Here by the Stream

Author’s Note:  This is a sweet, playful and somewhat heated scene that popped into my head after today’s chapter release (Book 2, Chapter 4).  That scene by the stream was just WOW! Playing off that sexual tension, this story takes place about a year after Ernest and Ella are finally married.


The soft breeze rolled over the grass, each blade of lush greenery swaying against its current amidst the mid-afternoon sunshine.  The sounds of gentle trickles churning in the stream nearby created a tranquil haven surrounding it, a place where it was so easy to forget the responsibilities and trivialities of the outside world.  Ella cast her face upwards to soak in the warm rays upon her skin, basking in the golden glow of the early summer day. The pages of her book curled slightly as they fluttered in the wind, tickling the edges of her fingers.  There was nothing she loved more in this world than a beautiful summer day spent lounging and reading in the sunshine. Well, perhaps there was one thing, or person, she loved more …

She stole a glance over her right shoulder to her companion, a coy smile spreading across her lips as she admired his sinewy figure relaxed atop their blanket.  Ernest lay sprawled on his back alongside her, one leg extended with the other one bent and an arm resting under his head. At some point he must have given up on his own book, which now rested underneath his palm on his chest, and succumb to delicious pull of sleep.  His sandy curls were tousled across his forehead, his lips slightly parted as his eyelids fluttered in his slumber. Ella’s heart warmed at the sight of her husband, so peaceful and carefree, and resisted the urge to lean over and place a kiss on his lips for fear of waking him.

The young couple were celebrating their one year wedding anniversary with a quiet trip to Grovershire.  It had been Ernest’s proposal, to Ella’s delight, suggesting that they stay in her mother’s quaint cottage instead of the local inn in town.  Although it lacked the amenities a nobleman was accustomed to, Ernest had fallen in love with his wife’s childhood home during their former visit with their friends, vowing they would return together again someday as a married couple.  For two days thus far neither one had had any complaints regarding the accommodations, enjoying the quiet nights beside the hearth and lazy mornings under the hand-sewn quilts. It was a welcome reprieve from the busy social season this spring in London, a private country escape for just the two of them.

Ella sighed as she shut her book and rose to her knees, looking out over the countryside landscape as she stretched her arms above her head.  Her gaze settled upon the stream, the trickle of the cool water suddenly calling to her. She quietly lifted herself from the blanket, careful not to disrupt her sleeping husband, before sauntering towards the stream bank.

She quickly pulled off both shoes and her stockings and delicately dipped her toes into the rippling water.  The refreshing sensation sent a chill up her spine before dissipating as her body became accustomed to the temperature.  Lifting her skirts as she waded in a little further, she finally came to rest in the center of the shallow stream, the water lapping around her calves.  Ella inhaled deeply and closed her eyes, spreading her toes wide across the smooth pebbles of the stream bed. The flurry of sensations brought her back to this same place during similar summer days in her childhood, when she and Briar would sneak off from their chores and play by the stream until supper time.  The fond memory brought a smile to her face, a reminder of their youthful innocence and wonder.

“I thought I had awoken, but it appears I must be dreaming.”  Ella cocked her head to find Ernest sitting in the grass beside the stream, a wide grin upon his face.  “For you are even lovelier in this moment than I can recall from my slumber.”

She turned to look upon him, raising an eyebrow playfully.  “Why Mr. Sinclaire, shall you ever tire of such tenacious flattery?”

“With a wife as beautiful as mine, I highly doubt it.”  Ernest chuckled out loud, his eyes sparkling joyously as he watched Ella wade over to sit beside him.  

The pair nestled together on the grass, Ernest wrapping an arm around her and Ella resting her head upon his firm shoulder.  The rested in comfortable silence, except the noises of the wind and the water around them. After a few minutes, Ernest tilted his head to press a kiss to her forehead.  “It truly is so beautiful here, Ella. Thank you for sharing your home with me.”

Ella beamed up into his eyes and ran a thumb across his cheek.  “Don’t you know, Ernest? You are my home now.” She pulled his face to hers, her smiling lips meeting his in a soft kiss.  “But thank you for bringing me back to Grovershire. It means so much to me.”

“I love it here.  In fact, I think we should plan to come here at least once every summer.”  Ernest gave her another quick kiss before turning back to the horizon thoughtfully.  “Do you remember our first trip here together?” He had a wistful smile upon his lips, his dark stare focused on something in the past.

Ella smiled wide at the thought. “Of course I do.”  She sat upright in the grass, retrieving her stockings from where she had strewn them upon the ground earlier.  “It is one of my fondest memories, that day with you and our friends.” She lifted one foot from the ground, daintily positioning her toe at the entrance to her stocking-

Ernest placed his hand firmly upon hers, stilling her movement as he gripped her ankle.  Ella’s breath hitched when he ran his thumb gently across her flesh, the smallest movement sending a tingle up her leg straight to her center.  She raised her eyes slightly to find her husband staring at her intently, his blue eyes dark in an unfaltering gaze. “Do you know how tempted I was by you that day?  Here by the stream.” He slowly slid the delicate fabric of her stocking up her calf to her knee, allowing his fingertips to graze her bare skin along the way. “Just like this.”

Ella swallowed hard, her mind a blur as her body responded to his touch.  “Perhaps you should have given into temptation, Husband.” She rasped as his finger trailed along her thigh, tracing incoherent patterns on her inner leg before dropping to retrieve the other stocking.  

Gliding up her other leg slowly, his eyes never leaving hers, Ernest allowed his hand to linger just above her knee.  He cupped her leg in his palm, his thumb slowly tracing the exposed skin just along the edge of garment. “Alas, my dear wife, you know that it was not within my morals to have you before we were wed.  No matter how badly I wanted to.” He leaned forward, his lips barely grazing over the bare flesh at the neckline of her dress, placing whispers of kisses up her collarbone and along her neck. Ella’s heart raced in her chest, her fingers laced in his hair as her breaths started coming out in short bursts.  “And even now, all alone and properly married …” Ernest pulled away, a crooked smirk upon his lips, “You know that my propriety is too strong to act upon such physical urges.”

“Ernest …” Ella whined, her voice coming out in a low gasp.

Ernest ducked his head, crashing his mouth against hers in a heated kiss.  Ella gripped the collar of his shirt, pulling him closer as she melted into his touch.  When they finally parted, he cupped her face in his brood hands, peppering her face with soft pecks as he spoke.  “Would you like to retire to the cottage, Wife?”

Ella giggled, unable to suppress the giddy grin upon her face.  “Yes, Ernest. Yes please.”

“Good.”  He placed one last kiss to her forehead before climbing to his feet, extending a hand to help her up as well.

They returned to their blanket, gathering their belongings and packing them back in their basket.  As Ella finished folding the blanket and tucked it inside, she turned to Ernest with a gleeful expression.  “Do you know what else I recall from that day?”

Ernest glanced up at her as he hefted the large basket up on his arm.  “What is that?”

“I remember playing games with the children back in town.”  She sidled up next to him, her body only inches from his. “And I remember you were quite slow.”  With a wink she jabbed him in the arm, then turned around in one swift movement. “You’re it!” She called over her shoulder.

Ernest started off behind her, trying his best to run but quickly discovering that to be an extremely difficult task with the overflowing basket he carried in his arm.  Emitting a frustrated grunt, he slowed his pace to a brisk march. “Ella! Ella, but I have the basket!” She did not turn around, but he could hear her joyful laughter ringing in the air.  With a contented smile, Ernest resigned himself to his slower pace, enjoying the view of his wife frolicking through field before him in the direction of their cottage.


2 thoughts on “Here by the Stream”

  1. Awww! I love this, the banter and playfulness and just that little hint of heat. Who knew ankles could be so sexy?

    1. Thanks Misha!!! This one was a lot of fun to write, I love the playful dynamic between these two. Thanks so much for reading!

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