Depression – Part I

Summary: Drake goes through surgery and deals with unexpected and overwhelming feelings as he watches Jade and Liam together.



Tiredness. After all the events of the Homecoming Ball, seeing his friends’ life been threatened by assassins, taking a bullet to save Jade, having to hide in a safe house with her and finally being able to go back and sleep in his own bed, all he could feel now was tiredness. The ride back to the Palace was long, but it seemed way too long. The conversation inside the Royal limo wasn’t as lively as usual and it was probably why he didn’t feel like engaging in it. He never felt so uncomfortable. What is it so cold in here? Damn, I’m so tired.

“Drake?” Hana called him softly.

“Huh?” he replied.

“Are you alright?”

“I’m fine, just tired.”

“You don’t look fine.” She was right. He felt cold, though he was sweating, his arm hurt like hell, he never longed so much for his bed. She placed the back of her hand on his head. “Drake, you’re having a fever.”

“That’s not good. We need to get you to the doctor, buddy,” Maxwell acknowledged.

“No, I just wanna go home,” he complained. Just when he thought the doctor conversation died down, he heard Hana gasp. He looked at her and her shoulder was covered with blood. His blood. Everyone in the car stared at him. His jacket had small blood stains.

“Are you insane? You need a doctor, the wound can be infected,” Jade glowered at Drake.

“I said no,” he hissed. “I just need to be patched up again and sleep on my bed.”

“You’re a moron. Can’t you see we’re insisting on it for your own good?” Jade scolded.

“This is not up for discussion anymore.” Liam rolled down the partition to talk to the driver. “Lucas, take us to the nearest hospital, Drake needs medical assistance now,” Liam ordered.

“Just because you are a king it doesn’t mean you can tell me what to do.”

“Of course I can. You got shot and have a fever. Since your sister isn’t here and I’m your emergency contact, I call the shots,” Liam dictated.

“Couldn’t we just go home and call a doctor from there?” His mouth set in a hard line.

“Unless you want to fulfill your dream and become Bucky Barnes, no. Now, suck it up.” Liam retorted. Drake glared at him, but he remained impassive. The others exchanged wary looks. A long moment of awkward silence passed by.

“I can’t believe you brought that up,” Drake grumbled. Maxwell and Jade stifled a laugh while Hana mouthed “who’s Bucky Barnes?” to Drake.

“Is he still sleeping?”

Drake felt dizzy, parched and his whole body ached. He knows he’s in the hospital and that he had to go through a surgery to remove the bullet, however, he had no idea if it’s still was Saturday and who was with him. He tried to fight the sleep, but he was too drowsy.

“You know will wake him up? The smell of barbecue! Pork ribs, brisket slabs, chopped beef…”

“I took him to a Brazilian Steakhouse the last time we traveled with Father to Lisbon, he had so many cuts of pork loin and picanha with manioc crumbs I swear I thought he would have food coma.”

“We should order barbecue and we could eat in front of him because he can’t.”

“Add whiskey and we will have him in full Drake grumpy mode for a year.”

The familiar voices and laughs pulled him out of slumber. He grunted and blinked a few times before scanning his surroundings. He tried to shift on the bed and Liam rushed to his side. “Hey, welcome back” Liam smiled. “You might want to take it easy there. You’re still recovering from surgery.”

“Umm…” Drake tried to clear his throat but felt it hurting. “What day is it?”

“March 3rd,” Jade stood up from the couch and approached his bed. “Good evening, sleeping beauty,” she beamed. Drake gave her a sideways glance but nothing would break her if she was in a good mood. “How are you feeling?”

“Sleepy, sore, tired, dopy. Take your pick.”

“Awww…” Jade places a hand on Liam’s shoulder. “I told you he was getting better, Li. He’s already grouching.” Liam shook his head smiling.

“What are you guys doing here besides mocking me?”

“I just stopped by to see how you’re doing and brought Jade here for the night shift.”

“Night shift?”

“Yes, Savannah was here in the afternoon, now it’s my turn and tomorrow morning Hana will be here. Hopefully, in the afternoon you’ll be better and get discharged.”

“You don’t have to stay here.”

“I know I don’t,” she placed her hand on his as she sat on the end of his bed. “But I want to. I promise I’ll be little less tartish and let you pick the movie we’re going to watch later.”

Drake pressed his lips together, trying to hide a smile. Yet, she continued to hold his hand and smiled fondly, like she always did every time they had their moments in between. Her smile was his biggest weakness. “Fine, you can stay.”

“Wait, you thought I was asking to stay?” She looked at Liam once again, who kept trying to hide his urge to laugh. “Isn’t he cute?”

“Enough with the teasing, Jay. Tell him the news.”

“What news?”

“You’ll have a knighting ceremony next week,” she chirped.

“Why am I getting a title?”

“Because you saved someone’s life, the future queen’s, precisely,” Liam said.

“Is Bastien a sir because he saves the King’s life?”

“He’s paid to do that, so it’s kinda like his obligation. You could have run off the palace to save your life, you didn’t have to jump in front of a bullet to save me.”

Dake narrowed his eyes. “Bullshit, I had to save you and you know it.”

“And he speaks like a true hero worthy of many titles,” Liam grinned.

“What if I don’t want it?”

“You can always refuse the title, but the ceremony is already scheduled and it has your name on the invitation and on the program. So you plan on refusing the title, you’ll have to attend it and say no to the King in front of the entire court,” Jade explained.

“What? I can’t say no to Liam.”

“Yeah, we know that,” Liam smirked.

“I can skip it.”

“And I’ll keep rescheduling until you show up and say no to my face in front the whole country.” Drake glared at them. “See? I told you he would get it,” Liam smiled proudly.

“You’re a genius, Li,” a sly smile crossed her lips.

Liam bowed jokingly making Jade giggle. Drake clenched his jaw twitched. “Great, you’re both here just to mock me the entire night.”

“Heh, I wish I could, but duty calls,” Liam shrugged. “But Jade will be here to make sure you have a friendly face here to torture you with bad jokes and silly puns.”

“Only the silliest jokes to one of my favorite people.”

Liam chuckled. “I have to go now, but I’ll be back tomorrow before you get discharged. Have a good night, my friend.” Liam smiled softly and Drake couldn’t help but smile back. “Jade, a word?”

“Sure.” She beamed at Liam. “I’ll be right back,” she stood up and followed Liam out.

He couldn’t hear what they were talking, but from the window, he could see her behind the curtains. Her expression was slightly upset, then he saw Liam’s hand tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear and she instantly beamed. She rose up to her toes and threw her arms around Liam’s neck. Drake wished he could ignore it, but his eyes were fixed on the window. After what seemed to be a long moment, Jade got back inside. “Okay, I’m here now. Do you need anything? You can’t eat now because of the anesthesia, but I can get you fluffy pillows, water, we can watch a movie, binge-watch a series. Just say it and I’ll make it happen.”

“Water is just fine,” he said. Jade poured water into a small plastic cup and gave it to him. He looked at the tiny cup then at her.

“You can’t drink too much water, otherwise you’ll throw up,” she informed. He glared at her. “Hey, save the mean looks for the nurses and for Doctor Namid. I’m just obeying their orders,” she held up her palms.

He took a sip of the water. “Why are you really here?”

“Because you’re my friend, and I love you dearly. And took a bullet for me,” her lips quivered. “I could be dead if it weren’t for you. You could be dead too if-” tears began to stream down her face. He held her hand and she wrapped her arms around his neck crying. He caressed her hair soothing her as she sobbed against his chest.

“Jade, there’s no if. I’m okay and nothing happened to any of us. We’re stronger than those assassins and we will make them regret thinking they could try to kill us.”

“I know…” she pulled away and wiped her tears brushing her fingers on her cheeks. ”I lost too many people in my life, Drake. Aside from an aunt I don’t speak to since I was eighteen, my friends are my only family. I can’t afford to lose you.” She sniffed and threw her hair back. “You have to get better and I’m here to help to make it happen.”

He gave her a small smile. “Thank you for being here.”

“Anytime, Drake.”

“Now it would be a good time to binge-watch Black Lightning.”

“As you wish… Sir,” she smirked and picked up the remote control to turn on the TV.

“A Phoenix. Neat,” he said to the waiter who nodded and walked away to fetch his whiskey shot.

“You barely got here and you’re already drinking?” Olivia chided.

“I only agreed to this after the doctor said I could drink again. I can’t stand this ceremony with a shot, I had a rough week.”

“It’s called sobriety, Walker,” she smirked.

“Yeah, and I had enough of that.” he smiles at the waiter placing his whiskey shot on the table. “Hello, old friend,” he sips the amber liquid and savoring the sweetness of caramel mixed with oak tannins and the lingering spicy taste.

“Have you considered my proposal?”



“I’ll let you know soon enough.”

“There you are! People are waiting for you. Come on,” Maxwell beamed pulling Drake towards the crowd. Drake rolled his eyes but didn’t fight back. He walked through the crowd and stood across the Royal Family.

“People of Cornodia, we’ve faced difficult days in our country lately. Although, it’s in times of adversity when we find true heroes among us and we are assembled here to celebrate one of them. Mr. Drake Walker,” Drake stepped forward and kneeled before Liam. “Your relentless loyalty to this kingdom, to its people and its king is exceptional. Your strength and self-sacrifice to protect the life of our newest duchess and future Queen sets an example of dedication and fidelity to our nation and our loved ones. By the invested in me by the Kingdom of Cordonia, I, Liam Rys, hereby dub thee,” Liam raised a sword gently just up over Drake’s head and placed it on his left shoulder, “Knight of the Cordonian Order of Stormholt.” Drake stood up, Liam presented him with the insignia of his new order and the room is filled with applause. “I told you I’d give you a title someday,” Liam whispered smiling as they posed for photos.

“At least, Knight is a cool title, right? Do I get a sword?” Drake lowered his voice.

“You’ll get the Golden Mountain Fang,” Liam murmured and a broad grin appeared on Drake’s lips. “Enjoy the festivities, my friend.” He hugged Drake and walked by the room to greet other nobles.

“Hello, Sir Drake Walker,” Jade smirked as she swayed across the room wearing a long sheath dress in silver grey embroidered with crystals and headed towards him with a glass of whiskey in one of her hands. She gave him the whiskey glass, raised her champagne flute and they clinked glasses. “Cheers.”

“Thank you,” he sipped his whiskey. “Don’t you have to do your rounds, Your Grace?”

“I’m on my break now and I’m here to keep you company. I can’t let you sulk at your own party.”

“Just send me my favorite scotch and I won’t even care if Maxwell challenges me to a rap battle,” he joked. “And the party isn’t all mine. Most of these people are here to kiss the new duchess and future queen’s ass, not mine.”

“Uh huh, tell that to those ladies over there,” she pointed to a group of ladies giggling who blushed when Drake looked at their direction. “Kiara will have a lot of competition once she comes back,” she enthused. “ You should ask one of them to dance.”


“Because you’ll have to dance the Cordonian Waltz with someone. It’s scheduled to happen in five minutes.”

“What?!? Why didn’t anyone tell me?”

“Because you deliberately missed your own rehearsal ceremony,” she cocked an eyebrow at him. “Ask Hana to dance with you. She’s a terrific dance teacher.”

Liam approached them and smiled at her. “Lady Jade, may I have this dance?” he gracefully extended his hand out her.

“I thought you’d never ask,” she winked. He beamed and led her on the dancefloor. Jade looked over her shoulder and mouthed to Drake. “Ask her now.”

He looked across the room and spotted Hana in an elegant one-shoulder silk dress in mint a few feet away. He walked towards her and bowed. “Lady Hana, may I have the pleasure of a dance with you?”

“I’d love to,” she curtsied and he took her to the dancefloor, where Jade and Liam waited for them. They all begin to slide across the ballroom floor.

“If I stump on your foot, I’m sorry,” he grimaced.

“I’ll survive. And for the record, you’re doing great… Sir.” Hana grinned.

“Ugh… not you too.”

“It’s your title now, you’d better get used to it.”

As other couples joined, Drake felt less self-conscious of people staring at him. From the center of the room, he watched Jade and Liam dancing. He effortlessly spun her around and held her, her back against his chest. Liam whispered something in her ear and nibbled her earlobe, pressing her body to his and she closed her eyes and melted in his embrace. Drake’s smiled faded. A sudden wave of anguish took over him. “Drake? Is everything okay?” Hana asked.

“Yeah, my shoulder is aching a little, but it’s fine.” The song came to an end and he bowed stiffly to her. “Thank you for the dance, my lady,” he kissed her hand, then marched towards the bar, ordered a bottle of whiskey and went to the hallway that led to his room. He stopped at the balcony and drank the whiskey from the bottle. Why do I still feel this way? Why can’t I be happy for them? Fuck… He took a deep breath and drank more.

“Hey, I was looking for you,” Jade tapped his shoulder. “The photographers want more pictures.” Drake didn’t turn around. He closed his eyes, taking in every detail of her lively and melodious voice. “Drake?”

“Bourbon,” he turned to look at her one last time. “I can’t do this anymore.”

“It’s just a few more pictures, come on,” she took his hand trying to get him back to the party.

“No, I mean with us. I can’t be friends with you anymore.”



“I love you. But you chose Liam. And tried to be supportive to you, I tried to be happy for you. But I can’t. I just can’t. I’m lying to everyone, pretending to be okay with this and I’m not.”

“But you’re my friend…” she bit her lip as if she tried to hold her emotions. “I love you.”

“As a friend. I don’t want that. I never did,” he inhaled sharply and tears shone in his eyes. “I’ll travel to Lythikos tomorrow to give you some space. I’ll be back for the last day of the Five Kingdoms Festival.”

“Drake…” she begged.

“Please don’t do this. I need to stay away from you. I’ll see you in a week.” He walked past her and got into his room. Kicking off his shoes, he slumped on the bed, letting the whiskey bottle fall, wettening the carpet as he gave in to deep sadness.

Jade stood still watching the partygoers laughing and dancing in the garden. Her eyes swam with tears. He loves her, but she chose Liam. She tried to be discreet, however, she constantly lost herself in Liam’s flirty demeanor in public more often than they should. Of course, Drake wouldn’t take it for so long. She should have seen this coming.

“Is this where you’ve been all this time?” Bertrand chided. “Jade, you need to greet your guests before leaving the party.”

She quickly wiped her tears and turned around. “I was just taking some fresh air. I’m coming back now.”

“Were you crying?”

“It’s just allergies. I’m fine.” She faked a smile, walked back to the party and resumed her noblewoman duties.

Published by


Brazilian fanfiction writer who tells stories about a bunch of kind-hearted pixelated people.

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