Queen of My Heart Chapter 1

Queen of My Heart – Chapter 1

Pairing: Drake X MC, Liam X MC

Rating: PG

Author’s Note: I got this idea in my head that it would be fun to do a Royal Romance AU set as a reality show, since The Bachelor was an inspiration for The Royal Romance. I don’t know how many chapters there will be, but there will be many.

Word Count: 908

“Absolutely not, Father. This idea is absurd! How is anyone going to take this country seriously if I find my wife, the future queen, on a reality television show?”

“Think about it Liam, it won’t be much different than the normal social season. It will just be on camera. You know Cordonia has fallen on hard times financially. This show will gain international attention. Just think of the money we will bring in from increased tourism.”

Liam couldn’t believe Constantine was actually serious about turning the courting process into a television circus. But he was right that Cordonia was struggling, and Constantine new just how to appeal to Liam. Liam would do just about anything for the people of Cordonia. It’s why he stepped up to be next in line to the throne at a young age when his brother Leo abdicated. “Fine. Against my better judgment, I’ll agree to meet with the production team. But I’m not making any promises.”


“Kat! Good timing. I have news for you! Prince Liam liked our pitch. Queen of My Heart is a go!

“That’s great Jo, but we have a problem. Duchess Eleanor is out. Apparently she’s in a 90 day rehab facility.”

“We were scraping the bottom of the Cordonian barrel as it was to find 20 eligible noble women. Jo closed her eyes, putting a hand to her forehead. “Please tell me you have found a replacement. I don’t care if she’s 50 and looks like a troll.”

“Well, it’s not a sure thing yet, but I do have a lead on someone. The catch is, she lives in the US, and has no idea that her father was a Cordonian Duke.” Kat produced a birth certificate and a photo.

Jo looked them over. “Born in 1992..perfect. She’s cute too. Kind of exotic looking but still also ‘girl next door.’ This could be the Cinderella story we are looking for. Average American girl finds out she’s actually a Cordonian noble…marries a prince…becomes Queen. The viewers will eat that shit up. I don’t care if you have to get on airplane and drag her back here yourself. We need her.”


Riley opened up her email and saw a message from unfamiliar address: katfeinberg@xyzproductions.com. The subject line read ‘Urgent: Please reply immediately. It was probably another junk email, she thought, but she decided to open it just to be sure.

Dear Ms. Bennett, My name is Kat Feinberg and I’m an associate producer with XYZ network. We are working on a new reality show, and you would be a perfect candidate. Filming starts in 2 days, so your prompt response would be most appreciated. Please call me at the number listed below. 

Thank you, Kat Feinberg

Was this a joke? It had to be. Riley hadn’t applied for any reality shows. This was probably just some phishing scam like half the junk emails in her inbox. Still, Riley had a feeling that she shouldn’t write it off right away. She looked up Kat’s name and it turns out she was a real producer at XYZ, and the email did look professional. She had been part of a number of reality shows, including the popular “Most Elligible” franchise where men and/or women competed to marry the show’s suitor/suitress. She was hoping it wasn’t that, but it could be possible one of her friends set her up as a joke. Against her better judgement, she decided to give Kat a call just to see what this was all about.


Riley showed up at the restaurant at 7:00pm as instructed. Kat had been cryptic in their phone call, saying it would be easier to discuss everything in person. Riley checked in with the hostess who brought her to a table where Kat was seated.

Kat stood, extending her hand.”Hi, you must be Riley. Nice to meet you. I’m Kat”

Riley shook Kat’s hand. “Nice to meet you as well.”

“I know we are probably both busy people, so I’d like to get down to business if you don’t mind. As I mentioned in the email, we want you to be a contestant on our show.”

Riley cut Kat off before she could continue. “This isn’t one of those shows where I have to compete with a bunch of other women for one guy, is it? If so, I’m not interested. Someone may have submitted an application for me, but it wasn’t me.”

“Well…I’m going to be honest with you. In a way it is, but it is different this time. Something we have never done before. It is called Queen of My Heart and the suitor is the crown prince of Cordonia. All the women vying for a proposal are Cordonian noble woman. We are basically following the typical courting process they call “The Social Season” in which a prince would attend various functions and get to know the women over the course of a couple months before he decides who to marry.”

“Back-up a second.” Riley was trying to process everything, and it didn’t make sense. “There’s one problem here. I’ve never been to Cordonia, nor do I have family from there. I don’t think I fit the requirements, even if I wanted to do this, which I really don’t.”

“Actually, there’s something else I need to tell you. What do you know about your father?”

“Not much. My mom said he was in the military and he died right before I was born.”

“Has she shown you any pictures? Given you a name?”

“No, she always said it was too painful to talk about, so I never pressed her on it. No one else in the family seemed to want to talk about him either.”

“Look Riley, this is going to be a lot to take in, but your mother didn’t tell you the truth about your father. Your father was actually a Duke from Cordonia. He passed away several years ago, but you have two brother’s there.” Kat, handed Riley a copy of the birth certificate.

“This must be fake! The copy I have has no father listed.” Riley’s head was spinning. This all had to be a big mis-understanding.

“Records can be altered. This is what was sent to your father after you were born for child support purposes. A DNA test later confirmed that you are in fact the daughter of Duke Barthelemy Beaumont.” Kat must have noticed the disillusioned look on Riley’s face. “I’m sorry, I know I have just thrown a lot at you, but time is of the essence. Please consider joining the show. I will need your answer by noon tomorrow.”

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