Don’t Stop

Side note on things to know before reading: My MC is named Ava, so any PM fics I write will use that name. I have zero plans on extending this into a full story, but I will write more smut about this pairing.

It was pretty comical when Ava stopped to think about it. It being her current predicament. She was in a plane, being flown by an introvert without a pilots license, because some matching making service that wasn’t really a match matching service wanted their robot back. Oh, and the robot was Ava’s boyfriend. A giggle formed in the back of her throat. She choked it back, only to end up snorting. “Sorry,” she squeaked when her cousin Nadia turned to look at her.

“I can’t believe this is happening,” Nadia sniffed, her large brown eyes filling with crocodile sized tears.

Neither could Ava. Hayden had been the first guy in a while who hadn’t been a jerk or hadn’t friend zone her. Just her luck that he was a robot. What was it her best friend Damien had said? Oh. Yeah. If someone is too good to be true, they’re a liar. In Hayden’s defense, he hadn’t known he was a robot, so Ava wasn’t sure she could call him a liar. Poor guy…er…robot. God, this was so effing complicated. All Ava had wanted was a nice guy to bring home to her mom. Instead, she got a robot. A freaking robot! Thank God she had she kept the cookie in the cookie jar, instead of jumping straight into bed with the guy…er…robot the way Nadia had with Steve. Thinking about her cousin and her Steve addition robot caused Ava to choke on another round of giggles. Nadia had gone on and on about Steve’s stamina in the bedroom. At the time, Ava had thought her cousin was exaggerating. Now it all made sense. Steve had probably been designed with a permanent erection.

“It’s okay, Ava, you can let it all out,” Nadia soothed. The shorter, more petite woman moved across the aisle to wrap her arms around Ava.

Ava didn’t have the heart to tell her cousin she wasn’t crying, she was trying not to laugh. She’d liked Hayden well enough, he’d been well on his way to becoming a great friend, but, despite his perfection, he wasn’t the guy for her. Her dream guy was a sarcastic asshole of an ex-cop who only seen her as his drinking buddy and the occasional fellow Yankees fan. Thinking of Damien, and his lack of interest, was enough to bring real sadness to her eyes. Being in love with someone who didn’t love her back was shitty. Really, really shitty. She untangled herself from Nadia’s embrace and mumbled some excuse about needing to process everything on her own. She found a seat towards the back of the plane, away from everyone else, and let out an exasperated sigh. Tilting her head slightly, she stared up the aisle of the plane to where Hayden is sitting. She can’t help but wonder if he’s equipped the way Steve had been because right now she could do with a little stress relieving sex. Sex with Hayden wouldn’t be much different than using a vibrator would it? Oh sure, there was more to Hayden then that but essentially…

“Uh oh. I know that look.”

The rumble of Damien’s voice caused Ava to jump. She pressed the palm of one hand against her chest. “Jesus, Damien! You about gave me a heart attack.”

Damien rolled his eyes before dropping into the seat next to her. He jerked his chin towards Hayden. “So what was with that look you were giving the AI?” Heat reddens Ava’s cheeks. There were a lot of things she shared with Damien, but mentally comparing Hayden to an advanced vibrator wasn’t going to be one of those things. “Ah. So it’s like that.”

“Like what,” Ava demanded, shifting in her seat so that she could fully look at Damien.

“Come on, Ava, don’t make me say it.” A slight flush crept into Damien’s cheeks.

Letting out an exaggerated sigh, Ava flopped back into the seat. “Okay. Fine.” She glanced in Hayden’s direction to make sure he’s still passed out (or was it sleep mode?) before lowering her voice. “Do you remember how Nadia bragged about Steve’s skills in the bedroom?”

“Ah geez, really Ava?”

“You’re the one who asked,” she snickered. She pressed her cheek against the back of the seat and stared at Damien. They had met five years ago at some sports bar. Nadia had set her up with one of her artist friends who was supposedly perfect for her. The guy had been perfect alright. A perfect loser looking for a sugar mama to support him while he ‘found’ his art. Fifteen minutes into the date Ava had known it was not going to work, but no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn’t get the jerk to take a hint. Enter Damien. He’d seen the John Lennon wannabe leaning in for a kiss that Ava was leaning away from and he took action. He yanked the guy up by the collar and asked what the hell he was doing trying to kiss his future wife. Poor little hipster hadn’t known what to do. The way he sputtered around, all bug eyed behind his round glasses, had been hilarious. As soon as Damien let the little weasel loose, he took off. In that moment, Ava had known. Damien was the one. She’d thrown her arms around him, would have kissed him, only to have him move away and pat her on the back. The official friend zone initiation.

“You didn’t have to be so honest.”

“I thought my sense of honesty was one of things you loved about me,” Ava teased. Damien did love her. It showed in the little things he did. Hurrying ahead to open doors. Letting her pick where to eat. Wiping her tears when she got her heart stomped on by yet another guy. He liked to offer up words of appeasement, that it was the guy’s fault the relationship never took off, but Ava knew better. It was her fault. She measured every single guy up to Damien. And they always came back lacking. Hayden had been the first one to semi measure up and he turned out to be a robot. What did that say about her? That her only options were continue to be lonely because the man she loved didn’t see her that way or try to forge out a life with a robot? Good lord, but her life was fucked up.

“There’s honesty and then there’s TMI.” Damien threaded his fingers together and laid his hands on h is midsection. His caramel brown eyes searched her face. “Want to tell me what the look was really about?”

“Pretty sure that would fall into TMI,” she murmured. Somehow, she didn’t think her pal Damien would want to hear that she was contemplating no strings attached sex with a robot because, damn, she needed to do something to relieve the stress caused by this whole Eros thing. Besides, she was sort of dating said robot and Nadia had obviously enjoyed her robotic sexual experience; whose to say Ava wouldn’t enjoy it as well.

“What, you’re thinking about shagging the droid?” Damien chuckled. When she didn’t respond the laughter faded. “You can’t be serious.” Ava looked away. “Jesus. You are serious. You’re thinking about shagging the robot!”

“Will you keep your voice down,” Ava hissed. The last thing she wanted was for Nadia or Hayden to hear. There was no telling how Nadia would react, and while Ava didn’t fully understand Hayden’s inner workings, she did know he was capable of having his feelings hurt.

“What the hell are you thinking Ava?”

Ava rolled her eyes. If he wanted to pry, then so be it. She just hoped he was prepared for the amount of TMI that was about to drop on him. “I’m thinking that this whole thing is ridiculously stressful and I don’t like being tense. Sex is a great tension reliever. Hayden is basically a walking, talking vibrator so…” she shrugged. There. She had said it out loud. To her best friend that she was in love with. Good gravy, this ordeal was making her lose her mind. First she was contemplating sex with a robot, now she was telling Damien about it.

“You’re not serious,” Damien stared at her in disbelief. Ava looked away, her cheeks burning. “Jesus. You’re serious.” He shook his head. “Are you really that hard up?”

Ava felt her chest starting to burn. Years of Damien rejecting her, of friend zoning her burst loose. “You have no right to have any say in what I may or may not do,” she bit out between clenched teeth. She narrowed her eyes, her fists balling up. “I have thrown myself at you for years. Like literally, thrown myself at you. And all it’s ever gotten me is a pat on the back and a nice, cushy spot in the friend zone.” Scrambling to her feet, Ava tried to climb over Damien. He reached up and wrapped his fingers around her wrist. “Let go. Now.”


There was something different in his voice. An awareness that had never been there before. The pad of his thumb drew slow, sensual circles on the inside of her wrist. She felt the flicker of a flame igniting in her blood, racing through her body, and settling in the apex of her thighs. This was not how she imagined this conversation ending. Damien was supposed to let her go. Instead, he looked on the verge of ripping her clothes off, bending her over a seat, and fucking her brains out. Not that she was opposed to that scenario, because she wasn’t, but it didn’t jive with his ‘friend zone’ history. “What are you doing,” she asked huskily.

“Not patting you on the back?” He tugged gently on her wrist, causing her to tumble into his lap. “Removing you from a friend zone you were never really in?” His breath is hot on her neck as he says the words. Ava’s lower lip tucks between her teeth as one of his hands slides across her bare thigh. He presses the palm against her denim cover crotch. “Do you know how many nights I’ve thought about fucking your brains out?” A whimper escaped her lips as he pressed his palm against her again. “You want to relieve some tension?” She managed a slight nod as he nipped at her ear lobe. Holy fucking shit! The things he was making her feel. And he was barely touching her. Maybe it was all the years of pent up frustration. Or maybe he was just that good. Ava didn’t give a shit. All she could think about was how good Damien’s cock was going to feel when it thrust into her.

Ava squirmed, her ass pressing against Damien’s erection. Feeling the undeniable evidence of his willingness to participate made it all the more real. This was really happening. She was being presented with the opportunity to sleep with a guy she’d been in love with for years. Something in her froze. Could she do it? Could she just have sex with Damien and not expect more? He wasn’t making promises or telling her that he loved her the way she had always imagined he would. He was promising to fuck her brains out though, her girly parts reminded her. And wasn’t that what she needed most right now? “Bathroom,” she gasped. “Now!” She shot off his lap and slipped into the small restroom at the back of the plane. She braced her hands against the edge of the tiny, stainless steel sink. Damien quietly stepped into the minuscule space and turned the lock. In an instant he slid one hand into her hair and caught the long, dark tresses in his fist. Using his hold on her hair, he tilted her head back and pressed his mouth to her throat. She sucked in her breath as his other hand found the button of her denim shorts and worked it loose. A small moan escaped her lips as his fingers graze against her clit, before delving further into her panties. The tip of his middle finger parted her folds, dipping slightly into her core before retreating to run up and down the length of her slit. He repeated the process several times, slipping his finger further into her with each pass. It was maddening the way he was teasing her. She didn’t want teased. She wanted to be taken. She wanted five years of pent up sexual attraction to be released. She wanted the stress from this whole Eros bullshit to momentarily fade away.

“Damien,” she whimpered. “Please.” She whimpered again as a second finger joined the first. He was killing her. Death by sexual frustration from too much teasing. She tried rolling her hips, to take his fingers deeper into her body but ended up even more frustrated as his fingers stilled altogether.

“Please…what?” Damien demanded, the tip of his tongue tracing the shell of her ear.

Ava squirmed against his hand, needing him to pick up where he left off. “I want…” she panted, her voice hitched as he squeezed her clit between his thumb and forefinger.

“What do you want Ava?”

God, even his breath on her neck had her ready to come. “Please,” she begged.

“Anything Ava…anything you want…just tell me.” He slid his fingers back across her folds, toying with her folds before fully thrusting two fingers into her. A throaty moan formed in the back of her throat and echoed in the small space. “This? Is this what you want?”

It was. Yet…it wasn’t. She wanted so much more. Releasing her hold on the sink, Ava reached behind her to grab at the bulge in Damien’s pants. Her fingers didn’t seem to work properly as she tried to find and then undo the buttons of his jeans. “Is that what you want?” Damien chuckled. He released his hold on her hair and slid his hand from between her legs. “Take off your shorts, Ava.”

Gladly, Ava thought as she shoved her shorts and cotton panties down her legs. She winces inwardly when she realizes she hadn’t worn a pair of good panties, but rather the ones with little emojis all over them. Laundry day panties. She kicked them aside, praying Damien hadn’t seen them. From the smirk on his face, she knew that prayer was futile. “It was laundry day,” she sulked. “It’s not like I thought anyone was going to be seeing them.”

“They’re cute,” Damien murmured, pulling her close. His erection presses against her stomach as he bends his head to kiss her. It’s our first kiss, she realized. Their first kiss. Their first real kiss. Not the little pecks on the cheek they usually give, or the teasing ones he’d been dishing out moments before. She melts into it. If this was all they did, hold each other close and kiss for the remainder of the flight, Ava would be satisfied. “Ava,” he gasped, pulling his mouth away. His forehead rested against hers for a moment before he pulled back just enough to tip her chin upward. “Look at me.” Their eyes met as he glided his hands down her sides and around to cup her ass. “I want you to think about…” he lift her up onto the edge of the sink “…how much I love you.” Her eyes widen. She doesn’t know if its from the words he is saying, the cold sink, or the fact that the head of his dick is entering her. “I love you so fucking much,” he groans, thrusting into her. “I don’t think I could have lived with myself if I never told you that.”

“Oh my God,” Ava panted, her eye fluttering closed as she clung to Damien’s broad shoulders. She wrapped her legs around his waist, her hips rolling up to meet each of his thrusts. “I…I…” the words were on the tip of her tongue. I love you too. Yet she couldn’t seem to get them out. Each time she tried, he thrust harder. “Fuck,” she gasped.

“Yeah,” he smirked, lowering his mouth to the space between her shoulder and neck. She felt a tiny bit of pressure as he started sucking. It would leave a mark. His mark, she realized. He was leaving his mark on her body.

“I…I…I love you too,” she finally managed to say.

Damien stilled. “What did you say?” he pulled his head back, his eyes wide with shock. Ava couldn’t help but giggle.

“I said, I love you too.” She dug her nails into shoulders. “Now…don’t stop!”

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