneath the bubbles as he leaned his head back against the lip of the tub. He offered Charlotte a hand to help her into the tub and she slid down into the water. She lay in front of him, resting her head back against his shoulder. Zig gently kissed the side of her head and let his fingers drift up and down her arms under the water.

After several content minutes, Charlotte turned over in the water until she was facing him. Zig smiled at her. As she looked into his brown sugar eyes, she was reminded of the night of the storm and the way she’d felt when they’d sat in front of the fire, simply looking at one another. Charlotte leaned forward, her wet body sliding over his, and she kissed him. Zig held her to him, one arm around her back as he cupped her face with his other hand, the bubbles on his fingers tickling her ear.

She let her hands slip down the surface of his body until she reached his cock in the water. Zig moaned softly into her mouth as she began to run her hand along its length, tracing him with her fingertips at first before wrapping her hand around him. Charlotte rubbed her thumb over the silken head and Zig moaned again, his hands clutching at her wet skin.

Zig pulled her closer to him, his fingers grasping for purchase on her hips. Charlotte let go of his cock and straddled his lap, sitting up in the water. Zig watched her with hooded eyes as she guided him inside of her, sliding down slowly until he filled her. He caressed her hips, her curves, her breasts as she moved slowly, making gentle waves in the tub that lapped against the sides.

Zig slid his hand between them, his skilled fingers finding her clit. Charlotte moaned under his touch as he circled her, easing her forward as she rode him. Before long, her hips were bucking against him and thrusting harder down onto him, the water sloshing over the sides, unnoticed. Zig sat up wrapping his free arm around her, burying his face in her chest as he neared his own release.

When Charlotte came, her cries echoed throughout the bathroom, ricocheting off the tiles and mirrors, her body shuddering around him as Zig came with her, his orgasm a desperate pulse inside of her. Charlotte clung to him as the pleasure fizzled through her, popping like the bubbles in the bath. He kissed her wet skin, pushing her hair from her face so he could kiss her properly.

“That was amazing, but I’m not sure how clean I got,” Zig said as he gently ran his hands down her back

Charlotte laughed. “Fine, let’s get you in the shower. Twist my arm, why don’t you …”

After a joint shower, Zig finally left. Charlotte dried herself off and threw on shorts and a t-shirt. She wandered into the kitchen where she found Kaitlyn making coffee.

“Hey, twin,” Kaitlyn said. “Want some?”

“Please,” Charlotte said as she sat down at the kitchen island.

“So,” Kaitlyn said as she poured a mug for Charlotte. “I saw that Zig stayed over last night.” She added cream and two sugars and stirred the mug before handing it to her sister.

“It was really late,” Charlotte said innocently. “You know, it’s extremely dangerous to drive when you’re tired. In some cases, it’s as dangerous as being drunk.”

“Uh-huh,” Kaitlyn said as she leaned against the counter. “You were just doing your civic duty.”

“Something like that,” Charlotte said as she sipped her coffee, letting the mug warm her hands. “Hey, are you up for the Fourth of July festival thing they have in town today?”

“Of course,” Kaitlyn said. “That sounds fun.”

“Leave in an hour?”

“That should give me just enough time to slather on all my makeup,” Kaitlyn said with a smile. She stood up from the counter and started to leave the kitchen for her bedroom. “Charlotte … for the record … you were never that loud with James.”

Charlotte spluttered, nearly shooting hot coffee out of her nose. “What does that mean?”

Kaitlyn shrugged. “You sound happy, that’s all.” With that, she left the room, leaving Charlotte alone with her coffee and her sister’s words.

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Hey all! I'm just a caffeine addict who loves Choices a little too much. Hit me up on Tumblr or, if you really like my stuff, consider supporting me on Patreon. Have an incredible day! Tumblr: https://lolablackwrites.tumblr.com/ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/emilyreganwrites

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