
Ella wasn’t sure what stung more. Being unable to choose between two men that loved her, or telling them both she chose neither. It had been a long time since then. Ella spent quite a lot of time at the palace, as she had taken to the garden and little Chance admired any moment to be outdoors with her.

She became friends with the gardeners, learning their names and backstories. Even going to one of their homes for a family dinner and enjoying the company of a big family. With the royal wedding date approaching and Liam still having no one to marry, since she turned him down, things had been a bit tense.

Liam had been in his office more, he strolled in the gardens with her less and less. Even Drake, who’d visit her for a nightcap was seemingly showing up less and less. They were moving on, as they should. Ella had come to enjoy her status as Duchess. She had her own duchy, which Hana had shared with her until recently. Now it was just her and the pets.

The doorbell pulls Ella out of her thoughts, setting down the bell peppers she had been washing as she dries her hands and hurries to the front door.

“Bastien” Ella smiles, seeing him on her doorstep

“Good Evening, Lady Ella. Does Gladys have the night off?” Bastien asks, arching an eyebrow at Ella

“I actually decided to dismiss her. After the whole Anton fiasco, well…you know” Ella says softly “I have decided to put out feelers for someone new, so if you know anyone…”

“I will pass the message along to some palace staffers” Bastien grins “However, that’s not why I am here tonight”

“Of course not” Ella chuckles, stepping aside “Come in”

Bastien nods, stepping into her duchy as he turns to face her again. Ella closing the door behind him.

“Liam asked me to return your book” Bastien smirks, holding a golden spined book out for her to take

Ella takes the book from him, their fingers slightly brushing against the others.

“Thank you for taking the time to bring it to me” Ella smiles

“With Drake training and all the new hires, I seem to have quite a bit more of free time these days” Bastien grins, the corners of his eyes crinkling

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Ella says softly, feeling the heat in her cheeks

“I should return back to the palace if you need anything…” Bastien trails off, his expression soft

“You’re only a call away, thank you Bastien” Ella smiles at him

Bastien returns her smile, nodding as he walks back to the door and opens it. He pauses for a moment, turning back to look at her,

“I only speak frankly because I trust you. And I don’t trust many people these days” Bastien chuckles lightly “Liam is a fool to not fight for you…”

Ella simply nods, her hands clutching the book, lift it up to her chest as she rests her chin against the top of it.

“Bas…” Ella coos, before laughing softly “Goodnight”

“Goodnight, Lady Ella” Bastien grins as he closes the door behind him

Ella walks to the window, watching as he climbs back into the palace security’s black SUV and drives off back to the palace. She brings the book back to the kitchen with her, setting it down on the counter as she resumes washing the bell peppers she picked earlier in the afternoon. She pauses, suddenly remembering the book that she lent to Liam had a silver spine.

She grins, knowing full well Bastien will be back tomorrow with yet another book for her. She places them all back in a large bowl, as she pulls open the large, stainless steel refrigerator and pulls out a few celery stalks and a handful of long carrots as she makes her way out a side door and down towards the stables.

Cleo neighs and trots over to Ella as she enters the stable. Gently petting the large, black horse and feeding her alternating celery and carrots. They sit together, Ella enjoying her moments like these. Her life had turned out so differently than she’d imagined. But she still had her pets and that was seemingly all that mattered these days.

But Bastien’s ever-growing presence in her life wasn’t something she could deny she enjoyed. She looked forward to his visits with something from Liam. Or news from Liam. She had missed Liam, but Bastien wasn’t ugly to look at either. While yes, he was quite a few years older than her, there was something about him. Something more she wanted to know about.

Ella finishes feeding Cleo and secures Cleo in the stable before she heads back up to her duchy. She goes back, to find Liam sitting on her steps leading into her kitchen.

“Asking Bastien to return books you’ve lent me?” Liam asks, his head tilted at her as his fingers comb through his hair

“I didn’t ask him. Liam, what are you doing here?” Ella asks, her fingers interlacing as they land on the side of her hip

“Remember the wine we tried when we were in Portavira?” Liam asks

“Yes, what about it?” Ella replies, not in the mood for his games

“I had bought a few cases of it, I was dropping some off to you. As you enjoyed it so much.” Liam says, a hint of mischief from that night in his eyes

“Thank you, I appreciate it” Ella grins, her expression softening “Have a glass with me?”

“I will have to take a raincheck. Lady Nelson arrives early tomorrow morning and I have to be up to greet her” Liam sighs, rubbing his temples

“Who is Lady Nelson again?” Ella asks

“Her name is Angeline. She is the Swedish suitor who was unable to attend the social season because she was engaged. However, her engagement fell through and since we knew each other as children, she asked to come to Cordonia…” Liam trails off, his eyes averted from Ella

“She came to possibly be Queen” Ella finishes his sentence

“Yes” Liam confirms Ella’s statement “So, it would seem you will see more of Bastien, as I have more and more pressing matters to attend to”

“Liam..” Ella says softly

“I know” Liam whispers as he stands and pulls her into a hug

Ella relaxes in Liam’s arms, for the brief moment of the hug before he tilts her head up to his and his lips collide with hers. Shocked, but nonetheless enjoying the moment, Ella allows him what she knows will be their last kiss if Lady Nelson gets her way.

“Have a goodnight Liam” Ella whispers

“You too” Liam whispers back, his eyes dark as he pulls away

Ella heads back inside, locking the door behind her as she cleans up the kitchen. Wanting nothing more then to fall into her large bed and rest.

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