Midnight Cravings

Author’s note: This was my first fanfiction and now I have several others. You can find most of my works on tumblr (Knndyj, I’m still trying to make a master list on that site.) but now I’m posting them here.  Liam is named Calvin & my MC is Justice Olivera. Bold italicized sentences are song lyrics, plain sentences is dialogue, and italicized is thoughts. Also some of my early TRR fics are written  before book 2 and some after stray from the true moments that occurred in book 2 and 3 so this fic and all of my other TRR fics are canon divergence.

Pairing: Liam x MC

Rating: PG-13  For sexual innuendos and slight language.

Summary: Taking place during coronation week of Book 1.  Justice is stressed about the upcoming ball so she does what sh e does best in need of comfort while unknowingly attracting a special someone who’s also in need of comfort.

11:40 pm. The red numbers glow in the dark room. Justice tosses and turns in the lavish bed until she pauses.

“I’m so nervous and anxious for this Friday I can’t even sleep!” she whispers into the dark.

“I mean I’m laying on a cloud compared to that board back in New York I called a bed. I’m supposed to be counting sheep right now.”

She puts her hand on her face and slowly rubs it down and lets out a frustrated growl. Justice turns to the alarm clock on her nightstand.

“At this rate there’s no way I’m getting sleep.”

She lays for a moment and suddenly an idea strikes.

“There’s only one solution for a time like this.  Hot cocoa and cookies.”

Satisfied with her thinking Justice gets up out her bed and looks in the mirror debating if she should change out of her red tank top and short pajamas shorts that hug her hips low. She casually runs a hand through her curled bangs that stick to her forehead.

“No one is roaming around at this time at night, I’ll just defy dress code this one time.” she slyly smiles and laughs to herself.

She then tiptoes out her room shutting the door gently and  walks through the hallways of the palace admiring the various historical artifacts and portraits of past rulers until she reaches the grand staircase. She delicately steps down each step careful to not make a sound. She reaches the bottom of the stairs and heads towards the kitchen. She pushes through a door and gazes on the big kitchen area. Rows of several ovens and stove tops used to prepare elaborate and elegant meals for the royals are in site.

She steps into the room and to her left is five giant stainless, silver fridges. To the right the pantry that looks as if it could’ve been another bedroom.

“Wow…” the words lost to her as she continues to gaze at the sight before her. She gathers herself and is off to collect the items she needs.

“Alright now let’s see…tsk tsk if I were pots and pans where would I be in a palace?”

She looks in the cabinets under the main stove in the center of the kitchen and finds the perfect size sauce pan. She gets up and places it on a stove top and goes through the entire kitchen collecting everything she needs to bake. Soon the once pristine kitchen counters are scattered with bowls, pans, trays, and ingredients.

Justice moves in the kitchen seamlessly as if she were dancing, feeling better than she was earlier. The saucepan used to make her famous cocoa is releasing a chocolaty yet minty aroma about the room. Her special cookies are in the oven, the smell of pumpkin wafts through. The kitchen smells of a soft autumn day and unknowingly her baking is not just around this area but through the vents. Which travels and reaches the room to the one she cares for.

Prince Calvin is in his room and is wide awake unable to sleep. His bed abandoned a while ago with the comforter on the floor. He’s troubled by what’s to come and paces the floor by his window back and forth and so on. It seems to him that it’s all happening too fast. He wishes he could just relax and take a step back but knows there’s no time for that. Yet he longs for the only thing that can get him to do so, rather one person. The thought of her makes his heartbeat accelerate.

“Lady Justice is the key to my peace, my heart, my soul. I’d be lying to myself if I don’t admit it. Admit to myself that I’m madly in love with this charming woman. Who is so lively, adventurous, intelligent, determined and alluring.”

As his thoughts flooded by images of her and memories made with this woman they’re interrupted by an enriching smell. It’s so compelling that he decides to investigate.

He moves through the hallways and the stairs and whispers to himself  “Who could be up at…”

He turns to a clock on the wall to check the time,

“12:30 am, and why are they in the kitchen?”

All the servants are gone for the night so he knows it isn’t any of them. As he steps off the staircase and heads to the kitchen he peeks in the door. Once his gaze falls on the culprit he melts inside.

Then he leans in the doorway to watch.

“Of course it’s her.” The one he couldn’t seem to rid his mind of.

He’s captivated as she glides about the kitchen stirring whatever is in the pot. Especially enjoying how her pajama shorts slightly rise as she roams about the space giving him a peak of her perfect ass. He unknowingly moves towards her, he doesn’t know why but his body longs to be next to her when she’s in his reach. As he inches closer, he hears her soft humming grow to singing.

Justice is currently stirring the last ingredients into her cocoa.

“And lastly a ½ cup of crushed peppermint candy, a nice little bite to balance this rich Cordonian chocolate. I should’ve known it wasn’t just their apples with intense flavors.”

She pulls out her pumpkin oatmeal cookies earlier and is waiting for them to cool. She’s stirring the saucepan waiting for the peppermint to melt through.

She begins to hums one of her favorite songs and soon breaks into the lyrics.

“ Baby you don’t know, what you do to me, between me and you, I feel a chemistry. I won’t let no one, come and take your place, ‘Cause the love you give, can’t be replaced. So, no one else can do me like you do…”

Her back is facing the door while she continues to sing when Calvin enters and wraps his arms around her waist. She stops at first frightened but relaxes as she smells a familiar cologne.

“Calvin?” she whispers. He lightly peppers her neck with kisses.


She turns around to face him, her smile bright. His eyes close as he leans down to kiss her lips and instead of the feel of her lips he feels a smack to the forehead.

“Oww, what was that for?” he asked genuinely confused as he rubs his head.

Justice grins evilly back at him and replies.

“That’s for scaring me to death a minute ago.”

“Ahh yes…Ahem, I apologize for that.” He still says rubbing his head.

“Here, lean down.”

He complies and where she hit him she places a kiss.

“Better?” she gives him a sweet smile.  He grins.


He pulls her to his chest once more and asks.


Puzzled she looks at him,  “Sorry, you want me to sing?”

“Yes, I had heard you before I rudely interrupted and would love to hear your enchanting voice again.”

She gently reached up to kiss his lips tenderly.

“As you wish your highness.”

Justice turns so that her back is in his chest. Then wraps his arms around her body and slowly sways side to side forcing his body to mirror her actions. All the while she continues singing the song she sang earlier.

“That’s why I want to spend my life with you.”

She moves her hand to reach his head and slowly trails it down his face feeling every curve and the light stubble.

“I want to please you in any way I can. I want to show you my world, don’t you understand?”

As her hand leaves his face she grasps his hand and places it on her heart all the while still swaying her hips to the beat in her head.

“Your love is a one in a million. It goes on and on and on. You give me a real, good feeling all day long.”

Justice finishes the note and turns back to face Calvin and kisses him deep and lovingly.

She reluctantly releases his lips and quickly turns from him and cuts off the heat from her pot and pours the hot liquid into two mugs. He watches her leave him momentarily and breathes out slowly.

“Her dancing has perked me up in more ways then one. Alright think gross pictures, umm Maxwell and Drake in Bikinis.”

He imagines and grimaces. He feels himself cool down. Before his train of thought leads him back to her movements he focuses his attention back to Justice now. She tops both hot cocoa with mini marshmallows, whip cream, and cinnamon. She hands one to Calvin.

“Looks like you need this.”

He graciously takes the cup before taking a sip he mentions.

“Your voice is breathtaking. I’ve never had the privilege til now to hear such a song. What’s it called?”

Justice smiles and coyly adverts her eyes from him. 

You sure know how to charm a girl Calvin.Thank you  though, and it’s called One in a Million by a singer named Aaliyah.”

“Beautiful song, was there a specific reason you were singing this particular song, maybe a special someone?” he asks smugly.

“Hmm maybe.” she responds.

He shakes his head at her out of amusement. “I should’ve known it was you at this hour stirring trouble.”

She feigns offence.

“What! Me, I’m just innocently baking and I’m never trouble.”  

The prince gave her a look.

“Okay this time I’m not causing trouble.” He laughs.“I was too curious about who caused the sweet fragrance.”

She glances at him surprised.

“You smelt my baking all the way from your room?”

He moves to a nearby table with chairs, sits and replies.

“Yes, and honestly I was having difficulty trying to sleep and a delicious and inviting aroma happened to pass by my nose and I just had to figure out what it was.”

Justice follows him where he sits carrying a plate of cookies and her cup and sits next to him. He sips from his drink and turns to look at her and stares back at forth from the cup and her until she breaks his silence.

“Umm…is there something wrong? I mean it’s an original recipe, so you may not car-” Calvin grabs her hand and squeezes it and interrupts her

“This is the best cup of hot chocolate I’ve ever had.”

“Really, even better than the Michelin star chefs who work in the palace.” she teased.

“ Far better,” he responds as he finishes his drink.

He grabs a cookie and eats it and closes his eyes and moans in satisfaction. Ensuing him to eat more. His moan made Justice swoon inside and a blush reached her cheeks as she thought,

“I can think of more naughty, fun ways to make him moan like that again. Okay down girl, don’t think sexy thoughts.”

Before it went farther in that direction she looks at him and giggles at how adorable he is. He notices her soft giggle and raises an eyebrow.

“What is it?”

“It’s nothing, just that who would’ve thought that the “Proper Crown Prince” is before me guzzling down hot cocoa and cookies in his pajamas like a five-year old.”

He stops and chuckles.

“Every time I’m with you Lady Justice-” she cut him off.

“Please, it’s after hours and no one is around. Justice is fine.”

He smiles.

“Of course, as I was saying when I’m with you I feel so carefree and discover more of your many talents. I mean a singer and phenomenal baker.”

Justice gives him a sly smirk, her eyes tinted with mischief.

“You forgot mentioning an amazing lover.”

Calvin blushes furiously and begins to stammer as he remembers her mentioning this talent.

“Don’t worry, if you’re a good little prince I will give you a demonstration one day.” she ribs.

“Heh, there you go again. You’re so bewitching it’s as if you have some spell over me. That whatever mood, no matter how stress or upset I am you make me laugh, make me smile. It’s one of the many reasons why I lo-” he stops himself from continuing.

He looks away, ashamed that he might have hurt her by not saying it now. He’s scared to say those three little words aloud to her. Justice takes his hands.

“It’s okay. I know you must censor yourself especially as the ball nears. But I have to let you know; remember when we first met I told you I was looking for adventures, well what I didn’t expect was to fall in love.”

His eyes are wide and bright as he turns to stare at her.

“Just like the song I sang, you Calvin are truly one in a million. I’ve never felt a connection like this before. And no matter what remember it’s you and only you who has my heart. I..I love you. More than you could ever know.”

“Justice…” He reaches towards her face and pulls her closer.

“You don’t have to say it now, but I want you know this, whatever is to come I will never stop loving you and wanting the best for you.” she whispered as she’s pulled in.

Teardrops slowly leave Justice’s hazel eyes as she stares into the Prince’s brown ones. Thinking how much she adores the man in front of her even if his future doesn’t feature her alongside him. It pained Calvin to see the woman who he deems his soulmate sad. Especially at his dispense. He gracefully moves his fingers and wipes her tears away then leans in and kisses her so softly and passionately. Removing any sadness and doubt from Justice’s mind. His emotions pour into this one action, no more caution, no more restrictions. This moment Calvin allowed his heart to pilot over his mind.

They separate to catch their breaths. Calvin pulls Justice to his lap and cuddled her into his chest. She can hear his heartbeat. For a moment both of their worries washed away. In his mind Calvin finally decides on the internal battle that he’s been fighting.

“Consequences be damned.”

“Justice…”she turns to him.

I care about you immensely. I’m crazy about you. It’s ironic because I’m supposed to make a choice, yet I’m lucky you chose me. Being with me isn’t going to be easy and I was sure that this life would scare the chance at true love away. Part of me thinks that there’s someone out there who could give you the normal life you deserve and I should let you go.” He lowers his head.

She turns and lifts his head, so his eyes are to hers.

“It wouldn’t be much of a life if you weren’t by my side. The life I deserve whatever it is, includes you. I couldn’t live life without my better half.”

He’s heart soars at her words and kisses her once more holding her so tight as if she’d slip away. Their foreheads are press against another as they break apart. Justice looks at the empty plate and cups and says aloud.

“Who would’ve known midnight cravings and insomnia led to this.” He smiles and kisses her forehead.

He grips her tighter and thinks

“If she brings this warmth to me then she will bring it to all the subjects of Cordonia. It’s decided. She will be Queen and my wife.”

He finally answered the question that plagued him all week

“There’s no other suitor who could be a better suit than her, no other can I envision by my side other than her.”

Justice keeps her arms locked around his neck as he pulls her into him as if they’re one. She glances at the clock and notices it’s 1:00 am now. She begins feeling sleepy and more comfortable than she’s ever felt in years. They stay there for 10 more minutes when she reluctantly stands up from his lap and leaves his protective grasp.

“I guess it’s time to retire for the night or if you want to get technical the morning.” she mentions quietly with a small frown.

Calvin looks at her not wanting to go separate ways just yet. He gets a daring thought.

“We could continue this in my chambers.” She gives him a surprised look that turns into a smirk.

“My, my, my,  look who is testing the lines of danger. We would cause a scandal sir.”

He moves from his seat to stand next to her and kisses her neck knowing that’s her weakness.

“I can’t be away from you now. I crave to have you next to me. There’s a way you could sneak out. Don’t overthink it, just say yes.”

Knowing she was losing this battle and the fact he’s initiating the daring move she says


He beams at her and together they clean up the mess in the kitchen and sneak off towards Prince Calvin’s room hand in hand. 


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Hello sunshines! Fellow Choices player for about two years. Fanfic author for a year. I create content whenever inspiration strikes.

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