The Getaway


“I feel like we’ve been driving forever.”  Ava said as she gazed out the window.

“Patience, Matheson.” Drake said, bringing her fingers to his lips. “Good things for those who wait.”

“True.” Ava smiled and reached out to run her fingers through his windblown hair.  “I waited for you.”

“Are you being serious right now?”

She tilted her head, her hair swirling around her shoulders in the breeze, “What?”

“I think you’re conveniently forgetting how this…” Drake pointed to her and then back to himself “…all started.  I was the one that did all the waiting. You had your eye on a certain crown Prince. I had to wait around until you finally realized  you couldn’t live without me.”

Ava laughed and shook her head.  “You need to give it a rest already, babe.  Ancient history.”

“That you’re trying to rewrite.” He insisted stubbornly

“Let…” She mouthed, “It. Goooo.”

He tried not to smile as he turned his attention back to the road, but she saw the corner of his mouth twitch upwards.  “You’re such a pain in my ass.”

A few minutes later Drake turned onto a long bumpy road that wound up the craggy Cordonian mountainside until their villa, nestled among a grove of lemon trees came into view.  Ava looked out of the window and gasped, her eyes growing wide as she took it all in. Vines of bougainvillea twisted around the rugged limestone walls and the smell of oleander perfumed the air.  Beyond the villa Ava could see the crystal blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea and hear the waves crashing against the rocks below.

“Oh my God, Drake…this place is breathtaking!”  She pressed her hand to her heart and looked up at him in wonder.

“I told you it would be worth it.”  

He pulled the Jeep around to the front of the villa and jumped out, tossing his keys to the valet before going around to Avas side and helping her down.

He wrapped his arm around her her waist and sighed contentedly when she snuggled into him.

“We’re really staying here?” She whispered.

“We are.” He assured her pressing a kiss onto her temple, “Two nights, just you and me.”

Two nights completely alone with Drake sounded like absolute Heaven.  There would be no phone calls from Liam at all hours of the day and night, no Maxwell popping up unannounced at the most inconvenient times.  They wouldn’t even have to deal with Sir Winston jumping onto the bed and wedging his furry body right in between them as he was prone to do. They hadn’t ever had that kind of uninterrupted alone time living in the palace.  

“It’s so romantic.” She said dreamily.

“It’s our first weekend away together. I had to make it special.”

She went up on her tiptoes to throw her arms around his neck, kissing him deeply.

She pulled her head back and smiled at him.  “Careful, you’ll spoil me.”

“I intend to spoil you every chance I get, so you’d better get used to it.”  

They kissed again, then hand in hand, walked up the stone steps into the large open air lobby.

Drake went to the front desk to check them in and confirm their dinner reservation.  Satisfied that everything was in order, they headed to their room.

Drake unlocked the door and pushed it open, motioning for Ava to enter.  She stepped inside and stopped short, sucking her breath in sharply.

There were rose petals everywhere.

They were strewn across the floor, they were covering every possible surface, they were arranged in a heart shape on the bed, and a path of rose petals led from the bed to the en suite.

Ava turned to Drake and let out a laugh at the look of horror on his face as he looked around the room.

“What the fuck.” he muttered, “Went a bit overboard, didn’t they?”

“I take it you weren’t personally responsible for this?”

“Christ, no.  I asked for a few petals scattered around, not a whole fuckin’ English tea garden.”

He scowled as he crossed room, kicking up a cloud of petals as he walked.  On the coffee table was a platter of chocolate dipped strawberries and a large silver bucket with a bottle of champagne chilling.  He plucked it out and examined it.

“Dom perignon.” he said with a satisfied nod, “At least they didn’t screw this up.”

He turned to her with a grin. “Champagne?”

Ava nodded happily, as she brushed off a spot on the bed and sat down.

Drake quickly popped the cork and poured the bubbling liquid into two flutes.

He sat next to her on the bed and handed her a glass.

“To us.”  He leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers tenderly

“To us.” She murmured against his lips before pulling away to take a sip.

“Mmn.  This is actually really good.”

Ava looked around, taking everything in.  Once you got over the thousands of flower petals everywhere, the room was incredible.  It was open and airy with natural stone walls and a large terrace. The dominant piece furniture in the room was a gorgeous four post bed with a gauzy canopy that fluttered gently in the ocean breeze.

“There’s a jacuzzi on the terrace.” Drake said kissing her shoulder, “Y’know, if you like that kind of thing.”

“Really?”  She let out a happy squeal and ran outside.

“This thing is big enough to swim laps in!” She yelled.

Drake laughed and sat down on the bed bouncing a few times, testing the springs.

He nodded his approval.  

“What time is our dinner reservation?”  Ava crawled onto the bed behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist as she pressed her cheek against his back.

“Not until seven.”

Drake grabbed her and flipped her onto her back, pinning her beneath him.  “What should we do to pass the time?”

His lips brushed against hers gently, but when she arched against him, the kiss deepened.

Suddenly, Drake lifted his head and smiled down at her.

“I have something for you.”

“I know.” Ava said, biting her lip, “I can feel it.”

Drake laughed and smacked her bottom.  “Not that. Although that’s for you too.  But not until later.”

Ava pouted as she watched him rifle through his suitcase for a minute before finding what he was looking for.

He came back to stand in front of her.

“Matheson…uh,I mean…Ava, you know that words aren’t really my…thing.  But I just wanted to tell you that these last few months with you have been incredible.  I’m constantly amazed by you…by us. How good we are together and how happy you make me. I honestly never believed I could feel like this.  So I just want to say…thank you, for being my best friend, and for loving me.”

Ava smiled up at him as tears swam in her eyes.

“I love you so much Drake.  I can’t believe how happy I am either.  You’re the best thing that ever happened to me.”

Drake leaned down and pressed his lips to hers in a tender kiss before pulling away reluctantly.

“I’ve been looking for an excuse to give this to you.  Not that I need an excuse to give you a present or anything…but this is special. And…well… here.”

He shoved a small blue box with a white ribbon into her hands.

Ava held the box for a minute, admiring it, until curiosity got the better of her.  She looked up at Drake with an excited smile before untying the ribbon and opening it slowly.  Nestled in the velvet box was a long string of pearls.

“Oh my God.” She looked up at Drake and then back at the box.

“Drake,  they’re…”  She struggled to find the words, “They’re…”

“Do you like them?” He asked anxiously, “I know pearls are kind of old-fashioned.  But they were my mom’s. She would always wear them whenever she had to attend anything at court.  She didn’t really like fancy jewelry, but she loved these pearls. They’ve been in the family for generations.  So I thought maybe…” He shrugged, running his fingers through his hair, “That now you could wear them and maybe hand them down to our daughter someday…y’know…if you want to.” He shook his head, his cheeks tinged pink, “That sounded way cheesier than I meant it to.”

“No it wasn’t. “ She reached out and placed her palm on his chest, feeling the steady thump under her fingertips. “It was beautiful.” She whispered, her throat tight with emotion, “I love them.  I love you.”

“Here…”  He reached out and pulled her close.  “Let me.”

Ava turned her back to him and lifted her hair from her neck.  She shivered a little when she felt his fingers glide over her skin as he fastened the pearls around her neck.  He pressed his warm lips to the sensitive skin behind her ear and her eyelids slid shut as a tiny sigh escaped her lips.  

“I knew they’d look perfect on you ”  He whispered against her neck.

Ava reached up to to touch the necklace.

“I’ve never owned anything so beautiful.” she said reverently.

“Well that’s tragic.  I’m going to have to make sure that you always have beautiful things to wear on your beautiful body.”

Ava fluttered her lashes at him, “I thought you preferred it when I didn’t have anything on my body.”

“Heh. True fact.  But I think maybe pearls and nothing else would work too.”

Ava ran her hand over his chest and looked up at him coyly.  “I have a present for you too.

Drake’s eyes lit up.  “Really?”

“Um hmn.  But you need to wait a minute.  Stay right there and don’t move.”

“I’m not going anywhere, don’t you worry.” He jumped onto the bed and reclined back against the pillows, crossing his ankles casually as he sipped his champagne, “I’ll be waiting right here.”

Ava blew him a kiss and disappeared into the bathroom.  

She emerged a short time later in a sexy pale pink lace bustier, her creamy breasts spilling over the top, lace thong panties and a lace garter belt attached to thigh high lace topped stockings and strappy  stilettos.  Her thick chestnut hair was fastened on top of her head, with just a few curling tendrils falling to brush her shoulders. She looked both sweetly innocent and so fucking erotic Drake’s brain couldn’t quite take it all in.

He stared at her, mouth slightly agape as his eyes roamed over her hungrily.  

“Aren’t you going to say anything?”

He finally managed to pull his eyes from her body and focused on her gorgeous face.  She was nervously biting her bottom lip, her hands clasped behind her back.

“There aren’t any words that could do you justice.” He whispered reverently, “You’re…sublime.”

“So you like it?  I couldn’t decide what to get you,  so I figured I’d give you something I knew you’d really appreciate…”  She smiled seductively at him. “Me.”

Drake slid off the bed and walked slowly toward her, his dark eyes nearly black with desire as they raked over her.  “It’s probably the single best gift I’ve ever gotten. And I got my first Jeep for my 16th birthday, so…”

“Wow.  Are you saying I’m better than a Jeep?” She teased

Drake looked her up and down, nodding his head slowly.  “Jeeps are fucking sexy, no question…but compared to you they’re just hunks of metal.”

“You silver-tongued devil.”  

Drake grinned and shrugged his shoulders. “I told you words aren’t my thing.”  He gave her a sexy smirk, “I like to use my mouth for more practical purposes.”

Ava bit her bottom lip seductively as a rush of heat flooded through her body.  She brought her hands from behind her back. Dangling from her fingertips were a pair of fur-lined handcuffs.  “I know you gave me a necklace…but I got you a bracelet. Do you like it?”

Feeling suddenly light-headed, Drake backed up a few steps and sat down  on the bed as he looked up at her.

“You’re fucking unbelievable.” He whispered.

Ava laughed.  “I’m going to take that as a compliment.”

He stood quickly and walked toward her, pulling her into his arms.  She could feel him, hard and throbbing against her belly.

“Oh, it is…it definitely is.”

He bent his head and kissed her hard and deep, leaving them both slightly breathless.

Finally he lifted his head and grinned down at her.

“Which one of us is wearing those handcuffs tonight?”

“Well…” Ava gave him a devilish smile.  “They’re your gift, so I guess you get to decide.”

Drake pulled her close and kissed her again, running his hands slowly, sensually down her arms.  His fingers grasped the handcuffs and before Ava knew what was happening he’d closed one of the cuffs around her wrist.

“Why am I not surprised?’ She said with a nervous laugh.

Drake led her to the bed and she settled back onto the pillows, her eyes never leaving his.

“Comfortable?” He asked, his voice low and seductive.

Ava’s heart was pounding and she didn’t trust her voice, so she just nodded.

Drake reached for her hand and turned it so her palm was facing up.  He pressed his mouth against the inside of her wrist, feeling her pulse quicken under his lips.

Slowly he brought her arm up over her head. Then he brought her other arm up to meet it.  He pressed his lips to hers as he clicked the second cuff over her wrist so she was tethered to the bedpost.

She gave a tentative yank against them and felt a moment of panic when she realized she was truly immobilized.

“Are you okay babe?”

Ava took a deep calming breath.  

This was Drake.  She trusted him with her life.  She was fine.

She nodded.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes.” She whispered

Drake smiled and stepped back to look at her stretched out in front of him, completely at his mercy.  The amount of trust she was placing in him was not lost on him, and he loved her even more for it.

“You…have too many clothes on.” She said.

“Not for long.”

He stood at the foot of the bed, so she could see him, and started stripping.  He slowly unbuttoned his shirt and slid it down his shoulders before tossing it aside.

He grinned when Avas eyes lit up, and she bit her bottom lip in anticipation.

Then his hand went to his belt.  He unfastened it and pulled it from his pants before dropping it to the floor.  Then, ever so slowly, he popped the button and unzipped his jeans, but didn’t take them off.

Instead he kicked off his shoes and went to the side of the bed, sitting next to her.

Ava’s eyes wandered to the line of coarse hair that ran down his abdomen and disappeared into his boxer-briefs.  

Then her eyes went back to his face.

“What are you waiting for?” She said breathily

“One more thing.”  

Drake went back to his suitcase and pulled something out.  

A silk tie.

“For once I’m glad you insisted I bring something nice to wear for dinner.”

He leaned forward and placed the tie over her eyes, securing it behind her head tight enough that she couldn’t see, but not so tight that it would be uncomfortable.

Ava gasped and her heart started pounding in her chest.  She couldn’t touch him, she couldn’t see him and she had no idea what he was going to do.  

It both thrilled and terrified her.

Then she felt his lips, warm and soothing on her neck

“Relax baby.” He crooned, “You know I’d never hurt you.  If it’s too much, tell me and we’ll stop, okay?”

“Do we need a…safe word?”

Drake gave a low chuckle.  “Your safe word is “no”, babe.  If you don’t like something just tell me and I’ll stop.”

Ava nodded and took a deep breath, willing herself to relax.

She heard him shed the last of his clothing and then she felt the bed depress as he joined her.  

His breath was hot in her ear.  “The things I’m going to do to you…”

His fingertips ghosted over her hip.  Ava sucked in her breath sharply as a powerful surge of desire shot through her.

His lips were inches from hers, she could feel his warm breath on her lips, but he didn’t kiss her.  She wanted his mouth on her, his hands…anything!

She arched off the bed, trying to get closer.  She ached for him.

“So impatient.”


“What do you want baby?”

“You…I want you.”

Eager to touch him, Ava tugged at her restraints.

“Untie me.  I want to touch you,” she said breathily

Drake looked up at the cuffs and smiled.  “Not just yet.”

“What are you doing?” she asked, a touch of frustration in her voice.

Drake only grinned wolfishly and touched his tongue to each tethered palm.  

“Nothing you won’t enjoy.” He whispered against her ear, “ I promise.”

Ava shivered both from anticipation and trepidation.  This was all so new…and exciting.

Drake slowly ran his tongue from her ear to her neck.  He took a moment to trace her collarbone lightly with his fingers before slowly unfastening the hook and eye closures of her corset until it fell to the bed.   She sucked in her breath and arched her back, her nipples taut and begging for his attention. He rolled them gently between his fingers before taking them into his mouth one at a time.

Ava moaned and pressed her knees together, already feeling the familiar ache beginning between her legs.

Suddenly Drake bounded off the bed.

Ava lifted her head, “Drake?”

“I’ll be right back.”

She heard him cross the room and grab the ice bucket.  He brought it over and set it down on the bedside table.

Ava gasped when the ice touched her skin.  She’d known it was coming but, the feel of it on her nipples still shocked her.

Drake swirled it around and around until her nipple was rigid.  Then his hot mouth closed over it, pulling on it long and hard.

She felt a jolt of pleasure shoot straight to her core and moaned his name.

Then she felt the ice on her other nipple as he repeated the process.  

She whimpered. “Why are you tormenting me?”

Drake swallowed the melted ice in his mouth.  “Baby, I’ve only just begun.”

Ava heard the ice rattle again and braced herself.

She cried out and then began giggling as she felt something freezing cold and bubbly running down her breasts, over her stomach and dripping down between her legs.

Drake dipped his head and ran his warm mouth slowly, sensually down her body, lapping up the champagne as Ava squirmed beneath him.

He took his time sucking it off her breasts before moving slowly down to her stomach, dipping his tongue into her belly button where some of the liquid had pooled.  

Ava giggled again. “That tickles!”

Drake ran his tongue slowly across her stomach before venturing lower still.

He ran his tongue along the inside of her thigh, barely grazing her aching sex.

Ava arched off the mattress. “Drake…”

He smiled against her thigh.  ”Patience, babe, remember?”

Slowly, so she would have no doubt about his intent, he spread her legs and dribbled more champagne onto her before dipping his head, running his tongue between her legs tasting her, sucking on her, devouring her.  The combination of champagne and Ava was beyond intoxicating.

Ava bucked against his mouth.  She was desperate to reach down and wind her fingers through his hair, but Drake had no intention of untying her.  Having her helpless to resist him was as much an aphrodisiac as the taste of her. He dove in deeper, lapping at her, tasting her juices.  She tasted so fucking amazing.

Finally, just when she didn’t think she could stand it anymore, he pulled away.  

But only for a moment.

She heard ice rattling in the bucket.

“No, Drake…  Oh, God!”

The ice sent Ava into orbit.  She could feel Drake pushing it into her, dripping the water over her.  His tongue was icy but she was burning hot. The sensations combined to push Ava right to the edge.  Her body hummed as she bucked her hips against his mouth. He wrapped his lips around her clit and sucked gently before plunging his tongue deeply inside of her again.  Ava arched her back, her orgasm building and building until finally it crashed over her in wave after wave of blinding pleasure.

Ava moaned his name as her body shuddered beneath him.  Drake couldn’t seem to tear himself away from her pulsating pussy. The ice melted almost as soon as it met with the hot, wet heat of her.  The combination of icy cool on his tongue with Ava’s heat was over stimulating him. Feeling her throbbing against his tongue had been erotic beyond words. He was already dangerously close to his own orgasm and he hadn’t even gotten inside her yet.  He knelt between her legs and lifted her hips, he took his dick in his hand and rubbed it against her swollen clit, coating the tip with her sticky sweetness before pushing into her in a single deep stroke. His deviousness worked against him now as he felt both the melting ice and Avas wet heat wrapped around his cock.  It was unlike anything he’d ever felt before. He felt himself being pushed closer and closer to the edge. Ava’s moans drove him even closer.

“Ava, baby.  Fuck. Come with me.  Right now… right now…”

Drake pushed deeper, harder into her.  Again, trying frantically to touch him she yanked against the cuffs that still bound her to the headboard.  Unable to do anything else, Ava braced her feet on the mattress and lifted her hips to meet him stroke for stroke, undulating as he thrust into her.  Her body began to hum again and she knew it wouldn’t be long for her.

“Yes, Drake.  Oh God, yes. Harder.  Harder! I’m coming…”

Drake continued to pound into her and she began to whimper as another powerful orgasm rushed through her.  She clamped down on him and Drake couldn’t hold on any longer. With a guttural groan, he threw his head back and thrust into Ava as far as he could as he emptied himself.  His spasms seemed to go on forever, his hips continuing to jerk in quick thrusts long after there was anything left in him.

Finally spent, he collapsed next to Ava.  He attempted to pull her into his arms, but realized again that she was still tied up.  He made quick work of releasing her and pulling the blindfold from her eyes. He gathered her into his arms, languidly rubbing her hands to make sure she still had circulation in them.

Ava flexed her fingers.  In the final throes of their passion, her hands had gone numb without her realizing it.

Drake had the grace to look a little ashamed.  “Sorry, babe. I should have untied you sooner… I guess I got carried away.”

Ava laughed.  That was an understatement.  She leaned over to kiss away the worry lines in his forehead.

“It’s okay.  The pins and needles are a small price to pay.  Just…don’t go crazy. I don’t want to wake up shackled to the footboard tomorrow morning.”

“You’re no fun.”

After taking a moment to catch his breath, he rolled to his side and gazed down at her. “You’re amazing, you know that, right?”

Ava smiled. “Yeah, I know.”

He pulled her close and kissed her deeply.  “I love you.”

“Yeah?  How much do you love me?” She asked coyly

He smiled.  “More than I can possibly tell you.”

“Good.  You’re sleeping in the wet spot tonight.”

Drake laughed.  “What else is new?”


An hour later, their dinner reservations had been cancelled and room service had been ordered.  

They could go out for dinner any time they wanted. What they couldn’t do was spend hours tangled together in bed with no interuptions.  They weren’t about to waste a single second of it.

Ava fed Drake the last piece of steak from her dinner plate before turning to place it on the tray beside the bed.  With a contented sigh, she snuggled against him, her head resting on his chest as he stroked her hair.

They lay quietly for a while before Ava looked up at him.  His eyes were closed, but she knew he wasn’t sleeping.


“Um hmn?”

“Can I ask you something?”


“Did you ever…” She paused, not sure how to phrase the question, or even if she should ask it at all.

Drake opened his eyes and turned his head to look at her.

“What is it babe?”

“I was just wondering if you ever did anything like what we just did…with her.”

Drake frowned.  “I’m assuming you mean Olivia, and I’m also guessing you don’t mean eating dinner in bed.”

Ava propped herself up on her elbow as she gazed at him.

“You told me once that she was kinda adventurous.  Like…how adventurous?  Did she ever let you tie her up?”

“It’s not a competition, Ava.”

She smiled down at him and reached out to trace his lips with her fingertips.  “I know baby. That’s not why I’m asking. I’m just curious.”

He turned to his side so he was facing her,  “You’re curious about my sex life with Olivia?”

Ava flushed. “Yeah, a little.  Is that weird?”

“Yeah, kind of.”

Ava nodded and lay back down, staring up at the ceiling.  She hated thinking about them together, yet she had this morbid curiosity about it.  Their relationship was so strange to her. It seemed like they hated each other, so when she found out they’d actually been sleeping together since they were teen-agers, she’d been shocked…and curious.   What was it about Olivia that kept him going back for more? Was it the element of danger…passion disguised as animosity that excited him? If that’s what he needed, would he ever be satisfied with what they had?  

“No.” He said quietly.

Ava turned back to him, her brow furrowed.


“No…She would’ve never let me tie her up like you did.  Or blindfold her.”

His his expression was serious.  “That would’ve required a level of trust that we never had.  She would’ve never handed over control to me like that.”

“Oh.” Ava said softly.

He reached to cup the back of her head in the palm of his hand.  He pulled her forward and his mouth closed over hers in a long, tender kiss.

Then he leaned his forehead against hers and sighed.

“Sometimes I like to forget there was ever anyone before you.  But it makes sense that you’d be curious. So go ahead. Ask me anything.  But after this…I don’t want you thinking about anything that happened before…because it was all meaningless until you, okay?”

Ava smiled and nodded.

“So shoot…whatcha got?”

“Um…” Now that he gave her permission to ask him questions, she couldn’t think of what she’d wanted to ask.

Drake took pity on her.  “You asked me how kinky she was.  I suppose…she was into some different stuff. We’re not talking latex fetishes or sacrificing virgins at midnight, but she did enjoy some things that that maybe aren’t for everyone.”

Ava took a deep breath.  This was actually more painful than she thought it would be.  She almost wished she hadn’t started the conversation. But she had.  Now she needed to know more.

“Did…um…did you enjoy these things too?”

Drake shrugged.  “Sometimes. Some things. Not everything.”

Ava glanced over at Drake.  He was staring at the ceiling, his expression guarded.

“What didn’t you like?”

He turned his head to study her.  

He reached out to stroke her cheek with his thumb.  She was so innocent. He wasn’t really sure how much he should tell her.  

He took a breath and exhaled slowly

“For my 21st birthday she decided to surprise me with a special gift.  She brought someone in to join us.  A young duchess named Victoria. She was a nice enough girl, very pretty.  Nice body. That’s supposed to be every guys dream, right?”

He stared back at the ceiling and shook his head slightly.  

“They’re very complicated things, threesomes.  You never really know what you’re supposed to be doing or who you’re supposed to be doing it with, or how you’re supposed to feel about it all.  It’s very strange to be in bed with someone and have them encouraging you to fuck someone else while they’re watching…participating. It’s awkward and uncomfortable and it just feels…wrong.”  

He looked into Ava’s eyes, “I didn’t like it and I never want to do it again.”

She reached out to push the hair off his forehead before leaning over to kiss him gently.

“I can promise you that I will never, ever ask you to have sex with someone else.”

Drake laughed “I can promise you the same.  You’re all mine. I’m never sharing you.”

He rolled her over so that she was pinned beneath him.   “Now… can we never speak of this ever again? Please?”

“But you haven’t told me the kinky things you did like.”

Drake grinned wolfishly down at her.  “Don’t worry baby. I’ll show you.”

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