“Come to bed” kisses: A has their hands on B’s neck, murmuring the phrase softly. A’s hands slide down B’s arms to their hands, lacing their fingers together and slowly starting to pull B towards their bedroom. A continues to pepper B with kisses all the while, trailing them down their jaw and neck.

Bleary eyed and sleep ridden, Drake stumbles into the place he knows she’ll be at this late hour. Its almost 1am and his wife is still poring over the logistics for the gala dinner in her study in the same position she’d been in for most of the day. He knows how driven she is, any problem Elizabeth comes across does not fare long under her concentrated focus.
But he knows better, in this instance at least. He knows the fuss she’ll put up in the morning when he has to drag her out of bed for their breakfast with the Queen mother, he knows she’ll complain ‘Who the hell does breakfast meetings?’ and he knows he’ll answer with a laugh stating the obvious just to annoy her a little more. But Drake also knows that he misses her, his body misses the feeling of hers pressed up against him, misses burying his nose in her soft hair that she keeps to meticulous wash schedule, missing her scent something that would always calm him immediately, misses the sensation of how well she fits into his arms, like they are meant to be.
Because they are.
Totally, completely, inexplicably willingly bound together in a way that mere words could never capture. And that is why he slips into her study, making ample noise so not to scare her as he comes up behind her desk chair. Her hair is in a bun – her working-hard hairstyle, he’s come to realise – exposing the back of her neck just enough to tempt him to caress the soft skin there with his calloused fingers, drawing a breath from her as her skin tingles, responding immediately to his touch. He runs a thumb over the tiny population of baby hair that fringes on the edge of her hairline, grateful that only he gets to touch her like this, that there are some places of her that only he knows, having spent countless hours exploring every curve of her body.
‘Come to bed.’
His voice is a soft gravelly whisper, eyes barely open, hands tracing a familiar path over her shoulders as he leans down to follow the trail with his lips. The strap of her tank top falls down the graceful arc of her arm, leaving the area bare for the smallest second before he covers it with his mouth.
‘Come to bed.’ Drake repeats, between slow lazy kisses designed intently to breaking her focus and bring her back to him. Elizabeth hums in vague agreement – that intense focus hasn’t been beaten yet – and he allows the days stubble to drag across her skin as he works his way up her neck.
She gasps a little, her concentration crumbling under his touch as does the will to stay away and finish just this one last thing like the same empty promise she made to him hours ago. His long fingers slide down her arms, moving over her tanned skin as he finds the sweet spot behind her ear and the secret to his success.As she moans, he smirks a little, gently tugging the pen out of her hand and lacing his fingers through her manicured ones, once again marvelling at how every part of her seemed to compliment every part of him.
‘Come to bed.’
At this she leans back into his touch and he knows he’s won now. Her tank top slides further down her body revealing the top of her breast and ordinarily he’d have no qualms of kindly relieving her of it and the rest of her clothing but not tonight. He knows she needs her rest and if he pursued his previous line of thought they’d be doing the exact opposite. They’ll have time for that another time. Tonight is the night for gathering her up into his arms and holding her like the treasure she is, pulling her in close and trying to ignore the gentle tickling sensation of her long hair that inevitably would end up in his face over the night: a minor grievance for the reward of being able to do this. He gives her arms a soft but meaningful pull and she must be more tired than she lets on because she stands with less effort than he thought would take to convince her.
Dropping a kiss on her head, Drake wraps his arms around her middle, feeling Elizabeth’s body already relaxing into his and he guides them in an awkward shuffle up the stairs and down the long corridor to their bedroom, each stumbling step punctuated with kisses across her neck and jaw until they finally reach their destination and tumble into bed together, his mission accomplished when he pulls her into his arms and he spend his last waking moments that night savouring the sensation of her warm figure pressed against his.
Goodbye kisses: Lingering and hard for longer times apart. Ones that curve A’s body against B’s and cause hands to splay against backs. Or short pecks, maybe not even completely on the mouth for short trips to the grocery store.

(Can we take a moment to appreciate how adorable Sonam looks in this gif! Its one of my favs of her and the cutest thing I’ve seen, thats something I picture Liz doing ahh)
‘Wallet, yep, phone, yep,’ Drake mumbled to himself absentmindedly as he stood in the doorway of the Atlantean mansion before a full day of meetings at the palace. Standing in the open doorway, he couldn’t shake the feeling that he was missing something, something very important as he patted himself down, trying desperately to remember.
‘Looking for these?’
He whirled around to find his wife Elizabeth leaning against the wall, wrapped in her dressing gown, eyes still bleary from sleep, twirling his keys around her finger. He sighed in relief, rushing over wondering what in the world he’d do without this amazing woman in his life.
‘Liz, oh god what would I do without you!’ He repeated out loud, reaching down to give her an exuberant kiss on the cheek. ’Sorry for waking you.’
He felt a little guilty at that his disorganisation had caused her to get up from bed after a long night before. The gala dinner she’d been agonising over for the last few weeks had been last night and Elizabeth had offered to stay back and help clean up while a guilty and equally tired Drake opted to bow out early for some well needed rest. She giggled a little when he kissed her, holding his keys slightly out of his reach to get his attention.
‘I think you forgot the most important thing of all Mr Walker,’ she teased, pursing her lips in a very obvious gesture for a kiss. He arched a playful eyebrow at her.
‘Oh I fulfilled that duty alright Mrs Walker. You were just too dead to the world to notice.’
Still he indulged her, unable to resist how adorably cute she looked, waiting for his lips to descend down on hers. The kiss was much too swift and chaste for his liking but Drake was very aware of the time, knowing that out of the thirty minutes he needed to get to the palace for this morning’s meeting, more than twenty of them would be lost if he caved into giving her a thorough goodbye. He also knew Elizabeth would probably want to go back to bed for a sleep in on her day off: she may be the Duchess of Atlanta but there were few things she liked more than sleep.
‘Mmm,’ she hummed, eyes closed, her tongue running softly over her lower lip, tasting him on her. ‘Yeah I’m beginning to get a vague inkling but I think you’re gonna have to jog my memory a little bit more.’
Drake gave her another soft kiss, this one not quite making her mouth. ‘How’s that?’
Elizabeth screwed up her face in mock thought, her arms sneaking up to wind themselves loosely around his neck. ‘A little better but I’m going to need you to do that again to be sure.’
He obliged, knowing resistance was futile and that his wife would always somehow end up getting her way. He didn’t mind though because kissing her was one of his favourite things to do. This time he let the kiss linger a little longer, one hand coming up to her waist while the other still grasped his keys, a reminder of the ticking time. Elizabeth responded eagerly, earnestly pulling him closer, her hands splaying across his broad back as she deepened the kiss. Drake moaned a little, his inner sense of timing urging him that he had to leave to not be caught in the morning traffic but his wife didn’t seem to have any place to let him go anytime soon.
Pulling away slightly, he placed another tentative kiss on her cheek. ‘Elizabeth…’
Her eyes were still closed and she screwed them up even tighter. ‘Don’t say it, don’t say it.’
‘I hate to say it.’
‘Then don’t.’
‘But I have to leave. I’ve got that meeting with Liam and that delegation remember?’ He ran his thumb affectionately over her jaw.
‘Fine.’ She huffed, dropping her arms from around his body and Drake immediately felt cold at the lack of her warmth but he knew he had to go.
‘I’ll be back by five, six latest,’ he promised, kissing her on the cheek.
Elizabeth wrapped dressing gown and leaned back against the wall assuming the position he’d found her in. ‘Hurry home marshmallow,’ she winked in what was supposed to be seductively but came across as adorable in her sleepy state. ‘There may or may not be a surprise waiting for you when you get back.’
Drake groaned, pausing in the doorway. ‘Temptress.’
‘Glad you caught on,’ she smirked. ‘Can I have one last kiss?’
He sighed in mock annoyance but recovered the distance he’d put between them. ‘I hope you know the morning traffic I’m risking by this.’
He couldn’t help but pull her into another deep kiss, long and lingering, relishing in the feeling of her soft lips on his before spending a whole day apart from her. He hadn’t even left yet and he was already wishing he’d be home..
‘I’ll see you at five,’ he promised, dropping another kiss onto her forehead. ‘I love you.’
‘I love you too.’
Although it tore him apart to leave her, Drake finally closed the door behind him and jogged to his Jeep. Just as he got in, his phone buzzed with a text from Liam saying that the delegates had requested to reschedule for tomorrow. In a flash he was out of the truck and throwing the manor door open. Elizabeth had obviously been making her way back upstairs and he ran up behind her, scooping her up into his arms and planting a kiss on the side of her neck.
‘What happened to your meeting?’ she asked confusedly when he set her down and spun her around to face him.
‘They cancelled,’ he replied, too busy tugging his tie off before hoisting her up into his arms. ‘Now I’ve got time to give you a proper goodbye.‘
open the title, scroll to start read and saw the gif…. ugh why you have to put tha cute face on the top of it? it’s such a good distraction lol. they both just too cuteeee.