You Make Me Feel Alive

You Make Me Feel Alive
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- From the moment Bloodbound was announced, I wondered how long it would take before I started writing fanfic. The answer was two weeks lol. Gah. I am so in love with this world and the relationship between Adrian and my MC Isobel. This is set a few weeks after Isobel starts working for Adrian.

Pairing- Adrian/MC

Rating- PG-13

Summary-  Isobel asks Adrian to feed off her.

Words- 1249

“Adrian, don’t forget our appointment later,” Nicole reminded him, handing him some papers.

He nodded, his attention already focused on the papers, ‘”thank you, Nicole.”

She gave me a cool look and then left the room. I had been working for Adrian for a couple weeks now and my relationship with Nicole was one of barely-contained hostility. She didn’t approve of my position in Adrian’s life and I… I didn’t like her for reasons that were far from professional.

“You have to feed?” I asked when the door closed behind Nicole, assuming that was the ‘appointment’ Nicole was referring to.

Adrian looked up, putting the papers aside, “yes, Nicole and I have a standing appointment.”

“Is she the only one you feed from?” I asked quietly, even though I knew it was none of my business.

“No,” Adrian answered, “it can be a bit of a drain, no pun intended, to only feed from person, though it can be done, it just requires a little sacrifice from both sides.” Adrian was quiet. “I’ve never personally been in that position,” he continued, his eyes lingering on my face, “I… I try to keep my feeding professional.”

“Hence people like Nicole,” I said quietly, coming around to stand beside him.

“Yes,” Arian confirmed, “Nicole, and my other donors, understand that it is a business arrangement, there is no emotion on either side.”

“That sounds cold,” I commented, but then I personally thought everything about Nicole was cold. Really, you would have thought she was the undead one from the way she acted. “Don’t you ever want more than that?” I asked before I could stop myself.

I knew that this wasn’t really an appropriate conversation to be having with my boss, but… From the beginning my relationship with Adrian had never fit into typical “boss-assistant” paramaters. I was drawn to him, in a way that had nothing to do with professional curiosity, and I could tell he felt it too, but something made him hold back and I didn’t think that something was the fact that he was my boss.

Adrian looked at me and I could see the longing on his face. “Maybe, I do,” he answered finally, “maybe I want all kinds of thing that I know I shouldn’t want.” He kept staring at me, making me knees go weak.


“Why are you here, Isobel?” He asked, standing up. I blinked, confused by his question. “I’m your assistant, remember?”

“Yes, but why?” He asked me, “what made you decide to refuse the debriefing, to keep coming in to work no matter what horrors my world throws as you?”

I paused, considering his question. I thought about telling him what I’d been saying from the beginning: that I wanted to help people, that I didn’t want to live in ignorance when there were real horrors happening in the world, and I meant that, but… Was that really why I had made my decision?

“You,” I said finally, gazing up at him, “I stay because of you. Because no one has ever made me feel the way you do. When I’m with you, I feel more alive. I also feel special, protected.”

It was funny, for someone with the ability to kill me in an instant, Adrian really did make me feel so safe.

“I should send you away,” Adrian said quietly and I wasn’t sure if he was talking to me or himself.

“Then why haven’t you?” I asked him quietly.

“I don’t know,” Adrian answered, his hand cupping my cheek.

I caught my breath at the intimacy of the moment. “Don’t feed on Nicole.” The words slipped out without me meaning for them too.

“Isobel, I need…”

“Feed on me,” I continued, staring up at him, “you said with Nicole, it’s meaningless, just business, wouldn’t you want more than that? I could give you that, I know I could.”

It was obvious that Adrian had feelings for me, feelings I returned and the idea of him feeding off Nicole, or anyone, left an unpleasant feeling in my gut.


“Couldn’t we at least try?” I asked him softly.

“Just once?” Adrian was still for a long moment.

“Are you sure this is what you want?”

“Yes,” I answered without hesitation. Adrian fascinated me, his world fascinated me and I wanted to be as much as part of it as I could, I wanted to be a part of him if I could.

“Do I need to get on the desk?” I asked, remembering where Nicole had been that first night.

Adrian shook his head, “it’s not necessary.” He took my hand, the feel of his skin against mine sending an almost electric tingle through me, and led me to the leather couch in one corner of his office. Adrian let go my hand and set down, motioning for me to sit beside him, which I did. He shifted us so that I was resting against him.

“I need you to tell me again that you want this,” Adrian told me, gently brushing my hair off my neck.

“I do,” I told him, “I want you to feed off me, Adrian.”

I could feel him trace my skin with his thumb, obviously looking for the vein, and then he bent down, his teeth sinking into my neck, his free hand resting on my waist, pulling me closer. I didn’t know what I was expecting, but it wasn’t this. There was pain, yes, but also pleasure. So much pleasure. I tilted my head back, wanting more, never wanting this to stop. I’d had sex that hadn’t feel this good. I bit my lip to prevent myself from moaning.

Finally, after I don’t know how long, Adrian pulled away.

“Whoa,” I said before I could stop myself.

“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself,” Adrian told me with a smile, he then pricked his finger tip and pressed the blood to my neck, sealing the wounds, like I’d seen him do with Nicole. His hand was still on my waist, my body still pressed up against his, but neither of us seemed eager to move.

“Why wasn’t it like that with Nicole?” I asked him suddenly, “you said it was just business, but that didn’t feel…”

“We can control the experience,” Adrian explained, “manage how much pain or pleasure our victim feels. Some vampires get off on inflicting the pain.” I shuddered at that, but my brief time in the vampire world left me with no doubt that he was telling the truth. “Others like to make it a truly sensual experience,” he continued, “But I usually try to keep it as impersonal as possible while minimizing the pain.”

“Except not this time,” I pointed out, shifting to look at him.

“No,” He agreed quietly, “I wanted it be pleasurable for you, Isobel.”

“It was,” I assured him, “very.”

We sat there for a moment, just staring at each other and finally Adrian pulled back, averting his gaze and standing up. “We should get to work,” he told me, striding over to the desk.

I got up as well, realizing that the moment was over and whatever we had just now, we aren’t going to talk about it. At least not now. That was ok with me, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to say, all I knew was how I felt and that I was even more convinced that I wanted this life.

That I wanted Adrian and everything he could give me.

  • End


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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

2 thoughts on “You Make Me Feel Alive”

  1. I know I commented on this on tumbler, Misha, but I really like the dynamic you’ve portrayed here between Adrian and your MC. The book moved a little (or actually a lot) too fast for me and I love that you had these characters have such an intimate encounter while still maintaining the slow burn of an actual relationship. It was very sensual and just so well done.

    1. Thank you A! As hot as I found the diamond scene, I agree, I would have really liked them to let it simmer for a while, have a sensuous slow burn instead of “bam, professionalism right out the window”. I really enjoyed writing them and I think I’m probably going to keep this tone going forward (and ignore canon a bit)

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