Note: My MC Gabi is still torn over Logan and Colt, so I decided to explore that more in this fic. This follows my other two Colt X MC fics (Defensive Driving and Tattoo on My Heart) but can be read as a standalone because it works within canon events. Also Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran came on while I was writing it and it kinda fit, so the title is one of the lyrics.

Gabi wakes up in Logan’s arms once again, and looks up to see him smiling back at her. He kisses her sweetly on the forehead. “You’re making a habit of using me as a body pillow, aren’t you?”
“But you’re so comfy and warm.” Gabi yawns and stretches her arms before snuggling in close to him again. She closes her eyes and rests her head on his chest, soothed by the steady beat of his heart.
Logan idly strokes her hair. “If you’re not careful, I’m going to get used to this”
“Is that such a bad thing?” Her question is innocent enough of the surface, but it isn’t so simple. Right now in these moments with Logan, everything seems right, but it’s really not. Logan can’t promise her he’ll still be around tomorrow, let alone for whatever type of future she could possibly envision for the two of them. And then there’s Colt. She didn’t mean to fall for the sarcastic pain in the ass too, but it just kind of happened. When she’s with Colt, he’s all she wants, and when she’s with Logan she almost forgets that her heart isn’t completely his.
“Gabi, I…” Logan sighs. “We agreed to live in the moment, right?” He suddenly rolls over bringing her on top of him. She closes the small distance between their lips, kissing him deeply. With only the thin layers of her sleep shorts and his boxer briefs between them, she’s keenly aware of his arousal. She presses into him harder and nibbles on his neck and he lets out a groan, rolling them both back onto their sides. “If you keep doing that, I’m not going to be able to stop.”
“You keep saying these things like there’s a problem.” Gabi knows he’s more experienced than her although he’s been vague about it, and he knows that she has none. She keeps hinting at wanting more, and he keeps putting her off.
“Why don’t we go out and do something fun today?” Logan changes the subject. “You’ve been studying hard lately, and you deserve a break.”
“Or….we could just lay in bed all day together and relax,” she suggests hopefully.
Logan hops out of bed. “Again, I think that could end in trouble. Somewhere public is much safer. Why don’t you think of something you want to do while I get ready.”
Gabi pouts as Logan heads to the shower, but reluctantly searches for ideas anyway. Maybe getting out with Logan for the day will give her some clarity.
“Still not going to tell me where we are going?” Logan looks out the window of Gabi’s car like he’s searching for clues.
“Patience Logan, you’ll see when we get there.” He’s taken her on enough adventures lately. It’s kind of fun to keep him on his toes. She turns off PCH onto the road into the park.
“Ohh, Solstice Canyon,” Logan observes. “I’ve heard of this place. Aren’t there ruins of an old mansion here?”
“Yep, and some cool natural areas too. I haven’t been here since I was a kid, but I loved running around and exploring.” They park, and Gabi grabs a backpack from the backseat. “Ready?”
The explore the ruins and hike the paths until the reach the park’s waterfall. It’s a quiet day on the trails, and the waterfall is just as pretty and serene as Gabi remembers. Logan reaches for her hand as they stand in silence, mesmerized by the sight and sound of the water trickling down.
“I see why you wanted to come back here.” Logan looks at her with a twinkle in his eyes. “It’s almost as gorgeous as you.”
Gabi groans. ”Enough with the cheesy lines or I’m going to push you in.” She grabs his shoulders, feigning like she’s going to push him over the rocky ledge.
Logan wraps his arms tightly around her waist and smirks. “If I go in, you are coming with me.”
For the first time all day, Gabi thinks about Colt. Visions of jumping off the cliff into the ocean with him hand and hand, bodies pressed against one another in the waves as they kissed over and over again come flooding back. She slips away from Logan trying to shake it. “I packed lunch for us. Let’s go find a place to eat.” Gabi leads Logan to a flat rocky clearing at the top of the falls, just off the main path. She pulls out two peanut butter sandwiches, bottles of water, and a bag of potato chips. “Sorry, there wasn’t much of a selection in the loft.”
“I love peanut butter sandwiches.” Logan leans over and kisses her softly on the lips. “Thank you, Gabi.”
They enjoy their lunch while they take in the nature around them. Birds chirp against the soothing backdrop of the cascading water. Gabi sees a ground squirrel lurking nearby and tosses a piece of crust in its direction. It scurries away with the scrap of bread and moments later, two more come running out. Gabi throws out a few more pieces and instantly a little finch comes swooping down and steals one.
Logan chuckles. “Gabi Santos, animal whisperer…Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask. Is Gabi short for something?”
“Yep, Gabriella.” Gabi replies.
“A beautiful name for a beautiful-”
“Don’t even say it.” Gabi cuts him off and shakes her head with a hint of a smile on her lips. “I told you Logan…You know I don’t even know your last name so I can properly scold you for your bad lines.”
Logan’s expression hardens. “I don’t really share that because it’s not part of who I am. A family name means nothing when that family isn’t there for you. Just Logan is fine.”
Gabi squeezes his hand. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you upset.”
“No, I’m sorry. I’m not mad at you. Come here.” Logan holds his arm out and Gabi scoots in next to him. He lifts a finger to her chin and turns her face to him. “You make me happy, Gabi, and that’s all that matters right now.”
A current passes between them as Gabi stares into Logan’s deep blue eyes. She floats towards him, and he meets her halfway, kissing her deeply as she parts her lips. Gabi rises to her knees and swings a leg over him, straddling his lap. Logan leaves a trail of kisses down her neck, sending jolts of electricity across her skin. She grinds down on him and he responds, running his hands up her side sucking hard on the delicate skin near her collarbone.
“Oh, Logan,” Gabi moans, but is cut short by the sounds of laughter nearby. She jumps up and peers around the trees, noticing a group of kids she re from school at the base of the waterfall.
Logan sighs audibly. “And, I think that’s our sign.“ He gets up and dusts himself and Gabi off. Gabi is disappointed one again, and Logan almost seems relieved.
“Okay, fine,” Gabi concedes. “But we don’t have to go back yet, do we?”
Logan smiles. “What did you have in mind?”
It’s dark when they get back to the shop after exploring the coast and catching a movie. The crew is huddled around the pool table eating pizza.
“Gabi, Logan!” Ximena acts like she hasn’t seen them for days. “Come join us.”
Colt looks them both up and down. “Where were you two all day?”
Logan narrows his eyes at Colt. “Why does it matter to you?”
“I guess it doesn’t.” Colt’s eyes flick over to Gabi and she tries not to let her face give too much away.
They all hang out for awhile and Gabi doesn’t say much. They get a couple games of pool going before Mona taps out. Logan yawns and looks to Gabi. “I think I’m going to head up to bed.”
“I’m not tired yet. I think I’m going to stay up awhile longer.” And if she goes now, she won’t get a chance to talk to Colt. She has no idea what she’s going to say, but she feels the need to talk to him regardless.
Toby and Ximena are the only other ones left at this point. They are both a few beers in and seriously focused on their game of pool. Colt and Gabi are sitting and watching in relative silence until Gabi speaks up. “Colt, can we talk for a minute.”
“Go ahead,” he says cooly.
“Not here. Gabi scans the room and notes the door to Kaneko’s office is slightly ajar. “Come with me.” Gabi gets up and thankfully colt follows as she enters the office and closes the door behind them once inside.
Gabi hops up on the desk, and Colt leans against the wall, arms crossed. “You’ve got a little something, right there.” He points to the collarbone opposite her tattoo.
Gabi looks down but can’t see anything, so she takes her phone out of her bag and opens up the selfie camera. There’s a good size purple hickey forming and she’s suddenly mortified, reflexively placing her hand over it. “Colt…”
“What, Gabi, why are we here?”
“I know I told you things were complicated and they still are. I like Logan and he’s good to me.”
Colt scoffs. “I really don’t need to hear this.”
“This isn’t coming out right. I know I’m a mess but, Colt, but I really like you too…maybe even more than him. I know it’s not fair-”
Before she can finish, he’s erased the distance between them. Settling between her legs, one arm wrapped around her waist, his other hand threaded through her hair. “I really want to kiss you again.” Gabi nods and his mouth is on hers instantly. She returns the kiss with equal intensity and wraps her legs around him, pulling him impossibly close his hands find their way under her shirt, working their way up inch by inch. He sucks hard on the side of her neck, and she thinks she knows what he’s doing, but in this moment she doesn’t care.
“I want you Colt.” She whispers in his ear.
Colt pulls back suddenly. “What are you saying?”
“I’m saying I want you to keep going, Colt. Please don’t stop.”
“Dammit, Gabi,” Colt whimpers. “You can’t say things like that.”
“Why not?”
“Because we can’t, and I can’t control myself around you. Fuck, Gabi I want you so bad, but we just can’t. Not here and not now.” Gabi looks down feeling rejected but Colt picks her chin up. “As much as this pains me, I need you to go back up to Logan now. The minute you can tell me it’s me and only me, I’m all yours. Until then, I’ll be waiting.”
Gabi touches the side of her neck where the skin is already tender. “You might not have to wait long once Logan notices this,” Gabi jokes, trying to lighten the mood.
“He marked you up pretty good. I’m sure he’ll think he did that one too.” Colt scoops Gabi off the desk and places her on the floor, wrapping her tightly in his embrace. “See you tomorrow, Gabi.”
She looks into his dark eyes before kissing him desperately once more. “Goodnight, Colt.” She slips out unnoticed by the others and takes her time on the climb back upstairs, even more confused than when the day began