Tension in the Garden

Ella strolls slowly through the garden, taking her time as she meticulously picks strawberries off of bushels in the garden. She lifts one to her lips, savoring the sweetness of the berry as she tosses the top over the fence, to a rabbit who sits on the other side.

“Good Morning Lady Ella,” A man says behind her

Ella spins around, a smile forming on her lips as soon as she sees Bastien standing behind her.

“Good Morning Bastien” Ella grins “Strawberry?”

“I’d love one, thank you for offering” Bastien smiles, reaching into Ella’s basket

“The rabbits on the other side of the fence enjoy the tops” Ella laughs softly, motioning to a couple more bunnies hopping closer to the garden.

Bastien smiles, finishing his strawberry and tossing the top over the fence, all while maintaining eye contact with Ella.

“So, what brings you to the garden this morning?” Ella asks

“You see right through me” Bastien chuckles “I actually wanted to inform you we found a new head of security placement for you”

“Oh? Who?” Ella asks, giving him her full attention

“Someone you know,” Bastien says “Drake Walker”

Ella lets his words sink in for a moment. Her head turned away from Bastien momentarily before she smiles again and looks back at him.

“I’m glad it’s someone I know” Ella laughs softly before her expression softens “You look tired”

“Yes, I have been working overnight shifts while we get everything sorted,” Bastien says, clearing his throat “I should be heading to bed”

“Well, I hope you rest well” Ella chuckles

“Thank you Lady Ella, would it be alright if I stopped by later this evening?” Bastien asks

“Of course” Ella nods “Did I forget another book with Liam?”

“Not tonight” Bastien smiles, looking down at his feet momentarily “Just to oversee security is settled in and everything is running smoothly”

“Well then of course” Ella smiles “See you tonight”

“See you then Lady Ella” Bastien nods his head

Bastien turns and leaves Ella in the garden, Ella finishing picking her strawberries, biting off a few more tops to toss to the rabbits before she heads back to her duchy. Her duchy was a car drive from the palace, but Ella considered it her daily exercise to walk back and forth.

She enters her duchy, Chance’s paws tapping against the floors as he greets her at the door. She kneels down, swatting him playfully away from her basket of strawberries.

They settle in for the day. Opting to hang around the duchy today, taking Cleo out for a quick run down to the river, staying close to home. By the time Ella arrived back at her duchy, Drake was waiting at her front door.

“Hey Walker” Ella grins at him

“Hey Crass” Drake laughs “Where have you been?”

“I took Cleo out riding, you ready to set up the security stuff?” Ella asks

“Yes, not too much to set up, but I’d like to show you how it works and where security will be so there are no surprises” Drake smirks

“Lead the way” Ella grins as she swings open the front door

Drake leads Ella into a small, isolated room behind the staircase. It is set up with two monitors, cameras all around Ella’s duchy.

“So technically, we won’t be here around the clock. But you will have a security team at your disposal, per King Liam’s request. I am your head of security” Drake says “So you call, I come”

“Just like that…huh?” Ella smirks, arching an eyebrow at him

“Anyways” Drake clears his throat “We can set up shifts, or we can leave this as an on-call basis. You can change it whenever you like.”

“We can keep it as on-call right now, I know there is the security house outside, but I don’t feel the need for anyone to physically be here,” Ella says

“Alright, well I mainly just needed to run through this with you,” Drake says

Ella nods as Drake motions for her to sit down in the wheely chair in front of the large desk. He leans over next to her, his body heat radiating onto her. Ella does her best to stay focused on the numbers and codes Drake is telling her, but all she can smell is the freshly pressed linen and a hint of whiskey floating off of him.

“Crass?” Drake chuckles as he nudges her

“Yes, code to the garage…got it” Ella nods as her eyes fly to the sheets of paper laid out in front of her

“If you got it, I’m gonna go then,” Drake says as he straightens up

“So since this is an on-call basis, what do you do until I call?” Ella asks as she swivels around to face Drake.

“Mainly patrolling your grounds, the palace. Security at events and such. I have plenty of things to keep myself busy but there is always a second to step into my place, should you need assistance.” Drake replies

Ella nods as Drake stands awkwardly in front of her.

“Well, I’ll call you if I need you Walker” Ella grins

Drake smirks at her before he turns and leaves, Ella looking over the papers Drake had left her with once more. There were a lot of numbers, most of them made Ella’s head spin but knowing the ones to the places where she spent the most time was what mattered most to her.

Ella clicks through the cameras, disabling the one in her bedroom and outside of her bathroom before leaving the small room under her staircase. Ella grabs her book off of the kitchen island and settles in her reading nook while the sun sets outside.

Shortly after, Ella notices Bastien’s security car rolling down her driveway. She quickly sets down her book, running to a mirror further down the hall to make sure her hair and makeup are alright. She waits at the top of the stairs, rolling her eyes at herself as Bastien knocks on the door.

“Hi” Ella grins as she opens her large, oak front door.

“Lady Ella” Bastien smiles back “May I come in?”

“Of course,” Ella says as she steps aside for Bastien to enter.

Bastien enters the foyer, waiting a moment before he turns to face Ella.

“Before we get to why I came, did Mr. Walker come by and show you your security room and go over the codes and protocols with you?” Bastien asks

“He did, now what’s with the late evening visit?” Ella asks as a sly smile forms on her lips

“I saw these and thought you might enjoy them,” Bastien says as he pulls a small bag out of his pocket.

Ella takes the bag as he hands it to her and looks over the label. It appears to be in another language but she instantly recognizes the stick like roots inside of the bag.

“You brought me asparagus crowns?” Ella chuckles as she turns the bag over in her hands.

“Not too long ago you were in the garden and you mentioned how you’d love to try growing asparagus but always forgot to buy asparagus at the supermarket…” Bastien trails off before he clears his throat, his cheeks fairly flushed.

Ella steps closer to Bastien, leaning up and pressing a kiss to his cheek. Bastien slightly turns his head, his lips almost meeting Ella’s before he leans away.

“Thank you Bas” Ella smiles, glancing down at the bag of asparagus crowns  “Really, most people would find it silly. But I really appreciate it.”

“I am glad I could be of service,” Bastien says “Have a goodnight Lady Ella”

“You too Bas,” Ella says as they walk back towards the front door together.

Ella pulls the door open as Bastien steps out into the warm summer air.

“I’d invite you over to help me plant them, but I am afraid prime planting time is early spring” Ella grins

“I will have something to look forward to come early spring than” Bastien smiles before he regains his composure and walks back to his car.

Ella turns the bag over his her hands again, watching Bastien as he drives off. She sets the bag of crowns down on her kitchen counter, reminding herself to store them in the greenhouse tomorrow.

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