
King Liam is a character that belongs to Pixelberry, just borrowing him and others for this story.



The cubs are 3 weeks old, and Liam is finally on leave until the first of the year. Leo and Olivia will be stepping up to help with the kingdom,  while he and Si focus on their new family even Drake and Maxwell are offering to do what they can. Si wouldn’t resume any duties until after the cubs first shift. This was going to be a season of firsts: First Christmas with his new family, first  New Year’s kiss with his wife. A season of many firsts for his family.

A little after midnight he finally makes it to the Royal Quarters. Assuming that everyone is asleep he eases into their bedroom. There lays the love of his life, cradling Emi, he smiles at the sight of them, they both fell asleep while Emi was nursing. He kisses Si’s forehead and gently taking Emi from her arms. After placing Emi in her bed, he walks back to Si’s side of the bed, gently removing a pillow so that she is able to lay down. He takes great care not to wake her, but softly chuckles at the thought, Si has been a very heavy sleeper these days, he smiles thinking, how did I get so lucky?

 Not wanting to disturb his sleeping family, Liam goes to the guest room to take a shower, he always washes the day away before climbing into bed.   Liam finishes his shower, wraps a towel around his hips moving silently back to his bedroom. Making his way to where the bassinets are lined up in their room. He goes to each cub placing a tender kiss on their head. Looking at the clock on his bedside table, he realizes he could get a couple of hours sleep in before the next cub wakes for their feeding. 

 He turns to his closet, walking straight to his dresser, discarding his towel, he slips on his silk sleeping pants. They have not worn anything to bed since their first night together in New York, but now, the doctors advised that they start, well at least for three to four weeks. Well, three weeks down, and one more to go, he thinks but to him and his lion, it seems like a lifetime. Si thought having the bassinets in their room would help ease the tension, and was a good distraction since she is waking up every few hours to nurse, but having the cubs in their room did not help diminish his cravings for her. More than once he found himself jealous of his sons, which he knows is absolutely ridiculous.

Si begins stirring, she rolls over right into you his waiting arms, and whispers, “I’ve missed you.” 

Kissing her forehead he responds, “I missed you too.” 

Si raised her lips to meet his, she kisses him with such passion, he had to refrain from rolling her over on her back. Begrudgingly Liam pulls back. 

“As much as I love where this is going, you heard the doctor, ” he sighs, his lion was irritated that he stopped when they were about to taste their mate.

“Yeah, I did, but I didn’t think you would seriously follow her instructions.” She pouts, she can feel her phoenix smoldering deep within. One more week, just one more long week she thinks.

Liam cannot help but chuckle, “Love, it is only for another week, I am surprised you would let me touch you, after all the things you yelled at me during their birthing.”

“Hey, I was in pain and you were late.  Doula told me to focus my pain, and the vase wasn’t working. I sorry I said some of those things, but not all of it. It was your fault that I was in that much pain.” 

“Well you were complaining when I was impregnating you,” he smirks. “I believe you were screaming my name over and over.”

Si pretends to be offended but her failed stifled giggle gives her away. She relishes this quiet time, it is just her and her Lion. So much of her day is nursing, changing, soothing, bathing the trio, repeating several times a day, even with Em and Julia helping, she is exhausted by the end of the day. Moments like this, being in his arms reminds her of how blessed, cherished, and loved she really is. It was not that long ago that she almost lost him, her family would have been ripped apart before it began. A single tear glides down her cheek.

“Hey, I’m here, Love, and I am not going anywhere.” Liam hugs her close, he hates when she is remembering all the horrendous things that happened to her, to them. Yes, they almost lost one another, but they didn’t, they still have each other. “It is you and me, plus three.”

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