It’s been three years. Three busy, time consuming years where Dom had found himself traveling a lot and meeting tons of new people. But those new people had never replaced the one he already cherished. Even with all the new friends and alliances he’s made, he always came back home.
The thing was, that his home now was at two places. First, Stormholt, and now, the fire tribe, too.
It was a strange yet fulfilling feeling, as he felt he had a purpose now.
He was on his way back from yet another diplomatic meeting, with the intention on staying in the fire tribe for the night, and leaving first thing in the morning for Stormholt. He missed his best friend, Kenna, and had not had a full, deep conversation with her in ages.
She was a busy woman, he reminded himself, as he knew she was a queen, and now, also a mother.
When the thought hit him, he couldn’t feel a glimpse of jealousy, knowing he wasn’t anywhere close to that. And as much as he loved the freedom of playing around, he also could not deny something within him wanted to settle down.
And when he thought about settling down, only one name popped into his mind, coming for the surface after being buried for so long – Sei.

He pushed the thought back, deep into the back of his mind, Sei didn’t look at him that way, he convinced himself.
Looking back at his romantic history, Dom figured he wasn’t good at settling down anyway.
From his years-long crush on Kenna,
To lying to Rose and to himself he was able to love her –
he really wanted to, but it wasn’t enough. He didn’t love her since his heart was already occupies with Kenna, and he could never make up for hurting her. He had hoped that in one of his journeys he’d bump into her, and try to make amends. He wasn’t so lucky so far.
He remembered the fling with Jackson, which lasted for a while, but ultimately, Jackson found someone else. They never were exclusive, but Jackson was nervous about telling Dom he had fallen for someone else.
Dom brushed that off with a charming smile and said, that if that person made Jackson happy, then he approved.
Even countless strangers he have met during his traveling as ambassador could not make him forget the way Sei made him feel.
He and Sei had been lovers even before the war ended, but they were never in a relationship. They never discussed it, and they never claimed the other to be theirs. It was just casual kissing and sometimes stolen nights, when he would come back from a mission. He never knew what to expect, when he came back. She might find someone else, just as Jackson did, and he won’t even know about it until he arrived.
He remembered how he told Shadow-Sei, the ghost he saw in his mind all that time ago, that he loved her, and how she laughed as response. He was sure the real Sei would react the same way, calling him ridiculous.
Dom was good at attracting people, but not at keeping them.
He wasn’t sure Sei even wanted a relationship, but even if she would, he probably wouldn’t get to keep her to himself, not for the long run, anyway.

He finally made his way into the village, when a random little girl ran his way. “Dominic!!!” She called, excitedly. “You’re home!” She jumped into his arms. He lifted her up and spun her around.
This little girl was an orphan, whose parents died during the fight against the iron empire, and the entire tribe looked after her as if she was their own.
“Yes, I’m home!” He answered, as enthusiastic as she was, even though he was exhausted. She giggled as he putt her down, and she took his arm in her little hand and leaded him towards the elder’s house.
“Elder Sei, look who’s home!” She called as she threw the door open.
Dom chuckled, at how impolite that was, but totally fitting for the little angel. He couldn’t help but feel he might’ve had some influence on her, too.
“It’s impolite to barge into someone’s house like that, Erin.” He made a point, but he couldn’t really scowl at her.
“It’s fine.” Sei came into the living room, ruffling Erin’s hair. “I’ve missed you.” Sei said, as Dom gathered her into his arms. Sei didn’t have problem with both of them displaying affection towards each other in front of her tribe, and for that he was grateful.
“Erin, could you get grandfather back from the lake? I’m sure he’d want to say hi to Dom, too.” She said and Erin nodded, eyes full of excitement, as she ran out to fulfill her mission.
Dom grinned at how warm and motherly Sei was with little Erin, and didn’t notice how Sei grinned at him the same way.

Both of them, along with Erin and Anu, had dinner together and discussed his last trip. They even did some meditation.
Well, Sei, Anu and Erin meditated, Dom fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes.
Sei chuckled when they all heard a snore, which broke away their concentration, and pulled out a fur blanked over him.

He woke up early in the next morning, and a sweet smell filled the house. Sei was already up and cooking something. Anu and Erin weren’t anywhere to be seen, probably left together even before he woke up.
He noticed the blanket on top of him, and a warm feeling spread through him. “Did you tuck me in?” He asked as he entered the kitchen.
“I did.” Sei hummed briefly. “Your snoring drove us crazy.” She teased, while serving his breakfast.
“Wow. Tucked me in and cooked breakfast? You really have miss me!” He said as he motioned for her to seat beside him.
And she did, both of the digging into their meal.
“I have something to discuss with you.” Sei admitted. So that was what this all was about.
“Is it about my work? Am i not doing well as an ambassador?” He asked, concerned. He, for one, thought he did a splendid job.
“No. It’s not that. You’re doing a great job.” She assured him.
“Oh. So?” He wondered.
“It’s about Erin.” Sei admitted, looking up from her plate and into his eyes.
“Erin? What about her? Is she alright?” He immediately got to his defensive mode, ready to burn down anyone who would being harm to her.
“She’s just fine.” Sei chuckled. “I’m just thinking… about adopting her. Officially.” she announced.
“The other day, she accidentally called me ‘Mommy’, and i haven’t stopped thinking about it ever since.” Sei told him.
“That’s great! I’m happy for both of you, that’ll be great.” He puts a hand over hers. Genuinely happy for her.
“She looks up to you, too, you know.” She says, and he nods, oblivious to why she’s telling him this.
“I may not understand all your rituals and culture…” she hesitated, just for a second, before regaining her composure back.
“But i’d embrace it just as you had embraced ours. So, i’d be honored if you… adopted her with me.” Sei smiled at him, flashing her teeth.
“Sei… are you..- are you PROPOSING to me?” It finally sunk down.
She punched him in his arm, playfully, but sill strong enough to make him rub his shoulder. “Ah!” He protested.
“Lowlander. Don’t make me repeat myself.” She held the collar of his shirt in her hand and pulled him closer.
“I…-” he wanted to keep teasing her, but the overwhelming feeling of joy washed upon him, and before he could think about it, he found himself saying out loud “Yes”.
“Yes?” She asked rhetorically and pulled him into a kiss, as she was already holding into his shirt, and their lips finally met.
They were hungry for each other, kissing and biting each other’s lips, not minding they might get caught.
He pushed his tongue against her and she parted her lips, allowing him in. Their tongues tangled together, as he wrapped his arms around her waist, and bite hard at her lower lip. “Ah!” She exhaled.
“Don’t pretend. I know you like it rough.” He teased against her lips, before kissing her again, gently this time. Taking his time to comfort her this time, planting soft, feather-like kisses to her lips and then lower, towards her neck, stopping at her collar bone.
She smiled as she leaned in to kiss his ear, nipping lightly before whispering “I want you to stay.”
He could feel himself getting hot from just the how sensual the whisper felt.
“To stay?” He asked, a little confused but still willing to oblige.
“You said you need to leave for Stormholt. Stay.” Sei knew she was asking for a lot, but he he could see his best friend later. Right now, she wanted Dom to herself.
“Okay. I’ll stay.” He whispered back. He’d see Kenna later, she would understand.
He didn’t know if Sei meant for right now, or forever. But he could do both, if she wanted him to.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

In a few months, everything changed for Dom. From worrying about his future and relationships, he was about to marry the woman he loved. The woman he thought would never want him back, the way he wanted her. But she did, and she was willing to dress up in “something ridiculous”, as she called it, and go down the aisle. They embraced traditions from both of their cultures, as she rubbed in some body paint into his face, making him an official part of her tribe and her family.
He watched as little Erin ran around the guests, scattering flowers all around the the area. He chuckled, as he remembered how glad and excited Erin was, when they suggested to adopt her. She was already their daughter.
Erin ran around and bumped into a familiar woman, it was Kenna. Dom looked up and met Kenna’s gaze. She was so proud, and happy for him. With tears of joy in her eyes, she picked up Erin and motioned for the little girl to look in the same direction she was.
When Erin spotted Dom from afar, she let out a happy squeal, and Kenna laughed. Her own son came near her, hand in hand with Raydan, and Dom felt like Kenna was the best aunt he could give the little girl who became his world.
Kenna put Erin down, and the former started running around and playing with Kenna’s son, Adrian.
He remembered how he was just an orphan boy, and Margaret took him in, and suddenly he had a family. He had lost that family, like his biological one, too.
But when he watched as Kenna and her husband started walking in his direction, and Sei and Anu joined him, he realized he had a new family now.
He instinctively took one of Sei’s arms in his, not planning on letting this family ever slip out of his hands.