Moving Day

Summary: With Pine Springs finally free from its shady cultists business and supernatural stuff, it’s time for Tomoichi Sato to leave the small town and look forward to the future. But first, he’ll get some help with moving day.

Author’s note: this fanfic will probably be an AU but which of my fanfics aren’t? Lol because I’m a sucker for happy endings, okay?!

Disclaimer: Characters belong to Pixelberry Studios.


Summer is almost over.

Those frickin’ cultists are defeated, there are no more creepy ass monsters around town and Tomoichi Sato finally feels like he’s ready to go back to live his ordinary uneventful life. And he actually is looking forward to it.

After that thing happened in Westchester years ago, the boy just couldn’t go on living with his life knowing about all those weird stuff. But now, after everything, he’s feeling more than ready to go back to school. He’s even excited about his calculus classes!

And the best part is that he’s going to study at the same university as Andy Kang, his best friend. They’ve been living apart over a year and, although they talked to each other almost daily, it wasn’t the same thing, and he missed his brother. But now he’ll get to see him so much more often now, since they’ll be roommates!

Oh man, he’s really excited about it.

But first, Tom has to pack his things before he leaves Pine Springs.


At least he’ll have some help…

The bell rings and Tom opens the door of his tiny studio apartment.

Clever dark eyes, short black hair, and a half smirk on her rosy lips.

“Hey.” – his heart takes a leap like it does every time he sees her, since the very first time he saw her.

“Hey. Will you let me in or what?”

“Oh! Uh, sure!” – he quickly steps aside, giving her space.

“Wow, this place is tiny!” – Julia states as she enters the micro-apartment, taking a look around her.

“Yeah… it was the only thing I could afford to rent…” – Tom murmurs, ducking his head, embarrassed.

“It’s cozy. I like it.” – she says with a sly grin that makes Tom’s cheeks get a shade pinker and she lets out a laugh. – “Okay, I came here to help you pack your things. What do you want me to do?” – she asks, rolling up the sleeves of her band t-shirt.

“To be honest I won’t need much help. The apartment came with all the furniture included, I just need to pack my things.”

“Which are?”

“You know, my clothes, my books, games… this kind of stuff. Uh, to be honest I could have done it by myself… you didn’t have to have all this trouble to come here…”

“Hey, it’s no trouble at all.” – she takes a step closer and cups his warm face on her hands. – “I was the one who offered to come help you in the first place, remember?” – he nods. – “And I want to spend every minute we can together…” – Julia confesses, now her face flushing slightly.

“Me too.” – Tom smiles warmly at her and she forces herself to pull back before she makes the stupidity of kissing him. Because, once she starts it, she won’t be able to stop.

“Okay, so let’s begin! Where do I start?”

“I’ve already started folding my clothes…you can put them in the bag.”

“Aye, captain.” – they start working together in a comfortable silence, just enjoying the company of one another. – “So… are you excited to go back to college?”

“Yeah, actually.” – a small smile tugs on his lips. – “Now that all that mess is over, I finally feel that I can move forward with my life. I actually miss my calculus classes.” – they share a laugh.

“I’m glad you’re excited for school, Tom. I mean it. Even though I’d prefer if you transferred to Hartfeld so we could be closer…” – her voice lowers and she takes a step closer to him, their faces just inches from one another now. His cheeks immediately gets a shade pinker and the girl chuckles mischievously. She loves teasing him. – “I’m just kidding. You’ll be close to Andy again, right?”

“We’ll actually be living together. We’re going to be roommates!” – he beans animatedly. – “I miss having my best friend around. We have a lot to catch up.”

Julia smiles to him and they finish with the folding clothes duty. – “Okay… now onto the geek stuff. Do you prefer games or comics?”

“Uh. Comics. I’ve already noticed how protective you are about your videogames.” – it was very exhausting persuading Tom to lend his games to Elliot for just one night. She wasn’t going any near it.

“Heh, you’re not wrong there. Okay, my books and comics are in that bookshelf.”

“Alright. Uh, will I find any manga for pervs in here?”

“Of course not!” – Tom screams, his ears and cheeks turning bright red instantly.

“Relax, I’m just teasing you!” – he rolls his eyes to his laughing girlfriend. – “Do you want me to put them in order?”

“Yeah, that would be nice…”

“By year? Title? Author? Number? Since you’re oh so touchy about your things.” – she teases him.

“Just on numerical order is enough, you goof.” – he chuckles and Julia walks away to pick them. His gaze follows her, his heart floating a bit inside his chest again. Tom always have this fuzzy feeling when he’s near her.

He’ll miss seeing her so often. His girlfriend.

“Anyway, what about you?” – he asks casually, returning his attention to his games. He opens each box to see if they’re in there, on their assigned box. – “Excited to go back to college?”

“A bit, yeah. Gotta start my final thesis. I’m both excited and terrified by it.”

“I can’t believe a final thesis scares you more than a bunch of creepy ass monsters.”

“Hey, this is important, okay? I don’t want to mess it up and you know I’m not exactly the scholar type.”

“Yeah, you’re more like the kicking ass type.” – she agrees with him. – “But I know you’ll nail it. You always nail everything, Julia.”

“You have too much faith in me.”

“Hey, if I’m not going to be the most supportive boyfriend ever, then what’s the point?” – she smiles gratefully to him. – “What about Elliot? Is he going to stay here with Arthur?”

“Yeah. He grew to love Pine Springs. Of course, having his first serious crush around helps.” – Julia grins to herself, thinking about her baby brother and Robbie. – “I’ve already been used to not live with him since I entered college, so it’s not that dramatic change. He’s just living further away now and it’ll be a boomer that I won’t get to tease him about his first relationship as much as I’d like to.”

“You’re insufferable.” – Tom chuckles, his games already in his backpack.

“I am.” – Julia looks up to him when he stops next to her, helping her pick up his comics and mangas from the bookshelf. She has a small grin on her face. – “But I have two very good reasons to come back to Oregon more often now: Elliot and you.”

Tom grins back at her and before he knows it, she suddenly stands on her toes and pulls him in, kissing him fiercely.

To hell with packing things up. She wants him now.

He groans when his back hits the bookshelf behind him, as the girl clings her petite figure into his. She smiles against his lips when she feels one of his hands burying in her hair, as his other arm wraps around her waist, bringing her closer to him, until they can both feel every inch of each other’s body against their own. His mouth kisses her back hungrily, and she can feel his arousal pressing hard on her thigh.

“…When are you leaving?” – Julia asks, breathless from all that make out session.

“The last bus to Westchester leaves at 6 p.m.”

“Oh, then we have plenty of time.” – she wiggles her eyebrows suggestively, making the boy laugh.

“I still have to finish packing my things, Julia.” – he points his head to his opened and half filled bag on the floor.

“Pfff, putting everything inside your bag will take us 15 minutes max. Besides, we did it in a photo booth. I guess we can handle finishing packing your things, moving you out of here and still having time for proper sex just fine. Not in this exact order, because I want you now. And I guess you’re up to it too.” – she smiles devilishly as he groans when he feels one of her hands inside his pants, exploring his length.

“Julia…” – Tom murmurs with a warning tone in his voice, his breath quickening as she keeps with those moves.

“We deserve it, Tom. I don’t know when I’ll see you again and we had just a quickie. I want more.” – she purrs as her kisses descend to his earlobe, chin, neck, her hand still keeping with those maddening movements, making the boy gasp and his excitement grow even harder. – “I want you to have a wonderful memory of your last day here. And of myself.”

“All of my memories of you are wonderful, Julia.” – he stops short. – “Jeez, this sounded so cheesy.”

The girl laughs loudly before pulling him in for another passionate and demanding kiss. Tom kisses her back, hard, pushing her backwards until the girl feels the cold wall behind her, as he pins her there with his weight. She feels that he already is as hard as a rock. Her heart immediately flips inside her chest, excited, and she puts her hands on the hem of his t-shirt, ready to take it off.

“You know… there’s a bed right there.” – he murmurs, chuckling.

“Oh yeah, what I was thinking?” – she giggles mischievously, before striping the boy from his t-shirt and practically shoving him into the bed, climbing on top of him.

Julia lets out a surprised squeal when Tom suddenly rolls, changing their positions, so he ends up being on top of her.

“You took the lead last time. I’d like to take the lead this time.” – he says, with a sheepish grin on his face just inches from her as he bends over her. – “Uh, though you’ll need to guide me.”

“It’d be my pleasure. Literally.” – Tom chuckles.

“This was just terrible.”

“But I know you loved it.”

“Yeah… I did.” – he leans in and kisses her softly, straddling the girl down on the bed.

“You know…” – they stop kissing for a quick second, so he can take his glasses off and put it on somewhere safe, like the bedside table. She cups his face between her hands, gazing deeply into his eyes, admiring his face.

“What?” – he asks, his cheeks getting hotter under her soft hands.

“…Watching you beating all those monsters asses and facing those cultists bastards was such a turn on.”

“I thought you were always turned on by the simple sight of me.” – she rolls her eyes but chuckles.

“Can’t argue with that.” – Julia’s face gets serious.


“I was so scared I had lost you, Tom.” – her voice is barely a whisper.

Although they haven’t known each other for long, Tom knows his girlfriend well enough to know that she hates showing weakness. So the moments that she lets herself show vulnerability are special. Meaningful.

And Julia Vance only shows it to him.

He gives her a reassuring smile.

“Hey… it’ll take more than just a bunch of cultists, monsters and a frickin’ lake ghost to defeat Tomoichi Sato. Plus, I got a pretty awesome scar out from it.” – he says, pointing to the cut on his neck, now completely healed.

She laughs loudly to his stupid smirk. It’s cheesy, but he would hear her laughter for all eternity and never get tired of it.

Oh god, when did he start becoming so sappy?

“I see you had finally admitted that you’re a badass.”

“Yeah… thanks to my badass girlfriend.” – he leans in and kisses her so sweetly the girl feels like melting.

“Hmm, is this how we are going to be called now? A couple of badasses?”

“I like it.” – his thumb runs along her soft lips. – “I love you.” – he murmurs and

Julia opens up a grin so wide and radiant that leaves the boy breathless. He’s always breathless around her, actually.

“I love you too, Tom.” – she pulls him to her, their lips meeting again easily. The kiss gets heated and they both frantically take off their clothes, not wanting to lose any other second.

Tom gasps slightly when the girl takes off her bra, throwing it away somewhere in the small apartment.

“What?” – she asks when she notices her paralysed boyfriend in front of her.

“Jeez, you’re so…” – he murmurs, his cheeks getting pinker as he drinks on the sight of her.

“You know you’re allowed to touch me, right?” – a playful smirk dances on her lips as she rests on her elbows.

His shy and warm hands find her breasts, that are just the perfect size. They’re soft and highly sensitive as the boy notices, as her breath quickens and her nipples get instantly hard by his touch.

He leans in and a shiver travels through her body as Tom leaves kisses on her neck, making the heat between her legs radiate even more. She gently takes one of his hands and moves it lower and lower on her body…

“Oh god…” – he murmurs as he feels her heat, wetness and tightness around his fingers. She moans his name as she shows him how to touch and caress her.

He watches in amusement as color fills her cheeks, her breath quickening and her body tensing, as he slightly speeds up the massage on her sensitive nub.

“Do you like this…?” – he asks and all she can do is answer with unintelligible whimpers, trembling under his touch, her hips following his movements, her hands gripping tightly on the bed sheets beneath her.

“Y-yeah…” – she whimpers, her dark shining eyes finding his. – “I want you, Tom… Now.” – she practically orders.

“Not yet…” – he murmurs back at her, intensifying his massage until her body is shaking and she has to cling onto him, moaning deliriously into his ear. He loves knowing that he’s capable of doing it to her. And just with his hand! – “Are you okay?” – he asks when she burst out in giggles.

“Yeah… I’m sorry, I know I can be a bit… loud.” – Julia’s cheeks are filled with color and she feels that tingling sensation all over her body, while she recovers from her orgasm.

“Don’t apologise. I love hearing you.” – her boyfriend pecks her forehead. – “It’s sexy.”

“Yeah?” – she asks. not so sure about it. – “I sound like a pig for slaughter.” – he laughs loudly.

“A sexy pig, then? Jeez, this sounds so wrong.” – it’s her turn to laugh.

“Hey… how about we stop with this super awkward chat and go back to what we were doing?” – she suggests, burying her hands on his hair, and pulling him closer.

The boy smirks at her.

“Great idea.”

They resume kissing until they both feel the air around them hot and heavy. Tom quickly finds a condom in his bedside table drawer and Julia helps him put it on, before laying on her back again as he positions himself between her legs.

The both moan when he finally enters her. He brings his hips closer against hers, filling her wholly, watching the girl bite her own lip to prevent her from screaming. After they both have adjusted to the sensation of their bodies connected, he starts moving, too torturously slowly for her.

“Faster, Tom…” – she orders, her legs lacing tighter around his hips.

He obeys, thrusting faster in her, going harder and deeper, his erratic movements making her moan louder and louder, practically crying out his name, and him whimper.

But before they both lose their minds, he moves slower again, watching how her body responds to his.

Now that they’re finally alone and in private, they can take their time not worrying about anything else, but just focusing on one another, their hands roaming up and down, exploring each other’s body, experimenting different paces, learning about what brings the most pleasure to them.

“Tom…” – there’s something about the way that she calls his name that drives him crazy and he can’t help but move his hips faster, making the girl gasp in pleasure beneath him, until her body is twitching underneath him, her nails digging on the skin of his back, as he moans into her ear, bringing her even closer to the edge.

And then, waves of pleasure overcomes them both.

Julia slowly opens her eyes, with Tom still on top of her, a layer of sweat all over their bodies, their breath and heartbeat slowing down.

“I thought I was going to faint.” – he murmurs, rolling to her side on the bed, his arms still around her, hugging her tightly.

“Me too.” – a lazy smile dances on her lips. – “You know, I really like your hair like this.”

“Like a mess?” – she laughs heartily.

“Yeah.” – she kisses him softly and they shuffle in the bed, laying on a more comfortable position, with Tom on his back and Julia nestled to his chest, drawing circles on his bare skin, one of his arms around her shoulders. – “What time is it?”

“I have no idea.” – he reaches out to his phone. – “Don’t worry, we still got time.”

“For another round?” – she asks mischievously and he laughs loudly, the sound of his laughter reverberating through his body.

“Jeez, don’t you ever get tired?”

“Of you? Never.”

“You’re so cheesy, Julia.”

“Didn’t you know that this is my middle name?” – he laughs again.

“God, I’ll miss you so much. I wish you could come with me.”

“That’s not a good idea. Can you imagine if I met your parents? What would I say? ‘Uh, hi, I’m the one who took your son’s virginity’.” – Tom blushes but can’t hold back a laughter. – “That would be just terrible and your mom would hate my guts forever.”

“Yeah, that would be awkward.” – he agrees. She bends over him, her face just inches from his.

“…But I’ll come over to visit you at your dorm in college. So often you’ll get sick of seeing my face.”

“That’s not gonna happen.”

“Why? Because we literally will live on opposite sides of the country, so it’ll be practically impossible to see you as much as I’d like to? Or because you would never get tired of my pretty face?”

“Both.” – she grins widely and pecks on his lips.

“Good answer. And you better do the same, sir. Come visit me in Hartfeld, I mean. I can’t believe you never went to a rock show before! We’re so doing it when you come to see me.”

Tom smiles as he watches the girl he loves making plans for both of them, his hand playing with the ends of her short hair.

“I will. I promise.”

“Wherever we’ll go, we’ll find a way to still see each other, right?”

His smile broadens.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”


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