you can’t dirty talk your way out of this!

summary: drake is drunk – really drunk… but why does he know where kiara’s room is? or where drake gives dhalia a tour and for some reason knows where kiara’s room is – and dhalia would really like to know why he knows that

“Drunk Drake is officially my new favourite kind of Drake,” Dhalia said as she watched Drake almost fell over for the fifth time in an hour.

“I told you I’m not drunk.” He claimed and then yet again stumbled over his own feet trying to take a step closer to Dhalia. “Okay, maybe I am a little drunk.” He rolled his eyes.

“Glad we can agree on that. So what’s the next stop on our super secret tour?”

“Actually I thought we can just stay here for a minute and just… you know enjoy the moment and stuff?” He proposed shrugging his shoulders.

“Yeah, I’d love that.” Dhalia smiled softly and turned around to watch the view.

Sun was going down and the sky took on beautiful shades of purple, pink and orange. With everything going on Dhalia hadn’t really had time to stop for a moment and just rest. Until a few days ago she constantly had to worry about clearing her name, about Liam and his feeling, about Drake, about her own feelings… and now all of that stuff was behind her and to be honest? She wasn’t sure what to do with herself. It was great that she could finally be free but even now some things were bothering her.

The worst one being, of course, her relationship with Drake. She loved this man like she never loved anyone before. And it was exciting and scary at the same time. But what scared her even more than the amount of love she has for Drake was what’s gonna happen to them now? Their entire relationship consisted mainly of them sneaking out to see each other. They were each other’s bittersweet secret. And she was scared now that they don’t need to hide anymore will they be able to be a ‘normal’ couple? Without secret smiles and stolen glances? She really hoped so because she most certainly was not ready to give him up.

“It’s absolutely beautiful.” She whispered.

Drake smiled to himself and finally made his way to Dhalia. He wrapped his arms around her from behind not caring if anyone could see them then kiss her shoulder before placing his chin there.

“Yeah, it’s actually one of my favourite places in the palace.” He admitted. “I like to come here and just think.”

“I can imagine that. You, leaning against the wall with a glass of whiskey, staring ahead and thinking about your life.” She mocked him chuckling a little.

“Very funny, Cole…” Drake tried to look annoyed but that wasn’t really possible when he was with Dhalia.

He tightened his grip on her and started spinning her around. None of them knew why he did it but at that very moment Drake was truly happy and he just had to do something with this new amount of happiness. Eventually, he started losing his balance and they landed on the sofa next to them. Dhalia fell first and Drake ended up on top of her.

“I think my body forgets what shame is when I get drunk.” Drake chuckled but didn’t do anything to get up.

“Well, I certainly will not complain,” Dhalia said and give him a quick peck on the lips.

For the next few minutes, they laid there without talking just enjoying each other’s company and occasional kisses. Until Drake broke the silence.

“Kiara’s room is just right there.” He said suddenly and pointed in the right direction.

“Excuse me?” Dhalia asked because she wasn’t sure if she heard him correctly.

“I said that Kiara’s room is just right there,” Drake repeated.

“Kiara’s?” She rose her eyebrow.

“Yup. That’s what I said.”

“Hm, and… um, how- how do you know that?” Dhalia asked trying not to sound suspicious. But she was pretty sure that Drake didn’t notice that her voice has changed.

She knew that Drake loves her and she didn’t doubt it but she couldn’t help but feel this twinge of jealousy when Drake said he knows when her room is. Kiara was clearly interested in Drake and it was obvious to probably everyone except Drake. She was incredibly beautiful and smart woman there was no doubt about it. There were many times Dhalia saw the two of them talking and almost immediately she wanted to just go there and tell Kiara that Drake’s her – well she did interrupt their conversation a few times and she was sure Kiara moved on from Drake but she couldn’t be sure.

“I run into her a few times when she was leaving and we talked,” Drake explained and smirked. “Are you jealous, Cole?” He wiggled his eyebrows.

“I’m not!” She quickly denied. “And you’re drunk.”

“Aw shucks, Cole there’s no need to be, I love you. But you do look sexy when you’re jealous” He teased then get up – too quickly because he almost lost his balance again. “I mean you’re always so sexy and sometimes it really drives me crazy, you have no idea what you’re doing to me, Cole.”

“Hey! You can’t just dirty talk your way out of this!” Dhalia got up as well. “Although I’m flattered.” She flipped her hair.

“Wanna prank Kiara?” Drake asked completely changing the subject.

“Really? Prank her? I think now is the time for you to go to sleep.” She shook her head.

Without waiting for his response Dhalia took Drake’s hand and started to lead him to her room. It was way closer than Drake’s room and she was too tired to walk him to his room in this state.

“I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep my hands to myself being in one bed with you, Cole.”

“You’ll pass out as soon as we’ll lay in bed so I don’t think that will be a problem Cordonian Christian Grey.” She laughed.

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