Withlock walked through the door to the foundry. Seeing his city bustling with people and improvements by the moment, brought a warm feeling to his heart, a feeling of sheer bliss. He walked through the streets, greeting people, until he reached the center of it, the city hall.
As he paced into the building, Thales noticed him from the corner of his eye. Withlock smiled widely, when he saw the younger man wrapping up his conversation quickly, and then making his way towards him. “I missed you!” Thales wrapped him in a hug.
“I missed you too.” When they broke apart from the hug, Withlock’s hands remained on Thales’s shoulders, and he wore a proud smile that seemed even slightly mischievous. “Why are you looking at me like that?” Thales was quick to question.
“I knew you were up for the job!” Withlock enthusiastically called, and Thales chuckled awkwardly.
“I wouldn’t say ‘up for the job’. More like ‘didn’t set anything on fire while you were away’ for the job.” Thales tried convincing him, but Withlock wasn’t buying that. After grinning at him, Withlock motioned for them to walk over to his (former) office. Although Thales didn’t know about that part, yet.
“You grew out your hair,” Thales commented. It was true, while on his journey, Withlock didn’t have that much time or care to cut his hair or shave, and it was now about as long as Raydan’s hair was. He didn’t think about it, up until now, that Thales had mention it.
“I did, didn’t I?” He strokes his hair, looking at his reflection at some window they passed. “I should cut it.” He decides to himself.
When they enter the office, Withlock reaches for his backpack. He takes out a few finished notebooks with plans, blueprints, sketches, and ideas for new inventions for the city. Hopefully, for the entire world, too.
He spreads the shits on his desk, and invites Thales to stand beside him.
“I know it’s not really the souvenir you probably were expecting, but this is my gift to you from this journey.” Withlock says, while Thales watches wide eyed.
“Are you kidding me? This… This is amazing.” He sounds in shock. he flips through the notebooks, knowing it would take days to go over everything that’s on this table.
“This is the best gift you could’ve given me. As well as your guidance and friendship.” Thales says after taking a moment to compose himself and sound serious.
That, and to Inherit the foundry. Goes unsaid.

His last stop was Ducitora. He couldn’t wait to see Empress Lia again.
He decided to take a boat, to sail overseas over to Marossi, so he could really get the entire experience. He headed towards Ebrimel, to Panrion, where Noa and Kailani were more than glad to give him a boat, and a crew, and wish him a nice journey.

Noa had married a nice woman some time ago, she gave birth to his son Nereus, but died shortly after giving birth. He was raising their son alone for a few years now, as the main ruler of Ebrimel, along with Kailnai as the “mother figure” in the baby’s life. While Kailani was just as much as Ebrimel’s ruler as Noa was, he was the calm, and composed one, so she let him handle most of the political affairs.
Kailani never intended to settle down, and so she didn’t, but she was glad to help with her nephew.
Rumor had it that Noa was now seeing one of his army’s captains, but Withlock wasn’t one to pry. He was just glad that Noa wasn’t doing as bad as he was when his wife passed away.

His journey across the sea has went a little too fast to his liking. On one hand, he was glad he could see Lia so soon, but he also liked he calm and fresh feeling sailing gave him.
He was standing on the deck of the ship, feeling the salty sea breeze meet his face. He could see Marossi not too far in the distance.
As they came closer, Withlock shut his eyes, appreciating a few last moments of sailing. Suddenly, he heard a hawk’s chirping above him. Opening his eyes, he saw the hawk diving in front of him and drew out his hand, so the hawk could land on it comfortably. He recognized the hawk to be one of Diavolos’s.
He took out the note that was tied to the hawk’s leg, and read it over.
Felicia was quite the matchmaker, as it turned out, since she sent out a note in Odette’s name.

– She won’t admit it, but Odette misses you greatly 🙂 

Was scribbled down on the note. Withlock’s face turned red, and his eyes shot wide open in surprise. He haven’t given Odette too much thought since parting ways with her.
“Ey, mate” A fellow crew member called out to him. “You okay? Getting sea-sick? We’re almost there.” He commented on his pale look and red cheeks.
“Uh. No… I’m fine.” Withlock tried to compose himself. “Just got some interesting news…” He murmured to himself.
He patted his loyal companion, and gave him a treat, sending him back home without response. He planned to send word back later, and didn’t want to hold up the hawk for too long.
Meeting land, they finally reached Marossi, and a familiar face welcomed Withlock to Ducitora.
“Jorrin,” Withlock nodded, and the man nodded back. “Withlock. Welcome back.” He motioned for him to sit in the carriage that took them to the palace.

Reaching the palace’s entrance, he saw a beautiful woman standing in the doorway and discussing something with a random servant. When the servant took note of Withlock’s presence, since he probably recognized him – he apologetically interrupted her, bowed his head, and pointed at his direction before turning to leave.
Lia turned around gracefully, her white locks of hair flipping in the air to his direction. Withlock could swear his heart missed a beat.
“Withlock!” her eyes shot open in surprise, and a wide smile spread on her rose pink lips.
He was smiling back just as widely without even realizing, and jogged towards her. She met him halfway, and he spun her around in a circle, hugging her tightly.
“ahem.” Jorrin coughed on purpose, but looked away as they broke apart, flushed from embarrassment and from getting lost in the heat of the moment. They only hugged each other, but Withlock’s heart was racing in his chest.
“Oh, right.” Withlock bowed his head slightly towards Jorrin’s direction, thankful for the silent warning. Jorrin rolled his eyes, but seemed to like Withlock enough to overlook this.
“Come with me?” Lia was composed now too, and invited Withlock for a tour around the castle. She extended her hand, offering him to take it in his.
It wasn’t his first time in Ducitora, and not even the second. Withlock had visited Marossi from time to time in summits or regular political meetings that took place, but haven’t visited in a long while.
“I’d love to.” Withlock smiled back, and took her hand, and they started walking towards the main entrance. Withlock shot a glance back, surprised Jorrin wasn’t following them, but rather let them go alone.
Lia caught his look too, but just smiles sheepishly and said nothing. He was surprised, but hided a smile as well.

After walking around the palace, they reached the throne room. It was now so different than Azura’s throne room.
It was to be expected, obviously, but the feeling of warmness and sense of security it conveyed had made Withlock proud of who Lia came to be.
He liked the ‘old’ her too, but also loved to see her progress. From a scared princess that listened to everything her mother said, to taking action and making the right choice despite being taught the opposite her entire life, to an outstanding Empress.
The throne room was decorated with glistening chandeliers and flowers standing on the windowsills. “Annelyse would love it here,” Withlock murmured out loud.
“I’d hope she would, she was the one that decorated it.” Lia answered.
“Oh.” He realized, and they both chuckled.
“Ah! That reminds me!” He reaches into his backpack. Jorrin has already taken his luggage into his room, so he hopes what he’s looking for is in here somewhere.
“Withlock? What are you looking for?” Lia wondered, bending down trying to peep.
“This is it!” He took out the planter with the glass case that he got from Odette in Abanthus, with the beautiful, blue-hearted, snow white flowers. He finally got why he was so drawn to them. He held them in front of Lia, and suddenly he was mesmerizes by her beauty.
The flowers were beautiful, there was no argument in that. But the nickle finally dropped, that, he found the the flower so breathtaking because it reminded him of Lia.
Lia looked in awe. “They looks amazing, Withlock!” She smiled, a loving look in her eyes.
“I know.” He hands her the planter. “They’re for you. They reminded me of you, in their breathtaking beauty.” He told her, before he could stop himself.
An amused look spread across her face as she took the planter in her hands.
“… What?” Withlock questioned when she just kept looking at him like that.
“You think I’m breathtakingly beautiful?” She asked, in a teasing tone.
I… OH- I didn’t say that– I… Yes.” He stuttered, blushing, and Lia burst into laughter.
“Why, thank you. You’re not so bad yourself.” Lia blushed.
Withlock decided to make the most of the moment, finally plucking up the courage. “Not so bad does not compare to the stunning, heart stirring woman standing beside me.” He didn’t know how to flirt, but he thought back to how Raydan swayed women, and the sentence came out on it’s own.
It was Lia’s turn to blush. A deep red shade covered her rosy cheeks, and Withlock chuckled in return.
“Did you just say that to make me blush?!” She hid her face with both hands, while Withlock kept giggling.
“Not at all.” He took both of her hands in his, slowly pulling them down.
They were standing closer now, face to face, hand holding and both, suddenly, very aware of their situation.
“I meant… every… word.” He gulped, and Lia leaned in. He was sure she was about to kiss him, and could feel his heat beating hard in his chest.
Just a moment away from the kiss, she pulled back and wore a sly smile.
He narrowed his eyes at her, and both burst into laughter.

After breaking the ice, both felt a little bit more relaxed. Lia showed Withlock to his room, and left him to rest. She had some duties to attend to, and he could use a nap.
Well, at least he thought he could use a nap, since sleep didn’t come easy to him. He laid in his bed, and too many thoughts raced through his head.
So instead, he took out his notebook, and started brainstorming ideas. Something good has to come out from that.
Before he knew it, evening came down, and he was called for a meal with the Empress.
After sharing a dinner, Withlock accompanied Lia towards one of the waterfalls of Marossi. The sight was stunning, and he offered her his hand. She gladly took it in hers, and, ignoring Jorrin glaring at their direction from not too far in the distance, pulled him closer towards her.
“I’ve never been on a date before,” Lia confessed, in a shy tone. She was the Empress, after all, so it wasn’t too much of surprise.
“Me neither.” Withlock admitted, making her look back at him, and a slight smile formed on her lips.
They sat by the water for a while, Withlock’s hand over her shoulders, until he finally built up the courage and faced her. Caressing her cheek, Lia caught up on what he was doing, and before he could do anything himself, she planted her lips on his.
It was merely a feather-like touch, but it was enough to send waves of shock throughout his body – and it wasn’t Lia’s lightning power’s doing.
They pulled apart, blushing, leaving taste for more, but knowing this wasn’t the time or the place.
And they had all the time in the world.

“Will you visit again soon?” Lia asked, when he finally took off, half-convincing himself he had to explore Ducitora as well, and pay a visit back to the Foundry.
Thales was sending more and more letters, he probably needed some help or guidance.
“Absolutely.” He promised, taking her face in his arms and kissing her before he leaves. Jorrin wasn’t thrilled to be watching them, but kept a blind eye.
Withlock didn’t even realize he forgot to answer Felicia’s (Or rather, Odette’s) message up until he exited the walls of Marossi.
He figured he could visit Abanthus after going to the foundry, to apologize for ignoring their message, and maybe for giving Odette false hope too.
While he and Lia didn’t rush anywhere with defining a relationship, Withlock realized he couldn’t imagine himself with someone else.

– – – – – – – – –

Withlock kept traveling around, but found himself always coming back to one place – Ducitora.
And lately, he found himself doing so more and more often.
It was a warm Sunday afternoon when he looked up at Lia, and blurted out “I don’t wanna travel anymore.”
She blinked at him, with those big sparkly eyes. “But you love traveling.” She protested, knowing Withlock better than anyone.
She was sitting on a wooden porch of the palace’s garden, Withlok lying on her bended knees.
“There’s something I love more than that.” While saying in a simple tone, he stood up. Lia followed by with a confused gaze.
“I found myself coming back here more than any place I’d visit.” It was true. Even though he still visited the Foundry, Ducitora was his main interest, and he’d stay there the longest.
When he’d come up with a new invention, or get inspired by something during his hikes, he’d send the sketches over to both the Foundry and Marossi.
“I want to come back here, I want to… stay.” This place became like home to him. Lia became like home. “I want to call this place my home, to settle down here, If you’d let me.” He got down to one knee.
“Lia, will you marry me?” He took out a ring, a silver ring with a blue stone, that resembled the flowers he gave her a few years ago, that now decorated the entire castle.