Cherryfield and The Big Apple

“Marco?” Ben laughs as he walks through the apartment

“Polo” Nora calls out, chuckling behind a stack of boxes in the kitchen

“This is crazy love” Ben calls back “Marco!”

“Polo!” Nora laughs “You sound like you’re getting closer”

“Marco” Ben grins as he leans into the kitchen door frame

“It would appear you’ve found your fiance” Nora smirks

“And what do I win, now that I’ve found my prize?” Ben asks

“Hm. A life full of joy, fulfillment, and love with me?” Nora teases as she walks over to him

“Well seeing as I’m getting that already, what do I get for winning this small feat?” Ben asks

“Will a kiss be satisfactory?” Nora smirks as she lifts up on her toes and plants a kiss onto Ben’s lips

Ben smiles into the kiss, his arms snaking around her waist as Nora rests her palms against Ben’s chest. They settle into the kiss momentarily, before Ben pulls back, his eyes wide open.

“Oh!” Ben chuckles “There is a Boba Tea place down the block, wanna give it a try?”

“And leave all this unpacking until later?” Nora asks, motioning around to the boxes “I’d love to!”

They both laugh, walking towards the front door as they slip their feet back into their shoes. Ben grabbing his keys, Nora slinging her purse over her shoulder.

Ben’s company managed to find them a super cute apartment in Midtown. A spacious two bedroom apartment, the closet in the master bedroom was the size of Nora’s first apartment in San Francisco. Living on the top floor was nice too, Nora and Ben had arrived nearly 48 hours ago and when they weren’t tangled up in bed, Nora was out on the small balcony taking pictures.

One of Ben’s requirements had been either his office or living space be close to a Boba Tea shop. It was something he wasn’t ready to give up and his assistant managed to find him one planted right in between both, as his office was four blocks away. The Boba Tea place was two.

“This is a really cute storefront” Nora grins, the warm air brushing against them

“It is” Ben grins, holding the door open for Nora

They walk into the shop, ordering their tea and sitting outside of the shop. Ben sipping his tea with a giant, goofy grin on his face while Nora giggles at his expressions.

“This place is perfect” Ben grins

“One day we’ll have to open our own place,” Nora says

“You think we could?” Ben asks

“I don’t see why not” Nora laughs

“Well, you’ll have more free time than me” Ben smirks “You should look into it and make sure you deduct the cost of your future husband always getting free drinks”

Nora grins, about to respond back to him when she spots a familiar face behind him.

“Abbie?” Nora says as she answers the phone, barely awake

“Nora, it’s Chris,” Abbie says into the phone “Can you fly home today?”

“Uh…” Nora stretches out “I can probably find a flight for tomorrow…”

“No, it’s an emergency,” Abbie says quietly into the phone

“What?!” Nora says as she shoots up in bed, now fully awake

“Chris had an accident, they think he may have damaged his rotator cuff,” Abbie says

“What do you mean he had an accident?” Nora asks as she grabs a pair of jeans off of the floor

“At practice,” Abbie says “I had gone with Zack to visit him and he’s been so out of it lately. He wasn’t paying attention during a drill and got rammed by another player, really hard”

“Oh god,” Nora says “I have a flight for tonight, where is he?”

“We’re at a hospital in Cherryfield, pretty sure it’s the only one here,” Abbie says

“Can  I talk to him?” Nora asks

“He’s kinda out of it” Abbie says “Pain meds”

Nora begins to say something but is cut off by the sound of Zack calling out to her. Abbie apologizes before she ends the call. Nora sits on the edge of her bed, suddenly feeling completely overwhelmed by the tiny studio. Nora sits back down on her bed, feeling completely overwhelmed and pulls her phone back in front of her face. Only one person would really be able to ease her mind.

“Hello?” A woman answers on the other end of the line.

“Mom, Abbie just called to tell me Chris got into an accident at practice and he’s in the hospital, I don’t know when I’ll be able to fly out and-”

“Which hospital honey? If you don’t know I’ll call Barb” Nora’s mom says calmly.

“The hospital in Cherryfield. I guess he got hurt and went home and then it must have gotten worse” Nora says as her lips quiver.

“Let me call Barb, alright?” Nora’s mom says slowly “And honey, he’s alright. You take it easy, it’s late there”

“Thanks, mom,” Nora says as a tear spills down her cheek.

“You’re welcome, I’ll call you back,” Nora’s mom says as she ends the call.

Nora drops her phone onto her bed, her face dropping in between her knees as she lets out the sob she had been holding in. Chris got hurt, he was in Cherryfield. What had happened during the week between their last phone call?

“Nora?!” Abbie says as she pulls off her sunglasses.

“Abbie!” Nora smiles as she sets down her tea.

Abbie pulls Nora in for a long hug, shopping bags lined up and down Abbie’s arms. Nora introduces Ben to Abbie and vice versa. Ben excuses himself to get another Boba Tea while Abbie and Nora quickly catch up.

“What’s all this?” Nora asks, motioning to the bags lining Abbie’s arms.

“Post Tyler shopping. My sister said I should go shopping and get a new wardrobe, for a new Tyler-less me” Abbie grins, despite the sadness in her eyes.

“I think that’s a great idea” Nora smiles softly

“Thanks, how is everything with you? I’ve been meaning to call and ask about your move” Abbie says as she shuffles her feet.

“Ben’s company actually merged with a marketing company and so they promoted Ben to run the New York City office” Nora chuckles lightly “I’m actually very happy to be back on the East Coast, closer to my parents and you guys…”

“Well we’re glad to have you back” Abbie grins as Ben pops his head out of the Tea Shop.

“Abbie…could I get you anything?” Ben asks.

“No it’s alright, I’m just passing through but thank you Ben” Abbie grins as Ben nods and heads back inside “He’s a keeper”

“He really is” Nora smiles widely “Well, good luck with your wardrobe. We should catch up sometime”

“Definitely, bye Nora” Abbie grins as they hug again.

“Bye Abbi,e” Nora says as she sits back down and waits for Ben.

“Friend from college?” Ben asks as he sits back down across from Nora.

Yes, we were roommates for a while, then she moved in with her boyfriend Tyler” Nora says “But they actually broke up recently, but it’ll still be nice to reconnect with everyone else. Zack lives over in Brooklyn now”

“That’s awesome, I’m glad you have a support system. How long of a drive is it to see your family?” Ben asks as he sips on his tea.

“About an hour north from here” Nora smiles “Speaking of, my mom invited us to dinner once we are settled.”

“We’ll have to get the kitchen stuff packed first then” Ben grins.

“Yeah, she’ll be sad if we show up without Kimchi” Nora chuckles as she finishes her tea.

“Well then, I guess we should…go finish unpacking,” Ben says quietly, his eyebrows wiggling at the word “unpacking”

“Ben Park, stop it” Nora chuckles as they get up.

Ben laces his fingers with Nora’s as they make their way back to the apartment, both of them blissfully happy.

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