A Dangerous Game: Mutual Satisfaction


A Dangerous Game
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Rating- M

Summary- On their wedding night, Lilith makes Adam a surprising offer.

Words- 2541

Chapter Six: Mutual Satisfaction
(Series Timeline can be found here)

One Month Later

I crawled into the back of the waiting limousine, wondering how it was possible to be both exhausted and on an adrenaline rush at the same time. It had been such a long day and physically it was catching up with me, but I didn’t feel tired.

Adam settled next to me, wrapping his arm around me and settling me next to him. “Tired?”

“Not as tired as I should be,” I confessed, “I mean, I am but I’m not, if that makes sense?”

“It does, it was a big day,” Adam reminded me.

Yes, it had been. The biggest day of my life, really.

My wedding day.

It had passed in a bit of a blue because there had just been so much. People, cameras, all demanding my attention. It had been a long day and not at all what I’d expected since whenever I’d imagined getting married, I hadn’t pictured a big society wedding which included vampire guests and a vampire groom.

My mother’s muttered comments had proved that it wasn’t what she’d expected either, though she’d unbent at the sight of me in my gown and there had been tears in her eyes as she’d fussed with my mantilla, so that was something.

The whole day had been a weird mix of fun and stressful and for parts of it, I had been able to forget that it was an arraignment, that I was marrying a vampire and just enjoy the celebration, and at others, I was very aware of it. It had been bizarre to see my friends and family mixing in a room with vampires and knowing that they could never know, that so much of my life would have to be kept from them.

“The important question is did you enjoy yourself?” Adam asked lightly.

I nodded, “I did.”

And I had. It had been a little surreal, how fast my life had changed and how big and elaborate this wedding was. Two months ago I had been broke, desperate for whatever job I could find and now I was the wife of a wealthy and powerful vampire, currently wearing a gown that cost more than a year’s worth of rent in my old place.

“What about you?” I asked and then I laughed, “I guess you’ve done this before.”

“Yes,” Adam agreed, “but wedding customs were a little different in 17th century Spain, though, thinking about it, the basics were the same, lots of food, alcohol, and dancing. Besides, I feel like there’s a once a century rule with this kind of thing.”

“Does that mean we can do it again in a 100 years?” I asked without thinking.

As soon as the meaning of my comment hit me, I blushed. I didn’t even know if I would be around in 100 years, let alone with Adam. Our deal was for ten years, everything after that was uncertain.

“We can do whatever you want,” Adam assured me, “and that includes however many weddings you want.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” I told him, trying to keep my voice light, not wanting to betray my inner conflict.

It had been a month since we’d made our deal and I still wasn’t sure 100% sure of what I’d gotten myself into or what my feelings for Adam were or even what I wanted from our arrangement for the short term.

Adam had kept his word and left it up to me, not pushing me to commit to anything beyond our initial agreement, which I appreciated, but didn’t do anything to ease my confusion.

We were both silent after that, though it wasn’t an uncomfortable silence, more of a reflective one. I glanced over at Adam and noted with surprise how tired he looked. “It must have been quite the party if it managed to exhaust you too,” I teased, though I knew that vampires did need sleep, just not as much as human’s.

“It was quite the day,” Adam agreed, bringing my hand to his lips, “but that is only part of it.” He paused, “I need to feed.”

Oh. That made sense. I’d learned that passing as human actually required regular feedings to maintain body temperature, etc.

“Once I get you settled, I’ll slip out and meet one of my contacts.”

I froze, suddenly bothered by that idea. It was our wedding night. Yes, it was an arrangement and not a love match, but… Somehow the idea of him leaving to feed off someone else, even if it was a business arrangement, didn’t feel right.

“Feed off me,” I blurted out.

Adam stilled, “are you sure?”

Was I?

“Yes,” I answered with a confidence I didn’t quite feel. “I mean if you want too.”

It wasn’t something we’d ever discussed, actually, except for his offer to let me watch him feed if I wanted, but even then the option of him feeding off me had never come up. “Or do you prefer to keep it professional?”

“Keep it professional is easier, especially with my profile,” Adam agreed and I sucked in my breath, preparing for rejection, “but it is lacking at times.” He stroked my face. “There can be an intimacy in feeding, one that is quite enjoyable for both sides, and if you are willing, then I accept your offer.”

I nodded, unable to speak. I didn’t have to though, because the limo came to a stop. We were home. Adam got out first and then reached for me, helping me out, but instead of setting me on the ground, he lifted me into his arms.

“What are you doing?” I asked in surprise, instinctively wrapping my arms around his neck.

“Carrying you over the threshold,” Adam said simply, doing just that.

It was so simple and romantic and it caught me off guard. It wasn’t what I’d expected at all. But then, the whole day had been like that. I knew the wedding was partially for show and Adam’s image, but it had felt real, especially the times when his attention was on me. He’d done a good job of playing the adoring fiancé and I’d had to keep reminding myself that he was a master at deception and this was all just part of a plan, one I had agreed too with no illusions.

To my surprise, instead of putting me down, Adam continued towards the staircase, easily carrying me upstairs and down the hall. He pushed open a door and carried me inside to a room I’d never been in before, despite living in the house for a month.

The master bedroom…

“An intimate act deserves an intimate setting,” he told me, finally setting me down. I looked around the room, there was an old-fashioned elegance to it, a lot of like Adam himself. “However, I won’t take more than you offer,” Adam continued, his arms wrapping around me. “I just want to make the process as comfortable for you as possible.”

I nodded and then paused. “My dress!” It was silly, but I didn’t want to get blood on my wedding dress. “Can I take it off first?”

“Of course, let me help,” Adam offered, stepping back and then carefully undoing my dress, helping me step out of it. “I’ll make sure someone sends it for cleaning,” he told me, draping it over a chair.

I nodded, suddenly feeling subconscious and very exposed in my white lace corset and stockings. There was a heated look in Adam’s eyes as he watched me and I knew I wasn’t the only one suddenly remembering that night in my bedroom, the way he’d touched me then and how it had felt. He hadn’t touched me like that since, following through on his promise to follow my lead and wait until I was ready, instead, he’d been affectionate but distant.

Now, here we were, and I was once again wondering what I’d wanted. He’d promised me that this was on my terms, that he wouldn’t take more than I offered, but how much did I want to offer?

“You are stunning,” he told me, his gaze wander over every exposed curve. After a moment, he took my hand and led me over to the giant bed. “Lay down.”

This was different from feeding Jax had been, of course, we’d never had access to a bed or even privacy, or Lily, the one time I’d let her feed from me. But then this situation was a little different, wasn’t it? Letting my vampire husband feed from me on our wedding night had a different tone than feeding my vampire friends to help them.

I did as I was told, settling against the pillows, noting how comfortable the mattress was and how soft the pillows were. Adam paused for a moment to discard his suit jacket and then his shirt and tie.

I just watched him, he really was gorgeous, and I wondered briefly what he’d been like as a human, obviously he’d been attractive, but that thought didn’t linger because a moment later, he joined me on the bed, shifting us so that he was lying beside me, my back pressed up against him, driving all thoughts out of my head except how good it felt.

“This will be the most comfortable for you,” he told me, gently moving my hair out of the way and exposing my neck. He placed a light kiss there, his arms wrapping around me and holding me close. “Have you done this before?”

I nodded. “Yes… Kamilah and Adrian said it was best for Lily’s first feed to be someone she was comfortable with, so I volunteered.” I decided not to mention Jax, it didn’t really matter, right?

“Well, this will be very different,” Adam told me, “we can control the tone if we want, the older we are, the more control we have over that aspect.”

I nodded, Adrian had said as much. Lily had concentrated on not hurting me, though it hadn’t been nearly as pleasurable as when Jax had fed off me, which gave me something to think about. But not right now, thoughts of Jax didn’t belong in this moment.

“And you’re going to make it pleasurable for me?”

“Sweetheart, you have no idea,” Adam told me and then he plunged his fangs into me, his arms wrapped around me, his hands caressing me. Like before, there was pain but also immense pleasure. The feel of Adam’s hands on my body just added to the sensation and then it was over too soon, any pain being lost in the pleasurable sensations flooding my body.

I was barely aware of Adam sealing the wound, he did it so fast, and then wrapped his arm around me once more, keeping me pressed up against him.

“Thank you,” he said in a low voice, trailing kisses along my neck. Oh, that felt good.

“Is it better like this?” I asked impulsively.

“Hmmm?” Adam asked against my skin.

“Is this more enjoyable for you?” I clarified. “Or doesn’t it matter to you?”

Had the pleasure all been on my end? After all, for him it was food. He had said there was an intimacy on both sides, but was that just a comfort thing or did he actually get more enjoyment out of doing it this way?

“What do you think?” Adam rebutted, pulling me even closer so I could feel just aroused he was. Oh. “Feeding is a necessity, yes, but it can also be immensely pleasurable for both parties, which is why some vampires choose to combine feeding and sex, to experience that high every time. Though, I’ve found that can be messy if there isn’t an established intimacy.”

His tone was low and soothing, his words filling me with pleasure. It seemed strange to put it that way, but at the same time, fitting. We were married, that was about as established as you got.

“I can’t feed off of you exclusively, even if you were willing,” Adam continued, “but if you are willing, then I will gratefully accept and I think it could be a mutually beneficial agreement and hopefully mutually satisfying.”

His words made me catch my breath, suddenly wondering what it would be like to have him bite me during sex. The sensations had been intense and incredibly pleasurable and I couldn’t imagine increasing that pleasure, but at the same time, I was curious. However, not curious enough to voice that thought. At least not yet.

Though part of me did want to explore his obvious arousal and the very pleasant feeling that he’d created inside of me and I opened my mouth to say something, but let out a yawn instead.

I both heard and felt Adam chuckle in response. “You should try and rest,” he told me, “it’s been a long day.”

It had been and suddenly, laying in Adam’s luxurious bed, with his arms wrapped around me, I was aware of how easy it would be to drift off to sleep. However…

“I should go back to my room,” I pointed out.

Adam’s arms tightened around me. “Stay,” he encouraged, “stay here, with me.”

It was tempting, we were married after all, shouldn’t we be sharing a room? Even if our marriage wasn’t a conventional one and his bed felt so good…

“I don’t have pajamas,” I said weakly. I didn’t want to sleep in my corset and I wasn’t ready to sleep naked beside Adam.

Suddenly Adam released me and got out of bed without saying a word. Before I could process what was happening, he had grabbed something from his dresser and was then back beside me. “You can wear this.”

I took the offered item and saw that it was men’s black silk pajama shirt. “Very classy,” I commented as I took it, sitting up. I hesitated, trying to figure out how to do this. Adam had seen me naked already and it was our wedding night, but…

“There’s an ensuite right there,” Adam told me, nodding his head towards a door, “there’s a toothbrush in there for you and whatever else you might need.”

“Thank you,” I said gratefully. I quickly changed, setting aside my wedding lingerie and putting on the shirt. It was too big, of course, but it felt nice against my skin. I brushed my teeth and washed the makeup off my face and then sighed, remembering the bobby pins in my hair.

“Is everything alright?” Adam called out. How good was his hearing?

“It’s fine,” I called back and went to work pulling out the pins.

Finally, I was ready for bed, though after all that some of the exhaustion had worn off and I was suddenly feeling shy. I can do this, I reminded myself. It was just sharing a bed. No big deal, right?

I emerged from the bathroom and saw that Adam had also changed, discarding his suit pants for the bottom half of the pajamas I wore. He was lounging on the bed, watching as I emerged.

He beckoned me towards him and I obeyed, walking slowly across the room and then climbing into the giant bed. Adam immediately pulled me into his arms again and I felt myself relax, enjoying the feel of his arms, the combination of him and the bed once more lulling me off into a contented state and I knew sleep would come easily that night…

Published by


Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

4 thoughts on “A Dangerous Game: Mutual Satisfaction”

  1. I looooove this! This AU has quickly become one of my favorites of yours, and I love how you’re developing the relationship between Adam and Lilith. The feeding was really sensual and hot, and I loved how fitting the sweet, romantic ending was.

    1. Thank you! I have fallen in love with pairing and this world and thank you! I’m glad I conveyed the tone I was aiming for.

  2. I just caught up on this story and I have to say I absolutely love it! Great work, M.
    I really got sucked into the plot and can’t wait for the next one!
    The way you tell the story and the depth you added to the characters is mesmerizing.

    I love how Adam takes his time, letting Lilith set the pace. But as soon as she gives him a go – he’s making her feel things in a whole new perspective. I think it’s very in-character and well written!

    1. Thank you K! I am really loving writing this pairing and yes, that is a key to how I see Vega, he’ll push as far as she lets him. As in, he’ll let her call the shots, but once he gets an opening, he’ll take it.

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