You Take My Breath Away

You Take My Breath Away
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This takes place after the club scene in Chapter Two of Book 2 and deals with Seth’s reaction to the news that Matt and Kat will be making another movie together. For the purpose of this story, Thomas Hunt never appeared in the chapter and MC stayed with her friends until it was time to go home.

Pairing- Seth/MC

Rating- PG-13

Summary- Seth and Kat talk about her new movie and the fact that she will be filming with Matt again.

Words- 958


After a few more rounds of drinks, and a round on the dance floor with both Teja and Victoria, we decided to call it a night.

I stayed back a bit, grabbing Seth’s hand. “Come home with me?”

Surprise flickered across his handsome face and then he smiled. “Of course, I can’t think of anything I’d like better.”

We said goodnight to the others and then got into the cab. I snuggled against Seth. “Tonight was fun.”

“It was,” he agreed, but there was an odd note in his voice.

I frowned, was something bothering him. Thinking back, I’d realized he’d gotten quiet about halfway through the night, though I couldn’t quite figure out what had caused the shift.

“Are you nervous about your movie?” I asked him.

“Definitely,” he answered, “I mean, I keep pinching myself to make sure it’s real.”

“You’ll feel better once the papers are signed,” I assured him, “but everyone is really happy for you and Teja.”

“Yeah,” Seth agreed, “it’s a good group.” There was that odd note again.

“We all have such exciting projects,” I continued, trying to figure out what was wrong. I knew I wasn’t imagining things, something was bugging him. “It’s going to be a busy few months.”

Seth was quiet.

“Seth?” I asked him, wishing it wasn’t so dark in the backseat. “Is something wrong?”

Before he could answer, we made it to my place. There was no talking as we went inside.

“You didn’t answer me,” I reminded him once we were inside and had kicked off our shoes. “You were pretty quiet tonight, after we started talking about projects…”

“Yeah,” he agreed, sticking his hands in his pockets, “that’s big news about Matt, that you guys will be working together again.”

I frowned. Was that what was bothering him?

“It’ll be nice to know someone on set,” I said slowly, “Matt’s a good friend.”

“It’ll be location right?” Seth asked, moving to the couch. “The movie?”

“I think so,” I said, “I don’t know most of the details.” I laughed as I sat down beside him, “that sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it? That I signed on without knowing anything about it?”

Seth wrapped his arms around me, “not ridiculous, things are moving fast.”

“Yeah,” I agreed, it had been a whirlwind few months and it didn’t show any signs of slowing down.

“We probably won’t see each other much,” Seth commented, “if you go on location.”

I frowned, I hadn’t thought of that. Especially since he’d be filming soon. “Oh. Yeah.” I looked up at him, suddenly feeling nervous. Was that why he was being so weird, did he want to slow things down between us. “Eager to get rid of me?”

“No,” Seth said quickly, “Not… I’m going to miss you, Iowa. It’s bad enough that you don’t live next door any longer.”

“I know.” I said with a sigh. I liked my new apartment, but I missed Seth and Gloria. It was just another sign of how fast everything was changing.

“For a woman who is the hottest thing on the planet, you look strangely miserable,” Seth told me, looking into my eyes. “You know, you’re supposed to be happy about all this, Iowa.”

“I know,” I told him, leaning closer to him, “and I am. It’s just everything is changing so fast.” I bit my lip. “I just… I’m really going to miss you, Seth.”

“Hey, maybe you’ll be too busy to miss me,” He commented, “and I”m sure Matt will–”

“Matt and I are friends,” I said, cutting him off, “I don’t want Matt. Not like that.”

“Most women wouldn’t choose a struggling screenwriter over Matt Rodriguez,” Seth pointed out.

“Well, I’m not most people,” I replied with a shrug, “and I like Matt, he’s a nice guy, but you? You were the person who was there when I was at my lowest, you’ve never lost faith in me. No one makes me laugh harder or smile more often. In this crazy town, the only time I feel normal is when I’m with you. I don’t ever want to lose that.”

Seth looked dumbstruck. “Iowa…”

“This is where you kiss me,” I told him with a smile, “I mean if you want too, that is.”

He didn’t need any further instruction, his lips quickly covering mine, his hands burying in my hair as I climbed onto his lap.

“You… You take my breath away,” he confessed, “I just feel like I’m going to wake up and it’s a dream, that I either made you up or…” He trailed off and I knew what he was going to say, that I’d chosen Matt.

“It’s not a dream,” I reminded him, “well, I don’t think. But if it is, then we’re in it together, which is just how I want it.”

“Me too,” Seth admitted, drawing me in for another kiss and for the next few minutes, there was no more talking, just lips and hands and little sighs.

“Now I’m really going to miss you,” Seth sighed when we broke apart to catch our breath.

“For tonight, we’re both still here,” I reminded him, getting up off his lap, “and we have a whole night ahead of us.” I held out my hand. “And if we’re going to be apart, we should make some good memories.”

“I like how you think,” Seth told me, taking my hand and then pulling me close and kissing me. I had a feeling that the subject wasn’t completely closed. Our relationship was still new and there was a lot to figure out, but I knew I really cared about Seth, enough that I was willing to put in the work necessary to see where this could go.

He was worth it.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

One thought on “You Take My Breath Away”

  1. I love the dynamic between Kat and Seth. Seth’s insecurity is written well, and Kat reassuring him is sweet.

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