Moments in Between: Apologies

Summary: Drake needs to look for a wedding gift to Liam and has no idea of what to get. Luckily, he has a little help from a friend



New York was a huge city with many stores and the search for a good gift was a nightmare. Drake was never that good with buying gifs, especially to someone who always had everything, but the truth is that Drake felt guilty. He has been so involved in the plot investigation, concerned about Savannah and lost in feelings for Jade that he forgot about Liam, one of the few people who care about him. He had to give something in return. Wandering in the streets, he entered a jewelry store. Maybe he’ll like to have a new watch.

“Are you lost or something?” her lively voice echoed in the room.

Oh no… Drake took a deep breath before turning to her. “Ha ha.”

“Seriously, what are you doing here?”

“Looking for a wedding gift to Liam.”

“In the necklace section?” She curled her lips at the gold chain necklace Drake was looking at. “Liam is a king, not a rapper, Drake.”

He sighed. “Great, I’m out of options here.”

“What were you planning to buy?”

“I don’t know, everything is above my price rate here.”

“Drake, Liam doesn’t wear any other accessories besides a watch and cufflinks and I’m sure he has many of those. Maybe you should look for something else.”

“That makes sense. Thanks.”

“Don’t mention it,” she gave him a sad smile.

He turned away, then stopped. This is the first time they talked since their fight in Shanghai and it isn’t how he wants to leave things with her. “Hey, can you help me find a gift for Liam?”

“Sure, let me just pick up Madeleine’s wedding band.”

He wrinkled his nose. “Why are you picking up her wedding band?”

“She said it’ll be a way for me to thank her for letting me be part of the engagement tour and still be in Liam’s life.”

“That’s mean, even if it’s Madeleine we’re talking about.”

“She says she doesn’t hate me, but it’s exactly this kind of bullshit she pulls that makes me think otherwise. In any case, I’m taking the high road here,” Jade shrugged.

He stood quietly as Jade waited for the clerk to come back with the ring. He felt attracted to Madeleine, but he wasn’t sure he could go through with the arrangement. She was devious to practically everybody. He usually wouldn’t care about any of his casual sex partners were a model of great citizens, however, he didn’t get to know the others. Olivia was the only exceptions. The other women were just a one-time thing. Well, Olivia is known for being a ruthless person and we fucked for years, so accepting this would something like that? What’s with the cruel women obsession?

“Drake?” Her brown knitted.

“Huh?” He replied inattentively.

“Are you ready to go?”

“Yeah, yeah, let’s do it.” Drake walked out of the jewelry store and tried to shake the idea of messing Madeleine’s hair by pulling it while he fucked her from behind.

The search for Liam’s gift was exhausting, but they found something great. He spent the whole day walking down the streets of Manhattan with Jade and they had fun like never before. However, they haven’t said a single word about the fight in China and he wasn’t the kind of the guy who just sweeps the dirt under the rug.

Drake leaned on the railing of the Hudson riverbank as Jade contemplated the sunset. “We need to talk about the last time we spoke. I’m sorry I called you a whore. I can’t just act like a jealous boyfriend and get mad every time you’re with him.”

“I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have let you waiting for me for hours. And I could have been more tactful with your feelings.”

He smiled, but his expression quickly turned into a frown. “Wait, you slapped me. Aren’t you sorry for that?”

“No, you deserved it because you called me whore twice but you didn’t apologized for it. I can’t let it become a habit.”

“Oh…” he looked down and scratched his head. “I’m sorry about all the times I called you a whore. I was angry at you because you chose him, but I have to respect your decision.”

“Thank you. And regardless of your apologies, I’m sorry for slapping you. I know it was out of line and I shouldn’t have done that.”

“So you just like giving me hard time?” His mouth set into a hard line.

“No, I want you to apologize and mean it. Even though I would have forgiven you either way,” she looked at him from the corner of the eye, hiding a smile.

He shook his head and smiled, “It’s okay.” He placed an arm around her shoulder as she returned the hug by putting her arm around his waist and resting her head against his shoulder.

An awkward silence took over the moment. Drake wanted to be okay with the situation, but he wasn’t. And Jade could sense it. “Hey, do you think we can manage to be around each other without fighting? Or should I give you some space?”

He wished he knew the right answer to her questions and find a way that could the best for both of them. But he didn’t. Instead, he gave the only one he had. “I don’t know, Bourbon. I truly don’t.”

Published by


Brazilian fanfiction writer who tells stories about a bunch of kind-hearted pixelated people.

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