You’re My Person

You’re My Person
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- This is just a super short little piece that popped into my head for Day 25- Best Friends. This is set sometime in the future.
Rating- PG
Summary-  Eleanor makes a surprising discovery about Olivia and elicits a promise out of her best friend.
Words- 287

“You’re my person,” I told Olivia as I sipped my wine, “you know that, right?”

We were having one of our regular wine nights, where we relaxed and drank wine and shared the newest court gossip. It was one of my favorite things, especially when I’d had a particularly stressful week.

She raised an eyebrow. “Am I supposed to know what that means?”

“My person!” I said enthusiastically. “You know, like Grey’s Anatomy. You’re the Yang to my Grey.”

“Am I supposed to know what that means?” Olivia asked dryly, taking a sip of her own wine.

I stared at her. “Are you telling me you’ve never watched Grey’s Anatomy.” Yeah, sure it was an American show, but it was popular, right? Sometimes I felt like I had landed on a different planet.

“I am vaguely aware of it, but no I have never seen it,” Olivia told me with an eye roll. “Medical dramas do not interest me.”

“OMG, you have to watch Grey’s!” I told her, “we can watch it together. We can do a marathon. Or several, since it’s like 150 hours of TV.”

“I think I’ll pass,” Olivia commented, giving me a look.

“Please?” I pleaded, pouting.

Olivia groaned. “You are Queen, I am a Duchess, how do you think we’re going to manage to find 150 spare hours to sit around and watch TV?”

That was a yes, even if it wasn’t a gracious one. “We’ll spread it out,” I promised, “we’ll just make it the center of our girls nights and I promise, we can have lots of wine.”

“That might make it bearable,” Olivia conceded, “Besides, I don’t have a choice, do I?”

I grinned. “Nope. Because you’re my person.”

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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