Early Morning Wake-Up Call

The early morning sunlight filtered through the gauzy bedroom curtains falling across Drake’s sleeping form, making him appear both angelic and incredibly sensual.  Ava gazed down at him as he slept, her heart nearly bursting with love. They’d been through so much in the last year, crazy highs and gut-wrenching lows, but somehow they’d made it through and were stronger than ever.  She let her hand drift down to her abdomen, rubbing soothing circles trying to calm the agitation within. This was the baby’s favorite time to play. Like clockwork, just before the sun came up the flurry of movement would begin.  Ava had stopped trying to sleep through it and resigned herself to the fact that their baby was going to be a morning person just like daddy. They were already ganging up on her.

She reached down to brush back a lock of dark hair that had fallen across his forehead.  He looked so serene, so beautiful…she was struck with the sudden need to try to capture it.

She got out of bed and went to her desk, pulling out her sketchbook.  She curled up on the bed, careful not to disturb him and flipped to an empty page.

Drake woke slowly and stretched out one arm, reaching for Ava, but all he felt was the cool linen sheets.

“Babe?” he mumbled.

When she didn’t answer he slowly opened his eyes.

Her side of the bed was vacant.

He sat up and yawned, rubbing sleepily at his eyes as he glanced at the clock.

It wasn’t even six am yet.  Why was she up?

Right.  The baby.

He smiled to himself.  This kid was already making the rules and it wasn’t even born yet.

He flipped onto his stomach and his hand hit something.  He squinted and reached out until his fingers wrapped around Ava’s sketchbook.  He picked it up and began idly flipping through the pages, admiring her incredible work,  until he got to the last few pages. Intrigued, he sat up to take a closer look at a series of drawings… of him, sleeping.  In the first drawing he was laying on his back with his hand splayed across his chest, the sheet barely covering his groin. In the next sketch he was on his side, arm curled around a pillow, the sheets twisted around his waist.  

The drawings were very intimate, erotic almost.  He was getting aroused just imagining Ava studying his body while he slept.

Jesus. She was so damned talented.  The shading and the painstaking detail made her drawings look like photographs.  He traced his finger over one of the sketches. She’d even drawn the scar on his shoulder that marked the spot where the bullet he’d taken to spare her life had lodged for the better part of a week.

He tossed the notebook back onto the bed and swung his legs over the side of the bed intending to find Ava and let her know how much he enjoyed her work.

That’s when he heard the shower running

Smiling, Drake strode across the room to their bathroom.  

She’d left the door open.  Was she waiting for him?

He stepped to the shower and quietly opened the glass door.  

Ava was under the spray, eyes closed, humming quietly to herself as she rinsed the shampoo from her hair.

He felt himself growing hard as he watched the water flow over her body.  Her breast were fuller now, the nipples darker. He’d heard people say that pregnant women glowed, but he’d always thought it sentimental rubbish.  But it wasn’t. Ava was always gorgeous, but now she was positively radiant. He’d honestly never thought it was possible to love another person as much as he loved her.

Almost unaware he was doing so, Drake reached out to touch her arm.  

Startled, her eyes flew open.


“Morning.” he said tracing the rivulets of water that were streaming over her breasts with his fingertips.

He raised his eyes slowly to hers and Ava’s breath caught in her throat.   There was no one on earth more beautiful than this man, she thought to herself.

She held out her hand for him, pulling him into the shower with her.

Closing her eyes, she stepped back into the stream of water, letting it cascade down her body.  Even over the rush of water, she heard Drake’s sharp intake of breath when she lifted her arms to push the water through her hair.  

Mesmerized, Drake watched the water flow over her full round breasts. He loved her tits, the way they felt in his hands, the way her nipples hardened into tight buds at his faintest touch.  He reached out to touch them now, gratified to see her immediate response.

Opening her eyes, she licked her lips.

“You’re so fucking sexy.”

She laughed. “I’m fat.”

Drake placed his hand on the soft curve of her belly as his eyes burned into hers. “You’re the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

He ran his hand sensually over her small bump before wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her tightly against his body as he leaned in for a long, deep kiss.  

She moaned as his throbbing cock nudged against her thigh.  He’d always had the power to make her want him with just a touch or a look, but with these pregnancy hormones racing through her body, she’d become nearly insatiable.  She would hear his voice in another room and it would send a rush of desire coursing through her, leaving her aching with need. Luckily Drake was always more than happy to soothe the ache.

She was feeling that same burning, unquenchable need right now, but this time, it would have to wait. Right now, she wanted to take her time touching the gorgeous body she’d spent the last hour sketching.

Slowly, she pulled back from Drake.  Never breaking eye contact, she reached for the soap and began lathering his body.  She felt a thrill run through her at the way his eyes darkened and his gaze became smoldering the instant she touched him.  She moved slowly, taking her time as she worked her way down his body.

She started at his shoulders, detouring just a bit to massage his neck with her soapy fingers.  Then, she traced his collarbone and let her hands slide down both strong arms. She took his hands and worked each into a lather.  Drake entwined his fingers with hers and pulled her to him for another scorching kiss. Ava ran her slippery hands lightly over his chest, fascinated at the way his nipples turned to hard pebbles under her fingertips.  She brushed her breasts sensuously across his chest until he let out a long, low groan. Smiling, Ava sunk her fingers into his wet hair, kissing him back hungrily before finally finding the strength to pull away. She wasn’t finished with him yet. Not even close.  

She stepped nimbly away when he tried to pull her back to him.

“Ava, please,” he begged.  

“Turn around,” she said instead with a coy smile.


“Turn around.”  She made a spinning motion with her hand.

Drake arched a brow at her but did as he was told.

She began soaping his shoulders, a thrill coursing through her as she watched the muscles on his back play under her fingers.

She loved Drake’s back, loved the way it started so broad at his shoulders and narrowed at the waist.  Loved the way the muscles bunched under her hands as she massaged him.

She slid her hands slowly, sensually down.  Pressing against him, she slid her hands over his taut ass.  Drake groaned her name. Unable to help herself, Ava reached around and grasped his cock.

Drake shuddered as her hand began stroking him.  Again, he groaned low in his throat, as his head fell back.  Ava kissed his shoulder, the back of his neck, the side of his face as she worked her hand on him.

Drake began moving his hips, thrusting against her hand, his breathing ragged.  

Abruptly, she released him.

He let out his breath in a hiss. “Ava…” he moaned.

She went up on tiptoes to whisper in his ear.

“Soon, baby. Soon.”

Her hands slid down his back and over his tight butt.  She kneaded and squeezed the cheeks of his hard ass before her hand dipped lower to gently massage his balls before wrapping her fingers around him again.

“How’s that feel?” she asked breathily in his ear as she began stroking him.

“So good, baby” he moaned, “so fucking good.”

Drake reached out to place one hand on the tile wall to steady himself.  Ava felt exhilarated by the effect she had on his body. He was literally shaking with need.

Suddenly his hand came down on top of hers, stilling it.

“Enough.” He rasped.

Drake turned around and gathered Ava into his arms for a long, deep kiss.

“My turn.”

Ava felt a thrill of anticipation run through her body at both his words and the hunger in his eyes.  

He pressed her back against the tile wall. “Spread your legs.” He commanded.

Drake dropped to his knees in front of her, smoothing his hands up the back of her long silky legs, running his fingers back and forth against the sensitive skin at the back of her knees until they nearly buckled.

Then his thumbs were parting her, his mouth was on her, tasting her, devouring her.  He ran his tongue slowly from top to bottom, teasing her mercilessly. He held her thighs tightly as he flicked his tongue across her clit over and over until she cried out.   Ava pressed herself against the cool tile, arching her back to give Drake better access to her aching pussy. She was already so overstimulated that his expert tongue pushed her over the edge in record time.  She grabbed his hair and her legs shook as her orgasm tore through her. Drake thrust his tongue deeply inside, savoring the taste and the feel of her orgasm on his tongue.

She was still shuddering through the aftershocks when he stood and turned her around so she was facing the tiled wall.

He took her hands and placed them on the wall.

“Ready for me?” He growled into her ear as he slid his cock tantalizingly against her dripping opening before thrusting deeply inside of her.

Ava cried out. “Oh God, yes.”

“Jesus Ava.” He groaned, “You feel so fucking good.”

“Please Drake,” She begged,

“Please what baby?” he whispered hotly into her ear, “Tell me what you want. I’ll give you anything. I swear it.”

“Fuck me.” she whimpered, “Make me come again.”

One hand went to her hip to keep her in place while the other hand went to the swell of her belly before sliding down between her legs.  He rubbed his fingers over the tight knot of nerve endings as he plunged into her.

She moaned and pushed back against him, meeting his thrusts.

“Come on baby” he whispered in her ear. “Come for me.”

Ava cried out as he found just the right spot deep inside her and hammered against it again and again until another intense orgasm rushed through her body in endless waves of gratification.  But this one was different that the last. This one started deep inside and tore through her like a tornado. It felt like it went on forever. She thought she might die from the pleasure.

Feeling Ava pulsating around his cock brought Drake to the brink  He tried to keep his pace steady, but he was already too far gone.

“Fuck Ava.  I’m coming. I’m fucking coming, baby.”

He started thrusting harder and faster as he gave himself over to his release. Throwing his head back, Drake bit his bottom lip, digging his fingers into Avas hips, as he erupted into her.

Finally spent and exhausted, Drake slumped forward and pressed his forehead against her shoulder. He closed his eyes for a second and when he opened them, Ava was smiling over her shoulder at him.

He was overcome with a surge of love so intense it took him by surprise.  He wondered for a moment how he’d managed to live without her for as long as he had.

Drake slowly withdrew from her body and turned her to face him  He reached out and cupped her face in his hands, kissing her tenderly.

“How did I get so lucky?” He murmured against her lips.

“I ask myself the same thing every day.”

Drake pressed another quick  kiss against her lips and turned off the water.  Grabbing a towel, he ran it quickly over his hair and torso before wrapping it around his waist.  He grabbed another fluffy white towel and held it out to Ava. She stepped from the shower and he wrapped her up in it.

Rubbing gently, he dried her hair, her arms, her back and her legs before wrapping the towel around her once again.  Then with a playful grin, he scooped her up and carried her into the bedroom. She giggled as he deposited her onto their bed and jumped on next to her.

He held himself over her and gazed down at her reverently.

“I love you, Walker” he whispered.

“I love you too, Walker,” She said pushing his wet hair out of his eyes.

Drake bent his head and pressed his lips against her belly.

“And I love you too, little one.” He murmured, “Sorry if we disturbed you, but you kinda deserved it for waking mommy up so early.”

Ava laughed.  “I think she’s just trying to get me used to not sleeping.”

Drake lifted his head and their eyes met.


Ava laughed again, “Did I say she?  I think you’ve brainwashed me.”

He grinned at her.  “It’s a girl. I’m sure of it.”

“Well I think it’s a boy”

“Yeah, Why is that?”

“Because these aren’t dainty little kicks.  He’s not going to stop until he breaks a rib.”

She took Drake’s hand and pressed it tightly to her abdomen.  They lay quietly for a minute, waiting.

“I don’t think…OH.   Shit!” Drake yanked his hand back quickly, a look of astonishment on his face

Ava laughed.  “Right?”

“Is that what’s been waking you up?”

“It’s been worse the last few days.  I think he’s getting really restless in there.  He wants out.”

“Six more weeks.” He said softly


Drake lay on his side and pulled Ava back against his chest, resting his chin on her shoulder as drew lazy patterns across her belly with his fingertips.

“Are you nervous?”

“Honestly?” She shifted so that she could look into his eyes.

“Yeah…” He said, reaching out to tuck a stray piece of hair behind her ear, “Honestly.”

“I’m scared to death…but excited too.”

Drake’s arms tightened around her. “Me too.  Things are going to change around here. But I’m ready for it.”


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